The View's "progressive" non-White Sunny Hostin discovers her ancestors enslaved Africans

Amusing and you have to love the irony but in the grand scheme of things not important no one has any control over what an ancestor of theirs did 200 plus years ago.
LMAIO! All you guys ran your mouths about Hoskins being a descendant of slave owners, but the white racist mind is infantile. You guys wanted to talk shit about how she isn't due reparations and claim some kind of irony as if blacks who descended from slaveowners were willing participants in the slave ownership. But when faced with the truth, you can't handle it.
Another disingenuous post. This is a descendant by rape. You will find that most blacks will have a slaveowner in their family tree.
Hey you are right! For example Sunni Hostin and Kamala Harris have slave owners in their family tree. Their ancestors.
And you’re a racist piece of shit you forgot to mention that. You don’t have to be the way you are you can choose to be a better person at any time. You were not there you do not know what happened. Thats a fact ypu are choosing not to face. You can have your opinion about what happened, but that’s all it is your opinion. And I don’t give a shit what opinions a racist like you hold.
I forgot to mention it because it's not so. I do know what happened. You just can't face it. There is a shitload of slave writings that detail exactly what happened. It's more than opinion a-hole. Yours is opinion, because you want to absolve whites of what was done. So if you guys are going to make these claims, then you will be forced to face the truth.

The Untold Abuse of Black Female Slaves By White Men| Part 2​

I was regarded as fair-looking for one of my race, and for four years a white man I spare the world his name had base designs upon me. I do not care to dwell upon this subject, for it is one that is fraught with pain. Suffice it to say that he persecuted me for four years, and I became a mother. The child of which he was the father was the only child that I ever brought into the world. If my poor boy ever suffered any humiliating pangs on account of birth, he could not blame his mother, for God knows that she did not wish to give him life. He must blame the edicts of that society which deemed it no crime to undermine the virtue of girls in my then position.
-Elizabeth Heckley, Behind the Scenes: Or, Thirty Years a Slave, and Four Years in the White House, 1868

My master often went to the house, got drunk, and then came out to the field to whip, cut, slash, curse, swear, beat and knock down several, for the smallest offense, or nothing at all.

He divested a poor female slave of all wearing apparel, tied her down to stakes, and whipped her with a handsaw until he broke it over her naked body. In process of time, he ravished her person and became the father of a child by her. Besides, he always kept a colored Miss in the house with him. This is another curse of Slavery concubinage and illegitimate connections which is carried on to an alarming extent in the far South. A poor slave man who lives close by his wife is permitted to visit her but very seldom, and other men, both white and colored, cohabit with her. It is undoubtedly the worst place of incest and bigamy in the world. A white man thinks nothing of putting a colored man out to carry the forerow [front row in field work] and carry on the same sport with the colored man’s wife at the same time.

I know these facts will seem too awful to relate, but I am constrained to write of such revolting deeds, as they are some of the real “dark deeds of American Slavery.” Then, kind reader, pursue my narrative, remembering that I give no fiction in my details of horrid scenes. Nay, believe, with me, that the half can never be told of the misery the poor slaves are still suffering in this so-called land of freedom.

-William J. Anderson, Life and Narrative of William J. Anderson, Twenty-Four Years a Slave, 18571

I do know because I do read. Try it sometimes.
I forgot to mention it because it's not so. I do know what happened. You just can't face it. There is a shitload of slave writings that detail exactly what happened. It's more than opinion a-hole. Yours is opinion, because you want to absolve whites of what was done. So if you guys are going to make these claims, then you will be forced to face the truth.

The Untold Abuse of Black Female Slaves By White Men| Part 2​

I was regarded as fair-looking for one of my race, and for four years a white man I spare the world his name had base designs upon me. I do not care to dwell upon this subject, for it is one that is fraught with pain. Suffice it to say that he persecuted me for four years, and I became a mother. The child of which he was the father was the only child that I ever brought into the world. If my poor boy ever suffered any humiliating pangs on account of birth, he could not blame his mother, for God knows that she did not wish to give him life. He must blame the edicts of that society which deemed it no crime to undermine the virtue of girls in my then position.
-Elizabeth Heckley, Behind the Scenes: Or, Thirty Years a Slave, and Four Years in the White House, 1868

My master often went to the house, got drunk, and then came out to the field to whip, cut, slash, curse, swear, beat and knock down several, for the smallest offense, or nothing at all.

He divested a poor female slave of all wearing apparel, tied her down to stakes, and whipped her with a handsaw until he broke it over her naked body. In process of time, he ravished her person and became the father of a child by her. Besides, he always kept a colored Miss in the house with him. This is another curse of Slavery concubinage and illegitimate connections which is carried on to an alarming extent in the far South. A poor slave man who lives close by his wife is permitted to visit her but very seldom, and other men, both white and colored, cohabit with her. It is undoubtedly the worst place of incest and bigamy in the world. A white man thinks nothing of putting a colored man out to carry the forerow [front row in field work] and carry on the same sport with the colored man’s wife at the same time.

I know these facts will seem too awful to relate, but I am constrained to write of such revolting deeds, as they are some of the real “dark deeds of American Slavery.” Then, kind reader, pursue my narrative, remembering that I give no fiction in my details of horrid scenes. Nay, believe, with me, that the half can never be told of the misery the poor slaves are still suffering in this so-called land of freedom.

-William J. Anderson, Life and Narrative of William J. Anderson, Twenty-Four Years a Slave, 18571

I do know because I do read. Try it sometimes.

No one is questioning that your opinion is what it is. Just understand it is an opinion.
Another disingenuous post. This is a descendant by rape. You will find that most blacks will have a slaveowner in their family tree.

She is descended from Castilian SPANISH slave owners, you ignorant twat.
I presented facts. So just be quiet and move on.
I don’t think anyone is denying there were cases of rape. It is your opinion her whateverparent was a victim of one.
Yeah most people support a give me money program
Reparations are a give me money back program for the injustices inflicted on Black Americans. It's unfortunate that while a majority of whites will claim to support justice It's nothing more than cosplay for your deplorable culture. Fortunately you and your culture can be replaced. :dunno:
Reparations are a give me money back program for the injustices inflicted on Black Americans. It's unfortunate that while a majority of whites will claim to support justice It's nothing more than cosplay for your deplorable culture. Fortunately you and your culture can be replaced. :dunno:
OK allow me to provide the number of Black Americans alive today who were directly affected by slavery. ZERO

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