The Warmergate Scandal

You're simply indiscriminately flooding the thread now. Not one link you have posted supports your earlier claim.

But do continue, I always enjoy making pukes like you jump through hoops!:lol::lol::lol:

Well there you go...proof positive and true to form.
You're simply indiscriminately flooding the thread now. Not one link you have posted supports your earlier claim.

But do continue, I always enjoy making pukes like you jump through hoops!:lol::lol::lol:

Well there you go...proof positive and true to form.
Yes he is a well known troll. It's also well known he cannot stand up in the crucible of honest debate.

Doesn't stop me from occasionally using him for a game of "kick the can" for as long as it amuses me!:lol::lol::lol:
Zenith bought the rights to the solar technology from Ben-Gurion University and Germany's Fraunhofer Institute. A joint Israeli-German research team from the two organizations designed a working prototype, which consists of a 10-sq.-meter (107.6-sq.-ft.) dish lined with curved mirrors made from composite materials. The mirrors focus the sun's radiation onto a 100-sq.-centimeter (15.5-sq.-in.) "generator" that converts light to electricity. The generator also gives off intense heat, which is captured via a water-cooling system for residential or industry hot-water uses.

Tested over the past few years at Israel's National Solar Center in the Negev desert, the prototype achieved astounding results: A concentration of solar energy that was more than 1,000 times greater than standard flat panels.

At the Zenith of Solar Energy
You're simply indiscriminately flooding the thread now. Not one link you have posted supports your earlier claim.

But do continue, I always enjoy making pukes like you jump through hoops!:lol::lol::lol:

Well there you go...proof positive and true to form.
Yes he is a well known troll. It's also well known he cannot stand up in the crucible of honest debate.

Doesn't stop me from occasionally using him for a game of "kick the can" for as long as it amuses me!:lol::lol::lol:

Don't let your guard down, his tactics are simple but effective.

He wears you down with sheer stupidity, changes the subject 20 times, moves the goalposts all over the field, declares victory repeatedly then just when you think he has reached the limits of idiocy, he shows you his derangement knows know bounds.
Yes he is a well known troll. It's also well known he cannot stand up in the crucible of honest debate.

Doesn't stop me from occasionally using him for a game of "kick the can" for as long as it amuses me!:lol::lol::lol:

Don't let your guard down, his tactics are simple but effective.

He wears you down with sheer stupidity, changes the subject 20 times, moves the goalposts all over the field, declares victory repeatedly then just when you think he has reached the limits of idiocy, he shows you his derangement knows know bounds.

Did you even read the article? Probably not...

"The first generation of our technology should be capable of harnessing about 70% of the solar energy that hits the dish to produce electricity and thermal heat," says Faiman. With that type of efficiency, Zenith Solar says the cost of producing energy with its technology is close to that of conventional fuels.

At the Zenith of Solar Energy
Yes he is a well known troll. It's also well known he cannot stand up in the crucible of honest debate.

Doesn't stop me from occasionally using him for a game of "kick the can" for as long as it amuses me!:lol::lol::lol:

Don't let your guard down, his tactics are simple but effective.

He wears you down with sheer stupidity, changes the subject 20 times, moves the goalposts all over the field, declares victory repeatedly then just when you think he has reached the limits of idiocy, he shows you his derangement knows know bounds.

Did you even read the article? Probably not...

"The first generation of our technology should be capable of harnessing about 70% of the solar energy that hits the dish to produce electricity and thermal heat," says Faiman. With that type of efficiency, Zenith Solar says the cost of producing energy with its technology is close to that of conventional fuels.

At the Zenith of Solar Energy


The debate was cost effective home sized solar power.

From your link
The price tag for a home-size unit is likely to be less than $20,000.

That means 17 year return of your initial investment.

And that's if nothing breaks or wears out (fat chance).

In other word, NOT COST EFFECTIVE!!!


That is my one contribution to your delusional pipe dream assertions.

Your lunacy is only surpassed by your dishonesty.
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The irony is that green energy can very easily be made at home.

Each of us could produce our own energy.

Then the big companies would be out of the loop.
When you show me where it's cost beneficial and truly carbon neutral, I'll stop laughing.

However, cap and trade will artificially inflate everyone's utility bills, making "green" solutions for the home almost look viable! :rofl:

Insulated homes....cost efficient and carbon neutral.

Solar panels...cost efficient and carbon neutral.

Small wind mills...cost efficient and carbon neutral.

Not sure where you live, but here in Michigan all our homes are insulated.

Solar panels are not cost effective.

Small windmills are useless. They couldn't even power up your vibrator.

When you show me where it's cost beneficial and truly carbon neutral, I'll stop laughing.

However, cap and trade will artificially inflate everyone's utility bills, making "green" solutions for the home almost look viable! :rofl:

Insulated homes....cost efficient and carbon neutral.

Solar panels...cost efficient and carbon neutral.

Small wind mills...cost efficient and carbon neutral.

Not sure where you live, but here in Michigan all our homes are insulated.

Solar panels are not cost effective.

Small windmills are useless. They couldn't even power up your vibrator.


Oh, it can't be done! The oil and coal companies told me so!

DARMSTADT, Germany — From the outside, there is nothing unusual about the stylish new gray and orange row houses in the Kranichstein District, with wreaths on the doors and Christmas lights twinkling through a freezing drizzle. But these houses are part of a revolution in building design: There are no drafts, no cold tile floors, no snuggling under blankets until the furnace kicks in. There is, in fact, no furnace.

In Berthold Kaufmann’s home, there is, to be fair, one radiator for emergency backup in the living room — but it is not in use. Even on the coldest nights in central Germany, Mr. Kaufmann’s new “passive house” and others of this design get all the heat and hot water they need from the amount of energy that would be needed to run a hair dryer.
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Don't let your guard down, his tactics are simple but effective.

He wears you down with sheer stupidity, changes the subject 20 times, moves the goalposts all over the field, declares victory repeatedly then just when you think he has reached the limits of idiocy, he shows you his derangement knows know bounds.

Did you even read the article? Probably not...

"The first generation of our technology should be capable of harnessing about 70% of the solar energy that hits the dish to produce electricity and thermal heat," says Faiman. With that type of efficiency, Zenith Solar says the cost of producing energy with its technology is close to that of conventional fuels.

At the Zenith of Solar Energy


The debate was cost effective home sized solar power.

From your link
The price tag for a home-size unit is likely to be less than $20,000.

That means 17 year return of your initial investment.

And that's if nothing breaks or wears out (fat chance).

In other word, NOT COST EFFECTIVE!!!


That is my one contribution to your delusional pipe dream assertions.

Your lunacy is only surpassed by your dishonesty.

No, you are the one who is dishonest.

The guy from Popular Science built one in his backyard.

You didn't read any of my links, did you?
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Then there is home ethanol production, which is already cost effective....

The MicroFueler produces ethanol using membrane distillation. Sugar, yeast and water are blended together to create the chemical reaction that produces ethanol. After two days, the fermented sugar water is turned into vapor, and the ethanol is separated from the water. By the end of the week, the MicroFueler reservoir will hold 35 gallons of pure ethanol, enough to fill at least two cars. This is a lot like Dean Kamen's water purifier, except in reverse. In fact, creator Floyd Butterfield says the water by-product is clean enough to drink.

The most astounding part is that a car doesn't require pure ethanol to run, due to its higher-than-gasoline octane content. E-Fuel says you can fill up your tank with 75% ethanol and 25% water and your car will run fine.

The price tag may seem steep, but federal, state and local tax credits can bring the price as low as $5000—average cost with credits is more like $7000. The creators say an average home will save around $4200 on gas each year, and the machine will pay for itself in about a year and a half.

MicroFueler Home Ethanol Pump Unveiled, Ready For Pre-Orders - Ethanol - Gizmodo
Climategate is real, its a fraud and put over on the first world countries by Al and his pals. China, Asia and Russia don't agree and are laughing their heads off at us. When has warm been bad? Its the cold and 2 miles of ice that covered much of Europe, Canada and the USA that was a deterent. Glad the truth has come out and glad that neither the weather or the climate furfilled the scam.
What the hell does renewable power generation have to do with lying climatologists?


Back to the topic:

Bret Stephens: Climategate: Follow the Money -

Last year, ExxonMobil donated $7 million to a grab-bag of public policy institutes, including the Aspen Institute, the Asia Society and Transparency International. It also gave a combined $125,000 to the Heritage Institute and the National Center for Policy Analysis, two conservative think tanks that have offered dissenting views on what until recently was called—without irony—the climate change "consensus."

To read some of the press accounts of these gifts—amounting to about 0.0027% of Exxon's 2008 profits of $45 billion—you might think you'd hit upon the scandal of the age. But thanks to what now goes by the name of climategate, it turns out the real scandal lies elsewhere.

Climategate, as readers of these pages know, concerns some of the world's leading climate scientists working in tandem to block freedom of information requests, blackball dissenting scientists, manipulate the peer-review process, and obscure, destroy or massage inconvenient temperature data—facts that were laid bare by last week's disclosure of thousands of emails from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit, or CRU.

But the deeper question is why the scientists behaved this way to begin with, especially since the science behind man-made global warming is said to be firmly settled. To answer the question, it helps to turn the alarmists' follow-the-money methods right back at them.

Consider the case of Phil Jones, the director of the CRU and the man at the heart of climategate. According to one of the documents hacked from his center, between 2000 and 2006 Mr. Jones was the recipient (or co-recipient) of some $19 million worth of research grants, a sixfold increase over what he'd been awarded in the 1990s.
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Climategate is real, its a fraud and put over on the first world countries by Al and his pals. China, Asia and Russia don't agree and are laughing their heads off at us. When has warm been bad? Its the cold and 2 miles of ice that covered much of Europe, Canada and the USA that was a deterent. Glad the truth has come out and glad that neither the weather or the climate furfilled the scam.

No, the only thing that is real is that we have doubled the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere in the last 200 years, and the earth is warming.

The arctic ice is melting and so are the glaciers. Glacier National Park is down to 27 glaciers from a high of 150. The North Pole is melting.

Atmospheric CO2 is at the highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

Ocean temperatures are at the highest level ever recorded.

Do you read at all?
In the 19th century, scientists realized that gases in the atmosphere cause a "greenhouse effect" which affects the planet's temperature. These scientists were interested chiefly in the possibility that a lower level of carbon dioxide gas might explain the ice ages of the distant past. At the turn of the century, Svante Arrhenius calculated that emissions from human industry might someday bring a global warming. Other scientists dismissed his idea as faulty. In 1938, G.S. Callendar argued that the level of carbon dioxide was climbing and raising global temperature, but most scientists found his arguments implausible. It was almost by chance that a few researchers in the 1950s discovered that global warming truly was possible. In the early 1960s, C.D. Keeling measured the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: it was rising fast. Researchers began to take an interest, struggling to understand how the level of carbon dioxide had changed in the past, and how the level was influenced by chemical and biological forces. They found that the gas plays a crucial role in climate change, so that the rising level could gravely affect our future.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
Climategate is real, its a fraud and put over on the first world countries by Al and his pals. China, Asia and Russia don't agree and are laughing their heads off at us. When has warm been bad? Its the cold and 2 miles of ice that covered much of Europe, Canada and the USA that was a deterent. Glad the truth has come out and glad that neither the weather or the climate furfilled the scam.

No, the only thing that is real is that we have doubled the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere in the last 200 years, and the earth is warming.

The arctic ice is melting and so are the glaciers. Glacier National Park is down to 27 glaciers from a high of 150. The North Pole is melting.

Atmospheric CO2 is at the highest level ever recorded, and the Antarctic ice core record goes back 600,000 years.

Ocean temperatures are at the highest level ever recorded.

Do you read at all?
Sure. "Watts Up With THat" tells the whole story. We have prospered during warming periods and not during cold periods like even the Little Ice Age. Siberia, Canada, our own North, Greenland and Iceland would love to increase their temperature by a few degrees but if its just 1 degree, they will like that too. Glaciers come and go. Its a natural cycle. The Medial Warm Period was lots warmer and folks loved it, grew grain and multiplied. The 2 Mile covering of Ice over the land was not good and nothing flurished. Who cares if the North Pole is melting? Which it is not. Polar Bears have increased to 25,000 and the Polar Bear folks say "There are a lot more bears, not a few but lots". CO2 is good and helps us flurish. A short history of the time of humans demostrates that warm is good and cold is bad.
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