The Warmergate Scandal


Coming from people that swallow whole misinformation on a message board your criticism of Chris is a riot.
Since Chris completely ignores evidence --even from greenie sites-- that turn his hallucinations on their head, watching anyone attempt to defend him is a riot.


For now a largely symbolic gesture.

The amount of grant monies Mann has helped generate is likey quite considerable. No way the university is going to cut that off unless absolutely necessary. For now the appearance of an investigation without the substance of one.

That could change though as this story continues to grow.

Currently the Brits and the Aussies are far more pissed than we are...
Here's a whole mess of articles courtesy of el-Rushbo...


This one caught my attention that you listed:

Detroit News: Climategate prof raked in $22.6 million in grants « Don Surber

More than $22 MILLION dollars in grant monies to Professor Phil Jones folks.

How can anyone with any semblance of reasonable suspicion not admit that the cash generated from spreading the global warming mantra could not seriously hinder the quality of the actual science?

And this is but one of MANY such examples. The entire "science" was tainted by profit.

Let us hope all of these academic frauds are fully exposed...

For now a largely symbolic gesture.

The amount of grant monies Mann has helped generate is likey quite considerable. No way the university is going to cut that off unless absolutely necessary. For now the appearance of an investigation without the substance of one.

That could change though as this story continues to grow.

Currently the Brits and the Aussies are far more pissed than we are...
Penn State is also getting letters from alums do dump Mann, and that's where a lot of the big money comes from.

For now a largely symbolic gesture.

The amount of grant monies Mann has helped generate is likey quite considerable. No way the university is going to cut that off unless absolutely necessary. For now the appearance of an investigation without the substance of one.

That could change though as this story continues to grow.

Currently the Brits and the Aussies are far more pissed than we are...
Penn State is also getting letters from alums do dump Mann, and that's where a lot of the big money comes from.

If true that would indeed be helpful - the alumni association, if unified in its displeasure, can create a great deal of pressure on the administration.
Here's a whole mess of articles courtesy of el-Rushbo...


This one caught my attention that you listed:

Detroit News: Climategate prof raked in $22.6 million in grants « Don Surber

More than $22 MILLION dollars in grant monies to Professor Phil Jones folks.

How can anyone with any semblance of reasonable suspicion not admit that the cash generated from spreading the global warming mantra could not seriously hinder the quality of the actual science?

And this is but one of MANY such examples. The entire "science" was tainted by profit.

Let us hope all of these academic frauds are fully exposed...

Exactly. What I have in these threads called pecuniary interest.

And Of course Rush has called it for what it is as well:

It's Not a Consensus, It's a Cabal <LINK

You should go there and see the illustration Rush has on the page ... And read Rushs' take.

Glad that you found something that caught your eye. :)

just until it blows over methinks. They think this scam isn't going to take off...but judging from coverage -or lack of it-?

It will catch on...-people will see how they've been scammed especially when Cap And Tax Legislation is further debated...that is unless it has been temporarily sheleved too?

But then isn't the Liar And Chief going to Copenhagen soon?
now it's Rush vs the majortiy of the worlds scientists!

[SIZE=+1]Junkie named top conservative[/SIZE]
The vulgar Pigboy "most influential" Rethug

Link Excerpt:
By a wide margin, Americans consider Rush Limbaugh the nation's most influential conservative voice. Those are the results of a poll conducted by "60 Minutes" and Vanity Fair magazine and issued Sunday. The radio whore was picked by 26 percent of those who responded, followed by Glenn Beck at 11 percent. Actual politicians - Cheney and Palin - were the choice of 10 percent each. Asked to choose from among seven presidents, Americans tapped John F. Kennedy as the one they'd like to see added to Mount Rushmore. Kennedy polled 29 percent, with Ronald Reagan second at 20 percent.

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