The Warmergate Scandal

I'm deeply aware of what words mean, kanucklehead.

Part of what is a glaring tip-off that this has been a cam all along has been the squishy semantics.

But you just go ahead and
I don't need to "feel" or "believe" anything to prove that rising warm moist air forms cumulus clouds. I can physically prove that again and again and again.

the Dud does a wicked Brick the weatherman impression!
Eots, was this report about scientific consensus on man made climate change put together by the coporate media and even if it was would that change what the scientists agree about?

well it was certainly chosen over other voices to disseminate to the masses and then there is always the issue of funding...follow the money...tobacco companies put out lots of science saying the majority of scientist think smoking is harmless at one time and lets not forget 3 out of 4 dentist recommend Colgate
I love how I see people trying to say these Email involve only a small number of Researchers.

Nothing could be more misleading. These emails come from the HOLY GRAIL as far as climate study. The models and predictions put out by these people are used by everyone else. The DATA they collect is used by everyone else, and that DATA is being called into question.

This is not just some fringe group. These are the very leaders of the movement.
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Eots, was this report about scientific consensus on man made climate change put together by the coporate media and even if it was would that change what the scientists agree about?

well it was certainly chosen over other voices to disseminate to the masses and then there is always the issue of funding...follow the money...tobacco companies put out lots of science saying the majority of scientist think smoking is harmless at one time and lets not forget 3 out of 4 dentist recommend Colgate

I certainly will not argue the point that "Global Warming" has it's share of bandwagoneers whose only wish will be to profit monitarily or politicaly from the issue as it is with just about every other issue we face and there are liars on both sides of the issue but when it comes to whether or not man made climate change actually exists I am going to stick with what is a general agreement among our scientists..... all the rest is just babble to me.
I love how I see people trying to say these Email involve only a small number of Researchers.

Nothing could be more misleading. These emails come from the HOLY GRAIL as far as climate study. The models and predictions put out by these people are used by everyone else. The DATA they collect is used by everyone else, and that DATA is being called into question.

This is not just some fringe group. These are the very leaders of the movement.[/QUOTE]

Correct. :clap2:
The confusion about this thread being moved or not was my fault.

See the first post I made on this thread was actually a new post on this subject. Apparently some power mad Mod merged my post into this one so when I saw my post (I hate to say it but I told you so) had been moved. I just assumed lol.

Why they would merge it into another post I have no idea. Seems rather confusing to me.
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:lol::lol::lol: "Big Government" :lol::lol::lol: Why not just link to Ann Coulter? Maybe eots and Terral have a place for you on their conspiracy theory board of directors.
Argumentum ad hominem (argument directed at the person). This is the error of attacking the character or motives of a person who has stated an idea, rather than the idea itself. The most obvious example of this fallacy is when one debater maligns the character of another debater (e.g, "The members of the opposition are a couple of fascists!"), but this is actually not that common. A more typical manifestation of argumentum ad hominem is attacking a source of information -- for example, responding to a quotation from Richard Nixon on the subject of free trade with China by saying, "We all know Nixon was a liar and a cheat, so why should we believe anything he says?"

Logical Fallacies and the Art of Debate

This is the lib MO of critical theory.

Attack, marginalize and ridicule. Rinse and repeat as needed until the masses believe the subject is a kook.

We've seen this before. Bush, cheney, Bork, Joe the Plumber, Palin and anyone that poses a threat to the lib stranglehold.

What's happening now is that libs hold 99% of the cards. They hear their talking points repeated by their shills in the media and forget that they gave them the talking points to begin with. :lol:
So, what now?

Are we, who were called "deniers" still deniers, or we were right all along?

What are now those who were calling us deniers?
Nothing theoretical about 250Gs of e-mails and documents, little sister.

Indeed. The admission these were 'true' should make it a front page story. That it's not, Ravi should be praising the MSM.

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