The Walk of Shame

This might be the best Lincoln Project ad to date!
What happens when your party sleeps with pig, then wakes up one morning and comes to its senses. :)

That was funny! Trump won't even leave cab fair on the dresser.

Maybe the Elephant Lady will threaten to write a tell-all book and come out 130 grand richer!

Would not be the first. Hopefully she will learn and quit sleeping with pigs.

They're already talking about Marco Rubio, Tom Cotton and Don Junior in 2024. So that seems doubtful.

…Ted Cruz.

It will still be the party of Trump absent Trump.

No it won't be. The'll purge the Trumpists. They'll have to. Even the evangelicals are fleeing him. He's lost the elderly, and the women. White college educated women voted for Trump in 2016. The went to the Democratics in 2018, after the health care debacle, and he's done nothing to win them back. All he has left is the uneducated angry white men, and the racist crazies, and the evangelical leaders. The women, the ones who are suffering under his incompteence and corruption are done with him.

There are currently 8 million more women voters than men. As long as the Republican Party is the party of Trump, they'll be voting for Democrats.


The GOP was the party of Trump long before Trump.

Indeed, Trump is but a byproduct of the GOP; a symptom of the disease called conservativism that’s infected the GOP.

For more than 50 years the GOP has been the party of the Southern Strategy, the Christian right, social conservatives, authoritarian reactionaries, bigoted nativists, and white grievance politics.

For more than 50 years the GOP has sought to violate the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans, the due process rights of immigrants, and the voting rights of minorities.

Trump’s contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions is shared by Republicans – just in the past few weeks we’ve seen reprehensible examples of Republican officials seeking to interfere with citizens’ right to vote.

It’s naïve and wrongheaded to believe that once Trump is gone the GOP will return to the Republican Party of the 50s and 60s, because it simply won’t.
Don't need or support Communists or dictators. That is a trump thing and will be in the past when we Elect Joe Biden to the President of the United States, For Better Government Of the People, By the People and For the People!

Sorry ........don't think so.........OR ELSE IS REJECTED IN AMERICA.........we don't take the knee or raise or fists for terroritst.

Donald Trump raises his fist for terrorists every single day. FREE MICHIGAN, and the terrorists were going to kidnap and murder the governor. What are these armed mobs of white supremacists but terrorists? They're not law enforcement. They're not a "well regulated militia", organized by and under th direction of the government. The guy who called them Vanilla ISIS nailed it.

Joe is in church. See the pews. Don't you kneel in church. Sure.

Try your ism eleswhere...........

Every since I joined this board, I've been told to leave, almost daily. For the past 8 years, I have stood up to you jackasses, and I'm still here. But I have long ceased to expect honesty, decency or good sense from you clowns. Good manners are non existent, and crass arrogance and stupidity rule your world.

8 years on and still trying to tell me what to do. You have learned nothing The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

The meaning went right over your head.............and we speak our minds here.......if you don't like it I really don't care..........that how this shit works you do it with sheep in Canada isn't my concern.
I sure do hope that threads like this are cathardic to our challenged lefties on this board...Because the echo chamber depicted so far would make a great case study for examples of non critical thinking in self reflection.

Obviously you sleep with pigs too!


Whatever man, I don't think too much of your ilk either.

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