The wall won't work

Show me where he supports Trumps version of the wall... post a link. Don’t post a link to him supporting the same wall, fencing and border security that was funded under Obama, you know we are talking about something totally different

OK,dumb ass! You are saying that Trump doesn't support Trump's version? Try going back to school and actually graduate this time.
Haha you’re a funny guy... Before you call somebody a dumb ass you should be sure you know what the fuck you’re talking about. I was talking about the border chief that spoke out against Trumps wall. I wasn’t talking about Trump. I even included a link, that’s a neat little thing you can click on that will take you to a new webpage that contains more information to support my argument. Go back, read slowly this time

OBAMA's border chief? That is all you needed to say. Before January 20, 2017, nothing else matters. I would like to close the books on that 8 year nightmare this country endured.
Ok, here is one from the current union president reported by the right wing Blaze. Trumps border wall is not necessary. Walls are needed in strategic locations but top priority is more agents. Kelly already tried to walk back Trumps wall rhetoric and Trump contradicted him via Twitter. We all know whats going to happen. Trump and his puppets will walk back the rhetoric once sections get built and claim victory. The talking point will be that what was done was better than nothing and all the lies and hot air that yall are pumping right now will be minimized and covered up by the new narrative. You aren't fooling anybody.

Border Patrol union: US-Mexico border wall needed only in ‘strategic locations’

The union president says more agents are the top priority? Who would ever have thunk a union president would say more union brothers are more important? What a fucking gullible idiot.

The agents say the wall is necessary.
Notice how i'm providing links and you are providing hot air? Its easy to pick apart and contradict a link so I understand why you don't want to use them. Just doesn't give much weight behind your arguments.
How do you defeat a 30 foot wall?

With a 31 foot ladder

The border guard have trucks, and they can drive up to the guy with the ladder in a couple of minutes. They'll be waiting for him when he comes down the other side. How do you get around that little problem? Or do you just stupidly assume the government will build a $20 billion dollar will without having anyone guard it?
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OK,dumb ass! You are saying that Trump doesn't support Trump's version? Try going back to school and actually graduate this time.
Haha you’re a funny guy... Before you call somebody a dumb ass you should be sure you know what the fuck you’re talking about. I was talking about the border chief that spoke out against Trumps wall. I wasn’t talking about Trump. I even included a link, that’s a neat little thing you can click on that will take you to a new webpage that contains more information to support my argument. Go back, read slowly this time

OBAMA's border chief? That is all you needed to say. Before January 20, 2017, nothing else matters. I would like to close the books on that 8 year nightmare this country endured.
Ok, here is one from the current union president reported by the right wing Blaze. Trumps border wall is not necessary. Walls are needed in strategic locations but top priority is more agents. Kelly already tried to walk back Trumps wall rhetoric and Trump contradicted him via Twitter. We all know whats going to happen. Trump and his puppets will walk back the rhetoric once sections get built and claim victory. The talking point will be that what was done was better than nothing and all the lies and hot air that yall are pumping right now will be minimized and covered up by the new narrative. You aren't fooling anybody.

Border Patrol union: US-Mexico border wall needed only in ‘strategic locations’

The union president says more agents are the top priority? Who would ever have thunk a union president would say more union brothers are more important? What a fucking gullible idiot.

The agents say the wall is necessary.
Notice how i'm providing links and you are providing hot air? Its easy to pick apart and contradict a link so I understand why you don't want to use them. Just doesn't give much weight behind your arguments.

I've posted links on this subject numerous times already. I started a thread on this subject that has almost 800 replies, and there are numerous links posted there. I don't fell like doing it all over again just because some noob to the subject decides to take up the cudgel for open-borders.

Donald Trump’s Army on the Border
The border agents want the wall. Who cares what Dim governnors of border states want? They're a big part of the problem.
Well I posted a linknof a border chief saying otherwise, so until you back up your statements they are worth less than a fart.

That was the Obama appointed dead ender border chief. His job is specifically to do as little a possible to keep Democrats from crossing the border.
Why am I. It surprised that you responded that way. I can show examples of plenty more but why waste my time. You’re just going to respond the same way. You’re hopeless

There is no shortage of lying scumbags who don't want to build the wall. Their motives are all the same. They want more illegals to cross the border. They are Democrats or establishement RINO Republicans.
Not true... I don’t want to see people illegally crossing the border, not at all. I just don’t agree with Trumps approach to address the issue. I also didn’t agree with how Obama did it. There are smarter and better ways to tackle this problem

Bullshit. The only approaches you approve are the ones that don't work and that can be repealed by some Democrat scumbag at the stroke of a pen.
A wall is not necessary for border security, but it’s not going to hurt.

then feel free to pay for it yourself. normal people aren't really interested in hearing about deficits and what we can't afford to do if you're scamming money for trumps useless masturbatory fantasy.

Great. Then you and your snowflake friends can pay for welfare yourselves.
Haha you’re a funny guy... Before you call somebody a dumb ass you should be sure you know what the fuck you’re talking about. I was talking about the border chief that spoke out against Trumps wall. I wasn’t talking about Trump. I even included a link, that’s a neat little thing you can click on that will take you to a new webpage that contains more information to support my argument. Go back, read slowly this time

OBAMA's border chief? That is all you needed to say. Before January 20, 2017, nothing else matters. I would like to close the books on that 8 year nightmare this country endured.
Ok, here is one from the current union president reported by the right wing Blaze. Trumps border wall is not necessary. Walls are needed in strategic locations but top priority is more agents. Kelly already tried to walk back Trumps wall rhetoric and Trump contradicted him via Twitter. We all know whats going to happen. Trump and his puppets will walk back the rhetoric once sections get built and claim victory. The talking point will be that what was done was better than nothing and all the lies and hot air that yall are pumping right now will be minimized and covered up by the new narrative. You aren't fooling anybody.

Border Patrol union: US-Mexico border wall needed only in ‘strategic locations’

The union president says more agents are the top priority? Who would ever have thunk a union president would say more union brothers are more important? What a fucking gullible idiot.

The agents say the wall is necessary.
Notice how i'm providing links and you are providing hot air? Its easy to pick apart and contradict a link so I understand why you don't want to use them. Just doesn't give much weight behind your arguments.

I've posted links on this subject numerous times already. I started a thread on this subject that has almost 800 replies, and there are numerous links posted there. I don't fell like doing it all over again just because some noob to the subject decides to take up the cudgel for open-borders.

Donald Trump’s Army on the Border
Thank you for the links. I do find it quite funny that one post after you dog on my link because it was quoting a Union president you post a link to a Union group that endorsed Trump. Do you see the irony?
Schumer shutdown the government because he doesn't want to pay for a wall/fence, so that claim is obvious bullshit. The Dims also object to paying for more border agents. Technology is useless without a means of physically stopping illegal crossings. Talk is cheap. The Dims have objected to every measure designed to increase border security. Furthermore, all that stuff you mentioned can be repealed at the stroke of a pen. Another Dim president can even order immigration not to secure the border, just as Obummer did. The wall is a permanent barrier. That's why Dims oppose it.
Durbin and other democrats just proposed an immigration bill that gave 1.8 billion dollars for a wall and fencing along with 1.2 billion more for tech, agents and judges. Did you know that?

Why only $1.8 Billion? Ask yourself that question?
They want 18 billion over 10 years for the wall. (That’s twice as much as Trump said it would cost during the campaign, and oh yeah Mexico was supposed to pay for it) This CR would give 1.8 for the first year. You do the math. 1.8 x 10. Then maybe the republicans can do their job and pass a real budget to cover the rest and we can stop operating through resolutions

Who is holding up the budget, dumb ass! It is not Republicans!

Who is holding up the CR? It is not Republicans!

Who have Nasty Pelousy and Crying Chuckie leading this country's descent int hell? It is not Republicans!
It’s both sides. Durbin and Graham brought a bill to the table that got thrown in their face

Lying dirty Durbin brought nothing to the table.
Well I posted a linknof a border chief saying otherwise, so until you back up your statements they are worth less than a fart.

That was the Obama appointed dead ender border chief. His job is specifically to do as little a possible to keep Democrats from crossing the border.
Why am I. It surprised that you responded that way. I can show examples of plenty more but why waste my time. You’re just going to respond the same way. You’re hopeless

There is no shortage of lying scumbags who don't want to build the wall. Their motives are all the same. They want more illegals to cross the border. They are Democrats or establishement RINO Republicans.
Not true... I don’t want to see people illegally crossing the border, not at all. I just don’t agree with Trumps approach to address the issue. I also didn’t agree with how Obama did it. There are smarter and better ways to tackle this problem

Bullshit. The only approaches you approve are the ones that don't work and that can be repealed by some Democrat scumbag at the stroke of a pen.
You don't know what approaches I approve because you don't know how to listen. You assume, stereotype, and judge which results in you continuously misrepresenting my positions. Its why you can't be taken seriously.
Durbin and other democrats just proposed an immigration bill that gave 1.8 billion dollars for a wall and fencing along with 1.2 billion more for tech, agents and judges. Did you know that?

Why only $1.8 Billion? Ask yourself that question?
They want 18 billion over 10 years for the wall. (That’s twice as much as Trump said it would cost during the campaign, and oh yeah Mexico was supposed to pay for it) This CR would give 1.8 for the first year. You do the math. 1.8 x 10. Then maybe the republicans can do their job and pass a real budget to cover the rest and we can stop operating through resolutions

Who is holding up the budget, dumb ass! It is not Republicans!

Who is holding up the CR? It is not Republicans!

Who have Nasty Pelousy and Crying Chuckie leading this country's descent int hell? It is not Republicans!
It’s both sides. Durbin and Graham brought a bill to the table that got thrown in their face

Lying dirty Durbin brought nothing to the table.
Not true. 3 dems and 3 reps including Durbin and Graham brought an actual bill that they had been working on for months to the table. You know an actual plan, not just hot air, crazy concept I know... Can you get anything right?
How do you defeat a 30 foot wall?

With a 31 foot ladder
how do you carry it?
How do you get it to the other side or do you plan to jump?
You drive it in, trucks on both sides, two ladders, two trucks.... Ever heard of Coyotes? They are in the business of smuggling people and drugs across the border. This debate is getting old. If border authorities deem a wall necessary then build a wall. I haven't heard one person say they need a 2000 mile wall across the border, in fact i've hear the opposite. If they want sensors, drones, agents, tech then we should listen to their proposals. Their proposals should be taken seriously and then funded in a responsible way. Im sure our local police would love updated tech but we don't have unlimited funds so I emphasis the term "fiscal responsibility".

Of course a wall is more effective than nothing at all. The critiques are both with the necessity and expense of building the type of wall Trump has been hyping, and also the divisive perception that his rhetoric has produced across our nation and around the world
How many millions are going to immigrate that way?
If your boat has a hole in it you don't stop bailing just because more will come in anyhow. You do what you can with what you got.
Durbin and other democrats just proposed an immigration bill that gave 1.8 billion dollars for a wall and fencing along with 1.2 billion more for tech, agents and judges. Did you know that?

Why only $1.8 Billion? Ask yourself that question?
They want 18 billion over 10 years for the wall. (That’s twice as much as Trump said it would cost during the campaign, and oh yeah Mexico was supposed to pay for it) This CR would give 1.8 for the first year. You do the math. 1.8 x 10. Then maybe the republicans can do their job and pass a real budget to cover the rest and we can stop operating through resolutions

Who is holding up the budget, dumb ass! It is not Republicans!

Who is holding up the CR? It is not Republicans!

Who have Nasty Pelousy and Crying Chuckie leading this country's descent int hell? It is not Republicans!
It’s both sides. Durbin and Graham brought a bill to the table that got thrown in their face

Lying dirty Durbin brought nothing to the table.
BTW. "Lying" is Ted Cruzes nick name... Did you forget?

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Drugs get popped over in bags dimwit, not kids. And tunnels have been built and used for a long time now, undetected. Which is why using tech is a smarter idea to invest in over an archaic wall. Like I said, Wall makes sense in some areas but not all

You think tht forcing them to dig tunnels means we shouldn't build the wall? Idiotic. Any tech can be used in conjunction with the wall. It's not an either/or proposition. How would we even know about tunnels if they hadn't been detected? The ones they have found are used to smuggle drugs, not people. They take months to build and they only have to be found once.
Again I’ll ask, why not go shoulder to shoulder with armed guards? If you really cared about the border then you be supporting that. Since you are not I guess we can assume you are an open borders nut
Why go shoulder to shoulder when you have this kind of firepower to stop an invasion?

There ya go. Let’s line the border with tanks and apaches. Problem solved! *burp fart chug a beer

Actually one Apache can cover a couple hundred miles of border. Satellite can tell it when to be where to kill any possible trespassers.

A Democrat can defund the apache with the stroke of a pen.
How do you defeat a 30 foot wall?

With a 31 foot ladder
how do you carry it?
How do you get it to the other side or do you plan to jump?
You drive it in, trucks on both sides, two ladders, two trucks.... Ever heard of Coyotes? They are in the business of smuggling people and drugs across the border. This debate is getting old. If border authorities deem a wall necessary then build a wall. I haven't heard one person say they need a 2000 mile wall across the border, in fact i've hear the opposite. If they want sensors, drones, agents, tech then we should listen to their proposals. Their proposals should be taken seriously and then funded in a responsible way. Im sure our local police would love updated tech but we don't have unlimited funds so I emphasis the term "fiscal responsibility".

Of course a wall is more effective than nothing at all. The critiques are both with the necessity and expense of building the type of wall Trump has been hyping, and also the divisive perception that his rhetoric has produced across our nation and around the world
How many millions are going to immigrate that way?
If your boat has a hole in it you don't stop bailing just because more will come in anyhow. You do what you can with what you got.
Hopefully less and less as we apply better walls and fencing in necessary areas, agents where needed, beef up our monitoring technology, and address the primary source of illegal immigration VISA OVERSTAYS! How are the VO's left out of this discussion? Unbelievable.
For all the Trump "Dreamers" who think a wall will do one damn thing....

Guess what this is:

Yeah, it pretty much does. The wall is far from idiotic. it's the most cost effective way to control the border. That's what all the empirical evidence shows. The Republicans who opposed the wall were all open-borders establishment RINO douchebags. Those kind are changing their ways or being purged from the party.

The all oppose doing anything to control the border. Just look at the shutdown debate: The Dims have made it clear they oppose the wall, stopping chain migration, end the visa lottery, or going to a merit based system. How can any of these douche bags legitimately claim they support controling illegal immigration?
Easy... they fund border security for agents, fencing, and technology, like they have done. Chain migration and lottery don’t have anything to do with illegal immigration so I don’t know why you’re bringing those into he conversation

Schumer shutdown the government because he doesn't want to pay for a wall/fence, so that claim is obvious bullshit. The Dims also object to paying for more border agents. Technology is useless without a means of physically stopping illegal crossings. Talk is cheap. The Dims have objected to every measure designed to increase border security. Furthermore, all that stuff you mentioned can be repealed at the stroke of a pen. Another Dim president can even order immigration not to secure the border, just as Obummer did. The wall is a permanent barrier. That's why Dims oppose it.
Durbin and other democrats just proposed an immigration bill that gave 1.8 billion dollars for a wall and fencing along with 1.2 billion more for tech, agents and judges. Did you know that?

Why only $1.8 Billion? Ask yourself that question?
They want 18 billion over 10 years for the wall. (That’s twice as much as Trump said it would cost during the campaign, and oh yeah Mexico was supposed to pay for it) This CR would give 1.8 for the first year. You do the math. 1.8 x 10. Then maybe the republicans can do their job and pass a real budget to cover the rest and we can stop operating through resolutions

When did Trump say the wall would cost $10 billion?
For all the Trump "Dreamers" who think a wall will do one damn thing....

Guess what this is:


So, you seriously don't believe that anyone would have a clue that someone was building such an extensive tunnel in the middle of BFE? What are they going to do with the rocks and dirt they hauled out?

Watch a WWII prison camp movie like Stalag 17 or Hart's War.
Easy... they fund border security for agents, fencing, and technology, like they have done. Chain migration and lottery don’t have anything to do with illegal immigration so I don’t know why you’re bringing those into he conversation

Schumer shutdown the government because he doesn't want to pay for a wall/fence, so that claim is obvious bullshit. The Dims also object to paying for more border agents. Technology is useless without a means of physically stopping illegal crossings. Talk is cheap. The Dims have objected to every measure designed to increase border security. Furthermore, all that stuff you mentioned can be repealed at the stroke of a pen. Another Dim president can even order immigration not to secure the border, just as Obummer did. The wall is a permanent barrier. That's why Dims oppose it.
Durbin and other democrats just proposed an immigration bill that gave 1.8 billion dollars for a wall and fencing along with 1.2 billion more for tech, agents and judges. Did you know that?

Why only $1.8 Billion? Ask yourself that question?
They want 18 billion over 10 years for the wall. (That’s twice as much as Trump said it would cost during the campaign, and oh yeah Mexico was supposed to pay for it) This CR would give 1.8 for the first year. You do the math. 1.8 x 10. Then maybe the republicans can do their job and pass a real budget to cover the rest and we can stop operating through resolutions

When did Trump say the wall would cost $10 billion?
Sorry my bad. He said 8 Billion not 10... I think later in the campaign he changed it to 8 - 12 billion if I remember correctly. And lets not forget MEXICO is paying for it. So I don't even know why we are fighting for tax payer funding!! This is such a joke!

Trump puts a price tag on his wall: 8 billion
For all the Trump "Dreamers" who think a wall will do one damn thing....

Guess what this is:


So, you seriously don't believe that anyone would have a clue that someone was building such an extensive tunnel in the middle of BFE? What are they going to do with the rocks and dirt they hauled out?

Watch a WWII prison camp movie like Stalag 17 or Hart's War.

Existing walls were built in populated areas because the entrance and exit can be inside a building and all the activity can be hidden. That can't happen in the middle of the dessert. Yet, the open-borders traitors claim that the only logical place to build a wall is in the middle of cities on the border.
This is a chosen fight. Trump knows that a lack of disbursements to the Blue wall states will speed up the state default daisy chain. During shutdowns those disbursements are not made. Any bill changing that rule will get vetoed.

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