The war on drugs failed so we should end it

The war on drugs is bringing in revenue. The DEA is the only agency of the government that actually pays for itself. The property and money the DEA seizes even goes toward supporting the U.S. Attorney's Office, local law enforcement departments, and the United States Marshalls.
the post office pays for itself.... that why taxpayers supplement the Post Office to the tune of $18 billion each year?

American taxpayers give an $18 billion gift to the post office every year
yea i read that....lot of that is bullshit....especially the part about how we make more than the other guys....
The war on drugs is bringing in revenue. The DEA is the only agency of the government that actually pays for itself. The property and money the DEA seizes even goes toward supporting the U.S. Attorney's Office, local law enforcement departments, and the United States Marshalls.
the post office pays for itself.... that why taxpayers supplement the Post Office to the tune of $18 billion each year?

American taxpayers give an $18 billion gift to the post office every year
yea i read that....lot of that is bullshit....especially the part about how we make more than the other guys....

That's quite the informed retort. Sorry, I'm inclined to believe the Fortune article and the references it cites.
The war on drugs is bringing in revenue. The DEA is the only agency of the government that actually pays for itself. The property and money the DEA seizes even goes toward supporting the U.S. Attorney's Office, local law enforcement departments, and the United States Marshalls.
the post office pays for itself.... that why taxpayers supplement the Post Office to the tune of $18 billion each year?

American taxpayers give an $18 billion gift to the post office every year
yea i read that....lot of that is bullshit....especially the part about how we make more than the other guys....

It's not BS. The post office is dying a slow death and they deserve handouts.
The war on drugs is bringing in revenue. The DEA is the only agency of the government that actually pays for itself. The property and money the DEA seizes even goes toward supporting the U.S. Attorney's Office, local law enforcement departments, and the United States Marshalls.
the post office pays for itself.... that why taxpayers supplement the Post Office to the tune of $18 billion each year?

American taxpayers give an $18 billion gift to the post office every year
yea i read that....lot of that is bullshit....especially the part about how we make more than the other guys....

That's quite the informed retort. Sorry, I'm inclined to believe the Fortune article and the references it cites.
that article seemed a little anti-post office....i worked there for 33 years and many of those old "facts" have already been thrown around...being on the inside is somewhat different than being on the outside looking in...
The war on drugs is bringing in revenue. The DEA is the only agency of the government that actually pays for itself. The property and money the DEA seizes even goes toward supporting the U.S. Attorney's Office, local law enforcement departments, and the United States Marshalls.
the post office pays for itself.... that why taxpayers supplement the Post Office to the tune of $18 billion each year?

American taxpayers give an $18 billion gift to the post office every year
yea i read that....lot of that is bullshit....especially the part about how we make more than the other guys....

It's not BS. The post office is dying a slow death and they deserve handouts.
yes much of that is.....and they dont deserve handouts nor do they want them....they want to be able to run the business without congress micromanaging them and without having to get permission from a bunch of "committees" to take a piss....
The war on drugs is bringing in revenue. The DEA is the only agency of the government that actually pays for itself. The property and money the DEA seizes even goes toward supporting the U.S. Attorney's Office, local law enforcement departments, and the United States Marshalls.
the post office pays for itself.... that why taxpayers supplement the Post Office to the tune of $18 billion each year?

American taxpayers give an $18 billion gift to the post office every year
yea i read that....lot of that is bullshit....especially the part about how we make more than the other guys....

That's quite the informed retort. Sorry, I'm inclined to believe the Fortune article and the references it cites.
that article seemed a little anti-post office....i worked there for 33 years and many of those old "facts" have already been thrown around...being on the inside is somewhat different than being on the outside looking in...

Your tenure doesn't change the facts.
I don't have to read someone's book to get my information. I know people within the DEA right now.
So do I -- and not one of them would dare tell the truth about what they do and what they are, which is the precise equivalent of the Prohibition enforcers, most of whom were corrupt hypocrites who would arrest you and ruin your life for possessing booze -- but would take some of it home with them and enjoy it.

Narcs, in any capacity, are the scumbags of law-enforcement.
the post office pays for itself.... that why taxpayers supplement the Post Office to the tune of $18 billion each year?

American taxpayers give an $18 billion gift to the post office every year
yea i read that....lot of that is bullshit....especially the part about how we make more than the other guys....

That's quite the informed retort. Sorry, I'm inclined to believe the Fortune article and the references it cites.
that article seemed a little anti-post office....i worked there for 33 years and many of those old "facts" have already been thrown around...being on the inside is somewhat different than being on the outside looking in...

Your tenure doesn't change the facts.
if they were facts i would agree with you.....but much of those "facts" were somewhat skewed facts.... that why taxpayers supplement the Post Office to the tune of $18 billion each year?

American taxpayers give an $18 billion gift to the post office every year
yea i read that....lot of that is bullshit....especially the part about how we make more than the other guys....

That's quite the informed retort. Sorry, I'm inclined to believe the Fortune article and the references it cites.
that article seemed a little anti-post office....i worked there for 33 years and many of those old "facts" have already been thrown around...being on the inside is somewhat different than being on the outside looking in...

Your tenure doesn't change the facts.
if they were facts i would agree with you.....but much of those "facts" were somewhat skewed facts....

Again, your sources are lacking. Fortune magazine, not so much.
That's fine, I'm not saying ban drugs that are already legal.
So, considering the fact that any drug which is already banned is as readily available today as it was before the ban, which drugs would you like to ban now? And what effect do you suppose the ban would have on availability?

Can it be you are not aware that the War On Drugs is a total failure -- a counterproductive boondoggle which does more harm than good?
That's fine, I'm not saying ban drugs that are already legal.
So, considering the fact that any drug which is already banned is as readily available today as it was before the ban, which drugs would you like to ban now? And what effect do you suppose the ban would have on availability?

Can it be you are not aware that the War On Drugs is a total failure -- a counterproductive boondoggle which does more harm than good?
We have never had a war on drugs in this country. Our war on drugs is like giving bank robbers wheeled carts to haul away the money and call it a war on bank robbery.

A war on drugs is not rehab, alternate sentencing, clean needle programs, drug clinics, cops carrying narcan syringes, probation, community service, or halfway houses. A war on drugs is what they are doing in the Phillipines. A war has blood, dead bodies and begging for mercy.
I don't have to read someone's book to get my information. I know people within the DEA right now.
So do I -- and not one of them would dare tell the truth about what they do and what they are, which is the precise equivalent of the Prohibition enforcers, most of whom were corrupt hypocrites who would arrest you and ruin your life for possessing booze -- but would take some of it home with them and enjoy it.

Narcs, in any capacity, are the scumbags of law-enforcement.

Actually, they are some of the highest paid and live a better lifestyle than most in law enforcement. Most of them are GS-13 or above.
I don't have to read someone's book to get my information. I know people within the DEA right now.
do they enjoy violating the peoples 5th Amendment rights?

Many DEA agents do enjoy their jobs just like everyone else.
I don't violate peoples Constitutional rights when I do my job..

They just enforce the laws that are on the books that they are charged with enforcing. They did not make the laws -- Congress did.
The Dept of Justice and the president ordered them to stop it, yet it still continues...

If that was truly the case, the Attorney General would quickly remove her DEA chief.

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