The wall won't work

If there was an actual plan, then you should be able to post a link to it, but we both know you can't. Furthermore, this plan offered nothing. A promise to discuss chain migration after amnesty for DACA is passed is worth less than zero. $1.6 billion for the wall would be all that ever gets approved. Liar Durbin and Lindsey Grahamesty are a couple of shysters. They thought they could put one over on Trump, but he's not as stupid as the typical establishment Republican.
So your argument is that there was No plan because there isn't a link to it but also the plan that you think doesn't exist offered nothing but a series of ideas that you listed. You're a bright one aren't ya!

We have some verbal accounts of what Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum were offering. You have no evidence of anything on paper, period. If you do, then where's the evidence? If you can't produce any evidence of a written agreement, then how do you know there was one?
I'm going off the same accounts that you are. The points of the plan have been verified by both sides of the aisle so I don't think there is much controversy that there was a plan presented. Since you are referencing the talking points of the plan then it is rather pointless and contradictory for you to also make the point that there is no actual plan. What are you missing here?

The accounts I'm going off of say there was no agreement on paper. If there were such a document, you should be able to include a copy of it in your post. Obviously you can't.

The so-called "talking points" are the points that people are talking about. It doesn't mean that's what this fictional version of the plan said. You'll have to excuse me if I don't believe a thing lying Dirty Durbin or Lindsey Grahamnesty have to say about it. Their credibility is zero.
Im talking off the same points you are. I never said I had a paper to refer to, I don't need one. Multiple people have stated what the key ideas of their plan are. They brought it to Trump to negotiate and finalize, so I don't know what the fuck you are bitching about. You can't deny the fact that they had a plan and then dog on their talking points in your next breath. If you don't believe they have a plan then you can't have an opinion on talking points you argue don't exist. Do you not understand that? You sound like you are very confused.

The "multiple people" you refer to are Lying Dirty Durbin and Lindsey Grahamnesty. You entire positions rests on the assumption that these two are credible sources.

Here's a hint for you: no one with a brain believes a thing they say.

You obvioiusly lack the capacity to commit logic. You keep telling me I should believe what Lying Dirty Durbin and Lindsey Grahamnesty say even after I've made it plain that I don't believe a thing they say.
Ever hear of the Maginot line. Probably the greatest failure ever.

You have no clue about the Maginot line, dumbass!

You are the greatest failure ever!

So the line worked then, most have it all wrong.

There is a difference in fixed fortifications and a wall. In WWII. the Germans went around just as the French envisioned. it worked!

So, how are the illegals going to go around a wall that reaches from the beach in San Diego to the beach on the north side of the Rio Grande on the Gulf of Mexico?

Over or under, it just ain't that tough. Like the tunnels they have found under the pieces of wall that Boooosh the dumber already built!

Your claims fail to explain why the walls that Israel and Austria built have a better than 95% success rate.

Because I don't care about Israel and Austria! I am all for the wall that Mexico is going to pay for, just not the one the American taxpayer is going to pay for!
You have no clue about the Maginot line, dumbass!

You are the greatest failure ever!

So the line worked then, most have it all wrong.

There is a difference in fixed fortifications and a wall. In WWII. the Germans went around just as the French envisioned. it worked!

So, how are the illegals going to go around a wall that reaches from the beach in San Diego to the beach on the north side of the Rio Grande on the Gulf of Mexico?

Over or under, it just ain't that tough. Like the tunnels they have found under the pieces of wall that Boooosh the dumber already built!

Your claims fail to explain why the walls that Israel and Austria built have a better than 95% success rate.

Because I don't care about Israel and Austria! I am all for the wall that Mexico is going to pay for, just not the one the American taxpayer is going to pay for!
Yeah, sure you are.

Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?
So the line worked then, most have it all wrong.

There is a difference in fixed fortifications and a wall. In WWII. the Germans went around just as the French envisioned. it worked!

So, how are the illegals going to go around a wall that reaches from the beach in San Diego to the beach on the north side of the Rio Grande on the Gulf of Mexico?

Over or under, it just ain't that tough. Like the tunnels they have found under the pieces of wall that Boooosh the dumber already built!

Your claims fail to explain why the walls that Israel and Austria built have a better than 95% success rate.

Because I don't care about Israel and Austria! I am all for the wall that Mexico is going to pay for, just not the one the American taxpayer is going to pay for!
Yeah, sure you are.

Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Were we not told that Mexico was paying for the wall? If Mexico pays for it I am all for it. You were hoaxed again you after school special!
There is a difference in fixed fortifications and a wall. In WWII. the Germans went around just as the French envisioned. it worked!

So, how are the illegals going to go around a wall that reaches from the beach in San Diego to the beach on the north side of the Rio Grande on the Gulf of Mexico?

Over or under, it just ain't that tough. Like the tunnels they have found under the pieces of wall that Boooosh the dumber already built!

Your claims fail to explain why the walls that Israel and Austria built have a better than 95% success rate.

Because I don't care about Israel and Austria! I am all for the wall that Mexico is going to pay for, just not the one the American taxpayer is going to pay for!
Yeah, sure you are.

Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Were we not told that Mexico was paying for the wall? If Mexico pays for it I am all for it. You were hoaxed again you after school special!
Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?
Over or under, it just ain't that tough. Like the tunnels they have found under the pieces of wall that Boooosh the dumber already built!

Your claims fail to explain why the walls that Israel and Austria built have a better than 95% success rate.

Because I don't care about Israel and Austria! I am all for the wall that Mexico is going to pay for, just not the one the American taxpayer is going to pay for!
Yeah, sure you are.

Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Were we not told that Mexico was paying for the wall? If Mexico pays for it I am all for it. You were hoaxed again you after school special!
Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Not trying to fool anybody, if Mexico is going to fund the building and maintenance of the wall build it. Even a witwant like you should understand that!
Your claims fail to explain why the walls that Israel and Austria built have a better than 95% success rate.

Because I don't care about Israel and Austria! I am all for the wall that Mexico is going to pay for, just not the one the American taxpayer is going to pay for!
Yeah, sure you are.

Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Were we not told that Mexico was paying for the wall? If Mexico pays for it I am all for it. You were hoaxed again you after school special!
Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Not trying to fool anybody, if Mexico is going to fund the building and maintenance of the wall build it. Even a witwant like you should understand that!
I understand that you're a douchebag.
Because I don't care about Israel and Austria! I am all for the wall that Mexico is going to pay for, just not the one the American taxpayer is going to pay for!
Yeah, sure you are.

Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Were we not told that Mexico was paying for the wall? If Mexico pays for it I am all for it. You were hoaxed again you after school special!
Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Not trying to fool anybody, if Mexico is going to fund the building and maintenance of the wall build it. Even a witwant like you should understand that!
I understand that you're a douchebag.

I understand you're a giant pussy!
Yeah, sure you are.

Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Were we not told that Mexico was paying for the wall? If Mexico pays for it I am all for it. You were hoaxed again you after school special!
Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Not trying to fool anybody, if Mexico is going to fund the building and maintenance of the wall build it. Even a witwant like you should understand that!
I understand that you're a douchebag.

I understand you're a giant pussy!
I don't was my time debating imbeciles like you who only want to troll.
Were we not told that Mexico was paying for the wall? If Mexico pays for it I am all for it. You were hoaxed again you after school special!
Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Not trying to fool anybody, if Mexico is going to fund the building and maintenance of the wall build it. Even a witwant like you should understand that!
I understand that you're a douchebag.

I understand you're a giant pussy!
I don't was my time debating imbeciles like you who only want to troll.

You cannot debate, you're to dumb.
Who do you think you're fooling, douchebag?

Not trying to fool anybody, if Mexico is going to fund the building and maintenance of the wall build it. Even a witwant like you should understand that!
I understand that you're a douchebag.

I understand you're a giant pussy!
I don't was my time debating imbeciles like you who only want to troll.

You cannot debate, you're to dumb.

That's "too dumb," idiot.
Not trying to fool anybody, if Mexico is going to fund the building and maintenance of the wall build it. Even a witwant like you should understand that!
I understand that you're a douchebag.

I understand you're a giant pussy!
I don't was my time debating imbeciles like you who only want to troll.

You cannot debate, you're to dumb.

That's "too dumb," idiot.

Yup, you are double scoop stupid, maroon!
I understand that you're a douchebag.

I understand you're a giant pussy!
I don't was my time debating imbeciles like you who only want to troll.

You cannot debate, you're to dumb.

That's "too dumb," idiot.

Yup, you are double scoop stupid, maroon!

Why didn't you say I was "to stupid?"

I understand you're a giant pussy!
I don't was my time debating imbeciles like you who only want to troll.

You cannot debate, you're to dumb.

That's "too dumb," idiot.

Yup, you are double scoop stupid, maroon!

Why didn't you say I was "to stupid?"


Because you're a buffoon!
I don't was my time debating imbeciles like you who only want to troll.

You cannot debate, you're to dumb.

That's "too dumb," idiot.

Yup, you are double scoop stupid, maroon!

Why didn't you say I was "to stupid?"


Because you're a buffoon!

You can't figure out how to use the quote function, eh Einstein?

You cannot debate, you're to dumb.

That's "too dumb," idiot.

Yup, you are double scoop stupid, maroon!

Why didn't you say I was "to stupid?"


Because you're a buffoon!

You can't figure out how to use the quote function, eh Einstein?


Why, I'm sure even you can follow along. And I am not making a quote. I am stating a fact!
So your argument is that there was No plan because there isn't a link to it but also the plan that you think doesn't exist offered nothing but a series of ideas that you listed. You're a bright one aren't ya!

We have some verbal accounts of what Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum were offering. You have no evidence of anything on paper, period. If you do, then where's the evidence? If you can't produce any evidence of a written agreement, then how do you know there was one?
I'm going off the same accounts that you are. The points of the plan have been verified by both sides of the aisle so I don't think there is much controversy that there was a plan presented. Since you are referencing the talking points of the plan then it is rather pointless and contradictory for you to also make the point that there is no actual plan. What are you missing here?

The accounts I'm going off of say there was no agreement on paper. If there were such a document, you should be able to include a copy of it in your post. Obviously you can't.

The so-called "talking points" are the points that people are talking about. It doesn't mean that's what this fictional version of the plan said. You'll have to excuse me if I don't believe a thing lying Dirty Durbin or Lindsey Grahamnesty have to say about it. Their credibility is zero.
Im talking off the same points you are. I never said I had a paper to refer to, I don't need one. Multiple people have stated what the key ideas of their plan are. They brought it to Trump to negotiate and finalize, so I don't know what the fuck you are bitching about. You can't deny the fact that they had a plan and then dog on their talking points in your next breath. If you don't believe they have a plan then you can't have an opinion on talking points you argue don't exist. Do you not understand that? You sound like you are very confused.

The "multiple people" you refer to are Lying Dirty Durbin and Lindsey Grahamnesty. You entire positions rests on the assumption that these two are credible sources.

Here's a hint for you: no one with a brain believes a thing they say.

You obvioiusly lack the capacity to commit logic. You keep telling me I should believe what Lying Dirty Durbin and Lindsey Grahamnesty say even after I've made it plain that I don't believe a thing they say.
Wtf are you talking about? My position on their plan is the same as your position. You are arguing against yourself again. This is the most idiotic debate I’ve heard in a long time.
Yes how is anyone going to tunnel under a wall. Or construct a catapult that will shoot canvas over the top that will allow people to go over the top.

Drug cartels have already built tunnels that are 50-100 feet deep that extended a mile or more under the border. What bugwit thinks 'a wall' is going to stop anything. All it will do is drive up the cost of mules that get people across and provide a new market for cartels to provide 'access' across the border. You get two or three ten ton hydraulic rams attached to jaws that open out and you can open that grate looking thing like a can-opener anywhere you like.

Stationary defenses are always overcome. Always. The Maginot Line, The Zeigfreid Line, The Atlantic Wall, The Wall of China. Bank vaults.

All walls do is put a premium on the fee the people that overcome them get paid. A wall won't stop anything on our border.
Or they can just come through the border checkpoint and then overstay their visas, or take a boat ride and land somewhere on the gulf coast or California coast. Or they can fly in.
We have some verbal accounts of what Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum were offering. You have no evidence of anything on paper, period. If you do, then where's the evidence? If you can't produce any evidence of a written agreement, then how do you know there was one?
I'm going off the same accounts that you are. The points of the plan have been verified by both sides of the aisle so I don't think there is much controversy that there was a plan presented. Since you are referencing the talking points of the plan then it is rather pointless and contradictory for you to also make the point that there is no actual plan. What are you missing here?

The accounts I'm going off of say there was no agreement on paper. If there were such a document, you should be able to include a copy of it in your post. Obviously you can't.

The so-called "talking points" are the points that people are talking about. It doesn't mean that's what this fictional version of the plan said. You'll have to excuse me if I don't believe a thing lying Dirty Durbin or Lindsey Grahamnesty have to say about it. Their credibility is zero.
Im talking off the same points you are. I never said I had a paper to refer to, I don't need one. Multiple people have stated what the key ideas of their plan are. They brought it to Trump to negotiate and finalize, so I don't know what the fuck you are bitching about. You can't deny the fact that they had a plan and then dog on their talking points in your next breath. If you don't believe they have a plan then you can't have an opinion on talking points you argue don't exist. Do you not understand that? You sound like you are very confused.

The "multiple people" you refer to are Lying Dirty Durbin and Lindsey Grahamnesty. You entire positions rests on the assumption that these two are credible sources.

Here's a hint for you: no one with a brain believes a thing they say.

You obvioiusly lack the capacity to commit logic. You keep telling me I should believe what Lying Dirty Durbin and Lindsey Grahamnesty say even after I've made it plain that I don't believe a thing they say.
Wtf are you talking about? My position on their plan is the same as your position. You are arguing against yourself again. This is the most idiotic debate I’ve heard in a long time.

Bottom line: There is no plan on paper. There is only bullshit from two notorious liars.

Every debate with you is idiotic because you're an idiot.
That's "too dumb," idiot.

Yup, you are double scoop stupid, maroon!

Why didn't you say I was "to stupid?"


Because you're a buffoon!

You can't figure out how to use the quote function, eh Einstein?


Why, I'm sure even you can follow along. And I am not making a quote. I am stating a fact!

You're not making a quote even though you have quotes from about 7 previous posts?


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