The War on Women Continues

Missouri Senate passes new restrictions on abortion in late-night vote

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant."

Good, so that the money that Planned Parenthood have given to Hillary to help them to get rich has went down the drain. Just imagine all of those pregnant crack addicts that will be willing to abort their baby for a couple of dollars, but while they are making an huge profit from off of the dead babies.

Missouri Senate passes new restrictions on abortion in late-night vote

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant."
War on women?. What a joke. While I deplore abortion, I fear government control over anyone's body even more. Having said that, at some point that is a child. If the dems had their way 1 minute before that CHILD entered the birth canal they'd be happy to suck it's brain out. Keep in mind I'm not even remotely religious, I just like children.

No one gives a damn about a woman's spleen, the HUMAN BEING growing in her womb is a concern for civilized people.
Missouri Senate passes new restrictions on abortion in late-night vote

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant."
A woman that would voluntary kill their child, deserves death, that's it.

^ Far right extremist nutjob alert!
Missouri Senate passes new restrictions on abortion in late-night vote

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant."

How is that a war on women?....more accurately, it is a bill trying to stop the murder of children.

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year -

Several threads on this you think that 15 year old, stone cold killers who murder their 15 year old gang member rivals are the kids most people think of as kids? And do 16 and 17 year old gang members...are they really kids when they are shooting each other over drug turf? Genius....
Missouri Senate passes new restrictions on abortion in late-night vote

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant."

How is that a war on women?....more accurately, it is a bill trying to stop the murder of children.

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year -

Does it matter that a lot of those kids are the shooters...shooting other 14-15 and 16-17 year olds over drug turf?
Missouri Senate passes new restrictions on abortion in late-night vote

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant."

How is that a war on women?....more accurately, it is a bill trying to stop the murder of children.

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year -

And more truth.....with those lying numbers...

'Science Journalist' Tara Haelle: Protect Your Children, Rid Your Home of Guns - Breitbart

She bases her claims on a recent study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), which considers anyone aged 17 and under a “child.”

Haelle does not mention that the study shows those most children prone to gun deaths are “African American children” aged 13-17; the prime age for gang involvement.

By not covering that aspect of the study, Haelle can write as if children throughout America are facing an epidemic of gun deaths.

The children at highest risk for firearm homicide deaths are black children aged 13-17; they are actually “10 times” more likely to die in a firearm homicide than “white children and Asian-American children.”

Haelle did not mention these aspects of the study published by AAP.

at this point there's pretty much a war on everyone. we've made being the victim so cool everyone has to get in on it.

Missouri Senate passes new restrictions on abortion in late-night vote

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant."

"The legislation also would repeal a St. Louis ordinance that bans employers and landlords from discriminating against women who have had an abortion, use contraceptives or are pregnant"

Um, how would they know this info?

"The ruling halted a state law requiring hospital admitting privileges for doctors who perform abortions and mandating that clinics that provide abortions meet the same standards as outpatient surgical centers."

Um, how exactly is this a bad thing?
another dead left thread. the american people have moved on from left manipulation. apparent here.

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