The Warmergate Scandal

This is going to be very interesting. It could be the best thing that's happened in this whole debate because claims are going to have to be strongly defended on both sides of the debate. As always, cui bono, is the guide.
Prof. Dud I didn't defend anyone. If there is a guilty party then I hope they are discredited and face the consequences of their actions and when they do I will still believe what 90% of the worlds credible scientists have to say about climate change over douchebag posters like you.
Your 90% number is still an outright lie, no matter how many times you repeat it.

And now, that "credibility" notion is of extremely dubious merit as well.
Yes liberals will say this post should be there because they will say these Emails that prove their lies are the conspiracy not the Global Warming Movement.

however if you do your research and read the emails its clear who is doing the lying and misleading.

(lets not include that temperature data because it "does not fit with the goal of our study" said goal being Proving GLobal Warming is man made and man driven, and more to the point getting nations and people to pony up money to fight it.)

Let the denials and name calling begin.
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The Dud - "A GlobalClimateCoolerWarmering Conspiracy?
Say it ain't so, Joe! :lol:

So much for the credibility of that mythical "90% of scientists"!"

so this conspiracy does include 90% of the worlds scientists?
Scientific opinion on climate change and global warming

Environmental groups have warned of the contribution to climate change from human activities for decades. It has taken the scientific community many years to begin making definitive statements about the accuracy of these claims. It should be noted that while the overwhelming majority of scientists now accept that human activities are a major cause of global warming, there is still a small number of scientists who disagree with these conclusions.

evidence supporting global warming & human causes
The fact that carbon dioxide absorbs and emits IR radiation has been known for over a century. Gas bubbles trapped in ice cores give us a detailed record of atmospheric chemistry and temperature back more than four hundred thousand years, with the temperature record confirmed by other geologic evidence. This record tells us that carbon dioxide and temperature rise and fall tightly together. The recent rise in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is greater than any in hundreds of thousands of years and this is human-caused.

The historical temperature record shows a rise of 0.4–0.8 °C over the last 100 years, and the current warmth is unusual in the past 1000 years. Climate change attribution studies using both models and observations find that the warming of the last 50 years is likely caused by human activity. Natural variability (including solar variation) alone cannot explain the recent change. Climate models can reproduce the observed trend only when greenhouse gas forcing is included.

There is a scientific consensus behind all of the above, reflected in official statements by professional associations related to climate science. Humankind is performing a great geophysical experiment and if it turns out badly — however that is defined — we cannot undo it. We cannot even abruptly turn it off. Too many of the things we are doing now have long-term ramifications for centuries into the future.

Climate models predict more warming, and other climate effects such as sea level rise, more frequent and severe storms, drought and heat waves in the future.
Yes liberals will say this post should be there because they will say these Emails that prove their lies are the conspiracy not the Global Warming Movement.

however if you do your research and read the emails its clear who is doing the lying and misleading.

(lets not include that temperature data because it "does not fit with the goal of our study" said goal being Proving GLobal Warming is man made and man driven, and more to the point getting nations and people to pony up money to fight it.)

Let the denials and name calling begin.
The Dud - "A GlobalClimateCoolerWarmering Conspiracy?
Say it ain't so, Joe! :lol:

So much for the credibility of that mythical "90% of scientists"!"

so this conspiracy does include 90% of the worlds scientists?

no but it include gullible buffon's that believe if corporate controlled media says 90% of scientist agree it is therefore an accurate number
yep I read that part... and that makes man made climate change a hoax?

No but the content of the Emails in question sure seem to point that way. Why would you leave out Data that did not jive with your Goal of Proving Warming? You do know what that means right. They left out Data that showed things were cooling in order to make it appear things were warming. In an effort to prove their theory. What else is that but a conspiracy?
emails suggesting conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more. If it is as it now seems, never again will “peer review” be used to shout down sceptics.

On A side not. I think the very fact this Real life story was moved to the conspiracy section proves my Opinion that this board is controlled by Liberals.

This thread does not belong here. This is a real and ongoing breaking story.

You should be moving the Global warming nuts posts from enviro to here instead of this one.
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yep I read that part... and that makes man made climate change a hoax?

No but the content of the Emails in question sure seem to point that way. Why would you leave out Data that did not jive with your Goal of Proving Warming? You do know what that means right. They left out Data that showed things were cooling in order to make it appear things were warming. In an effort to prove their theory. What else is that but a conspiracy?

On A side not. I think the very fact this Real life story was moved to the conspiracy section proves my Opinion that this board is controlled by Liberals.

This thread does not belong here. This is a real and ongoing breaking story.

You should be moving the Global warming nuts posts from enviro to here instead of this one.

Agreed - this is a current events thread, with considerable political implications...
Climate models predict more warming, and other climate effects such as sea level rise, more frequent and severe storms, drought and heat waves in the future.

Models that are now questionable at best according to these released Emails.

the Simple fact is they were wrong. The Models that is. The Reason this is all coming out now is because they cant hide it any longer. Any Moron can see the earth has been cooling for going on a decade.

The Models are wrong, deal with it.
Eots, was this report about scientific consensus on man made climate change put together by the coporate media and even if it was would that change what the scientists agree about?
yep I read that part... and that makes man made climate change a hoax?

No but the content of the Emails in question sure seem to point that way. Why would you leave out Data that did not jive with your Goal of Proving Warming? You do know what that means right. They left out Data that showed things were cooling in order to make it appear things were warming. In an effort to prove their theory. What else is that but a conspiracy?
emails suggesting conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more. If it is as it now seems, never again will “peer review” be used to shout down sceptics.

On A side not. I think the very fact this Real life story was moved to the conspiracy section proves my Opinion that this board is controlled by Liberals.

This thread does not belong here. This is a real and ongoing breaking story.

You should be moving the Global warming nuts posts from enviro to here instead of this one.

thanx for your opinion and I will take it for what it is - the opinion of an anonymous poster on a message board. I take it you have personally gone over the hacked e-mails and know the contents and who they implicate?
Eots, was this report about scientific consensus on man made climate change put together by the coporate media and even if it was would that change what the scientists agree about?
"Consensus" isn't science, it's politics.

That a bunch of people in an echo chamber largely agree on most everything is no big news...It happens every four years at DNC and RNC conventions.
Climate models predict more warming, and other climate effects such as sea level rise, more frequent and severe storms, drought and heat waves in the future.

Models that are now questionable at best according to these released Emails.

the Simple fact is they were wrong. The Models that is. The Reason this is all coming out now is because they cant hide it any longer. Any Moron can see the earth has been cooling for going on a decade.

The Models are wrong, deal with it.

do you have any scientific data to back up your opinion or are you just going to warm the planet back up running your mouth here?
Consensus is defined in English as, firstly, general agreement and, secondly, group solidarity of belief or sentiment. It has its origin in a Latin word meaning literally to feel together.[1]

The formal process of achieving consensus ideally requires serious treatment of the considered opinion of each group member: those advocating the adoption, say, of a particular course of action, genuinely wish to hear those who may be against the proposal, since discussion, it is supposed, can only enhance ultimate consensus. The hope is that in such circumstances action, or the adoption of group opinion, without resolution of dissent will be rare. A consensus rather than a voting process is often employed with this intention, as well as to minimize any possible damage to inter-personal relationships.
Consensus is defined in English as, firstly, general agreement and, secondly, group solidarity of belief or sentiment. It has its origin in a Latin word meaning literally to feel together.[1]
I don't need to "feel" or "believe" anything to prove that rising warm moist air forms cumulus clouds. I can physically prove that again and again and again.

"Feeling" isn't science.

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