The war on women drags on


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
We see what party has the "war on women"...and doesn't care what is said about them, take Bashir taking about a woman candidate for Vice President of our country, who STILL has a job while Baldwin says something about homosexuals and loses his...
links and tweet at site


posted at 8:31 am on November 30, 2013 by Jazz Shaw

Apparently, if you happen to be an attractive woman and want to serve in elected office, you should expect to be attacked by a bunch of grumpy old men. Those gosh darned Republicans just can’t seem to help themselves, can they? Particularly in New Hampshire, where it happened to Marilinda Garcia. Wait… you mean it was the Democrats?

New Hampshire Democrats were quick to attack Republican State Representative Marilinda Garcia once she made her intention to seek the her party’s nomination for the second congressional district seat official. Garcia announced her candidacy via a press release on Monday morning; she joins former Republican State Senator Gary Lambert in the race to take on Democratic Congresswoman Anne Kuster.

Within moments of her announcement, prominent Democratic State Rep. Peter Sullivan attacked Garcia on Twitter using sexist language and imagery. Sullivan compared the three-term State Representative, who holds a Master’s degree from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, to reality television celebrity Kim Kardashian. He went on to refer to her as “[Republican State Rep.] Al Baldasarro [sic] in stiletto heels” and “a lightweight.”

At least Sullivan was politically savvy enough to realize he’d stepped in it and issue an “apology.”

ALL of it here
The war on women drags on « Hot Air
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well, dimocraps hate ALL women. they consider them work force only which should shut up and do what the dimocrap "elite" decided what they should do.

A republican woman is such an obvious proof of a runaway slave from the dimocrap plantation that they just can't help to hold their rage and lose it constantly. Same happens with minority people who are destined by the leftard elite to sweat on the dimocrap plantation and if some turn out to be FREE and deciding for themselves what they want - the froth from the dimocraps mouths is almost bloody :lol:
Which party wants to keep women from making choices about their own bodies? Which party opposed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act? :eusa_whistle:
Which party wants to keep women from making choices about their own bodies? Which party opposed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act? :eusa_whistle:

No, actually we just want the life they helped create to be protected. Why is it against the law for them to take their own life? I mean it's their body. Also obama pays the women on his staff less than the men. So yes, we have a liberal war on women.
If they want control over their own bodies then they should just self-terminate and do us a favor.

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