The war on drugs failed so we should end it

Probably the stupidest phrase you'll ever hear. It's like saying the war on murder, rape, or all crime is lost, so we should have laissez-faire attitude relating to those problems too. The fact is there are tens of millions of drug addicts in America and many more that are affected by the collateral damage drugs cause. I'm not an absolutist. The approach of just letting people do as they please is not applicable in this case. If anything we need to ramp up our efforts to combat drug use.
Until all white people are permanently off of drugs, the war will continue. Once you're done with dope, than the war will end and nigga's will die from overdoses
Probably the stupidest phrase you'll ever hear. It's like saying the war on murder, rape, or all crime is lost, so we should have laissez-faire attitude relating to those problems too. The fact is there are tens of millions of drug addicts in America and many more that are affected by the collateral damage drugs cause. I'm not an absolutist. The approach of just letting people do as they please is not applicable in this case. If anything we need to ramp up our efforts to combat drug use.
Exactly. Why even have laws when they don't stop crime? Why react to crime at all? It gets absurd after a while, liberals equivocating and question their conscience about everything from jaywalking to murder.
yea thats great until someone who doesnt like you says you are a dealer.....

Hard to get convicted of smuggling just because someone says you do it. Usually you need to get caught. Even dealers have to get busted in a sale, but in the US they get a few years and a felony record that prevents them from working in all but the shittiest jobs.

Obviously there isn't a severe enough punishment to keep people from bringing that shit in.

If we're going to legalize it across the board and let people OD and die at no cost to the government then fuck it. Fine.

Massive government programs that keep addicts barely alive for years on end won't sell. Locking them up doesn't even work, they still get dope in prison.

I don't want to pretend I don't have all the answers, but I know the only thing government does efficiently is kill people. So when someone is caught with 500 grams of coke shoved up their ass at customs and we start publicly executing them it may at least force the cartels to find a new route.

The war on drugs should have started with the war on users and dealers.

If there is no demand, the supply dries up in no time.
No fooling?

Just what do you think started out as and has been going on for the past half-century?

What started out and has been going on for the past half century is pigs who decided to ruin their own life and drag the country down by their total lack of self respect and take drugs that they knew fully well was bad for them.

Piss on the addicts. It is their own idiocy to get them where they are. No sympathy, because they deserve none.

As far as using drugs go, I would not know. I never touched the stuff and never had the desire to do so. I am on physician prescribed medication, which I have no intention or desire to abuse.

I would have no problem to round up all the users, lock them up and humanly detox them. If they have any brains, they would be thankful.

For two years I was on dilaudid with extremely painful shoulder pain fr two years. After the surgery I had to fixx the pain I went off dilaudid cold turkey.

Several tears prior to that I went off nicotine, cold turkey.Only weak kneed idiots are addicts to anything.

If I could kick nicotine and dilaudid (morphine), any one should be able to.
I am beginning to wonder what the difference is between organized crime and government . The similarities are astounding.
Probably the stupidest phrase you'll ever hear. It's like saying the war on murder, rape, or all crime is lost, so we should have laissez-faire attitude relating to those problems too. The fact is there are tens of millions of drug addicts in America and many more that are affected by the collateral damage drugs cause. I'm not an absolutist. The approach of just letting people do as they please is not applicable in this case. If anything we need to ramp up our efforts to combat drug use.
And how would you suggest we go about "ramping up" the existing folly which the existing drug laws are? Based on what already has been done to stop those who are inclined to use drugs from using them it should be clear to the reasoning mind that any effective means of ensuring abstinence would involve the most brutally totalitarian methods imaginable -- such as are presently in use in the Philippines and includes on-the-spot execution.

Now that we've seen that force doesn't work it seems reasonable to try intensified public education, which is the means by which use of the most addictive drug of all, nicotine, was reduced by almost 80% without arresting anyone.

As for those who insist on self-destruction via abuse of powerful narcotics, there is no way within the social boundaries of a free society to prevent them from doing it.

We should go after the cartels harder, and stricter sentencing for certain types of drug dealers.
Probably the stupidest phrase you'll ever hear. It's like saying the war on murder, rape, or all crime is lost, so we should have laissez-faire attitude relating to those problems too. The fact is there are tens of millions of drug addicts in America and many more that are affected by the collateral damage drugs cause. I'm not an absolutist. The approach of just letting people do as they please is not applicable in this case. If anything we need to ramp up our efforts to combat drug use.
Exactly. Why even have laws when they don't stop crime? Why react to crime at all? It gets absurd after a while, liberals equivocating and question their conscience about everything from jaywalking to murder.

Some idiots, mainly liberals, have told us the war on terrorism has failed, so we should stop. They havent invented something that fixes stupid. Yet.
Probably the stupidest phrase you'll ever hear. It's like saying the war on murder, rape, or all crime is lost, so we should have laissez-faire attitude relating to those problems too. The fact is there are tens of millions of drug addicts in America and many more that are affected by the collateral damage drugs cause. I'm not an absolutist. The approach of just letting people do as they please is not applicable in this case. If anything we need to ramp up our efforts to combat drug use.

Big difference between murder/rape and adults using drugs. The former most certainly infringes on the rights of another. The latter is a consensual activity, which I would argue is none of your business.

How about we wage war on people that have actually hurt another or taken what does belong to them? That seems a far more reasonable place to start.
We should go after the cartels harder, and stricter sentencing for certain types of drug dealers.
The first thing you need to know is there is no way to eliminate drug use in a free society. The history of beverage alcohol Prohibition should be sufficient to teach you that. The best that can be done is to legalize access, restrict it to adults and control purity and general quality.

The War On Drugs is a monumental mistake which was fostered by ignorance, stupidity and official corruption. Nothing can be done to further prosecute this counterproductive folly without seriously breaching the Constitution and increasing our already excessive national prison census -- and it wouldn't do a bit of good.

A drug cartel is an expanded analogy of a single street-corner drug dealer. If one is removed another pops up to take his place. Then another and another and another. As long as there is money to be made there is no end to the parade of aspirants to the big, fast dollars available from selling illegal drugs.

When you see a "big drug bust" reported on tv, complete with cliched images of piles of cash, stacks of packaged powders or bundled leaves and a rack of weaponry, it is just part of a well-entrenched and polished game which benefits the law-enforcement establishment, the legal profession, the piss-test industry, the liquor and pharmaceutical industries -- both of which would be seriously compromised if only marijuana were legalized and, mainly, the reigning cartels of the day. Unless you believe our law-makers are above accepting bribes, be advised it is worth briefcases packed with hundred-dollar bills to ensure continuation of the totally counterproductive War On Drugs. Because if the drug war ends, so does the flow of cash.

Wise up. There is a better way.
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yea thats great until someone who doesnt like you says you are a dealer.....

Hard to get convicted of smuggling just because someone says you do it. Usually you need to get caught. Even dealers have to get busted in a sale, but in the US they get a few years and a felony record that prevents them from working in all but the shittiest jobs.

Obviously there isn't a severe enough punishment to keep people from bringing that shit in.

If we're going to legalize it across the board and let people OD and die at no cost to the government then fuck it. Fine.

Massive government programs that keep addicts barely alive for years on end won't sell. Locking them up doesn't even work, they still get dope in prison.

I don't want to pretend I don't have all the answers, but I know the only thing government does efficiently is kill people. So when someone is caught with 500 grams of coke shoved up their ass at customs and we start publicly executing them it may at least force the cartels to find a new route.

Hard to get convicted of smuggling just because someone says you do it
well im talking about the "program" in the Philippines...people who are just suspected of dealing and using are being shot...
Exactly. Why even have laws when they don't stop crime? Why react to crime at all? It gets absurd after a while, liberals equivocating and question their conscience about everything from jaywalking to murder.
Laws do stop crime. If there were no laws against such crimes as murder, rape, robbery, etc the statistics of those offenses would rise dramatically and would soon be overwhelming. But those are crimes which directly harm others. To compare them with drug offenses, which in most cases harm absolutely no one, is utterly stupid.

The statistics on death and severe illness clearly prove that beverage alcohol is by far one of the most dangerously addictive and destructive drugs of all. Thirteen years of alcohol Prohibition (1920 - 1933) proved it is impossible to eliminate the use of recreational substances within the social framework of a free society. So the government at that time was wise enough to opt for legalization with controlled distribution and regulated purity.

Portugal has legalized drugs ten years ago. What do you think has happened as the result?
Until all white people are permanently off of drugs, the war will continue. Once you're done with dope, than the war will end and nigga's will die from overdoses
The only reason why people die from overdoses is there is no way to know what they are getting from street dealers.

For example, pure heroin (diacetyl morphine) is a deadly poison. It must be diluted ("cut") with some benign substance to reduce its potency. If it isn't cut enough, while a long-term user might be able to tolerate its purity level it could kill a relatively inexperienced user. At the other end is the dealer who doesn't know what he is doing and cuts his product with some toxic substance -- a contingency which was responsible for thirty-six deaths in one night in New York City's infamous "Needle Park."

Legally available doses of heroin would eliminate this problem.
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So you're going to equate shooting heroine with alcohol?
Contrary to what you probably have been led to believe, one is far better off addicted to heroin than to beverage alcohol. If you don't believe that, research it.

Far more people die every year from the use of alcohol than from the use of heroin. If afforded access to clean, well-measured doses, and to sterile instruments if injection is the preferred method of use, one can lead a relatively normal life while maintaining a sensibly regulated addiction. In fact, under those conditions one's life span can actually be increased because of the significant reduction of stress resulting from the effect of the drug.

The problem with heroin addiction under existing illegal conditions is the impurity of the street sources and the enormous stress of being a heroin junkie in the drug war era.
what, nancy reagan's "just say no" didn't work?
The irony of that "Just Say No" routine is Nancy Reagan was a degenerate quaalude junkie.
There has never been a war on drugs. The only war on drugs is going on in the Phillipines.
It will take the Philippines extreme approach a long time to catch up to the misery and death brought about by our so-called drug war.
what, nancy reagan's "just say no" didn't work?
The irony of that "Just Say No" routine is Nancy Reagan was a degenerate quaalude junkie.

Thats is such bs/slander. Quaaludes are seriously debilitating drugs. Had Nancy Regan had quaalude problem it would have been evident to everyone. Im sure youll provide a link and continue to claim its true, but thats because the legalize drugs side is heavy in propiganda and lies.
We've had bad luck with wars ever since the Big One. I suggest an alternative approach is called for, as you point out - war hasn't worked.

What has "worked" in stoping murder?
Probably the stupidest phrase you'll ever hear. It's like saying the war on murder, rape, or all crime is lost, so we should have laissez-faire attitude relating to those problems too. The fact is there are tens of millions of drug addicts in America and many more that are affected by the collateral damage drugs cause. I'm not an absolutist. The approach of just letting people do as they please is not applicable in this case. If anything we need to ramp up our efforts to combat drug use.

Big difference between murder/rape and adults using drugs. The former most certainly infringes on the rights of another. The latter is a consensual activity, which I would argue is none of your business.

How about we wage war on people that have actually hurt another or taken what does belong to them? That seems a far more reasonable place to start.

So you dont think drug addicts and drug dealers infringe on the rights of others?
We should go after the cartels harder, and stricter sentencing for certain types of drug dealers.
The first thing you need to know is there is no way to eliminate drug use in a free society.

Thats what ive been saying all along. Theres no way we can eliminate rape either, doesnt mean we shouldnt try to prevent and deter it.
Probably the stupidest phrase you'll ever hear. It's like saying the war on murder, rape, or all crime is lost, so we should have laissez-faire attitude relating to those problems too. The fact is there are tens of millions of drug addicts in America and many more that are affected by the collateral damage drugs cause. I'm not an absolutist. The approach of just letting people do as they please is not applicable in this case. If anything we need to ramp up our efforts to combat drug use.

Amen! Let's just throw away another trillion dollars into useless enforcement, continue to erode our Constitution, and ruin millions of people's lives!

More "small" government conservatism please!
We've never had small government conservatism in our lifetimes

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