The War On Drugs Is Over

Drug deaths are nature's way of cleansing itself. If you do not want to die of an overdose or some other drug related death, don't use drugs. It's a more than simple solution. It turns the war on drugs into one of attrition.
It strikes me that politicians utilize the word "war" as means to justify unrestraint spending which needs to be passed through their sticky hands. Thus there must always be a war on something, but only one thing.
It strikes me that politicians utilize the word "war" as means to justify unrestraint spending which needs to be passed through their sticky hands. Thus there must always be a war on something, but only one thing.
The cold war shut down the USSR. That was money well spent unless you had a better plan.
It strikes me that politicians utilize the word "war" as means to justify unrestraint spending which needs to be passed through their sticky hands. Thus there must always be a war on something, but only one thing.
The cold war shut down the USSR. That was money well spent unless you had a better plan.

The USSR's defense funding increased dramatically during the Carter years when the U.S. was training bin Laden and his pals to counter the USSR's invasion. Well spent? While it did drive the Soviets bankrupt, how did it work that well for us?
It strikes me that politicians utilize the word "war" as means to justify unrestraint spending which needs to be passed through their sticky hands. Thus there must always be a war on something, but only one thing.
The cold war shut down the USSR. That was money well spent unless you had a better plan.

The USSR's defense funding increased dramatically during the Carter years when the U.S. was training bin Laden and his pals to counter the USSR's invasion. Well spent? While it did drive the Soviets bankrupt, how did it work that well for us?
Bin Laden wasn't in Afghanistan during those years. In that time, Bin Laden was being exiled from Saudi Arabia and hiding out in Sudan.

It took Bin Laden's capture and subsequent release by Bill Clinton to get him to Afghanistan.
It strikes me that politicians utilize the word "war" as means to justify unrestraint spending which needs to be passed through their sticky hands. Thus there must always be a war on something, but only one thing.
The cold war shut down the USSR. That was money well spent unless you had a better plan.
The USSR's defense funding increased dramatically during the Carter years when the U.S. was training bin Laden and his pals to counter the USSR's invasion. Well spent? While it did drive the Soviets bankrupt, how did it work that well for us?
You believe the cold war was all about Afghanistan? The USSR breaking apart went very for us, and the world. But if you look into it the USSR tried to keep pace with Ronnie and spent their wad.
'Dancing grannies' join drugs fight...

Chinese 'dancing grannies' help out in anti-drugs fight
Wed, 30 Mar 2016 - Groups of women known for dancing in China's public squares are helping police in the fight against drugs.
The southern Chinese city of Guangzhou has some new recruits in the fight against drugs - local groups of "dancing grannies".

Known for showing off their routines to music in public spaces, the groups of mainly middle-aged and retired women - known as damas - are helping narcotics officials in the city's Jianggao area, the Guangzhou Daily newspaper reports. More than 100 damas have been recruited to the scheme since its launch in January, as part of a wider campaign to crack down on drug-related crime. They've been busy going door-to-door handing out flyers, and have also taken part in a special gala aimed at educating people about the dangers of drugs, an official tells the paper.


It's hoped the women's position in society means they'll be able to monitor drug use around them. "Most women are strongly opposed to drug abuse," says Tang Rongzhen from the local narcotics office. "That's why we are recruiting them to spread an anti-drug message."

Jianggao's narcotics team may be hoping to replicate the success of a similar scheme in the north-eastern city of Yantai, which has helped officers to bust several drugs rings. Damas are ideal for the job as they're more familiar with their local area than the police teams, officer Yuan Zhu told the news portal Jiaodong Net in November. "They can often quickly identify unusual visitors in their neighbourhood and alert the police."

Chinese 'dancing grannies' help out in anti-drugs fight - BBC News
Perhaps the OP has not met or known a person addicted to drugs? Nor has seen someone destroy their life and become a burden to others while addicted? I hope that the curse does not befall their kin.
Peru's Most Wanted drug lord caught in Colombia...
'Most Wanted' Peruvian drug lord captured in Colombia and deported
Tuesday 3rd May, 2016 – Colombian police have reportedly captured Peru’s most wanted drug lord Gerson “Caracol” Galvez in a Medallin city shopping center on April 30.
According to reports, Galvez, the alleged leader of Callao’s feared gang ‘Barrio King’ was deported to Peru due to his lack of migration papers. Reports added that the arrest was jointly made by Peru’s anti-drug unit Dirandro, Colombian police and Interpol. Further, Galvez, nicknamed “El Chapo” by Peru’s media, had changed his appearance having grown out his hair and beard, and was also carrying a false Ecuadorean passport.


A warrant was reportedly issued in December 2015 for Galvez’s capture following which law enforcement began to track the man. Reports state that Galvez was wanted in Peru in connection with over 100 murders, as well as for the control of cocaine shipments smuggled out of Peru’s Callao, and his capture warranted a $150,000 reward.

Further, justice minister Aldo Vasquez reportedly said that Galvez will not be kept in the medium-security Sarita Colonia prison as he was before, as, owing to the danger posed by the individual, the prison board is to determine a heftier sentence. Vasquez added that Galvez may probably be held in the maximum-security Challapalca prison in Tacna, Peru.

Most Wanted Peruvian drug lord captured in Colombia and deported
You can win the war by killing drug dealers. But we are pussified. Islam has 1 thing right but I guess you could also say a broken clock is right twice a day.
Like playin' whack-a-mole...

State Department Official: Cocaine Consumption Down More Than 50 Percent, ‘But Heroin Abuse Is Exploding’
June 16, 2016 | William Brownfield, assistant secretary of State of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Thursday that while the U.S. has made “great progress” on cocaine consumption, “heroin abuse is exploding.”[/1]
“We must today manage a strategic transition from cocaine to heroin. We’ve made great progress on cocaine. U.S. consumption is down more than 50 percent, but heroin abuse is exploding,” Brownfield said in his opening testimony at a hearing on transnational criminal threats. “Our international challenge is to work the solution with the government of Mexico – the source of most heroin in the United States,” said Brownfield, adding that the U.S. and Mexico are “working well together, meshing our domestic heroin abuse reduction plan with Mexico’s new heroin plan.”

However, Brownfield warned, “We must not ignore cocaine.” “In two years, cocaine production in Colombia has doubled, and the U.S. is the traditional market for Colombian cocaine,” he said, adding that Colombia is “understandably focused on its peace process to conclude a 50-year armed conflict.” “Our challenge is to support that process while at the same time pursue a serious drug strategy for Colombia and Central American transit nations, and we need to address challenges beyond our hemisphere,” Brownfield added. “Afghanistan produces more than 80 percent of the world’s heroin. Africa is a massive transit point for trafficking networks moving north-south and east-west, and the Chinese pharmaceutical industry produces much of the world’s dangerous new psychoactive substances and some old ones like fentanyl,” he said.

The “greater strategic challenge for the 21st century is that vast new field of organized criminal activity that is neither drugs nor terrorism,” Brownfield said. “We call it transnational organized crime. It includes human smuggling and trafficking in persons and wildlife, arms trafficking, illegal mining and logging, cybercrime, intellectual property theft. “While each crime is distinct, they all share certain enablers. They require corruption to run their trafficking networks and money laundering to convert illegal revenue into legitimized property. They all prey on weak governing institutions and benefit from poverty, poor education and lack of jobs,” he added.

State Department Official: Cocaine Consumption Down More Than 50 Percent, ‘But Heroin Abuse Is Exploding’
Texas state trooper Finds 1,700 Pounds of Pot in Pickup valued at about $600,000...

Trooper Finds 1,700 Pounds of Pot in Pickup
August 12, 2016 - The Texas Department of Public Safety estimates the drugs' value at about $600,000.
State troopers found over 1,700 pounds of marijuana last weekend when they stopped a pickup for a traffic violation near Marfa. A trooper pulled over the 2007 GMC pickup around 7:30 p.m. Sunday while it was traveling north on State Highway 17.


The Texas Department of Public Safety estimates the drugs' value at about $600,000.​

While inspecting the car, the trooper found 736 bundles of marijuana inside the cab and bed of the truck. The Department of Public Safety estimates the drugs' value at about $600,000, according to a post on its Facebook page.

Police arrested the driver, Jesus Galvan Fernandez, 26, from Ojinaga, Mexico, and charged him with possession of marijuana over 50 pounds but less than 2,000 pounds, which is a second-degree felony. Fernandez was booked into the Presidio County Jail.

Texas Trooper Finds 1,700 Pounds of Weed in Pickup |

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