The war on vapers

I see Donny is taking on the vaping industry after 6 deaths might have been caused by these things.

I wonder if there are any other industries where he could apply this logic ?

Tommy, you want to vape, go for it, I don’t care. People that smoke or vape are just asking for trouble. Pretty stupid thing to do, but you can’t fix stupid.
---------------------------- VAPING and Smoking Tobacco is simply Personal Choice and should be left alone .
Like abortion.
Randy Weaver won a judgment against the government and got 3.1 million dollars because he was bullied.

That was the mistake. What they should have done was said, "You're a Nazi Fuckwad who got his family killed", and then took him into a back room and beat him with rubber hoses for half an hour before dumping him on the street.

Yeah, yeah. "It's different when we do it!"

Weaver and Koresh killed people. Garner and King didn't. That's a pretty big distinction.
Yeah. We need more secret rooms where people can be held and beaten to death so they won't tell the truth.

I remember the days of rubber hoses. They were used in New York. Grab a black guy or Puerto Rican found where they shouldn't be. Beat him to death with rubber hoses and dump him in an alley. Bring back law, order and decent punishment.
t sounds sort of like the way abusers pass on their evil to their victims, and then - when they get the chance - the victims become the abusers. There are good therapy solutions that can help you break the cycle of anger and violence.

Oh we can just break Nazi heads... that works, too.

Kind of like you cut out dead tissue before gangrene kills the whole body.
Nazis are still better than democrats. Better human beings better at being civilized.

That's not how good Nazis are. It's how bad democrats are.

When Richmond VA decided to enforce them their murder rate dropped over 20% in a single year and all gun related crimes dropped precipitously as well.

More Cherry picking without a link?
Pot kettle

and I have linked to Project Exile at least a dozen times some of those in response to your inanity. Is your memory that bad?

Study 1
Firearm Homicide Rates, Project Exile
Rosenfeld and colleagues (2005) found a statistically significant intervention effect for Project Exile. Firearm homicides in Richmond exhibited a 22 percent yearly decline, compared with the average reduction of about 10 percent per year for other large U.S. cities. The difference is statistically significant.

Do you have a link to that quote...I would like to steal that and start using it for my posts as well.....thanks. This is the way you stop gun crime.....actually locking up the criminals who use guns for crime. Since that isn't what democrats want to do, you know it isn't about gun crime, it's about taking guns away from people who don't use them for crime...
Yeah. We need more secret rooms where people can be held and beaten to death so they won't tell the truth.

I remember the days of rubber hoses. They were used in New York. Grab a black guy or Puerto Rican found where they shouldn't be. Beat him to death with rubber hoses and dump him in an alley. Bring back law, order and decent punishment.

Well, you see, Nazis deserve that kind of treatment.. minorities, not so much.

Now, if we really wanted to punish them, we could make them look at your awful paintings.

Do you have a link to that quote...I would like to steal that and start using it for my posts as well.....thanks. This is the way you stop gun crime.....actually locking up the criminals who use guns for crime. Since that isn't what democrats want to do, you know it isn't about gun crime, it's about taking guns away from people who don't use them for crime...

Except most gun deaths are suicides, domestic arguments and accidents... we really don't have to worry about the criminals that much. I mean, sure we should fix the problems that cause crime, but one at a time, buddy, one problem at a time.
t sounds sort of like the way abusers pass on their evil to their victims, and then - when they get the chance - the victims become the abusers. There are good therapy solutions that can help you break the cycle of anger and violence.

Oh we can just break Nazi heads... that works, too.

Kind of like you cut out dead tissue before gangrene kills the whole body.
Nazis are still better than democrats. Better human beings better at being civilized.

That's not how good Nazis are. It's how bad democrats are.

It's over-the-top nonsense like this that makes Trumpsters seem like such a bunch of whack jobs. And before you go there, yes, Democrats do it too. But surely you realize how asinine they look when they're doing it, right? Well, that's how it makes you look. So stop.

When Richmond VA decided to enforce them their murder rate dropped over 20% in a single year and all gun related crimes dropped precipitously as well.

More Cherry picking without a link?
Pot kettle

and I have linked to Project Exile at least a dozen times some of those in response to your inanity. Is your memory that bad?

Study 1
Firearm Homicide Rates, Project Exile
Rosenfeld and colleagues (2005) found a statistically significant intervention effect for Project Exile. Firearm homicides in Richmond exhibited a 22 percent yearly decline, compared with the average reduction of about 10 percent per year for other large U.S. cities. The difference is statistically significant.

Do you have a link to that quote...I would like to steal that and start using it for my posts as well.....thanks. This is the way you stop gun crime.....actually locking up the criminals who use guns for crime. Since that isn't what democrats want to do, you know it isn't about gun crime, it's about taking guns away from people who don't use them for crime...
The quote is linked to the url just click on it

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Yeah. We need more secret rooms where people can be held and beaten to death so they won't tell the truth.

I remember the days of rubber hoses. They were used in New York. Grab a black guy or Puerto Rican found where they shouldn't be. Beat him to death with rubber hoses and dump him in an alley. Bring back law, order and decent punishment.

Well, you see, Nazis deserve that kind of treatment.. minorities, not so much.

Now, if we really wanted to punish them, we could make them look at your awful paintings.

Do you have a link to that quote...I would like to steal that and start using it for my posts as well.....thanks. This is the way you stop gun crime.....actually locking up the criminals who use guns for crime. Since that isn't what democrats want to do, you know it isn't about gun crime, it's about taking guns away from people who don't use them for crime...

Except most gun deaths are suicides, domestic arguments and accidents... we really don't have to worry about the criminals that much. I mean, sure we should fix the problems that cause crime, but one at a time, buddy, one problem at a time.
People have the absolute right to decide if they are going live or not

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
People have the absolute right to decide if they are going live or not

Not really. We lock up suicidal people. And we should.
No they are not locked up at most they can be held for 72 hours

But it is funny that you don't want criminals to be locked up but if someone decides he doesn't want to live anymore it is OK to lock him up

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
t sounds sort of like the way abusers pass on their evil to their victims, and then - when they get the chance - the victims become the abusers. There are good therapy solutions that can help you break the cycle of anger and violence.

Oh we can just break Nazi heads... that works, too.

Kind of like you cut out dead tissue before gangrene kills the whole body.
Nazis are still better than democrats. Better human beings better at being civilized.

That's not how good Nazis are. It's how bad democrats are.

It's over-the-top nonsense like this that makes Trumpsters seem like such a bunch of whack jobs. And before you go there, yes, Democrats do it too. But surely you realize how asinine they look when they're doing it, right? Well, that's how it makes you look. So stop.
But ohh so true. There is nothing worse than a democrat. Next to democrats, the Taliban are upstanding folk.
t sounds sort of like the way abusers pass on their evil to their victims, and then - when they get the chance - the victims become the abusers. There are good therapy solutions that can help you break the cycle of anger and violence.

Oh we can just break Nazi heads... that works, too.

Kind of like you cut out dead tissue before gangrene kills the whole body.
Nazis are still better than democrats. Better human beings better at being civilized.

That's not how good Nazis are. It's how bad democrats are.

It's over-the-top nonsense like this that makes Trumpsters seem like such a bunch of whack jobs. And before you go there, yes, Democrats do it too. But surely you realize how asinine they look when they're doing it, right? Well, that's how it makes you look. So stop.
But ohh so true. There is nothing worse than a democrat. Next to democrats, the Taliban are upstanding folk.

Ok, I'm gonna assume you're just doing the outrageous, bombastic trolling that is Trump's calling card, and you don't really think Democrats are worse than Nazis or the Taliban. If that's not the case, if you're really that far of whack, then I don't know what to say. Don't forget to vote on November 4th!
t sounds sort of like the way abusers pass on their evil to their victims, and then - when they get the chance - the victims become the abusers. There are good therapy solutions that can help you break the cycle of anger and violence.

Oh we can just break Nazi heads... that works, too.

Kind of like you cut out dead tissue before gangrene kills the whole body.
Nazis are still better than democrats. Better human beings better at being civilized.

That's not how good Nazis are. It's how bad democrats are.

It's over-the-top nonsense like this that makes Trumpsters seem like such a bunch of whack jobs. And before you go there, yes, Democrats do it too. But surely you realize how asinine they look when they're doing it, right? Well, that's how it makes you look. So stop.
But ohh so true. There is nothing worse than a democrat. Next to democrats, the Taliban are upstanding folk.

Ok, I'm gonna assume you're just doing the outrageous, bombastic trolling that is Trump's calling card, and you don't really think Democrats are worse than Nazis or the Taliban. If that's not the case, if you're really that far of whack, then I don't know what to say. Don't forget to vote on November 4th!
As a sad commentary on today's democrats, I really do think democrats are worse than Nazis, the Taliban and even worse than the tonton macoute. Worse than even mythos monsters. Worse than anything. So don't assume. I always vote and would never vote for a democrat.
One good thing about businessmen is that they assess situations before jumping in. Trump wants our America to be a good place to live. Nothing is good when thousands of families are depressed because they lost a loved one to fentanyl or vaping. Those are two wars we can win, and fentanyl takes 300 lives per week last count I heard about. I'm not sure how frequently people die from vaping, but it must be a lot. I don't know if there are even any stats out on predictable deaths if it hangs in there as a mind-altering substance abuse route. There are studies in Europe that support people quitting, but not all the details are known why this happens there and not here. There is likely an apple-and-oranges reason, but that would require someone to scrutinize the goings on in two different hemispheres. Such as, is there a chemical cleaner in the European stations that kills the craving on a permanent basis or something as equally obscure--a flavor, other products such as a tea that influences the outcome? :dunno:

Hey, I just went over here and found some information recorded by doctors: Is Vaping Dangerous? What the Science Shows | Physician's Weekly

I'm paraphrasing several of the potential problems vaping has shown a propensity to:

(1) While it is true that vaping has helped some smokers quit, researcher published in July showed that only 10% of nearly 1,300 former smokers who turned to vaping to help quit were successful in doing so.

(2) there are a multitude of harmful effects that come along with vaping. The flavoring additives, so popular with teenagers, have come under scrutiny. Study findings published in July in an American Heart Association journal suggest that e-cigarette flavorings may damage blood vessels and the heart. One sentence issues a caution to teens who over-vape because they like the flavors.

(3) Pyrazine additives in ecigarettes. Pyrazines are known as being potentially toxic to the reproductive tract, and thus are a concern to child-bearing years adults, and in particular, teens. Vape and say goodbye to the next generation? Who knew Thalidomide would cause birth defects when they were prescribed as a miracle sedative back in the 50s. The teratogenic disaster that followed cost thousands of newborns their arms, fingers, toes, legs, and all sorts of body parts to disappear or be so deformed and unsightly people were horrified. Often its user's baby was just stillborn. Who knows what was missing inside?

Damage of vessels to the vessels and the heart could cause sudden death any time in a person's life that stress strained a vessel with a burst aneurism effect, which could be quite fatal when the doctor doesn't know which vessel is causing the interneal bleeding, or multiple vessels could be affected.

Will vaping increase the deaths from heart problems years later? We have no knowledge one way or another, but from what the article says, it is not a good outlook.

In short, could vaping bring about who knows what kind of disaster on mankind?​
Vaping is harmless until you add THC and Vitamin E oil or other vitamin oil. Out of 70 million vapers six used THC cut with vitamin oil and died. Many more got sick. Most of them young pot users.
Randy Weaver won a judgment against the government and got 3.1 million dollars because he was bullied.

That was the mistake. What they should have done was said, "You're a Nazi Fuckwad who got his family killed", and then took him into a back room and beat him with rubber hoses for half an hour before dumping him on the street.

Yeah, yeah. "It's different when we do it!"

Weaver and Koresh killed people. Garner and King didn't. That's a pretty big distinction.
Both are now dead. Good riddance. Randy Weaver is still enjoying his millions in settlement.
No they are not locked up at most they can be held for 72 hours

But it is funny that you don't want criminals to be locked up but if someone decides he doesn't want to live anymore it is OK to lock him up

I've got no problem with locking up criminals that are dangerous.

You guys want to lock up poor people with guns... that's the problem there.
One good thing about businessmen is that they assess situations before jumping in. Trump wants our America to be a good place to live. Nothing is good when thousands of families are depressed because they lost a loved one to fentanyl or vaping. Those are two wars we can win, and fentanyl takes 300 lives per week last count I heard about. I'm not sure how frequently people die from vaping, but it must be a lot. I don't know if there are even any stats out on predictable deaths if it hangs in there as a mind-altering substance abuse route. There are studies in Europe that support people quitting, but not all the details are known why this happens there and not here. There is likely an apple-and-oranges reason, but that would require someone to scrutinize the goings on in two different hemispheres. Such as, is there a chemical cleaner in the European stations that kills the craving on a permanent basis or something as equally obscure--a flavor, other products such as a tea that influences the outcome? :dunno:

Hey, I just went over here and found some information recorded by doctors: Is Vaping Dangerous? What the Science Shows | Physician's Weekly

I'm paraphrasing several of the potential problems vaping has shown a propensity to:

(1) While it is true that vaping has helped some smokers quit, researcher published in July showed that only 10% of nearly 1,300 former smokers who turned to vaping to help quit were successful in doing so.

(2) there are a multitude of harmful effects that come along with vaping. The flavoring additives, so popular with teenagers, have come under scrutiny. Study findings published in July in an American Heart Association journal suggest that e-cigarette flavorings may damage blood vessels and the heart. One sentence issues a caution to teens who over-vape because they like the flavors.

(3) Pyrazine additives in ecigarettes. Pyrazines are known as being potentially toxic to the reproductive tract, and thus are a concern to child-bearing years adults, and in particular, teens. Vape and say goodbye to the next generation? Who knew Thalidomide would cause birth defects when they were prescribed as a miracle sedative back in the 50s. The teratogenic disaster that followed cost thousands of newborns their arms, fingers, toes, legs, and all sorts of body parts to disappear or be so deformed and unsightly people were horrified. Often its user's baby was just stillborn. Who knows what was missing inside?

Damage of vessels to the vessels and the heart could cause sudden death any time in a person's life that stress strained a vessel with a burst aneurysm effect, which could be quite fatal when the doctor doesn't know which vessel is causing the internal bleeding, or multiple vessels could be affected.

Will vaping increase the deaths from heart problems years later? We have no knowledge one way or another, but from what the article says, it is not a good outlook.

In short, could vaping bring about who knows what kind of disaster on mankind?​
Vaping is harmless until you add THC and Vitamin E oil or other vitamin oil. Out of 70 million vapers six used THC cut with vitamin oil and died. Many more got sick. Most of them young pot users.
How do you account for Pyrazine additives in ecigarettes that may damage people's babies? That is neither THC nor Vitamin E oil, or am I mistaken? I lived through the years people's babies lost body parts when their mothers took Thalidomide. If people want to relax, feel good, and avoid mood swings, the best therapy has always been a little daily exercise. People sit in front of a computer 8 hours a day at work and 6 hours at home, unless they're really addicts. This results in zero exercise. Bad stuff just happens to people if they fail to exercise. Exercise is how nature stimulates the endorphins and enkephalins of the brain that are nonaddictive analgesics. (you just feel better, and there's no effect that matches the difficulty people have to endure to stop smoking, which takes a huge percentage of human life by coating the lungs and wearing down the arteries. And if people think alcohol cheers them up, it only gives them temporary forgetting of bad stuff, and has a side effect called suicidal depression, the dts, and other deadly anomalies of the human psyche. Unfortunately, cigarettes and alcohol synergize each other's negative effects when drinking and smoking at the same time. People just don't know what they're doing to their body's chemistry when they start the tunnel going down of mixing various mind-altering drugs whether it's nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, heroin, etc.

And vaping doesn't have a decades-long research of negative effects yet. One thing I'm pretty certain of, though, is that until we know more about vaping interactions, vaping may not add years to your life if it becomes your paradigm.
Last edited:
One good thing about businessmen is that they assess situations before jumping in. Trump wants our America to be a good place to live. Nothing is good when thousands of families are depressed because they lost a loved one to fentanyl or vaping. Those are two wars we can win, and fentanyl takes 300 lives per week last count I heard about. I'm not sure how frequently people die from vaping, but it must be a lot. I don't know if there are even any stats out on predictable deaths if it hangs in there as a mind-altering substance abuse route. There are studies in Europe that support people quitting, but not all the details are known why this happens there and not here. There is likely an apple-and-oranges reason, but that would require someone to scrutinize the goings on in two different hemispheres. Such as, is there a chemical cleaner in the European stations that kills the craving on a permanent basis or something as equally obscure--a flavor, other products such as a tea that influences the outcome? :dunno:

Hey, I just went over here and found some information recorded by doctors: Is Vaping Dangerous? What the Science Shows | Physician's Weekly

I'm paraphrasing several of the potential problems vaping has shown a propensity to:

(1) While it is true that vaping has helped some smokers quit, researcher published in July showed that only 10% of nearly 1,300 former smokers who turned to vaping to help quit were successful in doing so.

(2) there are a multitude of harmful effects that come along with vaping. The flavoring additives, so popular with teenagers, have come under scrutiny. Study findings published in July in an American Heart Association journal suggest that e-cigarette flavorings may damage blood vessels and the heart. One sentence issues a caution to teens who over-vape because they like the flavors.

(3) Pyrazine additives in ecigarettes. Pyrazines are known as being potentially toxic to the reproductive tract, and thus are a concern to child-bearing years adults, and in particular, teens. Vape and say goodbye to the next generation? Who knew Thalidomide would cause birth defects when they were prescribed as a miracle sedative back in the 50s. The teratogenic disaster that followed cost thousands of newborns their arms, fingers, toes, legs, and all sorts of body parts to disappear or be so deformed and unsightly people were horrified. Often its user's baby was just stillborn. Who knows what was missing inside?

Damage of vessels to the vessels and the heart could cause sudden death any time in a person's life that stress strained a vessel with a burst aneurysm effect, which could be quite fatal when the doctor doesn't know which vessel is causing the internal bleeding, or multiple vessels could be affected.

Will vaping increase the deaths from heart problems years later? We have no knowledge one way or another, but from what the article says, it is not a good outlook.

In short, could vaping bring about who knows what kind of disaster on mankind?​
Vaping is harmless until you add THC and Vitamin E oil or other vitamin oil. Out of 70 million vapers six used THC cut with vitamin oil and died. Many more got sick. Most of them young pot users.
How do you account for Pyrazine additives in ecigarettes that may damage people's babies? That is neither THC nor Vitamin E oil, or am I mistaken? I lived through the years people's babies lost body parts when their mothers took Thalidomide. If people want to relax, feel good, and avoid mood swings, the best therapy has always been a little daily exercise. People sit in front of a computer 8 hours a day at work and 6 hours at home, unless they're really addicts. This results in zero exercise. Bad stuff just happens to people if they fail to exercise. Exercise is how nature stimulates the endorphins and enkephalins of the brain that are nonaddictive analgesics. (you just feel better, and there's no effect that matches the difficulty people have to endure to stop smoking, which takes a huge percentage of human life by coating the lungs and wearing down the arteries. And if people think alcohol cheers them up, it only gives them temporary forgetting of bad stuff, and has a side effect called suicidal depression, the dts, and other deadly anomalies of the human psyche. Unfortunately, cigarettes and alcohol synergize each other's negative effects when drinking and smoking at the same time. People just don't know what they're doing to their body's chemistry when they start the tunnel going down of mixing various mind-altering drugs whether it's nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, heroin, etc.

And vaping doesn't have a decades-long research of negative effects yet. One thing I'm pretty certain of, though, is that until we know more about vaping interactions, vaping may not add years to your life if it becomes your paradigm.
Vaping normal vape products produces water vapor. Of course if you get your vape from the same dealer where you get your pot, good luck.
I see Donny is taking on the vaping industry after 6 deaths might have been caused by these things.

I wonder if there are any other industries where he could apply this logic ?
Well, I must say, this is a pleasant surprise
This is the first time you’re making sense to me
and that I agree with your POV

There is hope for you yet

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