The Virus Is Coming To Red States


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016

If you thought you were not threatened by this thing you were wrong

This thing is no joke

No. This "thing" (educational standards these days) is one of the most monolithic fucking jokes in recent human history. Just ask the tens of millions of Americans who lost everything after COVID-NOTHING sky is falling pandemonium robbed them of their livelihood. I'm sure they'll be happy to share the punch line with you. Remember to duck.
I knew it....I didn't even have to click on the link....Crooks and Liars website is a china run operation.....stick to the data we can all rely on not some libtard butthurt website.....

If you thought you were not threatened by this thing you were wrong

This thing is no joke
You are a fucking joke. I live in Floor E. Da. been out and about to big box stores, grocery stores, restaurants, and even the beach, but still that elusive Wuhan Virus, just doesnt want to mess with my beastly immune system. I got a sniffle, a sneeze, i even coughed once. But damn i just cant catch the virus from CHINA....

Only pansy ass fat fucking liberals need to worry, because they are dope smoking dicks, who have no immune system...Sucks to be you..


If you thought you were not threatened by this thing you were wrong

This thing is no joke
The sheer desperation of the liberal lunatics, like you, that post on these threads, is hilarious to observe! I think YOU should stay huddled in your basement for, let's say, about FIVE YEARS, just to be safe, ya knucklehead.

If you thought you were not threatened by this thing you were wrong

This thing is no joke

98% survival rate.
Put your big boy panties on and go out and play

If you thought you were not threatened by this thing you were wrong

This thing is no joke
its been in red states for months idiot ! the governors handled the problem better than most blue state governors did cuomo .

If you thought you were not threatened by this thing you were wrong

This thing is no joke
its been in red states for months idiot ! the governors handled the problem better than most blue state governors did cuomo .
Yep! And to call Lesh an idiot is an insult to ALL idiots out there. Yes, he/she/it? really IS that dumb!
I knew it....I didn't even have to click on the link....Crooks and Liars website is a china run operation.....stick to the data we can all rely on not some libtard butthurt website.....
of course its a chicom site ! china is giving dems marching orders on how to politicize the virus they released ! every democrat is a supporter of the chicoms ! treason !

If you thought you were not threatened by this thing you were wrong

This thing is no joke
They will deny it, like they have been doing all along.
And speaking of DUMB, here's our little brain dead Penelope right on cue!
The Trumpians seem to "think" they can out bad-ass a virus. They seem to "think" if they just show a pandemic a tough enough attitude they can be immune to its affects. If it wasn't actually a matter of life and death, I would be tempted to watch them stagger to over wrought hospitals and collapse on the curbside in heaps of hubris.

But I, unlike them and the moron they champion as a political hero, have empathy and compassion for my fellow man. There's no use telling these MAGA hat wearing mouth breathers "I told you so!" But let us summon the humanity to care for them as they suffer and die.

November is closer than you think.
Dear progtards, If you are afraid of going outdoors, working, or being around other humans - then don't do it! Stay inside forever. Have your food delivered. Wear a hazmat suit. Do whatever the heck you need to do so that you "feel safe". But please stop whining about it, you're boring the adults.

IOW- Shut up and obey like a good sheep!!
The Trumpians seem to "think" they can out bad-ass a virus. They seem to "think" if they just show a pandemic a tough enough attitude they can be immune to its affects. If it wasn't actually a matter of life and death, I would be tempted to watch them stagger to over wrought hospitals and collapse on the curbside in heaps of hubris.

But I, unlike them and the moron they champion as a political hero, have empathy and compassion for my fellow man. There's no use telling these MAGA hat wearing mouth breathers "I told you so!" But let us summon the humanity to care for them as they suffer and die.

November is closer than you think.

98% survival rate moron.
The Trumpians seem to "think" they can out bad-ass a virus. They seem to "think" if they just show a pandemic a tough enough attitude they can be immune to its affects. If it wasn't actually a matter of life and death, I would be tempted to watch them stagger to over wrought hospitals and collapse on the curbside in heaps of hubris.

But I, unlike them and the moron they champion as a political hero, have empathy and compassion for my fellow man. There's no use telling these MAGA hat wearing mouth breathers "I told you so!" But let us summon the humanity to care for them as they suffer and die.

November is closer than you think.

98% survival rate moron.
And that's your justification to spread the contagion.

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