‘The walls are closing in’ — on Biden

Ahh, but there is one simple way to get Joe Biden.

Submit some evidence that proves he did something illegal that is more substantial than a misdemeanor.

That's all you have to do, and I ask because no one, to date, has done this.


The embarrassing thing Hunter Biden whistleblower reveals about the media

This is a perfect storm for the press which has done everything it can for years to protect Hunter Biden

21 Apr ~~ By Dan Gainor

The story the legacy media tried for years to suppress is back with a vengeance. Hunter Biden, the president’s oft-troubled son, is once more in the news and not in a good way. An IRS criminal supervisory agent requested whistleblower protection, claiming the five-year Hunter Biden investigation is being impacted by "preferential treatment and politics."
To make things worse for the press, the White House responded to the allegations just days before President Joe Biden is reportedly announcing his re-election campaign. White House spokesman Ian Sams told Fox News Digital that the president has stood by his commitment for Justice Department "independence" and that the investigation is "free from any political interference."
This is a perfect storm for the press which has done everything it can for years to protect Hunter Biden from embarrassing coverage or news that might hurt his father. Now journalists are stuck at least acknowledging the crisis. That doesn’t mean they will cover it fairly.
Still, news eked out in the coverage. Such as the fact that I.R.S. and F.B.I. agents reportedly want to bring charges against Hunter Biden. Or that the whistleblower claims to have information that would "contradict sworn testimony by a senior political appointee." CBS said, "that was Attorney General Merrick Garland."
Maybe that explains why the investigation has lasted longer than a presidential term. News types might ask that question, but only if Biden had an "R" after his name.
Now, the question is how the press will handle this embarrassing situation going forward. Will they try to bury the story six-feet under like they did with Hunter’s laptop prior to the election? Or will they allow more coverage, reflecting Democrat Party sentiment that Biden needs to be pushed aside and Hunter Biden could be just the man to do it.
Either way, you can bet most reporting won’t have anything to do with journalism. Instead, it will be either a way to protect Biden’s re-election or push him aside so another, more-electable Democrat can take over.

Strange isn't it, When the whistleblowers have ‘dirt’ on Republicans like President Trump, the media is all “we must protect the whistleblower at all costs and hear what s/he has to say.”
When they have the goods on a Democrat like the Biden Crime Family, it’s “nothing to see here, prosecute the traitor.”
Seems that under the corrupt direction of the Maoist/DSA Democrat politicians in D.C., "Freedom of the press" has become a myth, the Quisling Media hasn't been free for a long time. But it's not due to any external influence, they've done it to themselves. They're supposed to report on things that happen, but modern media puts their thumb on the scales to change things.
In the days of actual news people like Ed R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite, Paul Harvey, the mainstream media would have been all over this story and corrected the errors in previous stories!! Those days were when integrity, morality and freedom of the press meant something, not like today when the media is totally biased for the Maoist Democrats.
This has become the perfect storm for the biased Quisling press which has done everything it can for years to protect Hunter Biden from embarrassing coverage or news that might hurt his father. Now journalists are stuck at least acknowledging the crisis. That doesn’t mean they will cover it fairly as exemplified by CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT, and WAPO.
The Quisling MSM will simply ignore the truth. The whistleblower is being treated like an "Enemy of The State".
If it looks like Biden will get prosecuted, he'll start ww3.
"It looks like

The embarrassing thing Hunter Biden whistleblower reveals about the media

This is a perfect storm for the press which has done everything it can for years to protect Hunter Biden

21 Apr ~~ By Dan Gainor

The story the legacy media tried for years to suppress is back with a vengeance. Hunter Biden, the president’s oft-troubled son, is once more in the news and not in a good way. An IRS criminal supervisory agent requested whistleblower protection, claiming the five-year Hunter Biden investigation is being impacted by "preferential treatment and politics."
To make things worse for the press, the White House responded to the allegations just days before President Joe Biden is reportedly announcing his re-election campaign. White House spokesman Ian Sams told Fox News Digital that the president has stood by his commitment for Justice Department "independence" and that the investigation is "free from any political interference."
This is a perfect storm for the press which has done everything it can for years to protect Hunter Biden from embarrassing coverage or news that might hurt his father. Now journalists are stuck at least acknowledging the crisis. That doesn’t mean they will cover it fairly.
Still, news eked out in the coverage. Such as the fact that I.R.S. and F.B.I. agents reportedly want to bring charges against Hunter Biden. Or that the whistleblower claims to have information that would "contradict sworn testimony by a senior political appointee." CBS said, "that was Attorney General Merrick Garland."
Maybe that explains why the investigation has lasted longer than a presidential term. News types might ask that question, but only if Biden had an "R" after his name.
Now, the question is how the press will handle this embarrassing situation going forward. Will they try to bury the story six-feet under like they did with Hunter’s laptop prior to the election? Or will they allow more coverage, reflecting Democrat Party sentiment that Biden needs to be pushed aside and Hunter Biden could be just the man to do it.
Either way, you can bet most reporting won’t have anything to do with journalism. Instead, it will be either a way to protect Biden’s re-election or push him aside so another, more-electable Democrat can take over.

Strange isn't it, When the whistleblowers have ‘dirt’ on Republicans like President Trump, the media is all “we must protect the whistleblower at all costs and hear what s/he has to say.”
When they have the goods on a Democrat like the Biden Crime Family, it’s “nothing to see here, prosecute the traitor.”
Seems that under the corrupt direction of the Maoist/DSA Democrat politicians in D.C., "Freedom of the press" has become a myth, the Quisling Media hasn't been free for a long time. But it's not due to any external influence, they've done it to themselves. They're supposed to report on things that happen, but modern media puts their thumb on the scales to change things.
In the days of actual news people like Ed R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite, Paul Harvey, the mainstream media would have been all over this story and corrected the errors in previous stories!! Those days were when integrity, morality and freedom of the press meant something, not like today when the media is totally biased for the Maoist Democrats.
This has become the perfect storm for the biased Quisling press which has done everything it can for years to protect Hunter Biden from embarrassing coverage or news that might hurt his father. Now journalists are stuck at least acknowledging the crisis. That doesn’t mean they will cover it fairly as exemplified by CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT, and WAPO.
The Quisling MSM will simply ignore the truth. The whistleblower is being treated like an "Enemy of The State".
It's cool you found an opinion piece to back up your opinion.
"It looks like

It's cool you found an opinion piece to back up your opinion.
Americans need to know who the democrats in their communities are because when ww3 starts and shortages and rationing begin, democrats need to be forced to goto the back of the lines.
Americans need to know who the democrats in their communities are because when ww3 starts and shortages and rationing begin, democrats need to be forced to goto the back of the lines.
Don't be scared. Russian bots and far rights are trying to make you fear another war. They are preying in your cowardice to manipulate your behavior.

We won't have a WW3 anytime soon but if we do I hope you can be counted on to defend our country instead of Putin or Kim.

Don't be a coward and a dupe.

  • On Monday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) revealed: “We’ve identified six additional members of Joe Biden’s family who may have benefited from the Biden family’s businesses that we are investigating, bringing the total number of those involved or benefiting to nine.”

You know what will happen?


The embarrassing thing Hunter Biden whistleblower reveals about the media

This is a perfect storm for the press which has done everything it can for years to protect Hunter Biden

21 Apr ~~ By Dan Gainor

The story the legacy media tried for years to suppress is back with a vengeance. Hunter Biden, the president’s oft-troubled son, is once more in the news and not in a good way. An IRS criminal supervisory agent requested whistleblower protection, claiming the five-year Hunter Biden investigation is being impacted by "preferential treatment and politics."
To make things worse for the press, the White House responded to the allegations just days before President Joe Biden is reportedly announcing his re-election campaign. White House spokesman Ian Sams told Fox News Digital that the president has stood by his commitment for Justice Department "independence" and that the investigation is "free from any political interference."
This is a perfect storm for the press which has done everything it can for years to protect Hunter Biden from embarrassing coverage or news that might hurt his father. Now journalists are stuck at least acknowledging the crisis. That doesn’t mean they will cover it fairly.
Still, news eked out in the coverage. Such as the fact that I.R.S. and F.B.I. agents reportedly want to bring charges against Hunter Biden. Or that the whistleblower claims to have information that would "contradict sworn testimony by a senior political appointee." CBS said, "that was Attorney General Merrick Garland."
Maybe that explains why the investigation has lasted longer than a presidential term. News types might ask that question, but only if Biden had an "R" after his name.
Now, the question is how the press will handle this embarrassing situation going forward. Will they try to bury the story six-feet under like they did with Hunter’s laptop prior to the election? Or will they allow more coverage, reflecting Democrat Party sentiment that Biden needs to be pushed aside and Hunter Biden could be just the man to do it.
Either way, you can bet most reporting won’t have anything to do with journalism. Instead, it will be either a way to protect Biden’s re-election or push him aside so another, more-electable Democrat can take over.

Strange isn't it, When the whistleblowers have ‘dirt’ on Republicans like President Trump, the media is all “we must protect the whistleblower at all costs and hear what s/he has to say.”
When they have the goods on a Democrat like the Biden Crime Family, it’s “nothing to see here, prosecute the traitor.”
Seems that under the corrupt direction of the Maoist/DSA Democrat politicians in D.C., "Freedom of the press" has become a myth, the Quisling Media hasn't been free for a long time. But it's not due to any external influence, they've done it to themselves. They're supposed to report on things that happen, but modern media puts their thumb on the scales to change things.
In the days of actual news people like Ed R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite, Paul Harvey, the mainstream media would have been all over this story and corrected the errors in previous stories!! Those days were when integrity, morality and freedom of the press meant something, not like today when the media is totally biased for the Maoist Democrats.
This has become the perfect storm for the biased Quisling press which has done everything it can for years to protect Hunter Biden from embarrassing coverage or news that might hurt his father. Now journalists are stuck at least acknowledging the crisis. That doesn’t mean they will cover it fairly as exemplified by CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT, and WAPO.
The Quisling MSM will simply ignore the truth. The whistleblower is being treated like an "Enemy of The State".

Hunter Biden to Trumpies is what the whale was to Jonah. You clowns are obsessed because you can't win on issues. To prosecute, you have to have more than the word of one person. Trumpies relied on one person's statement to insist that the election was rigged when it is not. There is no Biden crime family. That is your right wing fantasies. Comer has had to admit that he has found nothing so far.

It is the right wing media that concentrates on fake news. The WSJ and Fox looked at the documents and found no evidence that Joe Biden is involved in any crimes.

‘The walls are closing in’ — on Biden

20 Ape 2023 ~~ NY Post Editorial Team

For at least six years, the press has produced endless “Walls closing in on Trump” headlines, only to see those hopes dashed again and again.
Surely it’s time for someone to flag the walls closing in on President Biden and his clan?
This week alone has brought some major developments:
  • On Monday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) revealed: “We’ve identified six additional members of Joe Biden’s family who may have benefited from the Biden family’s businesses that we are investigating, bringing the total number of those involved or benefiting to nine.”
Because the Biden Treasury Department refused cooperation for weeks, the committee is only now starting to examine “suspicious activity reports” (which banks must file when they spot signs of money laundering, tax evasion or other potential criminal activity) involving first son Hunter, Joe’s brother Jim and other relations.
CBS News reported last year that more than 150 SAR reports involve Hunter and Jim, the clan’s two main influence-peddlers.
Despite his decades-long ties to the president, Blinken’s generally seen as nonpolitical.
But plainly everyone in Biden World has to help cover up the messes Hunter exposes.
It’s impossible to say where any of this will lead, or when. But it all looks beyond shady.

Will anything substantial happen? Congressional hearings, even indictments against Hunter Biden and others?
Or will all this go away, if Joe were to announce he’s not running for reelection?
I’ll wait for the video of Hunter’s perp walk in handcuffs. Until then, ho-hum.
Nothing will happen. The Democrat two-tiered system of justice and their Equal justice system doesn't exist in this country. No matter what the elite do, unless they threaten the power of the group, they are never held to account.
A good example of this is
Kevin Clinesmith, a former FBI attorney, falsified documents submitted to a FISA court. He served no jail time, and upon completing his probation his law license was reinstated. If Clinesmith, a low-level apparatchik suffered no consequences for his crime, don't expect the powerful Biden family to either.
Te only way they get Biden on anything would be if the deep State wanted to get rid of him sort of assassination, so he doesn’t run again.

Any day now!

Lock her up! Lock her up! Oops, I mean HIM! Is that what we're doing this year? :laugh:
The media is starting to turn on him. If they stick with it, he will be impeached. He announced last week he was going to officially announce his reelection run on Tuesday. Even the deep state don't want 4 more years of that fuck up.
Ahh, but there is one simple way to get Joe Biden.

Submit some evidence that proves he did something illegal that is more substantial than a misdemeanor.

That's all you have to do, and I ask because no one, to date, has done this.

He got 51 fbi agents to lie about Hunter's laptop in a letter they signed to interfere in an election. Last I heard, that's an impeachable offense.
If the walls actually close a little, it will be to get him out of the picture. He won't get prosecuted for anything.
If Hillary, Pelosi, Schiff, Obama, and the rest of the corrupt DummyCrats committed their crimes without so much as a slap on the wrist, we can rest assured that Pedo Joe will live comfortably off of his ill-gotten money for the rest of his days.
It was said the Hunter's laptop was Russian misinformation, when they knew it wasn't. So Biden interfered in an election. So he should get impeached for that alone.
They said (loosey quoting) that it had the appearance of Russian disinformation.

Please link proof they knew it was real but lied.
If Hillary, Pelosi, Schiff, Obama, and the rest of the corrupt DummyCrats committed their crimes without so much as a slap on the wrist, we can rest assured that Pedo Joe will live comfortably off of his ill-gotten money for the rest of his days.
Unfortunately you're right, if Biden goes. They go also, and probably half of our government.

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