‘The walls are closing in’ — on Biden


I've reviewed the entire video, and I regret to inform you that while the video raises concerns about the President's and Hunter's honesty and transparency, that is to say, according to the pundits on Fox, whose reputations are in the tank, it does not provide concrete evidence of any illegal act or activity committed by either Joe Biden or Hunter Biden.

And if what amounts to nothing greater than a fib bothers you, surely you must despise Donald Trump, who tells the biggest, boldest, most egregious lies delivered with the volume of a firehose more than any president in history.

And, given the fact that Hunter is private citizen, why do you even care? Jared, who was a senior WH official, recieved $2,000,000,000 from the murderous Mohammed Bin Salman for dubious investment scheme which the House of Saud questioned it's competency, in which Jared scored a 1.25% management fee of $125,000,000 which isn't bad for a weeks work, eh? But you don't give a damn about that, so why do you even care about Hunter Biden, for which all of you on the right have yet to post any evidence of squat, and that video isn't evidence of shit --why do you even care?


‘The walls are closing in’ — on Biden

20 Ape 2023 ~~ NY Post Editorial Team

For at least six years, the press has produced endless “Walls closing in on Trump” headlines, only to see those hopes dashed again and again.
Surely it’s time for someone to flag the walls closing in on President Biden and his clan?
This week alone has brought some major developments:
  • On Monday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) revealed: “We’ve identified six additional members of Joe Biden’s family who may have benefited from the Biden family’s businesses that we are investigating, bringing the total number of those involved or benefiting to nine.”
Because the Biden Treasury Department refused cooperation for weeks, the committee is only now starting to examine “suspicious activity reports” (which banks must file when they spot signs of money laundering, tax evasion or other potential criminal activity) involving first son Hunter, Joe’s brother Jim and other relations.
CBS News reported last year that more than 150 SAR reports involve Hunter and Jim, the clan’s two main influence-peddlers.
Despite his decades-long ties to the president, Blinken’s generally seen as nonpolitical.
But plainly everyone in Biden World has to help cover up the messes Hunter exposes.
It’s impossible to say where any of this will lead, or when. But it all looks beyond shady.

Will anything substantial happen? Congressional hearings, even indictments against Hunter Biden and others?
Or will all this go away, if Joe were to announce he’s not running for reelection?
I’ll wait for the video of Hunter’s perp walk in handcuffs. Until then, ho-hum.
Nothing will happen. The Democrat two-tiered system of justice and their Equal justice system doesn't exist in this country. No matter what the elite do, unless they threaten the power of the group, they are never held to account.
A good example of this is
Kevin Clinesmith, a former FBI attorney, falsified documents submitted to a FISA court. He served no jail time, and upon completing his probation his law license was reinstated. If Clinesmith, a low-level apparatchik suffered no consequences for his crime, don't expect the powerful Biden family to either.
Te only way they get Biden on anything would be if the deep State wanted to get rid of him sort of assassination, so he doesn’t run again.

Indictments against Hunter are entirely possible.

But his dad? The evidence just doesn't support it.
They signed the letter, what about that don't you understand? The laptop is real, they signed there name that it wasn't real. You're an idiot.
Signing the letter doesn't prove they lied. It proves that they thought it was Russian propaganda.

So you did make it up.

Are you always so gullable?
Biden should be impeached for....what exactly?
About a week before the last debate, the laptop story came out. Biden knew Trump would bring it up. So Biden had the letter written up and had 51 fbi agents sign it, saying it was Russian disinformation. Then when Trump did bring it up, he said that 51 fbi agents signed a letter saying it was Russian disinformation. Affecting the outcome of an election. Which as we know now is an impeachable offense.
About a week before the last debate, the laptop story came out. Biden knew Trump would bring it up. So Biden had the letter written up and had 51 fbi agents sign it, saying it was Russian disinformation. Then when Trump did bring it up, he said that 51 fbi agents signed a letter saying it was Russian disinformation. Affecting the outcome of an election. Which as we know now is an impeachable offense.

Affecting the outcome of an election isn't a crime. Every debate, every ad, every speech, every campaign stop, every endorsement is an attempt to affect the outcome of an election.

Why then would Biden by impeached for it?
Affecting the outcome of an election isn't a crime. Every debate, every ad, every speech, every campaign stop, every endorsement is an attempt to affect the outcome of an election.

Why then would Biden by impeached for it?
First they'd have to prove that he "had the letter written up and had 51 fbi agents sign it", which sounds a little iffy to me.

This is how Trumpsters provide "proof" now. They take little pieces of facts, then add a storyline to fill the cracks and claim it's "proven".

Who knows, maybe Biden did something wrong. But I'll believe it when it's proven in the light of day, with real-time challenges.
Affecting the outcome of an election isn't a crime. Every debate, every ad, every speech, every campaign stop, every endorsement is an attempt to affect the outcome of an election.

Why then would Biden by impeached for it?
If I remember, you loons impeached Trump for a phone call. Saying he was trying to effect the outcome of an election. So now doing that is an impeachable offense.
First they'd have to prove that he "had the letter written up and had 51 fbi agents sign it", which sounds a little iffy to me.

This is how Trumpsters provide "proof" now. They take little pieces of facts, then add a storyline to fill the cracks and claim it's "proven".

Who knows, maybe Biden did something wrong. But I'll believe it when it's proven in the light of day, with real-time challenges.

Even then, what crime would be committed? Is it illegal to have someone signing a letter?

So not only have they made up the claim that Biden had them sign it. They can't actually articulate a crime in the letter.

That's double stupid.
First they'd have to prove that he "had the letter written up and had 51 fbi agents sign it", which sounds a little iffy to me.

This is how Trumpsters provide "proof" now. They take little pieces of facts, then add a storyline to fill the cracks and claim it's "proven".

Who knows, maybe Biden did something wrong. But I'll believe it when it's proven in the light of day, with real-time challenges.
The 51 agents should all be fired, and Biden needs to be impeached. You loons set the bar low for impeaching presidents. I tried to tell you dumbasses.
Even then, what crime would be committed? Is it illegal to have someone signing a letter?

So not only have they made up the claim that Biden had them sign it. They can't actually articulate a crime in the letter.

That's double stupid.
So if Trump had 51 agents sign a letter saying Biden got the guy at bursima fired. For investigating his son. You would see nothing wrong with it?

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