The War of 1812 with Benjamin Boyce.

The Star Spangled Banner written by Francis Scott Key while he was held prisoner on a Brit ship watching the shelling of Ft. McHenry in Baltimore harbor. War of 1812.
Really, is it more ethos than pathos or just logos?

All right I admit it, I usually feel with my fingers...

The war of 1812 was a stupid move by the Brits since they could never turn the US into India.

Hate to break it to you but the Brits were our major trading customers and business investors until well into the early 20th Century, and also the major source of technology transfers as well. The Monroe Doctrine was largely enforced by the British Navy, not ours, for many decades. A lot of people don't seem to realize our 'Revolution' was an international war, not a civil war, with both France and Spain also playing major roles in the greater conflict. We would still be British if it weren't for France. Brits bought most of our bonds for the Erie Canal, our railroad stocks and bonds, sold us our rails for the roads, machine tools, clothes, high quality iron and steel, and so on. We exported lumber, tobacco, furniture, and cotton to Europe, and foodstuffs and furniture to the Caribbean plantations, all owned by France, Britain, and Spain, or the Dutch and Portuguese. Wars never stopped trade; in fact most were directly related to trade. The War of 1812 was part of the Napoleonic wars.

As for India, the British coming in was a great boon to them; there was no 'India' until the Brits unified the continent, built railroads, and provided them with a common government and national identity and some sort of framework for law and order. India as a whole certainly didn't mind, since the Brits only needed about 10,000 men to run the place, which would have been impossible without the almost total cooperation of the population.
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Most American kids of my generation recited the Star Spangled Banner without thinking about the event. Today's generation probably doesn't give a damn one way or the other. The American fort was shelled day and night by Brit ships with artillery and rocket's "red glare". Key spotted the Stars and Stripes through the night and by dawn the Flag was still flying. Think about it the next time you hear the Anthem.
Most American kids of my generation recited the Star Spangled Banner without thinking about the event. Today's generation probably doesn't give a damn one way or the other. The American fort was shelled day and night by Brit ships with artillery and rocket's "red glare". Key spotted the Stars and Stripes through the night and by dawn the Flag was still flying. Think about it the next time you hear the Anthem.
The rockets and bombs (mortars) were fired from ships because they were outside the range of the forts guns.
Those in the fort just hunkered down during the bombardment
The key to victory was Baltimore citizen militia holding off British Marines
The rockets and bombs (mortars) were fired from ships because they were outside the range of the forts guns.
Those in the fort just hunkered down during the bombardment
The key to victory was Baltimore citizen militia holding off British Marines
"Just hunkered down"? Try it sometime.
"Just hunkered down"? Try it sometime.

Only a couple were killed by those bombs and rockets
Ducking behind those earthen ramparts and internal fortifications protected them

The British were not going to take Ft McHenry through naval bombardment

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