The Walmart Family owns as much as nearly half the country

You must really appreciate how much our government subsidizes those low wages, in their case those food stamps are corporate socialism. If the Waltons had shred of decency they would get the hell off the public dole and pay their people a decent wage. They could easily give these workers what they get in food stamps and still make tremendous profits.

You might want to do a little research, Wal Mart pay is above the industry average, yet the left puts a bulls eye on them, ever ask yourself why? It's very simple, they're the largest and if the unions can break in there the rest will fall in line, which will equate to billions funneled to leftist politicians through the unions. Unions are nothing but money launderers for commiecrats.

Soooo, does that mean you like Walmart employees getting food stamps rather than wages or not? I thought you guys hated stuff like socialism?

If a person can't pay their bills working there maybe they should be working else where. The market when left alone will determine what labor is worth, if they didn't have people willing to work for what is offered, Wal Mart would raise the offer or go out of business. Simple concept, that's how a free market works. BTW the government determines who qualifies for benefits, not companies.
It blows my mind how house slave conservatives will do anything for their rich masters. Reading these poor ignorant pieces of garbage defend the uber-rich's evil bullshit in this country is maddening.
On the spot, Mr. Brunswick: :chillpill:

Two before bed, and call the doctor Monday morning. ;)


I just proved that a WalMart heir gave $300,000 to an Obama super Pac, but fools like Balls don't have a problem sucking up to his rich masters.

Yet they were forced to pay workers, who they demanded work off the clock. Who gives a fuck what you think you proved. It has nothing to do with the issue, shithead.
You might want to do a little research, Wal Mart pay is above the industry average, yet the left puts a bulls eye on them, ever ask yourself why? It's very simple, they're the largest and if the unions can break in there the rest will fall in line, which will equate to billions funneled to leftist politicians through the unions. Unions are nothing but money launderers for commiecrats.

Soooo, does that mean you like Walmart employees getting food stamps rather than wages or not? I thought you guys hated stuff like socialism?

If a person can't pay their bills working there maybe they should be working else where. The market when left alone will determine what labor is worth, if they didn't have people willing to work for what is offered, Wal Mart would raise the offer or go out of business. Simple concept, that's how a free market works. BTW the government determines who qualifies for benefits, not companies.

It's not just walmart, it's pretty much normal wages at every big franchise that has taken the place of local businesses in every town everywhere, it's all part and parcel of the continuing conversion of entry level wages into continuing wages. Maybe you can give us some advice on how people may go work elsewhere for higher wages when corporate outfits like walmart with similar wage policies have become the dominant American employers?
Soooo, does that mean you like Walmart employees getting food stamps rather than wages or not? I thought you guys hated stuff like socialism?

If a person can't pay their bills working there maybe they should be working else where. The market when left alone will determine what labor is worth, if they didn't have people willing to work for what is offered, Wal Mart would raise the offer or go out of business. Simple concept, that's how a free market works. BTW the government determines who qualifies for benefits, not companies.

It's not just walmart, it's pretty much normal wages at every big franchise that has taken the place of local businesses in every town everywhere, it's all part and parcel of the continuing conversion of entry level wages into continuing wages. Maybe you can give us some advice on how people may go work elsewhere for higher wages when corporate outfits like walmart with similar wage policies have become the dominant American employers?

Like I've said many times, until the US gets its manufacturing base back wages will continue to decline, service and retail jobs don't pay well. Government policies have intentionally forced the US to become a 70+% consumer based economy, so blame the low wages on your revered statist in government, they are the ones who bent over for the eco-wennies and forced manufacturing offshore.
You might want to do a little research, Wal Mart pay is above the industry average, yet the left puts a bulls eye on them, ever ask yourself why? It's very simple, they're the largest and if the unions can break in there the rest will fall in line, which will equate to billions funneled to leftist politicians through the unions. Unions are nothing but money launderers for commiecrats.

Soooo, does that mean you like Walmart employees getting food stamps rather than wages or not? I thought you guys hated stuff like socialism?

If a person can't pay their bills working there maybe they should be working else where. The market when left alone will determine what labor is worth, if they didn't have people willing to work for what is offered, Wal Mart would raise the offer or go out of business. Simple concept, that's how a free market works. BTW the government determines who qualifies for benefits, not companies.

The market. You think that Walmart is free market and no subsidies? I think a company like Walmart that has used subsidies to get ahead should give a little back, like maybe paying their help better wages. Or building nice looking stores instead of ugly boxes, the cheapskates.
Soooo, does that mean you like Walmart employees getting food stamps rather than wages or not? I thought you guys hated stuff like socialism?

If a person can't pay their bills working there maybe they should be working else where. The market when left alone will determine what labor is worth, if they didn't have people willing to work for what is offered, Wal Mart would raise the offer or go out of business. Simple concept, that's how a free market works. BTW the government determines who qualifies for benefits, not companies.

The market. You think that Walmart is free market and no subsidies? I think a company like Walmart that has used subsidies to get ahead should give a little back, like maybe paying their help better wages. Or building nice looking stores instead of ugly boxes, the cheapskates.

Do you really think all companies don't use subsidies when they can, that's part of business, they all have a responsibility to their stock holders. As for their buildings maybe you should get out more, I've seen some you wouldn't recognize without the signs. BTW it's the politicians that make the subsidies available, I guess you refuse to take deductions the IRS offers so no one can say your subsidized. Right?
If a person can't pay their bills working there maybe they should be working else where. The market when left alone will determine what labor is worth, if they didn't have people willing to work for what is offered, Wal Mart would raise the offer or go out of business. Simple concept, that's how a free market works. BTW the government determines who qualifies for benefits, not companies.

It's not just walmart, it's pretty much normal wages at every big franchise that has taken the place of local businesses in every town everywhere, it's all part and parcel of the continuing conversion of entry level wages into continuing wages. Maybe you can give us some advice on how people may go work elsewhere for higher wages when corporate outfits like walmart with similar wage policies have become the dominant American employers?

Like I've said many times, until the US gets its manufacturing base back wages will continue to decline, service and retail jobs don't pay well. Government policies have intentionally forced the US to become a 70+% consumer based economy, so blame the low wages on your revered statist in government, they are the ones who bent over for the eco-wennies and forced manufacturing offshore.

No I blame that more on the policy makers who had an infarction at the mere mention of economic protectionism for many years and there were a lot more free market libertarians in that group than anything else, not sure you can call them statists though.
The GOP hasn't allowed a living wage yet...NEXT! ($11- 1968's minimum wage today)
If a person can't pay their bills working there maybe they should be working else where. The market when left alone will determine what labor is worth, if they didn't have people willing to work for what is offered, Wal Mart would raise the offer or go out of business. Simple concept

Well said. The market wants the cheapest possible labor in order to give investors the highest possible returns. This is called "getting incentives right". This is why US investors have gained access to Chinese sweatshops where Nikes and iPods are being made for pennies.

Problem is, this is not a recipe for a thriving middle class (which, when big enough, makes a society classless like the USA circa 1945-80).

When people come to the realization that the market wants sweatshop labor, they will start to realize that we are headed for 3rd world class structure, filled with ultra-wealthy owners/investors (on the one hand) and very poor laborers (on the other hand).

The market doesn't promise utopian social justice where all groups live above poverty. It only promises efficiency. Free Market America will look a lot different than postwar America. In Free Market America if someone has not saved enough for retirement, than that person will die in the street. In free market America if a young child does not come from a family wealthy enough to give him a solid early education, than that child will go without an education. The educational resources necessary for upward mobility will evaporate, and more people will be consigned to the position they are in at birth. The market is not obliged to provide education for people. Free Market America is almost here, and it's going to clear out a lot of dead wood. Substandard genetic material will not have a chance in free market America. People will die in the streets and be shoveled into mass graves. The market has no obligation to save them.
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It's not just walmart, it's pretty much normal wages at every big franchise that has taken the place of local businesses in every town everywhere, it's all part and parcel of the continuing conversion of entry level wages into continuing wages. Maybe you can give us some advice on how people may go work elsewhere for higher wages when corporate outfits like walmart with similar wage policies have become the dominant American employers?

Like I've said many times, until the US gets its manufacturing base back wages will continue to decline, service and retail jobs don't pay well. Government policies have intentionally forced the US to become a 70+% consumer based economy, so blame the low wages on your revered statist in government, they are the ones who bent over for the eco-wennies and forced manufacturing offshore.

No I blame that more on the policy makers who had an infarction at the mere mention of economic protectionism for many years and there were a lot more free market libertarians in that group than anything else, not sure you can call them statists though.

No they're statist, they've been worming their way into government since Wilson or slightly before. The have intentionally kept the country dumbed down, even though every politician talks a good game on education nothing ever changes. They are conditioning children to accept absolute control through all the zero tollerance policies you see in the schools now, administrative descression will be a thing of the past probably in my life time unless people put a stop to it. The economic protectionism your talking about will do no good, it would just lead to trade wars and economic isolation, and trying to artifically manipulate the market won't either.
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If a person can't pay their bills working there maybe they should be working else where. The market when left alone will determine what labor is worth, if they didn't have people willing to work for what is offered, Wal Mart would raise the offer or go out of business. Simple concept

Well said. The market wants the cheapest possible labor in order to give investors the highest possible returns. This is called "getting incentives right". This is why US investors have gained access to Chinese sweatshops where Nikes and iPods are being made for pennies.

Problem is, this is not a recipe for a thriving middle class (which, when big enough, makes a society classless like the USA circa 1945-80).

When people come to the realization that the market wants sweatshop labor, they will start to realize that we are headed for 3rd world class structure, filled with ultra-wealthy owners/investors (on the one hand) and very poor laborers (on the other hand).

The market doesn't promise utopian social justice where all groups live above poverty. It only promises efficiency. Free Market America will look a lot different than postwar America. In Free Market America if someone has not saved enough for retirement, than that person will die in the street. In free market America if a young child does not come from a family wealthy enough to give him a solid early education, than that child will go without an education. The educational resources necessary for upward mobility will evaporate, and more people will be consigned to the position they are in at birth. The market is not obliged to provide education for people. Free Market America is almost here, and it's going to clear out a lot of dead wood. Substandard genetic material will not have a chance in free market America. People will die in the streets and be shoveled into mass graves. The market has no obligation to save them.

And when you drive all the companies offshore, what then?
Like I've said many times, until the US gets its manufacturing base back wages will continue to decline, service and retail jobs don't pay well. Government policies have intentionally forced the US to become a 70+% consumer based economy, so blame the low wages on your revered statist in government, they are the ones who bent over for the eco-wennies and forced manufacturing offshore.

No I blame that more on the policy makers who had an infarction at the mere mention of economic protectionism for many years and there were a lot more free market libertarians in that group than anything else, not sure you can call them statists though.

No they're statist, they've been worming their way into government since Wilson or slightly before. The have intentionally kept the country dumbed down, even though every politician talks a good game on education nothing ever changes. They are conditioning children to accept absolute control through all the zero tollerance policies you see in the schools now, administrative descression will be a thing of the past probably in my life time unless people put a stop to it. The economic protectionism your talking about will do no good, it would just lead to trade wars and economic isolation, and trying to artifically manipulate the market won't either.

Just like a libertarian, disown their policies that blow up in our faces. The Friedmanites infected both parties for a while but the democrats largely got over it. The Bush neo-cons pushed that whole raft of insane plutocratic crap long after it was obvious that they were facilitating the death of our industrial base.
Just like a libertarian, disown their policies that blow up in our faces. The Friedmanites infected both parties for a while but the democrats largely got over it. The Bush neo-cons pushed that whole raft of insane plutocratic crap long after it was obvious that they were facilitating the death of our industrial base.

That's a lot of blather signifying absolutely nothing.

What policies are libertarians disowning? What is "the whole raft of plutocratic crap?"
If a person can't pay their bills working there maybe they should be working else where. The market when left alone will determine what labor is worth, if they didn't have people willing to work for what is offered, Wal Mart would raise the offer or go out of business. Simple concept

Well said. The market wants the cheapest possible labor in order to give investors the highest possible returns. This is called "getting incentives right". This is why US investors have gained access to Chinese sweatshops where Nikes and iPods are being made for pennies.

Problem is, this is not a recipe for a thriving middle class (which, when big enough, makes a society classless like the USA circa 1945-80).

When people come to the realization that the market wants sweatshop labor, they will start to realize that we are headed for 3rd world class structure, filled with ultra-wealthy owners/investors (on the one hand) and very poor laborers (on the other hand).

The market doesn't promise utopian social justice where all groups live above poverty. It only promises efficiency. Free Market America will look a lot different than postwar America. In Free Market America if someone has not saved enough for retirement, than that person will die in the street. In free market America if a young child does not come from a family wealthy enough to give him a solid early education, than that child will go without an education. The educational resources necessary for upward mobility will evaporate, and more people will be consigned to the position they are in at birth. The market is not obliged to provide education for people. Free Market America is almost here, and it's going to clear out a lot of dead wood. Substandard genetic material will not have a chance in free market America. People will die in the streets and be shoveled into mass graves. The market has no obligation to save them.

And when you drive all the companies offshore, what then?

Walmart will move offshore? Bwahahaha

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