The wall won't work

Sorry my bad. He said 8 Billion not 10... I think later in the campaign he changed it to 8 - 12 billion if I remember correctly. And lets not forget MEXICO is paying for it. So I don't even know why we are fighting for tax payer funding!! This is such a joke!

Trump puts a price tag on his wall: 8 billion

So what? Cost estimates change. Do you know what the original cost estimate of Medicare was? Do you know what Obama predicted for the increase in insurance premiums under Obamacare?
Just pointing out how much of a blowhard Trump is. He talks out of his ass to rally his puppets. Why isn't Mexico paying for the wall like the chant goes? It would save us from all this budget stuff.

Also, yall crucified Obama for lying about Obama care and for the expenses. So now thats out the door when Trump breaks his promises and misses the budgetary marks? ok

What chant? "Build the wall" doesn't say anything about Mexico.

I think we should tax the money sent to Mexico at about 25%. That would pay for a few cubic yards of concrete.
What chant? Where have you been?? You keep calling me stupid yet you keep making these completely uninformed and ignorant statements. Its quite entertaining.

That's not a chant, dumb ass! I guess you went to school stupid and came out the same way!

Also, look at the NYSE on the bottom of that video! It was how much then? It is over 26,000 now?

You continue to make dumbass statements while trying to call me a dumbass. And they are so easily proven. Haha. Here read slowly:

The definition of chant.
  1. 1.
    a repeated rhythmic phrase, typically one shouted or sung in unison by a crowd.
The proof of a Mexico will pay for it CHANT:
Jump to 33 seconds

Proof you're a dumbass. Case closed
Existing walls were built in populated areas because the entrance and exit can be inside a building and all the activity can be hidden. That can't happen in the middle of the dessert. Yet, the open-borders traitors claim that the only logical place to build a wall is in the middle of cities on the border.
Thats actually what border agents say... not the open border crowd

No. That is what the open borders crowd says also. Border agents want a wall.

Why are you so intentionally stupid?
Provide some links

I don't work for you to prove you are an idiot. You do just fine all on your own. Google is your friend.

You made the claim. You back it up!
i've been backing up my statements. Notice the links and videos I've been posting? Notice none from you, only ignorant empty statements and petty insults. What a joke

Yes, and you lie about the content of the links. We proved that also!

Why don't you just take a sledgehammer to your cell phone, laptop, I-pad or computer and stop the madness?
You drive it in, trucks on both sides, two ladders, two trucks.... Ever heard of Coyotes? They are in the business of smuggling people and drugs across the border. This debate is getting old. If border authorities deem a wall necessary then build a wall. I haven't heard one person say they need a 2000 mile wall across the border, in fact i've hear the opposite. If they want sensors, drones, agents, tech then we should listen to their proposals. Their proposals should be taken seriously and then funded in a responsible way. Im sure our local police would love updated tech but we don't have unlimited funds so I emphasis the term "fiscal responsibility".

Of course a wall is more effective than nothing at all. The critiques are both with the necessity and expense of building the type of wall Trump has been hyping, and also the divisive perception that his rhetoric has produced across our nation and around the world
How many millions are going to immigrate that way?
If your boat has a hole in it you don't stop bailing just because more will come in anyhow. You do what you can with what you got.
Hopefully less and less as we apply better walls and fencing in necessary areas, agents where needed, beef up our monitoring technology, and address the primary source of illegal immigration VISA OVERSTAYS! How are the VO's left out of this discussion? Unbelievable.

You don't want to apply walls or fencing.

The wall is always cheaper than border agents. You don't have to pay the wall a salary, and it makes it possible for the same number of agents to gaurd a much longer section of the border.
Thats fine. I don't work the border I don't know what they need. But from what i've heard from people who do work the border they don't need a 2000 mile wall. My objections aren't to border security, i'm fine with that. Its in the divisive rhetoric and overblown rhetoric that Trump has been pumping around this issue.

So YOU have talked to the border patrol?

Who, where and when?

Your posts are full of bullshit!
I've heard interviews. No I haven't spoken to any of them
Thats actually what border agents say... not the open border crowd

No. That is what the open borders crowd says also. Border agents want a wall.

Why are you so intentionally stupid?
Provide some links

I don't work for you to prove you are an idiot. You do just fine all on your own. Google is your friend.

You made the claim. You back it up!
i've been backing up my statements. Notice the links and videos I've been posting? Notice none from you, only ignorant empty statements and petty insults. What a joke

Yes, and you lie about the content of the links. We proved that also!

Why don't you just take a sledgehammer to your cell phone, laptop, I-pad or computer and stop the madness?
I haven't lied once and you've proven nothing. Quite the opposite that i've repeatedly proved several of your posts incorrect. You are embarrassing yourself. Go take a nap or something
Sorry my bad. He said 8 Billion not 10... I think later in the campaign he changed it to 8 - 12 billion if I remember correctly. And lets not forget MEXICO is paying for it. So I don't even know why we are fighting for tax payer funding!! This is such a joke!

Trump puts a price tag on his wall: 8 billion

So what? Cost estimates change. Do you know what the original cost estimate of Medicare was? Do you know what Obama predicted for the increase in insurance premiums under Obamacare?
Just pointing out how much of a blowhard Trump is. He talks out of his ass to rally his puppets. Why isn't Mexico paying for the wall like the chant goes? It would save us from all this budget stuff.

Also, yall crucified Obama for lying about Obama care and for the expenses. So now thats out the door when Trump breaks his promises and misses the budgetary marks? ok

What chant? "Build the wall" doesn't say anything about Mexico.

I think we should tax the money sent to Mexico at about 25%. That would pay for a few cubic yards of concrete.
What chant? Where have you been?? You keep calling me stupid yet you keep making these completely uninformed and ignorant statements. Its quite entertaining.

That's not a chant, dumb ass! I guess you went to school stupid and came out the same way!

Also, look at the NYSE on the bottom of that video! It was 10,455 at that time.

It is over 26,000 now.

Man, it sucks to be a liberal! So much whining and crying to do after you get your asses kicked day after day after day!

The dow had a great year in 2017. Grew over 25%. Lets see if Trump can beat Obamas 2013 when it grew 26%. That 1% has got to be killing him!
So what? Cost estimates change. Do you know what the original cost estimate of Medicare was? Do you know what Obama predicted for the increase in insurance premiums under Obamacare?
Just pointing out how much of a blowhard Trump is. He talks out of his ass to rally his puppets. Why isn't Mexico paying for the wall like the chant goes? It would save us from all this budget stuff.

Also, yall crucified Obama for lying about Obama care and for the expenses. So now thats out the door when Trump breaks his promises and misses the budgetary marks? ok

What chant? "Build the wall" doesn't say anything about Mexico.

I think we should tax the money sent to Mexico at about 25%. That would pay for a few cubic yards of concrete.
What chant? Where have you been?? You keep calling me stupid yet you keep making these completely uninformed and ignorant statements. Its quite entertaining.

That's not a chant, dumb ass! I guess you went to school stupid and came out the same way!

Also, look at the NYSE on the bottom of that video! It was how much then? It is over 26,000 now?

You continue to make dumbass statements while trying to call me a dumbass. And they are so easily proven. Haha. Here read slowly:

The definition of chant.
  1. 1.
    a repeated rhythmic phrase, typically one shouted or sung in unison by a crowd.
The proof of a Mexico will pay for it CHANT:
Jump to 33 seconds

Proof you're a dumbass. Case closed

He asked a question! The crowd shouted it out! Learn to read you ignorant POS liberal! That is not a chant because it doesn't meet your definition.

Now, "Build that wall" is a chant! Compare the two. Are they the same? No.

Dumb ass!

It amazes me that you have the balls to sit here and lie like there is no tomorrow, thinking that anyone will buy your continued bullshit!

Please, do us all a favor! If you have not, please do not get anywhere near the opposite sex. The world can handle only so much stupid and you libs are pushing the envelope right now!
Just pointing out how much of a blowhard Trump is. He talks out of his ass to rally his puppets. Why isn't Mexico paying for the wall like the chant goes? It would save us from all this budget stuff.

Also, yall crucified Obama for lying about Obama care and for the expenses. So now thats out the door when Trump breaks his promises and misses the budgetary marks? ok

What chant? "Build the wall" doesn't say anything about Mexico.

I think we should tax the money sent to Mexico at about 25%. That would pay for a few cubic yards of concrete.
What chant? Where have you been?? You keep calling me stupid yet you keep making these completely uninformed and ignorant statements. Its quite entertaining.

That's not a chant, dumb ass! I guess you went to school stupid and came out the same way!

Also, look at the NYSE on the bottom of that video! It was how much then? It is over 26,000 now?

You continue to make dumbass statements while trying to call me a dumbass. And they are so easily proven. Haha. Here read slowly:

The definition of chant.
  1. 1.
    a repeated rhythmic phrase, typically one shouted or sung in unison by a crowd.
The proof of a Mexico will pay for it CHANT:
Jump to 33 seconds

Proof you're a dumbass. Case closed

He asked a question! The crowd shouted it out! Learn to read you ignorant POS liberal! That is not a chant because it doesn't meet your definition.

Now, "Build that wall" is a chant! Compare the two. Are they the same? No.

Dumb ass!

It amazes me that you have the balls to sit here and lie like there is no tomorrow, thinking that anyone will buy your continued bullshit!

Build the wall was also a chant. I love it when people double down on their stupidity.

A chant is a repeated phrase that a crowd says in unison. 20 seconds on this video Trump leads a crowd of people to yell Mexico in unison multiple times. Thats a chant you dumbshit. Stop dumbing down the conversation with these idiotic statements. Again i'll say, you are embarrassing yourself

What's the title of this video?

Where in the world has a wall not worked?

Ever hear of the Maginot line. Probably the greatest failure ever.
You may have "heard" of the Maginot line, but you clearly aren't knowledgeable about the Maginot line. Trying to compare the Maginot Line with the proposed border wall is an exercise in stupidity. It ain't apples and oranges --- it's apples and galoshes.
That fall is a doozey...and they need help to scale to 30 feet as special's gonna work and that's why people don't like it.

Once again, all they need to do is get ropes and grapples, and they are over the wall. Or dig a tunnel under it. Or get a jackhammer to punch holes in it.

Or just do what htey do now. get in on a legal visa and then don't leave.

If you guys were really serious about going after illegals, go after the people who hire them.

Rich white people who vote Republican.
Your ignorance abounds.

The "wall" is not a wall --- a fence is only one part of the "wall".

Tunnels? Seriously?
Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we just bring our troops home from that Middle East shithole and station them on the border with all kinds of cool tech toys 'n stuff?

We're gonna be paying them anyway. And they can sleep in America every night and see their families regularly and not be in a shithole and be dying 'n stuff.

Hey look, here's about 30,000 or so we could station on the border with cool tech.

Would 30,000 not be enough?
Sorry -- it doesn't work like that. Your proposal is naive and dangerous.
There is a reason the stupid Moon Bats are saying the wall won't work when they know it is not true. They are afraid of the wall.

Once the wall is built it becomes a permanent impediment to Mexico and other countries exporting their poverty to the US.

Except it won't.

Most undocumented workers didn't sneak under a fence. They came in on valid student or tourist visas and overstayed their welcome.

In fact, 41% of illegals are overstays on visas.

Without those welfare queens coming in the Democrat party has no future voting base.

Trump will be gone long before the wall gets built. Even if he can get funding for it (he can't, the money isn't there), they would still have to acquire the land from the current owners before one bit of concrete gets laid.

The filthy Democrats know they can reverse border protection if they win the Presidency but they can't undo a wall.

Sure we can. Once we have the presidency and congress back, we just grant amensty to the 11 million already here and authorize more work visas... Easy-Peasy.
Oh wow!!! The wall doesn't stop EVERYTHING - it only stops 59% - so let's not do it!

Got any idea just how incredibly stupid that sounds?

Probably not.
One state ? They temporary upheld Obama's illegal EO for the country.

because it wasn't illegal.

Sorry, hate to break that to you, but it was upheld when Obama did it, and the courts are saying, you can't break promises you already made.

You see, here's the thing. We don't have the resources to deport more than 500K undocumented a year. THeir home countries won't take them back (they don't have the resources to support them and in the case of mexico, people sending money back home is a major source of income.)

Hey, here's another method you could use to discourage it. Make wire transfers to Mexico a lot more difficult. But the Banks and the PayDay loan industry wouldn't let you do that, they are making too much money on that deal.

You see, being the poor dumb white trash that you are, you kind of miss how it's rich white people who are screwing you, not these poor brown people who are pretty much in the same boat you're in.

Now put down the bottle.
You know, I've read your ignorance over and over and over.

But, this supposed argument that it's "rich white people who are screwing you" probably is the epitome of stupidity. You need to find a new lie to tell --- this one doesn't fly.
Yes how is anyone going to tunnel under a wall. Or construct a catapult that will shoot canvas over the top that will allow people to go over the top.

Drug cartels have already built tunnels that are 50-100 feet deep that extended a mile or more under the border. What bugwit thinks 'a wall' is going to stop anything. All it will do is drive up the cost of mules that get people across and provide a new market for cartels to provide 'access' across the border. You get two or three ten ton hydraulic rams attached to jaws that open out and you can open that grate looking thing like a can-opener anywhere you like.

Stationary defenses are always overcome. Always. The Maginot Line, The Zeigfreid Line, The Atlantic Wall, The Wall of China. Bank vaults.

All walls do is put a premium on the fee the people that overcome them get paid. A wall won't stop anything on our border.

Why then has a wall worked so well in other countries?

Did you know we have technology which detects tunnels? Yeah, imagine such a thing.

Berlin Wall? Israel?

When has 100,000 man armies and thousands of tanks and heavy artillery approached our Southern border? I missed that bit of news.
I love it when I see this crap. You all know it will work and very effectively

Border Wall Models Thwart US Commandos In Tests

Recent assaults by tactical teams on prototypes of President Donald Trump’s proposed wall with Mexico indicate their imposing heights should stop border crossers, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the rigorous assessment told The Associated Press

The highly trained testers scaled 16 to 20 feet (4.9 to 6.1 meters) unassisted but needed help after that, said the official who described the assaults on the wall prototypes to the AP. Testers also expressed safety concerns about getting down from 30 feet

That fall is a doozey...and they need help to scale to 30 feet as special's gonna work and that's why people don't like it.

Has a mining crew tried tunneling under it?

If not, it's useless.
Ignorance abounds.

DHS has consistently said that the "wall" will consist of multiple technologies, integrated to address all potential threats.

The "wall" consists of concrete fencing, natural impediments (rivers, mountains, etc.), ground, motion, and seismic sensors, satellite-based monitoring, overflight, (drones),and response forces.

The multiple threat scenarios have been addressed.

But, of course, the opposition intentionally misrepresents the approach thru simplification, deflection, repetition, and just plain stupidity. They choose not to listen to reality, because reality would interfere with their political goals.

Come over to the light side ...
... making our country look like a big Douchebag to the world. .
I find that a huge improvement over 'Uncle Sucker'.
No doubt Trump supporters like him much more than Obama. There are always going to be ideological divisions. That doesn't mean we can't rationally debate specific policies and it doesn't mean that Trump can do no wrong.
You can't rationally debate with Dims and snowflakes because the stuff they believe isn't rational.
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