The war on drugs failed so we should end it

yea i read that....lot of that is bullshit....especially the part about how we make more than the other guys....

That's quite the informed retort. Sorry, I'm inclined to believe the Fortune article and the references it cites.
that article seemed a little anti-post office....i worked there for 33 years and many of those old "facts" have already been thrown around...being on the inside is somewhat different than being on the outside looking in...

Your tenure doesn't change the facts.
if they were facts i would agree with you.....but much of those "facts" were somewhat skewed facts....

Again, your sources are lacking. Fortune magazine, not so much.
my source is practical experience in the industry....which is better than some writer who sounds fairly anti-PO..... those facts are like politicians telling people the truth....they only tell you what you want to hear and leave out parts...and of course,you eat it up.....
Any doctor worth their salt would tell you banning heroine is the only way to go. Do you know of any other doctors that would suggest otherwise?

Don't know, don't care.

I'm fine with whatever you want to put into your body, please grant others the same courtesy.

For God's sake, if we don't have freedom over our own bodies, how can we call this a free country?

You're no better than the Leftist collectivist and their meddling.

Problem with you libertarians is you don't know where to draw the line.
Absolutely wrong...he has repeatedly shown you exactly where the line is.

But you perfer an emotional argument.
Any doctor worth their salt would tell you banning heroine is the only way to go. Do you know of any other doctors that would suggest otherwise?

Don't know, don't care.

I'm fine with whatever you want to put into your body, please grant others the same courtesy.

For God's sake, if we don't have freedom over our own bodies, how can we call this a free country?

You're no better than the Leftist collectivist and their meddling.

You know what it boils down is you're so obsessed with your libertarian dogma that you refuse to care if more people die and more lives are ruined following your rules.

Communists think the same thing.

That's why they want the government to make sure everyone has proper food and healthcare.

Why do you support communism?

I don't support communism, and never have supported communism,
Lol what?

Talk about drawing a line in sand. Listen, I've read your posts. I much more about freedom than you are.

Then why do you support Big Gubmint communism restricting individual freedom and liberty?

Why do you support Big Gubmint telling individuals what to do with their lives?

As mention in the thread, drug addicts and drug dealers aren't just effecting their own lives, the burden they put on society is substantial.

"Burden on society" is a liberal argument.

Glad you've acknowledged your inner-communist.

Nah people steal, rob, assault, and kill people because of drug use. They infringe on the rights of others.
I know people that also do the same for booze...
That's fine, I'm not saying ban drugs that are already legal.
So, considering the fact that any drug which is already banned is as readily available today as it was before the ban, which drugs would you like to ban now? And what effect do you suppose the ban would have on availability?

Can it be you are not aware that the War On Drugs is a total failure -- a counterproductive boondoggle which does more harm than good?
We have never had a war on drugs in this country. Our war on drugs is like giving bank robbers wheeled carts to haul away the money and call it a war on bank robbery.

A war on drugs is not rehab, alternate sentencing, clean needle programs, drug clinics, cops carrying narcan syringes, probation, community service, or halfway houses. A war on drugs is what they are doing in the Phillipines. A war has blood, dead bodies and begging for mercy.
Stop masturbating to murder fantasies, psycho.
she hates living here but just cant seem to move to those countries she thinks are great....
Any doctor worth their salt would tell you banning heroine is the only way to go. Do you know of any other doctors that would suggest otherwise?

Don't know, don't care.

I'm fine with whatever you want to put into your body, please grant others the same courtesy.

For God's sake, if we don't have freedom over our own bodies, how can we call this a free country?

You're no better than the Leftist collectivist and their meddling.

Problem with you libertarians is you don't know where to draw the line.
Absolutely wrong...he has repeatedly shown you exactly where the line is.

But you perfer an emotional argument.

Where? The answer to every question for a libertarian is more freedom. That isn't always the answer.
Lol what?

Talk about drawing a line in sand. Listen, I've read your posts. I much more about freedom than you are.

Then why do you support Big Gubmint communism restricting individual freedom and liberty?

Why do you support Big Gubmint telling individuals what to do with their lives?

As mention in the thread, drug addicts and drug dealers aren't just effecting their own lives, the burden they put on society is substantial.
When do you push for a return to alcohol prohibition?

I agree with you that drunks are a big problem, but like I said before - the purpose of consuming alcohol for most ppl isn't to get drunk. The only purpose for drugs is to get high.
most people drink to get a buzz....same as most pot smokers.....
Where? The answer to every question for a libertarian is more freedom. That isn't always the answer.
More freedom is not always the answer. But in the example of recreational drugs it certainly is the answer. Because repression of that freedom has proven to be seriously counterproductive.
Nah people steal, rob, assault, and kill people because of drug use. They infringe on the rights of others.

And you infringe on the rights of others by using government power to impose your definition of morality on others.

You think government shouldn't interfere in the economic affairs of individuals, but you have no problem with government interfering in the social affairs of individuals.

That makes you a hypocrite.

And a liberal and a communist.
Nah people steal, rob, assault, and kill people because of drug use. They infringe on the rights of others.

And you infringe on the rights of others by using government power to impose your definition of morality on others.

You think government shouldn't interfere in the economic affairs of individuals, but you have no problem with government interfering in the social affairs of individuals.

That makes you a hypocrite.

And a liberal and a communist.

Do you feel people should be allowed to kill other people without the government stepping in?

Maybe you're a liberal and a communist as well.
Nah people steal, rob, assault, and kill people because of drug use. They infringe on the rights of others.

And you infringe on the rights of others by using government power to impose your definition of morality on others.

You think government shouldn't interfere in the economic affairs of individuals, but you have no problem with government interfering in the social affairs of individuals.

That makes you a hypocrite.

And a liberal and a communist.

Do you feel people should be allowed to kill other people without the government stepping in?

Maybe you're a liberal and a communist as well.

Liberals say the same thing about economics.

Why do you hate America?
Nah people steal, rob, assault, and kill people because of drug use. They infringe on the rights of others.

And you infringe on the rights of others by using government power to impose your definition of morality on others.

You think government shouldn't interfere in the economic affairs of individuals, but you have no problem with government interfering in the social affairs of individuals.

That makes you a hypocrite.

And a liberal and a communist.

Do you feel people should be allowed to kill other people without the government stepping in?

Maybe you're a liberal and a communist as well.

Liberals say the same thing about economics.

Why do you hate America?

I hate America because of liberals :biggrin:
Nah people steal, rob, assault, and kill people because of drug use. They infringe on the rights of others.

And you infringe on the rights of others by using government power to impose your definition of morality on others.

You think government shouldn't interfere in the economic affairs of individuals, but you have no problem with government interfering in the social affairs of individuals.

That makes you a hypocrite.

And a liberal and a communist.

Do you feel people should be allowed to kill other people without the government stepping in?

Maybe you're a liberal and a communist as well.

Liberals say the same thing about economics.

Why do you hate America?

I hate America because of liberals :biggrin:
I am sure your disdain is further antagonized by being a Bills fan...
Nah people steal, rob, assault, and kill people because of drug use. They infringe on the rights of others.

And you infringe on the rights of others by using government power to impose your definition of morality on others.

You think government shouldn't interfere in the economic affairs of individuals, but you have no problem with government interfering in the social affairs of individuals.

That makes you a hypocrite.

And a liberal and a communist.

Do you feel people should be allowed to kill other people without the government stepping in?

Maybe you're a liberal and a communist as well.

Liberals say the same thing about economics.

Why do you hate America?

I hate America because of liberals :biggrin:
I am sure your disdain is further antagonized by being a Bills fan...

Indeed. We cut Karlos Williams (the guy was a stud last year ) and Marcell dareous is suspended for the first 4 games.....get this.....FOR WEED. God I hate weed.

I don't really hate libs btw
Any doctor worth their salt would tell you banning heroine is the only way to go. Do you know of any other doctors that would suggest otherwise?

Don't know, don't care.

I'm fine with whatever you want to put into your body, please grant others the same courtesy.

For God's sake, if we don't have freedom over our own bodies, how can we call this a free country?

You're no better than the Leftist collectivist and their meddling.

You know what it boils down is you're so obsessed with your libertarian dogma that you refuse to care if more people die and more lives are ruined following your rules.

And there's the great irony of it all. I am 100% convinced the illegality of drug use contributes greatly to death by drugs. It exacerbates it by forcing people into black markets, which no laws are EVER going to prevent. Lives are ruined when the cops kick down the door. No, it's your laws that are the real problem, not freedom.

But one last time, that's not the point. My body, not yours.

p.s. Before you launch into an ad hominem, I don't take so much as a Tylenol.
The war on drugs was never a war. We fought it like we fight all our wars today. We should have fought it like we did WWII.
Any doctor worth their salt would tell you banning heroine is the only way to go. Do you know of any other doctors that would suggest otherwise?

Don't know, don't care.

I'm fine with whatever you want to put into your body, please grant others the same courtesy.

For God's sake, if we don't have freedom over our own bodies, how can we call this a free country?

You're no better than the Leftist collectivist and their meddling.

You know what it boils down is you're so obsessed with your libertarian dogma that you refuse to care if more people die and more lives are ruined following your rules.

And there's the great irony of it all. I am 100% convinced the illegality of drug use contributes greatly to death by drugs. It exacerbates it by forcing people into black markets, which no laws are EVER going to prevent. Lives are ruined when the cops kick down the door. No, it's your laws that are the real problem, not freedom.

But one last time, that's not the point. My body, not yours.

p.s. Before you launch into an ad hominem, I don't take so much as a Tylenol.

I'm not dense. I understand your position, I just disagree. Also you're not going to end the black market of drug dealing by legalizing. Sorry.
Any doctor worth their salt would tell you banning heroine is the only way to go. Do you know of any other doctors that would suggest otherwise?

Don't know, don't care.

I'm fine with whatever you want to put into your body, please grant others the same courtesy.

For God's sake, if we don't have freedom over our own bodies, how can we call this a free country?

You're no better than the Leftist collectivist and their meddling.

Should we be allowed to put cyanide into our bodies? Would that be good or bad for society?


How in the hell could you know what the guy putting cyanide into his system is going through? AGAIN, not your business.

You call yourself a conservative, so I assume you support the 2nd amendment. If so, please understand that you are using the same argument against drugs as gun grabbers make against firearm ownership. You both want to restrict the natural rights of citizens because of what you fear might happen.
Any doctor worth their salt would tell you banning heroine is the only way to go. Do you know of any other doctors that would suggest otherwise?

Don't know, don't care.

I'm fine with whatever you want to put into your body, please grant others the same courtesy.

For God's sake, if we don't have freedom over our own bodies, how can we call this a free country?

You're no better than the Leftist collectivist and their meddling.

Should we be allowed to put cyanide into our bodies? Would that be good or bad for society?


How in the hell could you know what the guy putting cyanide into his system is going through? AGAIN, not your business.

You call yourself a conservative, so I assume you support the 2nd amendment. If so, please understand that you are using the same argument against drugs as gun grabbers make against firearm ownership. You both want to restrict the natural rights of citizens because of what you fear might happen.
he has a point there rocky....

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