The Vile Rise of Liberal (Black) Anti-Semitism


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
R-NY Rep Lee Zeldin and 2 other Republicans recently introduced legislation condemning the rise of vile anti-Semitism and growing racist, hate-driven anti-Israel sentiments in the U.S., even from newly elected Palestinian and Muslim House Democrats.

The reaction from these anti-Semitic racists was swift, vicious, and extremely racist:

"Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York tweeted out an anti-Semitic voicemail left on his office phone Thursday afternoon. He tagged Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar in the tweet, as the two of them have recently fought over their views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Earlier this month, Zeldin was among three Republicans who formally introduced a resolution to condemn the rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment in the U.S. It specifically called out Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, the leaders of the Women’s March — who supportFarrakhan and have reportedly peddled anti-Semitic conspiracy theories — as well as Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Omar."

Zeldin released the following, part of a message left on his answering machine:

'I Wish Hitler Would've Done His F***ing Job'

Everybody’s anti-Semitic when it comes to talking about you people who have murdered black people, systematically enslaved them. You’re occupying the Palestinian region.

You’re worse than Hitler. You maggots and bloodsuckers. Get the hell out of Israel and take your ass on back to Europe.

I get sick of you calling people anti-Semitic when they’re not. I’m calling you a hater of the Palestinians. You stop murdering them and maybe people will look at you like you’re decent people.

Right now you’re nothing but animals. You know Hitler told you that right?"


“In the last several years though this anti-Israel, anti-Semitic hatred is only increasing in American politics, on college campuses, and even in the halls of Congress.”

Congressman Zeldin Releases Anti-Semitic Voicemail Left For Him

Let's be fair to both sides...

... and carpet bomb that entire region until it is reduced to smoking glass.

Let's be equal-opportunity problem solvers and destroy them all.

And then bomb Mecca.
How about we butt out, stop invading countries we have no business being in, stop helping terrorists like Hamas, Hezbollah, & the Muslim Brotherhood, and stop supporting vile racist POSes like Farrakhan?!
These things are not antiisemitic because they are liberal. They are antisemitic because they are not.

Now, I have been watching the growth of antisemitism on the left for years, now, but that growth has resulted from the left abandoning liberal principles in favor of identity politics rather than being an outgrowth of liberalism.

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