The Walking Dead Season 5

I know that, lol. I was just wondering if it was some kind of message being sent by the writers or producers IF that particular scene was being filmed during the MB time.

I never made the connection between the two ... But six degrees of separation occur in most things. Connection can be made with or without intent.

If it was their intent to send a message ... What is the message you received?

They were both cops ... I guess the message could have been ... Don't trust cops.

Dont piss off the nice officer


No professional courtesy given here.
Rick is another Governor, the needle on his moral compass broke
His moral compass has been broke. He ran that guy down knowing it could potentially ruin the trade deal. But he did it anyway. That is proof he is off his rocker.

Typical cop response. "All you had to do was stop."
When he said that..I wondered if filming was happening at the time of the MB thing and that was a sly reference to it.

Hmmm, you think so?
I dunno, hon. But it was the first thing I thought of when he said it.

Shooting of season 5 began in May and wrapped in November, but remember the 1st half of the season is shot first (May/June) time frame for post production process to air in the fall. The second half of season 5 would be in post production now for spring 2015.

The MB episode happened in August. So it's possible they went back and did an audio overlay, but unlikely as that scene was already in the can.

Also Rick was willing to listen to Tyrese's suggestion to just kidnap 2 of the cops and do an exchange to try and save lives, the Governor would have refused to listen to that plan.
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Also Rick was willing to listen to Tyrese's suggestion to just kidnap 2 of the cops and do an exchange to try and save lives, the Governor would have refused to listen to that plan.

Once the Governor's noodle was cooked ... He would have shot Tyrese for the suggestion. But the more I think about it ... I imagine the Governor's noodle was always at least "al dente".

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Rick couldn't let him go. He knew how many of them there were, where they were staying, etc. Once he hit the guy, he kind of had to kill him because dude was hurting unit.

I dont think he had to kill him. But he was certainly a liability at that point. Judgement call.
lol..I think the baby is shanes, too.

I THINK what Beth meant when she said "I get it now" was that Dawn wanted Noah because Dawn NEEDED someone to bully around under HER control since she had none with the other cops and was fast losing ground with them. She was losing beth, so to punish beth and to replace her at the same time, she demanded noah.

That's what I thought too but wasn't sure.

I never got a true sense that Dawn was this quasi-nazi-cop or whatever. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. The whole cop thing at the hospital ..... didn't really grab me in, you know? I'm still bummbed that Beth is gone but did enjoy being surprised by her death. ha, ha if that makes sense.

I think Dawn just needed Noah in the trade to support her superiority with her crew. If she left it at an even trade ... She would have been weak and allowed Rick to set the terms. The fact she didn't negotiate the trade and Rick agreed to let Noah go is proof it would have worked.

Beth threatened that ... Acted on her desire to hurt Dawn and paid for it. The real cost will be to what extent everyone pays for it in the long run.

Daryl is messed up now ... Maybe more than Carol can fix. Rick is more solid in his decisions to destroy possible threats than negotiate. Maggie is set back ... Glenn is already having trouble balancing the real threats versus desired outcomes. Tyrese has issues ... But who wouldn't after Carol and the girls last season? He may be seen as weak ... But he faced his demons when he finished Bob and confronted the mess he made letting the other guy go.

I think Tyrese is going to end up being what Daryl has tried to be this season ... He will remain the conscience of the group, but will also be the soldier when necessary.


Dawn really should have demanded Noah before they did the trade, Rick was right the deal was already done. You can't make a deal like that, wait until the transaction is done than demand new terms.

She needed leverage though. She knew he would never go for it before hand. So even if she failed to get him after, she at least still got her two cops back.
I watch the show a day late, just watched it.
Damn...Beth is dead. Not what I was expecting.

I thought Carol was gonna get it the way everyone was talking about a main character getting clipped. I thought she was gonna go off when she woke up in the hospital and sacrifice herself for Beth or something.

I was honestly surprised that they opted to keep 'Everybody Hates Chris" Noah over Beth.

I guess they just figured that her character really didn't have anywhere else to go.

BTW, did I miss an episode? When did Abraham get all reasonable again?
I watch the show a day late, just watched it.
Damn...Beth is dead. Not what I was expecting.

I thought Carol was gonna get it the way everyone was talking about a main character getting clipped. I thought she was gonna go off when she woke up in the hospital and sacrifice herself for Beth or something.

I was honestly surprised that they opted to keep 'Everybody Hates Chris" Noah over Beth.

I guess they just figured that her character really didn't have anywhere else to go.

BTW, did I miss an episode? When did Abraham get all reasonable again?

I think you missed 7. I could be wrong. I am usually drunk on Sundays lol.
I watch the show a day late, just watched it.
Damn...Beth is dead. Not what I was expecting.

I thought Carol was gonna get it the way everyone was talking about a main character getting clipped. I thought she was gonna go off when she woke up in the hospital and sacrifice herself for Beth or something.

I was honestly surprised that they opted to keep 'Everybody Hates Chris" Noah over Beth.

I guess they just figured that her character really didn't have anywhere else to go.

BTW, did I miss an episode? When did Abraham get all reasonable again?

I think you missed 7. I could be wrong. I am usually drunk on Sundays lol.

You're probably right. I'll have to go back and check my DVR.
I watch the show a day late, just watched it.
Damn...Beth is dead. Not what I was expecting.

I thought Carol was gonna get it the way everyone was talking about a main character getting clipped. I thought she was gonna go off when she woke up in the hospital and sacrifice herself for Beth or something.

I was honestly surprised that they opted to keep 'Everybody Hates Chris" Noah over Beth.

I guess they just figured that her character really didn't have anywhere else to go.

BTW, did I miss an episode? When did Abraham get all reasonable again?

I hate to sound mean, but I'm glad. :lol: After her ridiculous actions when she was with Daryl, talking him into getting drunk, etc., I kind of lost a little respect for Beth. I thought that was really stupid of her. Also, for some reason I found her voice to be quite annoying. Those high-pitched whiny voices are always grating on my nerves for some reason. :)
Me too. I never considered Beth a "main character". She was and is forgettable.

She lasted a pretty long time, and it was a pretty dramatic episode for sure. But yeah, I was thinking like a MAIN character. She hasn't had to many central plot roles overall. Her and Daryl in those one or two episodes, and the the episode where she tried to kill herself. Those are the only ones that really stand out to me. When Herschel got it, that one shocked me. Of course he was old and crippled, so it wasn't like he was going to make it too much longer anyway. But he was definitely a core character.

She's boring! :D
I watch the show a day late, just watched it.
Damn...Beth is dead. Not what I was expecting.

I thought Carol was gonna get it the way everyone was talking about a main character getting clipped. I thought she was gonna go off when she woke up in the hospital and sacrifice herself for Beth or something.

I was honestly surprised that they opted to keep 'Everybody Hates Chris" Noah over Beth.

I guess they just figured that her character really didn't have anywhere else to go.

BTW, did I miss an episode? When did Abraham get all reasonable again?

I hate to sound mean, but I'm glad. :lol: After her ridiculous actions when she was with Daryl, talking him into getting drunk, etc., I kind of lost a little respect for Beth. I thought that was really stupid of her. Also, for some reason I found her voice to be quite annoying. Those high-pitched whiny voices are always grating on my nerves for some reason. :)

Don't forget about the singing either!

Honestly, I just think that they didn't have anywhere interesting for her character to go. It looked like she might get involved with Daryl for a while there, but they apparently changed their mind on that halfway through.
I watch the show a day late, just watched it.
Damn...Beth is dead. Not what I was expecting.

I thought Carol was gonna get it the way everyone was talking about a main character getting clipped. I thought she was gonna go off when she woke up in the hospital and sacrifice herself for Beth or something.

I was honestly surprised that they opted to keep 'Everybody Hates Chris" Noah over Beth.

I guess they just figured that her character really didn't have anywhere else to go.

BTW, did I miss an episode? When did Abraham get all reasonable again?

I hate to sound mean, but I'm glad. :lol: After her ridiculous actions when she was with Daryl, talking him into getting drunk, etc., I kind of lost a little respect for Beth. I thought that was really stupid of her. Also, for some reason I found her voice to be quite annoying. Those high-pitched whiny voices are always grating on my nerves for some reason. :)

Don't forget about the singing either!

Honestly, I just think that they didn't have anywhere interesting for her character to go. It looked like she might get involved with Daryl for a while there, but they apparently changed their mind on that halfway through.

Daryl wasn't interested in that bimbo. Lol! He looked at her and saw a child, like a little sister. Daryl needs a woman, not a little girl. :wink_2:
I watch the show a day late, just watched it.
Damn...Beth is dead. Not what I was expecting.

I thought Carol was gonna get it the way everyone was talking about a main character getting clipped. I thought she was gonna go off when she woke up in the hospital and sacrifice herself for Beth or something.

I was honestly surprised that they opted to keep 'Everybody Hates Chris" Noah over Beth.

I guess they just figured that her character really didn't have anywhere else to go.

BTW, did I miss an episode? When did Abraham get all reasonable again?

I hate to sound mean, but I'm glad. :lol: After her ridiculous actions when she was with Daryl, talking him into getting drunk, etc., I kind of lost a little respect for Beth. I thought that was really stupid of her. Also, for some reason I found her voice to be quite annoying. Those high-pitched whiny voices are always grating on my nerves for some reason. :)

Don't forget about the singing either!

Honestly, I just think that they didn't have anywhere interesting for her character to go. It looked like she might get involved with Daryl for a while there, but they apparently changed their mind on that halfway through.

Daryl wasn't interested in that bimbo. Lol! He looked at her and saw a child, like a little sister. Daryl needs a woman, not a little girl. :wink_2:

Dunno. I'm pretty sure it's been a while for him either way.

And with alcohol involved...
I thought Carol was gonna get it the way everyone was talking about a main character getting clipped. I thought she was gonna go off when she woke up in the hospital and sacrifice herself for Beth or something.

I was honestly surprised that they opted to keep 'Everybody Hates Chris" Noah over Beth.

I guess they just figured that her character really didn't have anywhere else to go.

BTW, did I miss an episode? When did Abraham get all reasonable again?

I hate to sound mean, but I'm glad. :lol: After her ridiculous actions when she was with Daryl, talking him into getting drunk, etc., I kind of lost a little respect for Beth. I thought that was really stupid of her. Also, for some reason I found her voice to be quite annoying. Those high-pitched whiny voices are always grating on my nerves for some reason. :)

Don't forget about the singing either!

Honestly, I just think that they didn't have anywhere interesting for her character to go. It looked like she might get involved with Daryl for a while there, but they apparently changed their mind on that halfway through.

Daryl wasn't interested in that bimbo. Lol! He looked at her and saw a child, like a little sister. Daryl needs a woman, not a little girl. :wink_2:

Dunno. I'm pretty sure it's been a while for him either way.

And with alcohol involved...

Well sure, Beth is not unattractive. He might have said, what the hell? But I don't really think he is interested in Beth in that way. He seems MUCH more interested in Carol, but I think Carol is too old for him. I just don't see any sexual chemistry between them, and I DEMAND sexual chemistry in my couples. :lol:
I was honestly surprised that they opted to keep 'Everybody Hates Chris" Noah over Beth.

I guess they just figured that her character really didn't have anywhere else to go.

BTW, did I miss an episode? When did Abraham get all reasonable again?

I hate to sound mean, but I'm glad. :lol: After her ridiculous actions when she was with Daryl, talking him into getting drunk, etc., I kind of lost a little respect for Beth. I thought that was really stupid of her. Also, for some reason I found her voice to be quite annoying. Those high-pitched whiny voices are always grating on my nerves for some reason. :)

Don't forget about the singing either!

Honestly, I just think that they didn't have anywhere interesting for her character to go. It looked like she might get involved with Daryl for a while there, but they apparently changed their mind on that halfway through.

Daryl wasn't interested in that bimbo. Lol! He looked at her and saw a child, like a little sister. Daryl needs a woman, not a little girl. :wink_2:

Dunno. I'm pretty sure it's been a while for him either way.

And with alcohol involved...

Well sure, Beth is not unattractive. He might have said, what the hell? But I don't really think he is interested in Beth in that way. He seems MUCH more interested in Carol, but I think Carol is too old for him. I just don't see any sexual chemistry between them, and I DEMAND sexual chemistry in my couples. :lol:

Yea. They have hooked up in the past, I know that much. He also did seem really happy to get Carol back at the end of the latest episode.

Actually, come to think of it, Carol and Daryl are almost the same age (at least where the actors are concerned). He just looks a lot younger than he really is.

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