The " Virus Vote " how big do you think it will be?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.

Believe me, it will be YUGE

Americans realize how important a good economy is. They've had enough of this lockdown crap. Voters know the facts about what is going on. Yes these viruses kill people, but it's mostly killing people who already have one foot in the grave. It's time to move on and make the economy good again.
You better hope that is not all you Republicans have to hang your hat on.....

there are 90 million seniors and younger adults with higher risk medical conditions that are susceptible to dying from the virus.... unless you kill them all off by this November's election, I think you will have a harder time than you think, winning any new seats in this upcoming election.

Won't all states, have already begun their reopenings by June first?

It's a lie that Democrats do not want to reopen. We just are cautious and are not as hell bent on killing as many people as we can, while doing it, as the Republicans are..... :D
Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.


The libs started this Coronavirus panic and lockdown too dam early. They should have waited until Labor Day for Chairman Xi to launch this. Doing it this far before the election gives the electorate too much time to contemplate the future under a liberal Permanent lockdown situation. Further, the stimulus money will be long gone by the time people are sealed in the Voting Cubicles
i agree and the lefts refusal to be tough on china is also going to be front and center ...there are no over 100 hundred countries calling for investigations into chinas deceptions that has killed hundreds of thousands and reeked havoc on economies around the world ! and they are losing ground on the blame Trump only strategy because of the catastrophic mistakes made by dem governors like cuomo and the over reach of power by other dems locking people up and fining them for going back to work to feed their families .
You better hope that is not all you Republicans have to hang your hat on.....

there are 90 million seniors and younger adults with higher risk medical conditions that are susceptible to dying from the virus.... unless you kill them all off by this November's election, I think you will have a harder time than you think, winning any new seats in this upcoming election.

Won't all states, have already begun their reopenings by June first?

It's a lie that Democrats do not want to reopen. We just are cautious and are not as hell bent on killing as many people as we can, while doing it, as the Republicans are..... :D
talk that crap to cuomo commie ! once again the left has politicized something that shouldnt have been politicized and its backfiring !once again ! the definition of inanity is leftwing politics.
Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.


The libs started this Coronavirus panic and lockdown too dam early. They should have waited until Labor Day for Chairman Xi to launch this. Doing it this far before the election gives the electorate too much time to contemplate the future under a liberal Permanent lockdown situation. Further, the stimulus money will be long gone by the time people are sealed in the Voting Cubicles
yes you are correct the dems are going to be wishing the virus was released by their communist allies closer to the election.
All the polling (even the majority of polling fake as the news stories it follows) shows nobody thinks Trump is responsible for the virus killing Americans. We all know who let that loose on us. We all know the Rats tried to downplay it because communist China is their political ideal. And Trump got everybody FREE MONEY to blow on secret desires they'd never afford with somebody looking. Trump's economy is already on the rebound....Phoenix was bumper-to-bumper traffic at 10am this morning.....everybody is out, parking lots are packed, people look relieved and ready to get on with their lives again. All we need is Trump throwing out the ball on Opening Day (July 4th?) in Yankee Stadium (yeah I hate the Yanks too but he's a New Yawker) and Biden may as well head out to Golden Acres on Labor Day....Hell, Trump may even win California!
Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.


It could go viral.

Look, everyone knows (brainwashed or not by the left) that the democratic party "ship" is constructed of toilet paper, duct tape and screen doors. The democratic party platform is comprised of such hits as "killing your unborn baby is fun and healthy", "slicing your son's bits off to make him a "her" is the trendiest", "surrendering your legacy and land and lifelong savings to armies of illegal aliens is true patriotism," "releasing hundreds of hardened, murdering, raping criminals onto your streets will save you from the pandemic", and many, many other top ten songs of the year sure to become cult favorites in all American households.

My theory? The democrats haven't legitimately won an election in years, maybe decades. There's just no fucking way Joe average hard working American voted for sending his job over to China or down to Mexico, or for mass slaughter of the unborn or for turning NASA into a Muslim aid organization. Without overtly cheating in every election they run in, there's no way in hell the democrats win hearts and minds of American dads with platform micro-narratives such as allowing a sweaty, hormone crazed jock claiming he's a little bitch, to share the restroom with their daughters. Think about it.

Democratic party platforms are the fucking definition of psychotic in the minds of any sane, decent, patriotic, family loving American. This so-called "novel" virus? The democratic party platform depends on it, depends on daily reports of it killing more and more Americans. That ship that is the democratic party? One day soon it will crash on the rocks of truth.
All the polling (even the majority of polling fake as the news stories it follows) shows nobody thinks Trump is responsible for the virus killing Americans. We all know who let that loose on us. We all know the Rats tried to downplay it because communist China is their political ideal. And Trump got everybody FREE MONEY to blow on secret desires they'd never afford with somebody looking. Trump's economy is already on the rebound....Phoenix was bumper-to-bumper traffic at 10am this morning.....everybody is out, parking lots are packed, people look relieved and ready to get on with their lives again. All we need is Trump throwing out the ball on Opening Day (July 4th?) in Yankee Stadium (yeah I hate the Yanks too but he's a New Yawker) and Biden may as well head out to Golden Acres on Labor Day....Hell, Trump may even win California!
And who is supposed to protect us? If trump let China do this it’s his failure.
You better hope that is not all you Republicans have to hang your hat on.....

there are 90 million seniors and younger adults with higher risk medical conditions that are susceptible to dying from the virus.... unless you kill them all off by this November's election, I think you will have a harder time than you think, winning any new seats in this upcoming election.

Won't all states, have already begun their reopenings by June first?

It's a lie that Democrats do not want to reopen. We just are cautious and are not as hell bent on killing as many people as we can, while doing it, as the Republicans are..... :D
At some point the crashed economy will reach enough libs to overcome their fear of the chinese disease
Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.

Considering how bad the Democrats screwed this up, I think the "virus vote" will definitely favor the Republicans...

Except for the people who died from the virus, and the imaginary voters that mail in a ballot (who will go Democrat)...
You better hope that is not all you Republicans have to hang your hat on.....

there are 90 million seniors and younger adults with higher risk medical conditions that are susceptible to dying from the virus.... unless you kill them all off by this November's election, I think you will have a harder time than you think, winning any new seats in this upcoming election.

Won't all states, have already begun their reopenings by June first?

It's a lie that Democrats do not want to reopen. We just are cautious and are not as hell bent on killing as many people as we can, while doing it, as the Republicans are..... :D
At some point the crashed economy will reach enough libs to overcome their fear of the chinese disease
Trump policy has crashed the economy. He set the guidelines...

Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.

Considering how bad the Democrats screwed this up, I think the "virus vote" will definitely favor the Republicans...

Except for the people who died from the virus, and the imaginary voters that mail in a ballot (who will go Democrat)...
Who screwed this up?

I hope the optimism is well placed, I'd love nothing more than to watch streaming tears of defeat again at Biden's "victory" party, and hopefully some mass suicides too.

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