The war on vapers

I see Donny is taking on the vaping industry after 6 deaths might have been caused by these things.

I wonder if there are any other industries where he could apply this logic ?

Here comes Tommy! HOT on the trail of cracking another massive Trump scandal, this time because of something that MIGHT have happened (doesn't even know for sure) involving far fewer people than die every single day from texting.
One good thing about businessmen is that they assess situations before jumping in. Trump wants our America to be a good place to live. Nothing is good when thousands of families are depressed because they lost a loved one to fentanyl or vaping. Those are two wars we can win, and fentanyl takes 300 lives per week last count I heard about. I'm not sure how frequently people die from vaping, but it must be a lot. I don't know if there are even any stats out on predictable deaths if it hangs in there as a mind-altering substance abuse route. There are studies in Europe that support people quitting, but not all the details are known why this happens there and not here. There is likely an apple-and-oranges reason, but that would require someone to scrutinize the goings on in two different hemispheres. Such as, is there a chemical cleaner in the European stations that kills the craving on a permanent basis or something as equally obscure--a flavor, other products such as a tea that influences the outcome? :dunno:

Hey, I just went over here and found some information recorded by doctors: Is Vaping Dangerous? What the Science Shows | Physician's Weekly

I'm paraphrasing several of the potential problems vaping has shown a propensity to:

(1) While it is true that vaping has helped some smokers quit, researcher published in July showed that only 10% of nearly 1,300 former smokers who turned to vaping to help quit were successful in doing so.

(2) there are a multitude of harmful effects that come along with vaping. The flavoring additives, so popular with teenagers, have come under scrutiny. Study findings published in July in an American Heart Association journal suggest that e-cigarette flavorings may damage blood vessels and the heart. One sentence issues a caution to teens who over-vape because they like the flavors.

(3) Pyrazine additives in ecigarettes. Pyrazines are known as being potentially toxic to the reproductive tract, and thus are a concern to child-bearing years adults, and in particular, teens. Vape and say goodbye to the next generation? Who knew Thalidomide would cause birth defects when they were prescribed as a miracle sedative back in the 50s. The teratogenic disaster that followed cost thousands of newborns their arms, fingers, toes, legs, and all sorts of body parts to disappear or be so deformed and unsightly people were horrified. Often its user's baby was just stillborn. Who knows what was missing inside?

Damage of vessels to the vessels and the heart could cause sudden death any time in a person's life that stress strained a vessel with a burst aneurysm effect, which could be quite fatal when the doctor doesn't know which vessel is causing the internal bleeding, or multiple vessels could be affected.

Will vaping increase the deaths from heart problems years later? We have no knowledge one way or another, but from what the article says, it is not a good outlook.

In short, could vaping bring about who knows what kind of disaster on mankind?​
Vaping is harmless until you add THC and Vitamin E oil or other vitamin oil. Out of 70 million vapers six used THC cut with vitamin oil and died. Many more got sick. Most of them young pot users.
How do you account for Pyrazine additives in ecigarettes that may damage people's babies? That is neither THC nor Vitamin E oil, or am I mistaken? I lived through the years people's babies lost body parts when their mothers took Thalidomide. If people want to relax, feel good, and avoid mood swings, the best therapy has always been a little daily exercise. People sit in front of a computer 8 hours a day at work and 6 hours at home, unless they're really addicts. This results in zero exercise. Bad stuff just happens to people if they fail to exercise. Exercise is how nature stimulates the endorphins and enkephalins of the brain that are nonaddictive analgesics. (you just feel better, and there's no effect that matches the difficulty people have to endure to stop smoking, which takes a huge percentage of human life by coating the lungs and wearing down the arteries. And if people think alcohol cheers them up, it only gives them temporary forgetting of bad stuff, and has a side effect called suicidal depression, the dts, and other deadly anomalies of the human psyche. Unfortunately, cigarettes and alcohol synergize each other's negative effects when drinking and smoking at the same time. People just don't know what they're doing to their body's chemistry when they start the tunnel going down of mixing various mind-altering drugs whether it's nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, heroin, etc.

And vaping doesn't have a decades-long research of negative effects yet. One thing I'm pretty certain of, though, is that until we know more about vaping interactions, vaping may not add years to your life if it becomes your paradigm.
Vaping normal vape products produces water vapor. Of course if you get your vape from the same dealer where you get your pot, good luck.
Tipsy, I have a confession. I do not smoke, do not drink, do not vape, do no drugs, and as my late husband did not care much for entertaining, I just got used to life being just the two of us after the children flew the nest. I had one boyfriend two years after my husband passed, but my friend was diagnosed with a malignant lung cancer just a couple of months after we started dating, and he died 8 or 9 months later, after surviving the whole nine yards of chemo. The last dose just did him in, and I was the one who found him fallen on the floor after having a stroke or something because it wasn't like him to neither call nor to not answer his voice mail. So I drove to his place and found him barely hanging on, called his family with no response, called the fire department who knew his son's number and ordered an ambulance to the house. After being in the hospital a few days, his family decided to make his home into his private hospice as there are two nurses in the family, one being a retired RN. He was gone 10 days later.

The reason I never took up smoking was because when I bought my first and last pack of cigarettes, they made me throw up, and that was the end of that.
I see Donny is taking on the vaping industry after 6 deaths might have been caused by these things.

I wonder if there are any other industries where he could apply this logic ?

Here comes Tommy! HOT on the trail of cracking another massive Trump scandal, this time because of something that MIGHT have happened (doesn't even know for sure) involving far fewer people than die every single day from texting.
I can’t believe I’m actually going to come to the defense of TT

His OP consists of 2 sentences, straight and to the point
The first sentence is a statement the 2nd a question
What exactly lead you to conclude
that those 2 sentences amounted to....
HOT on the trail of cracking another massive Trump scandal
I see Donny is taking on the vaping industry after 6 deaths might have been caused by these things.

I wonder if there are any other industries where he could apply this logic ?

Here comes Tommy! HOT on the trail of cracking another massive Trump scandal, this time because of something that MIGHT have happened (doesn't even know for sure) involving far fewer people than die every single day from texting.
I can’t believe I’m actually going to come to the defense of TT

His OP consists of 2 sentences, straight and to the point
The first sentence is a statement the 2nd a question
What exactly lead you to conclude
that those 2 sentences amounted to....
HOT on the trail of cracking another massive Trump scandal

Can't believe you're taking Tommy's side either. Could it be because he BROUGHT UP Trump and made an allusion to relating the vape issue with not going after / cracking down on guns? Or didn't you read closely enough to notice that?
I see Donny is taking on the vaping industry after 6 deaths might have been caused by these things.

I wonder if there are any other industries where he could apply this logic ?

Here comes Tommy! HOT on the trail of cracking another massive Trump scandal, this time because of something that MIGHT have happened (doesn't even know for sure) involving far fewer people than die every single day from texting.
I can’t believe I’m actually going to come to the defense of TT

His OP consists of 2 sentences, straight and to the point
The first sentence is a statement the 2nd a question
What exactly lead you to conclude
that those 2 sentences amounted to....
HOT on the trail of cracking another massive Trump scandal

Can't believe you're taking Tommy's side either. Could it be because he BROUGHT UP Trump and made an allusion to relating the vape issue with not going after / cracking down on guns? Or didn't you read closely enough to notice that?
Hasn’t Trump injected himself into the vaping controversy?
Yes he has

You inferred TT was using vaping but alluding to guns
I didn’t see the word gun or a direct reference to guns
Or didn’t you read closely enough to notice that?
You were reading in between the lines, I was not

I was focusing on the question
RoundUp is still being sold

BTW...still looking for the scandal
I see Donny is taking on the vaping industry after 6 deaths might have been caused by these things.

I wonder if there are any other industries where he could apply this logic ?

Here comes Tommy! HOT on the trail of cracking another massive Trump scandal, this time because of something that MIGHT have happened (doesn't even know for sure) involving far fewer people than die every single day from texting.
I can’t believe I’m actually going to come to the defense of TT

His OP consists of 2 sentences, straight and to the point
The first sentence is a statement the 2nd a question
What exactly lead you to conclude
that those 2 sentences amounted to....
HOT on the trail of cracking another massive Trump scandal

Can't believe you're taking Tommy's side either. Could it be because he BROUGHT UP Trump and made an allusion to relating the vape issue with not going after / cracking down on guns? Or didn't you read closely enough to notice that?
Hasn’t Trump injected himself into the vaping controversy?
Yes he has

You inferred TT was using vaping but alluding to guns
I didn’t see the word gun or a direct reference to guns
Or didn’t you read closely enough to notice that?
You were reading in between the lines, I was not

I was focusing on the question
RoundUp is still being sold

BTW...still looking for the scandal

You KNOW Tommy was alluding to the gun issue. Don't act dumb.
Is this where Captain Condiment tries to convince everyone that smoking is good for you?
Best not to die doing something as stupid as smoking/vaping/chewing/ etc.
Is this where Captain Condiment tries to convince everyone that smoking is good for you?

I see Donny is taking on the vaping industry after 6 deaths might have been caused by these things.

I wonder if there are any other industries where he could apply this logic ?

Here comes Tommy! HOT on the trail of cracking another massive Trump scandal, this time because of something that MIGHT have happened (doesn't even know for sure) involving far fewer people than die every single day from texting.
I can’t believe I’m actually going to come to the defense of TT

His OP consists of 2 sentences, straight and to the point
The first sentence is a statement the 2nd a question
What exactly lead you to conclude
that those 2 sentences amounted to....
HOT on the trail of cracking another massive Trump scandal

Can't believe you're taking Tommy's side either. Could it be because he BROUGHT UP Trump and made an allusion to relating the vape issue with not going after / cracking down on guns? Or didn't you read closely enough to notice that?
Hasn’t Trump injected himself into the vaping controversy?
Yes he has

You inferred TT was using vaping but alluding to guns
I didn’t see the word gun or a direct reference to guns
Or didn’t you read closely enough to notice that?
You were reading in between the lines, I was not

I was focusing on the question
RoundUp is still being sold

BTW...still looking for the scandal

You KNOW Tommy was alluding to the gun issue. Don't act dumb.
How in the hell are you going to tell me
to stop acting dumb...that I know what TT was alluding to

Ok, first of all, because I’m not dumb
I certainly don’t go out of my way to act dumb.

Secondly, that he is alluding to anything
is based on YOUR premise that he is.
That being the case, I don’t perceive what you do
It wasn’t until after reading your post assuming as much
that I could see why YOU came to that conclusion

But, I don’t base my replies or walk them back
because of what you perceive to be the case

Regardless or whether he was or not doesn’t matter to me
he still made a valid point and that is what I’m addressing
You stay focused on him and gun issues
and I’ll address the question as it pertains to
other industries besides gun manufacturers

I’ll let this slide this time
One good thing about businessmen is that they assess situations before jumping in. Trump wants our America to be a good place to live. Nothing is good when thousands of families are depressed because they lost a loved one to fentanyl or vaping. Those are two wars we can win, and fentanyl takes 300 lives per week last count I heard about. I'm not sure how frequently people die from vaping, but it must be a lot. I don't know if there are even any stats out on predictable deaths if it hangs in there as a mind-altering substance abuse route. There are studies in Europe that support people quitting, but not all the details are known why this happens there and not here. There is likely an apple-and-oranges reason, but that would require someone to scrutinize the goings on in two different hemispheres. Such as, is there a chemical cleaner in the European stations that kills the craving on a permanent basis or something as equally obscure--a flavor, other products such as a tea that influences the outcome? :dunno:

Hey, I just went over here and found some information recorded by doctors: Is Vaping Dangerous? What the Science Shows | Physician's Weekly

I'm paraphrasing several of the potential problems vaping has shown a propensity to:

(1) While it is true that vaping has helped some smokers quit, researcher published in July showed that only 10% of nearly 1,300 former smokers who turned to vaping to help quit were successful in doing so.

(2) there are a multitude of harmful effects that come along with vaping. The flavoring additives, so popular with teenagers, have come under scrutiny. Study findings published in July in an American Heart Association journal suggest that e-cigarette flavorings may damage blood vessels and the heart. One sentence issues a caution to teens who over-vape because they like the flavors.

(3) Pyrazine additives in ecigarettes. Pyrazines are known as being potentially toxic to the reproductive tract, and thus are a concern to child-bearing years adults, and in particular, teens. Vape and say goodbye to the next generation? Who knew Thalidomide would cause birth defects when they were prescribed as a miracle sedative back in the 50s. The teratogenic disaster that followed cost thousands of newborns their arms, fingers, toes, legs, and all sorts of body parts to disappear or be so deformed and unsightly people were horrified. Often its user's baby was just stillborn. Who knows what was missing inside?

Damage of vessels to the vessels and the heart could cause sudden death any time in a person's life that stress strained a vessel with a burst aneurism effect, which could be quite fatal when the doctor doesn't know which vessel is causing the interneal bleeding, or multiple vessels could be affected.

Will vaping increase the deaths from heart problems years later? We have no knowledge one way or another, but from what the article says, it is not a good outlook.

In short, could vaping bring about who knows what kind of disaster on mankind?​
Vaping is harmless until you add THC and Vitamin E oil or other vitamin oil. Out of 70 million vapers six used THC cut with vitamin oil and died. Many more got sick. Most of them young pot users.
Which is why if you are going to vape your should use a dry herb vaporizer

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
No they are not locked up at most they can be held for 72 hours

But it is funny that you don't want criminals to be locked up but if someone decides he doesn't want to live anymore it is OK to lock him up

I've got no problem with locking up criminals that are dangerous.

You guys want to lock up poor people with guns... that's the problem there.
So poor people can't be dangerous?

And FYI I only want violent criminals locked up

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
One good thing about businessmen is that they assess situations before jumping in. Trump wants our America to be a good place to live. Nothing is good when thousands of families are depressed because they lost a loved one to fentanyl or vaping. Those are two wars we can win, and fentanyl takes 300 lives per week last count I heard about. I'm not sure how frequently people die from vaping, but it must be a lot. I don't know if there are even any stats out on predictable deaths if it hangs in there as a mind-altering substance abuse route. There are studies in Europe that support people quitting, but not all the details are known why this happens there and not here. There is likely an apple-and-oranges reason, but that would require someone to scrutinize the goings on in two different hemispheres. Such as, is there a chemical cleaner in the European stations that kills the craving on a permanent basis or something as equally obscure--a flavor, other products such as a tea that influences the outcome? :dunno:

Hey, I just went over here and found some information recorded by doctors: Is Vaping Dangerous? What the Science Shows | Physician's Weekly

I'm paraphrasing several of the potential problems vaping has shown a propensity to:

(1) While it is true that vaping has helped some smokers quit, researcher published in July showed that only 10% of nearly 1,300 former smokers who turned to vaping to help quit were successful in doing so.

(2) there are a multitude of harmful effects that come along with vaping. The flavoring additives, so popular with teenagers, have come under scrutiny. Study findings published in July in an American Heart Association journal suggest that e-cigarette flavorings may damage blood vessels and the heart. One sentence issues a caution to teens who over-vape because they like the flavors.

(3) Pyrazine additives in ecigarettes. Pyrazines are known as being potentially toxic to the reproductive tract, and thus are a concern to child-bearing years adults, and in particular, teens. Vape and say goodbye to the next generation? Who knew Thalidomide would cause birth defects when they were prescribed as a miracle sedative back in the 50s. The teratogenic disaster that followed cost thousands of newborns their arms, fingers, toes, legs, and all sorts of body parts to disappear or be so deformed and unsightly people were horrified. Often its user's baby was just stillborn. Who knows what was missing inside?

Damage of vessels to the vessels and the heart could cause sudden death any time in a person's life that stress strained a vessel with a burst aneurism effect, which could be quite fatal when the doctor doesn't know which vessel is causing the interneal bleeding, or multiple vessels could be affected.

Will vaping increase the deaths from heart problems years later? We have no knowledge one way or another, but from what the article says, it is not a good outlook.

In short, could vaping bring about who knows what kind of disaster on mankind?​
Vaping is harmless until you add THC and Vitamin E oil or other vitamin oil. Out of 70 million vapers six used THC cut with vitamin oil and died. Many more got sick. Most of them young pot users.
Which is why if you are going to vape your should use a dry herb vaporizer

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
No. Those who vape THC are getting what they are paying for.
One good thing about businessmen is that they assess situations before jumping in. Trump wants our America to be a good place to live. Nothing is good when thousands of families are depressed because they lost a loved one to fentanyl or vaping. Those are two wars we can win, and fentanyl takes 300 lives per week last count I heard about. I'm not sure how frequently people die from vaping, but it must be a lot. I don't know if there are even any stats out on predictable deaths if it hangs in there as a mind-altering substance abuse route. There are studies in Europe that support people quitting, but not all the details are known why this happens there and not here. There is likely an apple-and-oranges reason, but that would require someone to scrutinize the goings on in two different hemispheres. Such as, is there a chemical cleaner in the European stations that kills the craving on a permanent basis or something as equally obscure--a flavor, other products such as a tea that influences the outcome? :dunno:

Hey, I just went over here and found some information recorded by doctors: Is Vaping Dangerous? What the Science Shows | Physician's Weekly

I'm paraphrasing several of the potential problems vaping has shown a propensity to:

(1) While it is true that vaping has helped some smokers quit, researcher published in July showed that only 10% of nearly 1,300 former smokers who turned to vaping to help quit were successful in doing so.

(2) there are a multitude of harmful effects that come along with vaping. The flavoring additives, so popular with teenagers, have come under scrutiny. Study findings published in July in an American Heart Association journal suggest that e-cigarette flavorings may damage blood vessels and the heart. One sentence issues a caution to teens who over-vape because they like the flavors.

(3) Pyrazine additives in ecigarettes. Pyrazines are known as being potentially toxic to the reproductive tract, and thus are a concern to child-bearing years adults, and in particular, teens. Vape and say goodbye to the next generation? Who knew Thalidomide would cause birth defects when they were prescribed as a miracle sedative back in the 50s. The teratogenic disaster that followed cost thousands of newborns their arms, fingers, toes, legs, and all sorts of body parts to disappear or be so deformed and unsightly people were horrified. Often its user's baby was just stillborn. Who knows what was missing inside?

Damage of vessels to the vessels and the heart could cause sudden death any time in a person's life that stress strained a vessel with a burst aneurism effect, which could be quite fatal when the doctor doesn't know which vessel is causing the interneal bleeding, or multiple vessels could be affected.

Will vaping increase the deaths from heart problems years later? We have no knowledge one way or another, but from what the article says, it is not a good outlook.

In short, could vaping bring about who knows what kind of disaster on mankind?​
Vaping is harmless until you add THC and Vitamin E oil or other vitamin oil. Out of 70 million vapers six used THC cut with vitamin oil and died. Many more got sick. Most of them young pot users.
Which is why if you are going to vape your should use a dry herb vaporizer

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
No. Those who vape THC are getting what they are paying for.
The problem is that you have no idea what is in that liquid

With a dry herb vaporizer the only ingredient is the bud you use.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
One good thing about businessmen is that they assess situations before jumping in. Trump wants our America to be a good place to live. Nothing is good when thousands of families are depressed because they lost a loved one to fentanyl or vaping. Those are two wars we can win, and fentanyl takes 300 lives per week last count I heard about. I'm not sure how frequently people die from vaping, but it must be a lot. I don't know if there are even any stats out on predictable deaths if it hangs in there as a mind-altering substance abuse route. There are studies in Europe that support people quitting, but not all the details are known why this happens there and not here. There is likely an apple-and-oranges reason, but that would require someone to scrutinize the goings on in two different hemispheres. Such as, is there a chemical cleaner in the European stations that kills the craving on a permanent basis or something as equally obscure--a flavor, other products such as a tea that influences the outcome? :dunno:

Hey, I just went over here and found some information recorded by doctors: Is Vaping Dangerous? What the Science Shows | Physician's Weekly

I'm paraphrasing several of the potential problems vaping has shown a propensity to:

(1) While it is true that vaping has helped some smokers quit, researcher published in July showed that only 10% of nearly 1,300 former smokers who turned to vaping to help quit were successful in doing so.

(2) there are a multitude of harmful effects that come along with vaping. The flavoring additives, so popular with teenagers, have come under scrutiny. Study findings published in July in an American Heart Association journal suggest that e-cigarette flavorings may damage blood vessels and the heart. One sentence issues a caution to teens who over-vape because they like the flavors.

(3) Pyrazine additives in ecigarettes. Pyrazines are known as being potentially toxic to the reproductive tract, and thus are a concern to child-bearing years adults, and in particular, teens. Vape and say goodbye to the next generation? Who knew Thalidomide would cause birth defects when they were prescribed as a miracle sedative back in the 50s. The teratogenic disaster that followed cost thousands of newborns their arms, fingers, toes, legs, and all sorts of body parts to disappear or be so deformed and unsightly people were horrified. Often its user's baby was just stillborn. Who knows what was missing inside?

Damage of vessels to the vessels and the heart could cause sudden death any time in a person's life that stress strained a vessel with a burst aneurism effect, which could be quite fatal when the doctor doesn't know which vessel is causing the interneal bleeding, or multiple vessels could be affected.

Will vaping increase the deaths from heart problems years later? We have no knowledge one way or another, but from what the article says, it is not a good outlook.

In short, could vaping bring about who knows what kind of disaster on mankind?​
Vaping is harmless until you add THC and Vitamin E oil or other vitamin oil. Out of 70 million vapers six used THC cut with vitamin oil and died. Many more got sick. Most of them young pot users.
Which is why if you are going to vape your should use a dry herb vaporizer

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
No. Those who vape THC are getting what they are paying for.
The problem is that you have no idea what is in that liquid

With a dry herb vaporizer the only ingredient is the bud you use.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Anything that kills off potheads is beneficial.
One good thing about businessmen is that they assess situations before jumping in. Trump wants our America to be a good place to live. Nothing is good when thousands of families are depressed because they lost a loved one to fentanyl or vaping. Those are two wars we can win, and fentanyl takes 300 lives per week last count I heard about. I'm not sure how frequently people die from vaping, but it must be a lot. I don't know if there are even any stats out on predictable deaths if it hangs in there as a mind-altering substance abuse route. There are studies in Europe that support people quitting, but not all the details are known why this happens there and not here. There is likely an apple-and-oranges reason, but that would require someone to scrutinize the goings on in two different hemispheres. Such as, is there a chemical cleaner in the European stations that kills the craving on a permanent basis or something as equally obscure--a flavor, other products such as a tea that influences the outcome? :dunno:

Hey, I just went over here and found some information recorded by doctors: Is Vaping Dangerous? What the Science Shows | Physician's Weekly

I'm paraphrasing several of the potential problems vaping has shown a propensity to:

(1) While it is true that vaping has helped some smokers quit, researcher published in July showed that only 10% of nearly 1,300 former smokers who turned to vaping to help quit were successful in doing so.

(2) there are a multitude of harmful effects that come along with vaping. The flavoring additives, so popular with teenagers, have come under scrutiny. Study findings published in July in an American Heart Association journal suggest that e-cigarette flavorings may damage blood vessels and the heart. One sentence issues a caution to teens who over-vape because they like the flavors.

(3) Pyrazine additives in ecigarettes. Pyrazines are known as being potentially toxic to the reproductive tract, and thus are a concern to child-bearing years adults, and in particular, teens. Vape and say goodbye to the next generation? Who knew Thalidomide would cause birth defects when they were prescribed as a miracle sedative back in the 50s. The teratogenic disaster that followed cost thousands of newborns their arms, fingers, toes, legs, and all sorts of body parts to disappear or be so deformed and unsightly people were horrified. Often its user's baby was just stillborn. Who knows what was missing inside?

Damage of vessels to the vessels and the heart could cause sudden death any time in a person's life that stress strained a vessel with a burst aneurism effect, which could be quite fatal when the doctor doesn't know which vessel is causing the interneal bleeding, or multiple vessels could be affected.

Will vaping increase the deaths from heart problems years later? We have no knowledge one way or another, but from what the article says, it is not a good outlook.

In short, could vaping bring about who knows what kind of disaster on mankind?​
Vaping is harmless until you add THC and Vitamin E oil or other vitamin oil. Out of 70 million vapers six used THC cut with vitamin oil and died. Many more got sick. Most of them young pot users.
Which is why if you are going to vape your should use a dry herb vaporizer

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
No. Those who vape THC are getting what they are paying for.
The problem is that you have no idea what is in that liquid

With a dry herb vaporizer the only ingredient is the bud you use.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Anything that kills off potheads is beneficial.

But not alcoholics because you like to have a cocktail right?

What's wrong with you that you wish death for others??
Vaping is harmless until you add THC and Vitamin E oil or other vitamin oil. Out of 70 million vapers six used THC cut with vitamin oil and died. Many more got sick. Most of them young pot users.
Which is why if you are going to vape your should use a dry herb vaporizer

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
No. Those who vape THC are getting what they are paying for.
The problem is that you have no idea what is in that liquid

With a dry herb vaporizer the only ingredient is the bud you use.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Anything that kills off potheads is beneficial.

But not alcoholics because you like to have a cocktail right?

What's wrong with you that you wish death for others??
I don't drink but I do live with an alcoholic pot addict and her addict husband. Cirrhosis can't come fast enough. She gets high and drunk then falls down the stairs. If she would just put a noose around her neck before she takes a tumble it would be cause for celebrating.

Druggies and alkies too, visit too much misery in the world to be worth survival.
Which is why if you are going to vape your should use a dry herb vaporizer

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
No. Those who vape THC are getting what they are paying for.
The problem is that you have no idea what is in that liquid

With a dry herb vaporizer the only ingredient is the bud you use.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Anything that kills off potheads is beneficial.

But not alcoholics because you like to have a cocktail right?

What's wrong with you that you wish death for others??
I don't drink but I do live with an alcoholic pot addict and her addict husband. Cirrhosis can't come fast enough. She gets high and drunk then falls down the stairs. If she would just put a noose around her neck before she takes a tumble it would be cause for celebrating.

Druggies and alkies too, visit too much misery in the world to be worth survival.
Then move out.

It's none of your business what people drink, smoke, eat, snort or shove up their asses

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