The Vitriolic Hatred is a Knife Cutting Across the Political Spectrum


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I remember hearing reports of the attacks on Pearl Harbor over the radio that Sunday morning, And how our family life changed. Rationing. My mom and her lady friends went to work in the defense plants while the men, too old to serve, joined the police force or fire department.

They frequently gathered and I listened as they talked about the war, concentrated on Europe as that is where most of them came from, Jews who had escaped before Hitler rose to power or the rise of the communist Leviathan in the east.

Ike. MacArthur. Stalin. All fighting the horrible Axis and those subhuman Japs.

They adored FDR and were shaken by his death. The held The Haberdasher in disdain, certain he could not take on the vast responsibilities of winning the war. They were thankful for George Marshall, believing he would do the job. They cheered at the dropping of the bomb on Japan, followed by a second, never once giving Truman credit for the decision.

Ike was a clear choice to follow and his goal of creating a network of American Autobahns was cheered as the nation was turning away from public transportation to private vehicles. There were political opponents but all worked together to rebuild the country – and the world – after the war.

JFK and Camelot. A war hero giving this nation great dreams. LBJ, a less than sterling politician who seemed more communist than Democrat. Tricky Dickey and the terrible chaos of Watergate and his impeachment. Ford, the clumsy ex-football player. The Peanut Farmer who entered office with such hope for the future and the Iran Hostage debacle. Reagan and the shining house high on a hill. George H.W. and broken promises followed by the glib Bubba Clinton.The blue dress. George W followed by Hope and Change.

I served during the Hippie years, Flower Power opposing war. Disdain for those in the military.

Throughout it all, there was always an Opposition, those against what the incumbent and his party stood for. A lot of charges and complaints and even a degree of acrimony. I myself added my share, calling Obama Obozo or Barry Hussein or Sheikh Barry.

But there was never the degree of outright hatred as currently exists for President Trump. Since the day he declared his candidacy, the left, and the leftist media have poured out nothing but vitriol and false claims.

I’ve tried to figure out why and just perhaps have come up with the answer.

The Establishment. Of both parties. Professional politicians with a vested interest in keeping their perks and power. Fearful that Trump’s declaration of Clearing the Swamp just might come true. As Limbaugh so clearly put it, the RINOS don’t want Trump to succeed any more than the DemocRATs do.

And this nation is divided like never before. Tens of millions who support President Trump often violently opposed by a much smaller number of ANTIFA leftists supported by radical groups and individuals seeking a world government. Wildly opposed to the America First movement.

Is there going to be a way to fix this?

I find myself wondering. To me, the only possibility is a continued push to oust Establishment politicians and replace them with the citizen-government so wisely established by the Founding Fathers. Fewer PoliSci and Law grads and more people who’ve had to work for a living or lead companies providing payrolls.

2018 is going to be the make-or-break time. I just hope people step up against the violence and acrimonious hate and work for what our president seeks, to Make America Great.
The left is panicking, because they realize the world is undergoing a paradigm shift where the old model of "get the Nazis!" is no longer enough to keep control over people, especially when anyone to the left of Stalin is labeled a "Nazi." When you call anyone who disagrees with you or challenges you a "Nazi" or a "racist," those words lose their meaning.

More importantly, when you try to shut up such people and try to take away their right/ability to speak online (i.e., Adpocalypse on YouTube), the people suddenly see you as the real Nazis.
Pretty sure most think I am a "nazi", and I'm ok with that. It's kind of horrifying that most don't give a shit anymore being called that name, but it has lost its clout from over use.

I remember hearing reports of the attacks on Pearl Harbor over the radio that Sunday morning, And how our family life changed. Rationing. My mom and her lady friends went to work in the defense plants while the men, too old to serve, joined the police force or fire department.

They frequently gathered and I listened as they talked about the war, concentrated on Europe as that is where most of them came from, Jews who had escaped before Hitler rose to power or the rise of the communist Leviathan in the east.

Ike. MacArthur. Stalin. All fighting the horrible Axis and those subhuman Japs.

They adored FDR and were shaken by his death. The held The Haberdasher in disdain, certain he could not take on the vast responsibilities of winning the war. They were thankful for George Marshall, believing he would do the job. They cheered at the dropping of the bomb on Japan, followed by a second, never once giving Truman credit for the decision.

Ike was a clear choice to follow and his goal of creating a network of American Autobahns was cheered as the nation was turning away from public transportation to private vehicles. There were political opponents but all worked together to rebuild the country – and the world – after the war.

JFK and Camelot. A war hero giving this nation great dreams. LBJ, a less than sterling politician who seemed more communist than Democrat. Tricky Dickey and the terrible chaos of Watergate and his impeachment. Ford, the clumsy ex-football player. The Peanut Farmer who entered office with such hope for the future and the Iran Hostage debacle. Reagan and the shining house high on a hill. George H.W. and broken promises followed by the glib Bubba Clinton.The blue dress. George W followed by Hope and Change.

I served during the Hippie years, Flower Power opposing war. Disdain for those in the military.

Throughout it all, there was always an Opposition, those against what the incumbent and his party stood for. A lot of charges and complaints and even a degree of acrimony. I myself added my share, calling Obama Obozo or Barry Hussein or Sheikh Barry.

But there was never the degree of outright hatred as currently exists for President Trump. Since the day he declared his candidacy, the left, and the leftist media have poured out nothing but vitriol and false claims.

I’ve tried to figure out why and just perhaps have come up with the answer.

The Establishment. Of both parties. Professional politicians with a vested interest in keeping their perks and power. Fearful that Trump’s declaration of Clearing the Swamp just might come true. As Limbaugh so clearly put it, the RINOS don’t want Trump to succeed any more than the DemocRATs do.

And this nation is divided like never before. Tens of millions who support President Trump often violently opposed by a much smaller number of ANTIFA leftists supported by radical groups and individuals seeking a world government. Wildly opposed to the America First movement.

Is there going to be a way to fix this?

I find myself wondering. To me, the only possibility is a continued push to oust Establishment politicians and replace them with the citizen-government so wisely established by the Founding Fathers. Fewer PoliSci and Law grads and more people who’ve had to work for a living or lead companies providing payrolls.

2018 is going to be the make-or-break time. I just hope people step up against the violence and acrimonious hate and work for what our president seeks, to Make America Great.

Trump, Rush and Fox is the swamp. Birds of a feather flock together.
I’ve tried to figure out why and just perhaps have come up with the answer. The Establishment. Of both parties. Professional politicians with a vested interest in keeping their perks and power.
I agree that we're divided to an increasingly dangerous degree, but I would disagree with you that's it's the fault of the politicians. For the most part, they're just hapless tools whose top priority is fundraising and re-election. So they'll say and do whatever they need to, they'll sway with the wind, to keep their cushy gubmit jobs.

To me the biggest culprits have been another group of people who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry and divided, and it's the people I call the Division Pimps: Media figures who condition their followers to not only believe certain things, but more importantly, to think and behave in certain ways.

They exist on both ends of the spectrum, their names are quite recognizable, they have advocated and nurtured a terribly binary way of thinking, and the effects of their efforts are not difficult to see at all. They push in their direction only, they allow for zero honest curiosity, and their flocks follow right along with the same thought patterns, as we see here daily on USMB.
Pretty sure most think I am a "nazi", and I'm ok with that. It's kind of horrifying that most don't give a shit anymore being called that name, but it has lost its clout from over use.

I've never thought of you as a Nazi...

There was a time in America when the greater benefit was gained by being part of the American ideal. People clambered to become American and join the system.

Many people, no matter how they tried, were excluded from that system because of their race, their religion, or their erhnic identity.

Today that is no longer the case. The system recognises Americans come in all races and those who believe otherwise cannot participate in the system if they openly espouse those beliefs.

However, there is no longer as much to be gained from being a part of the American landscape as there is from being apart from it.

We have gone from being a country of millions of Americans to a country of millions of minorities.
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The Establishment. Of both parties. Professional politicians with a vested interest in keeping their perks and power. Fearful that Trump’s declaration of Clearing the Swamp just might come true. As Limbaugh so clearly put it, the RINOS don’t want Trump to succeed any more than the DemocRATs do.

Or maybe the leadership of both parties think he's a crazy person who has business being president. Did that ever occur to you?

And this nation is divided like never before. Tens of millions who support President Trump often violently opposed by a much smaller number of ANTIFA leftists supported by radical groups and individuals seeking a world government. Wildly opposed to the America First movement.

And here's where you are being dishonest. 10 million more Americans voted AGAINST Trump than for him. His approval rating is at about 36%. The idea that those who support him are in the "majority" and those who oppose him are a "smaller" number is silly. Most people plain old didn't want this guy and think he's a joke.

What Trump represents is the angry tantrum of White Males who are upset that they don't have the glorious times of FDR and JFK (both liberals) but don't understand why they don't have it anymore (because the GOP has spent the last 40 years undoing their work.

Oh, by the way, this is where you can toss in a refrain of "But, but, Hillary was a Bitch!" because that shit never gets old.

I find myself wondering. To me, the only possibility is a continued push to oust Establishment politicians and replace them with the citizen-government so wisely established by the Founding Fathers. Fewer PoliSci and Law grads and more people who’ve had to work for a living or lead companies providing payrolls.

"My Boss is the Smartest Guy ever" said nobody in a bar after work, ever.

Please, the last folks we want running things are business people. First, government isn't a business. And second have you met most CEO's and businessmen?

Seriously, the only reason most of us show up at businesses every day is because they PAY us to put up with that abuse. Nobody goes to work because they think their boss is a wonderful guy or because they think he's brilliant.

We've had businessmen presidents. George W. Bush and Herbert Hoover. The worst presidents in our history.

2018 is going to be the make-or-break time. I just hope people step up against the violence and acrimonious hate and work for what our president seeks, to Make America Great.

The thing is, you don't make "America Great" by beating your chest and hating on other people. You list FDR and Ike and JFK as "Great" presidents, but you don't seem to understand why they were great.
To me the biggest culprits have been another group of people who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry and divided, and it's the people I call the Division Pimps: Media figures who condition their followers to not only believe certain things, but more importantly, to think and behave in certain ways.

Oh, the "Division Pimps". Are they hanging out with the "Regressives', the "PC Police" and the "Evil Muzzies" you also think are hiding under your bed.

Um, guy, nobody needs anyone to tell them to be angry. They should be angry. All these media figures do is channel the anger that is out there.
The Establishment. Of both parties. Professional politicians with a vested interest in keeping their perks and power. Fearful that Trump’s declaration of Clearing the Swamp just might come true. As Limbaugh so clearly put it, the RINOS don’t want Trump to succeed any more than the DemocRATs do.

Or maybe the leadership of both parties think he's a crazy person who has business being president. Did that ever occur to you?

And this nation is divided like never before. Tens of millions who support President Trump often violently opposed by a much smaller number of ANTIFA leftists supported by radical groups and individuals seeking a world government. Wildly opposed to the America First movement.

And here's where you are being dishonest. 10 million more Americans voted AGAINST Trump than for him. His approval rating is at about 36%. The idea that those who support him are in the "majority" and those who oppose him are a "smaller" number is silly. Most people plain old didn't want this guy and think he's a joke.

What Trump represents is the angry tantrum of White Males who are upset that they don't have the glorious times of FDR and JFK (both liberals) but don't understand why they don't have it anymore (because the GOP has spent the last 40 years undoing their work.

Oh, by the way, this is where you can toss in a refrain of "But, but, Hillary was a Bitch!" because that shit never gets old.

I find myself wondering. To me, the only possibility is a continued push to oust Establishment politicians and replace them with the citizen-government so wisely established by the Founding Fathers. Fewer PoliSci and Law grads and more people who’ve had to work for a living or lead companies providing payrolls.

"My Boss is the Smartest Guy ever" said nobody in a bar after work, ever.

Please, the last folks we want running things are business people. First, government isn't a business. And second have you met most CEO's and businessmen?

Seriously, the only reason most of us show up at businesses every day is because they PAY us to put up with that abuse. Nobody goes to work because they think their boss is a wonderful guy or because they think he's brilliant.

We've had businessmen presidents. George W. Bush and Herbert Hoover. The worst presidents in our history.

2018 is going to be the make-or-break time. I just hope people step up against the violence and acrimonious hate and work for what our president seeks, to Make America Great.

The thing is, you don't make "America Great" by beating your chest and hating on other people. You list FDR and Ike and JFK as "Great" presidents, but you don't seem to understand why they were great.

While I disagree with you, thank you for the reasoned and thought-out response.
Pretty sure most think I am a "nazi", and I'm ok with that. It's kind of horrifying that most don't give a shit anymore being called that name, but it has lost its clout from over use.
Hell, in that case I'm a: nazi, racist, homophobe, sexist, anarchist, whatever... What's in a name? I suppose if the anti-s get their way, a death sentence for the likes of me...too bad. I have so much knowledge, experience, and skill to offer. Alas, those things are all secondary to "feelings".
I’ve tried to figure out why and just perhaps have come up with the answer. The Establishment. Of both parties. Professional politicians with a vested interest in keeping their perks and power.
I agree that we're divided to an increasingly dangerous degree, but I would disagree with you that's it's the fault of the politicians. For the most part, they're just hapless tools whose top priority is fundraising and re-election. So they'll say and do whatever they need to, they'll sway with the wind, to keep their cushy gubmit jobs.

To me the biggest culprits have been another group of people who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry and divided, and it's the people I call the Division Pimps: Media figures who condition their followers to not only believe certain things, but more importantly, to think and behave in certain ways.

They exist on both ends of the spectrum, their names are quite recognizable, they have advocated and nurtured a terribly binary way of thinking, and the effects of their efforts are not difficult to see at all. They push in their direction only, they allow for zero honest curiosity, and their flocks follow right along with the same thought patterns, as we see here daily on USMB.
I do believe you have hit the nail on the head. Thanks!
Donald Trump is a racist, immoral, abuser of women, ignorant narcissist. There is this weird thing in the minds of conservatives that they believe once someone is elected president is instantly washes them of all the immoral crap from their past and sprays them with only the best smelling perfume that elevates them to absolute dignity and respect as president. For some men it does because they weren't so bad to begin with. With Trump there is nothing to make him clean. Where are his tax returns? YOU know as does everyone there is something criminal in there that he wants to keep from the public. YOU KNOW.

You don't have to wonder or guess, it has nothing to do with 'swamp cleaning' and 'they just don't like him because he's doing blah blah blah'. He is not a man, he's child pretending to be a man that has failed at business, has screwed countless working class people that owned small businesses AFTER they completed the work he contracted them to do only to tell them fuck off, go spend $100,000 dollars in court to try to collect $50,000. This is well documented, nobody has to make it up, this is who this piece of crap is. It's HIM, get that through your heads. He is nothing more than angry white middle aged and old men squatting over the White House and pinching out a huge smelly angry dump because they had to 'tolerate' a black man in the White House for 8 years and this was there moment of 'oh yeah so you force that on us? Smell that for four years!"

I didn't want Hillary to run. Personally I think we should add an amendment to the Constitution that you cannot run for president if anyone in your family has held that office in the last 50 years. America is NOT about this family aristocrat succession of family members to high office. No more Clintons, no more Bushes or Kennedy, or Adams. I would have liked to have seen Bernie/Kasich or Kasich/Bernie. I also would love to 'drain the swamp', clear out the entire Congress and White House and start new with all new people. But of all the people that you wouldn't want as president Trump was top of the list. He's too narcissistic and juvenile. He was the worst choice among extremely bad choices. And now he's proven he is outright racist and he continues to prove it with the debacle happening in Puerto Rico.

Stop wondering cons, it isn't even hatred for the orange weirdo, it is disgust that such a low class human being could hold that prestigious office and turn it into his personal employment agency for his family like some Duke of Winchester or Fidel Castro. He's un-American.
Donald Trump is a racist, immoral, abuser of women, ignorant narcissist. There is this weird thing in the minds of conservatives that they believe once someone is elected president is instantly washes them of all the immoral crap from their past and sprays them with only the best smelling perfume that elevates them to absolute dignity and respect as president. For some men it does because they weren't so bad to begin with. With Trump there is nothing to make him clean. Where are his tax returns? YOU know as does everyone there is something criminal in there that he wants to keep from the public. YOU KNOW.

You don't have to wonder or guess, it has nothing to do with 'swamp cleaning' and 'they just don't like him because he's doing blah blah blah'. He is not a man, he's child pretending to be a man that has failed at business, has screwed countless working class people that owned small businesses AFTER they completed the work he contracted them to do only to tell them fuck off, go spend $100,000 dollars in court to try to collect $50,000. This is well documented, nobody has to make it up, this is who this piece of crap is. It's HIM, get that through your heads. He is nothing more than angry white middle aged and old men squatting over the White House and pinching out a huge smelly angry dump because they had to 'tolerate' a black man in the White House for 8 years and this was there moment of 'oh yeah so you force that on us? Smell that for four years!"

I didn't want Hillary to run. Personally I think we should add an amendment to the Constitution that you cannot run for president if anyone in your family has held that office in the last 50 years. America is NOT about this family aristocrat succession of family members to high office. No more Clintons, no more Bushes or Kennedy, or Adams. I would have liked to have seen Bernie/Kasich or Kasich/Bernie. I also would love to 'drain the swamp', clear out the entire Congress and White House and start new with all new people. But of all the people that you wouldn't want as president Trump was top of the list. He's too narcissistic and juvenile. He was the worst choice among extremely bad choices. And now he's proven he is outright racist and he continues to prove it with the debacle happening in Puerto Rico.

Stop wondering cons, it isn't even hatred for the orange weirdo, it is disgust that such a low class human being could hold that prestigious office and turn it into his personal employment agency for his family like some Duke of Winchester or Fidel Castro. He's un-American.
Blah, blah, blah...Trump, Trump, Trump...blah...talking point...talking point...blah, blah, blah...anything relevant to fact? No? OK, then...blah blah, blah...
Thank you for playing.
The Hatred of the left has exploded when they get some of it back in their faces.

For far too long we have looked at them with disdain and hoped people were smart enough to know they are idiots. But this silence made them ramp up their tactics to Lunacy..............And now when it is thrown back at them their HATRED has EXPLODED...................

Should have been done a long time ago...............Silent no more.
I find myself wondering. To me, the only possibility is a continued push to oust Establishment politicians and replace them with the citizen-government so wisely established by the Founding Fathers. Fewer PoliSci and Law grads and more people who’ve had to work for a living or lead companies providing payrolls.
Thirty-five of the 55 people who were directly involved in the drafting of the Constitution were lawyers or had some degree of a legal background.
Maybe I will change my avie to swasitka. Or..white statue. Or a white hoodie. Hell, anything I say will result in me being racist if I don't goosestep so why not be what I am accused of.

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