The Vindication of Joseph McCarthy

Today, society is at a threshold between real life reality, and on-line fantasy.
The latter being absorbed as "truth" by the non-thinkers.
There has been a constant attack on the freedom that Capitalism offers to the common people throughout the 20th century, and it is now manifesting in just about every sector or instance of all media.
White Man Bad, Orange Man Bad, White supremacy is the GREATEST threat to this country has been publicly declared by the puppet in chief.

How did we get to this point?

The villainization of Mcarthy was the start.

Here I will post (again) SOLID proof of the roots of the Marxist subversion of our media, edu, and governance that got ALL OF US to this insane situation...

The Reality of Red Subversion

The Reality of Red Subversion
The Recent Confirmation of Soviet Espionage in America

"In an apparent effort to illustrate political simple-mindedness, Carroll Quigley derisively wrote in his noted (at least by the John Birch Society) Tragedy and Hope, that the “same groups who were howling about Soviet espionage in 1948-1955 were also claiming that President Roosevelt expected and wanted Pearl Harbor.”[1] In a previous contribution to The Occidental Quarterly, I dealt with the latter; here I will do some “howling” about the former. According to what until recently has passed as conventional wisdom for the liberal establishment, America in the late 1940s and early 1950s was gripped by a terrible Red scare, a period of anti-Communist hysteria and witch hunts. Malicious “red-baiters” slandered innocent liberals as Communists in order to destroy the reforms of the New Deal and impede peace with the Soviet Union. At most, some of the more “anti-Communist” liberals would concede that there may have been a few Communist subversives, but nothing to justify the terrible anti-Communist overreaction, above all the antics of the demagogic Joe McCarthy. From the 1960s through the 1980s, one of the strongest taboos in American political discourse was the subject of Soviet influence within the United States.

During the 1990s, the release of the Venona documents (see p. 49) by the U.S. government and the partial opening of the Soviet archives forced establishment minds to a reconsideration. Yes, Virginia, there really were Communist spies in the United States during the so-called “McCarthy era.” In fact, it now appears that even the slandered and smeared “red-baiters” of the period were unaware of just how far Soviet Communist subversion had penetrated. It must be added that even during the period of the so-called “witch hunt” there was more than enough evidence to prove the reality of Soviet Communist spying to any objective person. But, of course, if one is going to pass for an “educated,” “respectable” person, objective thinking must be eschewed—it’s simply not a Darwinian survival trait in modern America."
It's becoming obvious that we didn't really win the cold-war.
The demented Marxist Stalinist Leninist Frankfurt PSYCHOPATHS seem to have taken society over the edge for nothing but self-loathing at this point.
It's all a Human defect..... 🙁
A quick fact check , since there has never been a communist country defined by the person who invented the idea and defined it and along with the fact that their never will be a communist country ever. and the only way you can make the commie goofball shit work for you is if you define it yourself , which is stupid because it already has a definition and that definition says yours is stupid. Then What that hate Nazi McCarthy was chasing didn't exist nor does it exist now. You are one dumb fuck. You people are so fucking dumb.

As defined by Marx every natiion calling it self a communist country is indeed a communist nation.

like most fools who make such claims you never understood what the scumbag marx wrote

It did exist and he Mccarthy's original list was correct
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You will have to deal with that you are wrong about wretched Joe McCarthy, a vicious fascist and opponent of civil liberties.


I am correct and you are in denial of facts moron

He was no fascist and opposed no civil liberties period
He was correct about communists in government

Sorry boy but you are out of touch now learn from your betters
Wring I am correct and you are in denial of facts moron He was no fascist and opposed no civil liberties period
He was correct about communists in government Sorry boy but you are out of touch now learn from your betters
I am right about everything I said about him, and it was his own party that pulled him down.

Joe 'the dick' McCarthy was a terrible man, and Republican that betrayed his Party, the Constitution, and the American People
I am right about everything I said about him, and it was his own party that pulled him down.

Joe 'the dick' McCarthy was a terrible man, and Republican that betrayed his Party, the Constitution, and the American People
no you are not you are ignorant and history proves that fact

He betrayed nothing you are a liar

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