The Virigin Mary? Mother of God?

What about Eastern Orthodox Roman Catholics and Mary?

Their views are pretty much very similar. Eastern Orthodox also honor Mary and pray to her as intercessor. They have pictures of Mary etc.
Dreadful diversion from the deep, essential importance of Jesus' message.
The very idea of praying to the dead to intervene is subversive of genuine Christianity.
Once you die that is it, period. There is no trip to a mythical organization.
The breath goes back to God who gave it. There is Satan's prison. Near death people think they see, hear and smell hell. It is a holding pen for final judgment. Satan wanted the Father Spirit to be in that prison. That did not happen. Jesus obeyed he unseen Father. 1 Peter 3:19 - 20.
I think they dont have figurines, but they have inconographic pictures. If they dont have figurines, they are wrong because only Catholic is the only truth.
The written word of God condemns the usage of statues, icons and graven images yet catholic homes and churches are filled with all 3.Like the graven image they bow to behind the pulpit. It can do 0.
In the beginning, God told whomever that was with Him. "Let's create mankind in our likeness." Which he was referring to the way His kingdom operates. Like when the centurion told Jesus, Since he's a man of authority, that He has those that are under Him to do what He commands them to do. Jesus was surprised that this centurion knew how the kingdom of God operates. That He has unseen subjects like the angels, that He can send to do it for Him.

Every kingdom has a king and a queen which are the mother or father. And in the demonstrated prayer when Jesus told them how they should approach God. That it says in the prayer, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, which will mean desire. And that He was saying that God desires our kingdom to be like His. That it was His intention for us to be from the beginning. But we've fallen off the path into another direction.

And the Catholic prays to Mary because of the apparition that visited in South America years ago. But the apparition never said her name. But she just told Juan whom the apparition manifested herself to, "Am I your mother?" But the apparition never told him to call her something else like Mary or Mariam. And she told him to pick up and carry as many roses that he can from off a certain bush. And take them to the priest as a sign.
And after the miraculous image appeared on his cloak from carrying the roses. The Catholic considered it to be a divine intervention. That the church started to make necklaces with engravings of roses and an image of Mary whom they believe visited them. That was called the rosary.

And then the apparition appeared to a little girl in Lourdes, France. She told the little girl that was illiterate. That she was the miraculous conception but never gave her a common name.

And she visited three little children in Fatima. But she just told them that she is the one that the rosary represented, the one who visited Juan centuries ago. But she never gave them a name like God never revealed His name to us. It is because it is disrespectful for a child to address their parents by their names.

But during the Biblical times. It was a crime to put a woman above a man. That is why they called the feminine spirit that has been with God from the beginning which we were all conceived through, the Holy spirit. That God get very angry whoever offends Her. That she is a very emotional loving spirit.

Isaiah 63:10
Yet they rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit. So he turned and became their enemy and he himself fought against them.

Jeremiah 31:15
This is what the Lord says: “A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.”

Revelation 12:17
Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.

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You seem to have a psychosis about religion

Do you want to control what people believe knowing your ass will be smokin in hell sooner or

Why does religion want to control women's bodies regarding abortion? It's none of your business or religions.

How arrogant are you to think you know the destination and punishment of others? You pig. Yet you believe you will go to some hideous heaven as a reward for being an arrogant asshole and predicting demise of atheists.
Go away You fool.
" (Isaiah 63:11). "Most commentators regard the antecedent of `he' here as `Israel.'" The things that came to Israel's mind in those days were the marvelous deliverances which God had brought to them in the Exodus. "Where is he that brought them up out of the sea ...?" (Isaiah 63:11). "This question was often spoken in derision by Israel's foes." Under their reduced circumstances, it was a plaintive cry indeed..

" (Isaiah 63:11). "Most commentators regard the antecedent of `he' here as `Israel.'" The things that came to Israel's mind in those days were the marvelous deliverances which God had brought to them in the Exodus. "Where is he that brought them up out of the sea ...?" (Isaiah 63:11). "This question was often spoken in derision by Israel's foes." Under their reduced circumstances, it was a plaintive cry indeed..

Not you again. Why are you still peddling fairy tales? Haven't you seen learnt anything yet?

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