The wall won't work

Where in the world has a wall not worked?

Ever hear of the Maginot line. Probably the greatest failure ever.

You have no clue about the Maginot line, dumbass!

You are the greatest failure ever!

So the line worked then, most have it all wrong.

There is a difference in fixed fortifications and a wall. In WWII. the Germans went around just as the French envisioned. it worked!

So, how are the illegals going to go around a wall that reaches from the beach in San Diego to the beach on the north side of the Rio Grande on the Gulf of Mexico?
Where in the world has a wall not worked?

Ever hear of the Maginot line. Probably the greatest failure ever.

Illegals aren't equipped with tanks and artillary, moron.

Thought those big, bad drug cartels eere though maroon!

Try that gain in English please!

We might GAIN less cartels? Is that what you believe?

What does "eere though maroon" mean, dumb ass?
I love it when I see this crap. You all know it will work and very effectively

Border Wall Models Thwart US Commandos In Tests

Recent assaults by tactical teams on prototypes of President Donald Trump’s proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the rigorous assessment told The Associated Press

The highly trained testers scaled 16 to 20 feet (4.9 to 6.1 meters) unassisted but needed help after that, said the official who described the assaults on the wall prototypes to the AP. Testers also expressed safety concerns about getting down from 30 feet

That fall is a doozey...and they need help to scale to 30 feet as special's gonna work and that's why people don't like it.
You think a climb test proves anything? There are ladders and tunnels for human crosses and the good ol catapult for tossing bags of drugs over the wall. The wall is fine for highly populated areas but a waste to go coast to coast. We all know it.

How are they going to dig tunnels under solid rock?

How do climb something that special forces couldn't do?

You don't think we will be able to see people with catapults? Ever tried dragging one through mile and miles of desert?

Catch a clue!
There isn’t thousands of miles of solid rock along our southern border. You climb up a ladder. You can easily but a bag launcher in the back of a truck. It’s not that hard to think up ways around security measures.

Why aren’t you calling for shoulder to shoulder 24/7 armed guards that span our border? That would guarantee that nobody would make it through. Since you’re not calling for that perhaps it’s appropriate for me to call you One of those open border people.

Have you ever looked at the geography along out southern border? Transporting mining equipment s not going to get noticed? We have these new fangled things called cameras, satellites, drones and helicopters that can take care of watching.

You don't think a truck would be noticed?

You obviously did not read the thread. They tried climbing the wall. Special Forces couldn't do it but Jose and Consuela Illegal are going to have no problem. They just pop the three kids in backpacks and shoot them over the wall with a catapult! Yeah, that's the ticket!
Drugs get popped over in bags dimwit, not kids. And tunnels have been built and used for a long time now, undetected. Which is why using tech is a smarter idea to invest in over an archaic wall. Like I said, Wall makes sense in some areas but not all

How are you going to do that? Anyone seen near the wall for more than a few minutes can be intercepted.

Those tunnels were under walls made out of sheet metal!

You try building a tunnel in the middle of BFE to try to smuggle anything and it will be so costly to make it impossible to do.
it's the drop on the way down, and the wall slows crossing, they cant use vehicles, they have to go over it and drop's effective......I'm not looking for zero percent...I'm looking for 50% drop rate as well as taking it longer and making it harder to cross......which it will
I have more trust in the pros that live and work on the border, over a blow hard trying to win an election. Though I’ve seen some some border agents come out in support of the wall, I’ve heard many more come out as critics of it. Same goes for governers of border states.
Retiring Border Chief Calls Trump's Wall a Waste of Time, Money

Fake news.
You’re an idiot. Explain why it’s fake news or STFU with those ignorant outbursts. You sound like a child.

He has been on record numerous time supporting the wall, yet now he changes his mind? Fake news.
Show me where he supports Trumps version of the wall... post a link. Don’t post a link to him supporting the same wall, fencing and border security that was funded under Obama, you know we are talking about something totally different

OK,dumb ass! You are saying that Trump doesn't support Trump's version? Try going back to school and actually graduate this time.
The racist Democrat Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill “Democrats must fight against the U.S.-Mexico border wall”

Gutierrez: Dems Must Fight Back Against 'Immoral' Border Wall

All countries have borders and the right to control immigration.
There is nothing racist or intolerant about controlling immigration
The Corrupt Democratic Party is on a mission to make Anglo voters the minority ASAP.
It's the Democrats who are the racist assholes.
Just because somebody is against Trumps idiotic wall doesn’t mean they are against controlling immigration. Most of the republicans were against Trumps wall during the campaign because it was bloated hyperbole, wasteful and unnecessary.

Yeah, it pretty much does. The wall is far from idiotic. it's the most cost effective way to control the border. That's what all the empirical evidence shows. The Republicans who opposed the wall were all open-borders establishment RINO douchebags. Those kind are changing their ways or being purged from the party.

So I’ll ask again, name a democratic representative that Shows support of illegal immigration and back it up with a link. Please try and display some intellect, you know what I’m asking for so address the topic and don’t make yourself look dumb by throwing out another diversionary link like your last response

The all oppose doing anything to control the border. Just look at the shutdown debate: The Dims have made it clear they oppose the wall, stopping chain migration, end the visa lottery, or going to a merit based system. How can any of these douche bags legitimately claim they support controling illegal immigration?
Easy... they fund border security for agents, fencing, and technology, like they have done. Chain migration and lottery don’t have anything to do with illegal immigration so I don’t know why you’re bringing those into he conversation

Schumer shutdown the government because he doesn't want to pay for a wall/fence, so that claim is obvious bullshit. The Dims also object to paying for more border agents. Technology is useless without a means of physically stopping illegal crossings. Talk is cheap. The Dims have objected to every measure designed to increase border security. Furthermore, all that stuff you mentioned can be repealed at the stroke of a pen. Another Dim president can even order immigration not to secure the border, just as Obummer did. The wall is a permanent barrier. That's why Dims oppose it.
Durbin and other democrats just proposed an immigration bill that gave 1.8 billion dollars for a wall and fencing along with 1.2 billion more for tech, agents and judges. Did you know that?

Why only $1.8 Billion? Ask yourself that question?
Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we just bring our troops home from that Middle East shithole and station them on the border with all kinds of cool tech toys 'n stuff?

We're gonna be paying them anyway. And they can sleep in America every night and see their families regularly and not be in a shithole and be dying 'n stuff.

Hey look, here's about 30,000 or so we could station on the border with cool tech.

Would 30,000 not be enough?

The active military doesn't do law enforcement, but you already know that.

How many of those troops are clerks mechanics, supply, and cooks?
They can do all those same tasks on safe American soil. The rest can do what they do, patrol, observe, report.

We're willing to have them blown into pieces by an IED in Afghanistan. We're willing to have them see their friends' intestines hanging outside of their bodies after an attack. We're willing to have them come home with permanent PTSD and other mental and psychological issues. For nothing.

Hanging out on the border to protect the homeland in another way would be an excellent alternative gig.

I say again, for the dumb ass in you! It's illegal!
There isn’t thousands of miles of solid rock along our southern border. You climb up a ladder. You can easily but a bag launcher in the back of a truck. It’s not that hard to think up ways around security measures.

Why aren’t you calling for shoulder to shoulder 24/7 armed guards that span our border? That would guarantee that nobody would make it through. Since you’re not calling for that perhaps it’s appropriate for me to call you One of those open border people.

Have you ever looked at the geography along out southern border? Transporting mining equipment s not going to get noticed? We have these new fangled things called cameras, satellites, drones and helicopters that can take care of watching.

You don't think a truck would be noticed?

You obviously did not read the thread. They tried climbing the wall. Special Forces couldn't do it but Jose and Consuela Illegal are going to have no problem. They just pop the three kids in backpacks and shoot them over the wall with a catapult! Yeah, that's the ticket!
Drugs get popped over in bags dimwit, not kids. And tunnels have been built and used for a long time now, undetected. Which is why using tech is a smarter idea to invest in over an archaic wall. Like I said, Wall makes sense in some areas but not all

You think tht forcing them to dig tunnels means we shouldn't build the wall? Idiotic. Any tech can be used in conjunction with the wall. It's not an either/or proposition. How would we even know about tunnels if they hadn't been detected? The ones they have found are used to smuggle drugs, not people. They take months to build and they only have to be found once.
Again I’ll ask, why not go shoulder to shoulder with armed guards? If you really cared about the border then you be supporting that. Since you are not I guess we can assume you are an open borders nut

Don't be an imbecile. We don't need a border gaurd every 2 1/2 feet. We do need the wall. You don't want the wall because you want the illegals to keep pouring in. You aren't fooling anyone.
Wait back up... a wall can be breached. An armed guard is going to see, fight, report everything that crosses. So without a doubt armed guards would be more effective. So it apparent that if you are not supporting that then you are weak on the border... part of that open border crowd

You can call me an imbecile but all I’m doing is using your exact same argument against you.
You think a climb test proves anything? There are ladders and tunnels for human crosses and the good ol catapult for tossing bags of drugs over the wall. The wall is fine for highly populated areas but a waste to go coast to coast. We all know it.
it's the drop on the way down, and the wall slows crossing, they cant use vehicles, they have to go over it and drop's effective......I'm not looking for zero percent...I'm looking for 50% drop rate as well as taking it longer and making it harder to cross......which it will
I have more trust in the pros that live and work on the border, over a blow hard trying to win an election. Though I’ve seen some border agents come out in support of the wall, I’ve heard many more come out as critics of it. Same goes for governers of border states.
Retiring Border Chief Calls Trump's Wall a Waste of Time, Money

The border agents want the wall. Who cares what Dim governnors of border states want? They're a big part of the problem.
Well I posted a linknof a border chief saying otherwise, so until you back up your statements they are worth less than a fart.

That was the Obama appointed dead ender border chief. His job is specifically to do as little a possible to keep Democrats from crossing the border.
Why am I. It surprised that you responded that way. I can show examples of plenty more but why waste my time. You’re just going to respond the same way. You’re hopeless
There isn’t thousands of miles of solid rock along our southern border. You climb up a ladder. You can easily but a bag launcher in the back of a truck. It’s not that hard to think up ways around security measures.

Why aren’t you calling for shoulder to shoulder 24/7 armed guards that span our border? That would guarantee that nobody would make it through. Since you’re not calling for that perhaps it’s appropriate for me to call you One of those open border people.

Have you ever looked at the geography along out southern border? Transporting mining equipment s not going to get noticed? We have these new fangled things called cameras, satellites, drones and helicopters that can take care of watching.

You don't think a truck would be noticed?

You obviously did not read the thread. They tried climbing the wall. Special Forces couldn't do it but Jose and Consuela Illegal are going to have no problem. They just pop the three kids in backpacks and shoot them over the wall with a catapult! Yeah, that's the ticket!
Drugs get popped over in bags dimwit, not kids. And tunnels have been built and used for a long time now, undetected. Which is why using tech is a smarter idea to invest in over an archaic wall. Like I said, Wall makes sense in some areas but not all

You think tht forcing them to dig tunnels means we shouldn't build the wall? Idiotic. Any tech can be used in conjunction with the wall. It's not an either/or proposition. How would we even know about tunnels if they hadn't been detected? The ones they have found are used to smuggle drugs, not people. They take months to build and they only have to be found once.
Again I’ll ask, why not go shoulder to shoulder with armed guards? If you really cared about the border then you be supporting that. Since you are not I guess we can assume you are an open borders nut
Why go shoulder to shoulder when you have this kind of firepower to stop an invasion?

There ya go. Let’s line the border with tanks and apaches. Problem solved! *burp fart chug a beer
"Highly trained testers"? How many commandos are there among the rag-tag border crossers? If the wall stops 98% of illegal entries into the U.S. electronic surveillance will capture the rest. It's beyond belief that the angry and crazy left would rather throw up their hands and whine and surrender to illegal aliens rather than doing something about it
Have you ever looked at the geography along out southern border? Transporting mining equipment s not going to get noticed? We have these new fangled things called cameras, satellites, drones and helicopters that can take care of watching.

You don't think a truck would be noticed?

You obviously did not read the thread. They tried climbing the wall. Special Forces couldn't do it but Jose and Consuela Illegal are going to have no problem. They just pop the three kids in backpacks and shoot them over the wall with a catapult! Yeah, that's the ticket!
Drugs get popped over in bags dimwit, not kids. And tunnels have been built and used for a long time now, undetected. Which is why using tech is a smarter idea to invest in over an archaic wall. Like I said, Wall makes sense in some areas but not all

You think tht forcing them to dig tunnels means we shouldn't build the wall? Idiotic. Any tech can be used in conjunction with the wall. It's not an either/or proposition. How would we even know about tunnels if they hadn't been detected? The ones they have found are used to smuggle drugs, not people. They take months to build and they only have to be found once.
Again I’ll ask, why not go shoulder to shoulder with armed guards? If you really cared about the border then you be supporting that. Since you are not I guess we can assume you are an open borders nut
Why go shoulder to shoulder when you have this kind of firepower to stop an invasion?

There ya go. Let’s line the border with tanks and apaches. Problem solved! *burp fart chug a beer

Actually one Apache can cover a couple hundred miles of border. Satellite can tell it when to be where to kill any possible trespassers.
I have more trust in the pros that live and work on the border, over a blow hard trying to win an election. Though I’ve seen some some border agents come out in support of the wall, I’ve heard many more come out as critics of it. Same goes for governers of border states.
Retiring Border Chief Calls Trump's Wall a Waste of Time, Money

Fake news.
You’re an idiot. Explain why it’s fake news or STFU with those ignorant outbursts. You sound like a child.

He has been on record numerous time supporting the wall, yet now he changes his mind? Fake news.
Show me where he supports Trumps version of the wall... post a link. Don’t post a link to him supporting the same wall, fencing and border security that was funded under Obama, you know we are talking about something totally different

OK,dumb ass! You are saying that Trump doesn't support Trump's version? Try going back to school and actually graduate this time.
Haha you’re a funny guy... Before you call somebody a dumb ass you should be sure you know what the fuck you’re talking about. I was talking about the border chief that spoke out against Trumps wall. I wasn’t talking about Trump. I even included a link, that’s a neat little thing you can click on that will take you to a new webpage that contains more information to support my argument. Go back, read slowly this time
Just because somebody is against Trumps idiotic wall doesn’t mean they are against controlling immigration. Most of the republicans were against Trumps wall during the campaign because it was bloated hyperbole, wasteful and unnecessary.

Yeah, it pretty much does. The wall is far from idiotic. it's the most cost effective way to control the border. That's what all the empirical evidence shows. The Republicans who opposed the wall were all open-borders establishment RINO douchebags. Those kind are changing their ways or being purged from the party.

So I’ll ask again, name a democratic representative that Shows support of illegal immigration and back it up with a link. Please try and display some intellect, you know what I’m asking for so address the topic and don’t make yourself look dumb by throwing out another diversionary link like your last response

The all oppose doing anything to control the border. Just look at the shutdown debate: The Dims have made it clear they oppose the wall, stopping chain migration, end the visa lottery, or going to a merit based system. How can any of these douche bags legitimately claim they support controling illegal immigration?
Easy... they fund border security for agents, fencing, and technology, like they have done. Chain migration and lottery don’t have anything to do with illegal immigration so I don’t know why you’re bringing those into he conversation

Schumer shutdown the government because he doesn't want to pay for a wall/fence, so that claim is obvious bullshit. The Dims also object to paying for more border agents. Technology is useless without a means of physically stopping illegal crossings. Talk is cheap. The Dims have objected to every measure designed to increase border security. Furthermore, all that stuff you mentioned can be repealed at the stroke of a pen. Another Dim president can even order immigration not to secure the border, just as Obummer did. The wall is a permanent barrier. That's why Dims oppose it.
Durbin and other democrats just proposed an immigration bill that gave 1.8 billion dollars for a wall and fencing along with 1.2 billion more for tech, agents and judges. Did you know that?

Why only $1.8 Billion? Ask yourself that question?
They want 18 billion over 10 years for the wall. (That’s twice as much as Trump said it would cost during the campaign, and oh yeah Mexico was supposed to pay for it) This CR would give 1.8 for the first year. You do the math. 1.8 x 10. Then maybe the republicans can do their job and pass a real budget to cover the rest and we can stop operating through resolutions
The question is not whether the wall will work but rather can blue states get a bailout when the exodus from the Blue states forces budget cuts at the state level and federal investigations of corruption?
Drugs get popped over in bags dimwit, not kids. And tunnels have been built and used for a long time now, undetected. Which is why using tech is a smarter idea to invest in over an archaic wall. Like I said, Wall makes sense in some areas but not all

You think tht forcing them to dig tunnels means we shouldn't build the wall? Idiotic. Any tech can be used in conjunction with the wall. It's not an either/or proposition. How would we even know about tunnels if they hadn't been detected? The ones they have found are used to smuggle drugs, not people. They take months to build and they only have to be found once.
Again I’ll ask, why not go shoulder to shoulder with armed guards? If you really cared about the border then you be supporting that. Since you are not I guess we can assume you are an open borders nut
Why go shoulder to shoulder when you have this kind of firepower to stop an invasion?

There ya go. Let’s line the border with tanks and apaches. Problem solved! *burp fart chug a beer

Actually one Apache can cover a couple hundred miles of border. Satellite can tell it when to be where to kill any possible trespassers.

Wow, sounds like tech might be more effective than a wall. Think drones would work just fine. We aren’t in the Stone Age anymore
I love it when I see this crap. You all know it will work and very effectively

Border Wall Models Thwart US Commandos In Tests

Recent assaults by tactical teams on prototypes of President Donald Trump’s proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the rigorous assessment told The Associated Press

The highly trained testers scaled 16 to 20 feet (4.9 to 6.1 meters) unassisted but needed help after that, said the official who described the assaults on the wall prototypes to the AP. Testers also expressed safety concerns about getting down from 30 feet

That fall is a doozey...and they need help to scale to 30 feet as special's gonna work and that's why people don't like it.
We are spending too much on something that is not very important, since the right wing believes we can lower taxes.
As long as the government is in shutdown the states cannot get federal disbursements and with CA & IL edging towards default this is a good thing. Hopefully Ryan will sock it to the Dems.
Fake news.
You’re an idiot. Explain why it’s fake news or STFU with those ignorant outbursts. You sound like a child.

He has been on record numerous time supporting the wall, yet now he changes his mind? Fake news.
Show me where he supports Trumps version of the wall... post a link. Don’t post a link to him supporting the same wall, fencing and border security that was funded under Obama, you know we are talking about something totally different

OK,dumb ass! You are saying that Trump doesn't support Trump's version? Try going back to school and actually graduate this time.
Haha you’re a funny guy... Before you call somebody a dumb ass you should be sure you know what the fuck you’re talking about. I was talking about the border chief that spoke out against Trumps wall. I wasn’t talking about Trump. I even included a link, that’s a neat little thing you can click on that will take you to a new webpage that contains more information to support my argument. Go back, read slowly this time

OBAMA's border chief? That is all you needed to say. Before January 20, 2017, nothing else matters. I would like to close the books on that 8 year nightmare this country endured.

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