The Warmergate Scandal

So I just read about this in the NYT. So, FOX is not alone in publishing this. The e-mails do not prove any type of cover up, as far as I have read. If there is something there, please show me.
Here's a funny thought, there's as much science behind the idea that the Earth is 6,000 than there is for ManMade Global Warming
I don't know how many laws have been proposed in various places. I do know here that there's a huge blue about it and the federal governments Emissions Trading Scheme. I'm not going to take on anyone else's domestic legal situation.

But I do see this as a bit of luck. For too long the debate has been conducted on, can I say, two levels, maybe more but I can only think of two. First there's the scientific debate. Occasionally us laypersons get to see a bit of it, usually when someone's pissing out of the tent, but then they go back to furiously arguing with each other in terms that most of us wouldn't understand. What's needed there is a few umpires and a video replay. The second level is the ideological level which is where many of us are at. We take positions based on our political views and yell at one another and call each other Sceptics or Denialists or variants. It's the equivalent of intra-tribal warfare.

I don't see the debates being any clearer soon, I just hope to hell that it gets sorted out before too long.
Cap-n-Tax has been SOP across a lot of Europe for awhile now.

Personally, my position on the matter is based upon reason, not necessarily politics. Largely on the bases that the "science" isn't reproducible on demand and the semantics of the warmists are deliberately deceptive.
Right now all the talk in international climate circles is the US's "carbon debt" which is, MONEY we "owe" to underdeveloped countries for all our years of CO2 emissions..... Essentially, redistribution of wealth on a global scale.

Which is where this was all going from the beginning, all the way back when it was global cooling and the "new ice age" we were supposed to be afraid of.

They are LYING and this is and has been the motive. The hidden agenda that they no longer feel they have to hide. And the environment? The convenient emotional hook used to reel in the marks, the little fishies.

So I just read about this in the NYT. So, FOX is not alone in publishing this. The e-mails do not prove any type of cover up, as far as I have read. If there is something there, please show me.

This might explain why you can't see it

There's still no doubt that we evolved from monkeys because some random gamma ray blew apart a cell and mutated it allowing us to post on the Internet, amiright?
The Left loves science...that supports their Great Climatic Googly Moogly position.

All others need not apply
If it's getting cooler even with all this CO2, we might have to pump more CO2 into the air to keep from freezing. The natural state of the Earth over the past 200,000 years has been MUCH colder than now. It's only the past 18,000 years that are an anomaly.

Leave your cars running all night long.
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There's a lot of differing data [about global warming], but as far as I can gather, over the last hundred years the temperature on this planet has gone up 1.8 degrees. Am I the only one who finds that amazingly stable? I could go back to my hotel room tonight and futz with the thermostat for three to four hours. I could not detect that difference, besides I've always been a little chilly"

Dennis Miller

The rumor is that the Scientific data had the word "Fed" scribbled on its chest....Libs? Yoohoo, where'd ya go?

I hear that Sarah Palin might make a statement about this....Libs?

Booooooosh! He lies! He stole the Precious Florida Election!

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