The " Virus Vote " how big do you think it will be?

Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.


Don’t forget Kamala Harris is helping by introducing legislation to get “China Virus” deemed “racist”. Because that’s going to get people back to work as well as put US on the path towards closing gaps in our biodefense posture.

If Democrats were on the Titanic, they'd be spending their time rearranging the deck chairs for a more "diverse mix" of guests.
Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.

It's the economy stupid. (nothing personal towards you). If kids are bringing the virus home from school in September, and schools close, or if people are still afraid to come out and go to public events and restaurants …. Trump loses … bigly. I hope Trump somehow gets lucky, again, but Comey isn't around to push him over the hump this time. (-:

If we're seeing annualized growth even 2% in the third qtr, he wins. Maybe bigly.

My kid's job is up in mid 2021. The job she wants will not be open without economic optimism. I hope Trump wins. But I don't see positive economic forecasts until the first qtr of 2021. If we're still seeing declining GNP in Nov, I'd expect Biden to be saying Trump didn't get the testing we needed to keep the virus in check while opening private industry.
Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.

It's the economy stupid. (nothing personal towards you). If kids are bringing the virus home from school in September, and schools close, or if people are still afraid to come out and go to public events and restaurants …. Trump loses … bigly. I hope Trump somehow gets lucky, again, but Comey isn't around to push him over the hump this time. (-:

If we're seeing annualized growth even 2% in the third qtr, he wins. Maybe bigly.

My kid's job is up in mid 2021. The job she wants will not be open without economic optimism. I hope Trump wins. But I don't see positive economic forecasts until the first qtr of 2021. If we're still seeing declining GNP in Nov, I'd expect Biden to be saying Trump didn't get the testing we needed to keep the virus in check while opening private industry.
Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.

It's the economy stupid. (nothing personal towards you). If kids are bringing the virus home from school in September, and schools close, or if people are still afraid to come out and go to public events and restaurants …. Trump loses … bigly. I hope Trump somehow gets lucky, again, but Comey isn't around to push him over the hump this time. (-:

If we're seeing annualized growth even 2% in the third qtr, he wins. Maybe bigly.

My kid's job is up in mid 2021. The job she wants will not be open without economic optimism. I hope Trump wins. But I don't see positive economic forecasts until the first qtr of 2021. If we're still seeing declining GNP in Nov, I'd expect Biden to be saying Trump didn't get the testing we needed to keep the virus in check while opening private industry.

I think most people are smart enough to understand that the current economy has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with mindless panic. I don't think Trump needs a bump at all and I certainly do not think that he needs a recovery to win.
IF we don't have the testing capacity for workers (and kids) that Germany and Japan/SK and probably Taiwan have, it'll be Trump's fault. But whether we need the testing for the economy to fully be open in September/Oct …. remains to be seen.
Americans realize how important a good economy is. They've had enough of this lockdown crap. Voters know the facts about what is going on. Yes these viruses kill people, but it's mostly killing people who already have one foot in the grave. It's time to move on and make the economy good again.
This has exposed the democrat power mongers for what they are, Tyrannical, power hungry, hate mongers.. My sister in Michigan just changed her party affiliation as did many of her friends. They have seen their democrat leaders exposed for what they are and they do not like what they see.

I think this election is going to be a huge body slam for the democrats.. Both in local elections and in federal elections.
IF we don't have the testing capacity for workers (and kids) that Germany and Japan/SK and probably Taiwan have, it'll be Trump's fault. But whether we need the testing for the economy to fully be open in September/Oct …. remains to be seen.
By August testing will be moot point.. Once we reach 50% of the populace that has had contact with this virus it becomes more like the flu and much less like a pandemic. Its like tearing out every other match in a match book and lighting the end match. That match burns out without affecting the other remaining matches.
IF we don't have the testing capacity for workers (and kids) that Germany and Japan/SK and probably Taiwan have, it'll be Trump's fault. But whether we need the testing for the economy to fully be open in September/Oct …. remains to be seen.
By August testing will be moot point.. Once we reach 50% of the populace that has had contact with this virus it becomes more like the flu and much less like a pandemic. Its like tearing out every other match in a match book and lighting the end match. That match burns out without affecting the other remaining matches.
Possibly. Like I said, I'd rather have Trump and a good economy … although I'm no fan of his deficits and tax cuts
Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.

It's the economy stupid. (nothing personal towards you). If kids are bringing the virus home from school in September, and schools close, or if people are still afraid to come out and go to public events and restaurants …. Trump loses … bigly. I hope Trump somehow gets lucky, again, but Comey isn't around to push him over the hump this time. (-:

If we're seeing annualized growth even 2% in the third qtr, he wins. Maybe bigly.

My kid's job is up in mid 2021. The job she wants will not be open without economic optimism. I hope Trump wins. But I don't see positive economic forecasts until the first qtr of 2021. If we're still seeing declining GNP in Nov, I'd expect Biden to be saying Trump didn't get the testing we needed to keep the virus in check while opening private industry.

Apparently, kids aren't much in the way of carriers for Covid-19. And I sincerely doubt that people are still going to be hiding in their houses, pissing their frillies, come September.

As for positive forecasts, there's always this:

Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.

It's the economy stupid. (nothing personal towards you). If kids are bringing the virus home from school in September, and schools close, or if people are still afraid to come out and go to public events and restaurants …. Trump loses … bigly. I hope Trump somehow gets lucky, again, but Comey isn't around to push him over the hump this time. (-:

If we're seeing annualized growth even 2% in the third qtr, he wins. Maybe bigly.

My kid's job is up in mid 2021. The job she wants will not be open without economic optimism. I hope Trump wins. But I don't see positive economic forecasts until the first qtr of 2021. If we're still seeing declining GNP in Nov, I'd expect Biden to be saying Trump didn't get the testing we needed to keep the virus in check while opening private industry.
Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.

It's the economy stupid. (nothing personal towards you). If kids are bringing the virus home from school in September, and schools close, or if people are still afraid to come out and go to public events and restaurants …. Trump loses … bigly. I hope Trump somehow gets lucky, again, but Comey isn't around to push him over the hump this time. (-:

If we're seeing annualized growth even 2% in the third qtr, he wins. Maybe bigly.

My kid's job is up in mid 2021. The job she wants will not be open without economic optimism. I hope Trump wins. But I don't see positive economic forecasts until the first qtr of 2021. If we're still seeing declining GNP in Nov, I'd expect Biden to be saying Trump didn't get the testing we needed to keep the virus in check while opening private industry.

I think most people are smart enough to understand that the current economy has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with mindless panic. I don't think Trump needs a bump at all and I certainly do not think that he needs a recovery to win.

I don't know if he NEEDS an economic bump, but when the economy starts blazing back up, I know he'll be unstoppable at that point.
IF we don't have the testing capacity for workers (and kids) that Germany and Japan/SK and probably Taiwan have, it'll be Trump's fault. But whether we need the testing for the economy to fully be open in September/Oct …. remains to be seen.

You're kinda behind the times, as well as chanting a meme without much meaning. Reports are coming in that we have more tests than we have people interested in taking them.
Americans realize how important a good economy is. They've had enough of this lockdown crap. Voters know the facts about what is going on. Yes these viruses kill people, but it's mostly killing people who already have one foot in the grave. It's time to move on and make the economy good again.
This has exposed the democrat power mongers for what they are, Tyrannical, power hungry, hate mongers.. My sister in Michigan just changed her party affiliation as did many of her friends. They have seen their democrat leaders exposed for what they are and they do not like what they see.

I think this election is going to be a huge body slam for the democrats.. Both in local elections and in federal elections.

I think I'm very interested to see what happens.
IF we don't have the testing capacity for workers (and kids) that Germany and Japan/SK and probably Taiwan have, it'll be Trump's fault. But whether we need the testing for the economy to fully be open in September/Oct …. remains to be seen.
By August testing will be moot point.. Once we reach 50% of the populace that has had contact with this virus it becomes more like the flu and much less like a pandemic. Its like tearing out every other match in a match book and lighting the end match. That match burns out without affecting the other remaining matches.
Possibly. Like I said, I'd rather have Trump and a good economy … although I'm no fan of his deficits and tax cuts

I'm afraid to ask what your problem is with letting people who pay taxes pay less.
Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.

Another delusional cry for help. Don't worry, it will all end in January 2021 when Trump gets locked up for money laundering in New York!
Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.

Another delusional cry for help. Don't worry, it will all end in January 2021 when Trump gets locked up for money laundering in New York!

Yeah, just like he got removed from office for "Russian collusion", right?
Lefty is so preoccupied with trying to hang the Wuhan Flu on Trump and he is forgetting about all of the constituents who want to go back to work. No....they are not hearing your dire warnings about a spike in cases....they don't give a shit. This should provide a golden opportunity for GOP candidates to move in to the public mind on this matter. You want to go back to work?....Then vote Republican!

Wanna Bet the Whitmer bitch doesn't get her ass beat by a GOP candidate next time around? Never mind that shit about short memories....the financial damage is going to be around for the next few Years and people will be suffering long enough to remember why they are suffering and probably didn't have to be.

I think the VIRUS VOTE is going to be HUGE this November....and I think the GOP is going to use it to their advantage all across the State and Federal spectrum.

Another delusional cry for help. Don't worry, it will all end in January 2021 when Trump gets locked up for money laundering in New York!

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