The way every "democrat socialist" thinks. So obsessed there are no wealthy people EXCEPT FOR THEM.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Apparently for the little fucking tart, 174K per year is just simply not enough, even though that puts her into the top 15% of all wage earners.

Nancy Pelosi is in the top 5% of all earners.

Here, I thought these great :"democrat socialists" would offer to take PAY CUTS, but no.

Folks, I keep saying the dumbest people on earth are American female socialists. Let me clarify here. The dumbest people on earth are the middle class American socialists. The most annoying people on earth are the pathetic elitist upper 15% American socialists.

Bottom line is they are simply disgusting people and their voters are not worth a bag of shit.
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Nancy Pelosi, partially due to her husband, but also due to her political connections, and unethical insider trading, is very, very wealthy.
Not only unetical, but highly illegal, even for congress. Maybe Barr will have a moment free to look into it? :04:

Apparently for the little fucking tart, 174K per year is just simply not enough, even though that puts her into the top 15% of all wage earners.

Nancy Pelosi is in the top 5% of all earners.

Here, I thought these great :"democrat socialists" would offer to take PAY CUTS, but no.

Folks, I keep saying the dumbest people on earth are American female socialists. Let me clarify here. The dumbest people on earth are the middle class American socialists. The most annoying people on earth are the pathetic elitist upper 15% American socialists.

Bottom line is they are simply disgusting people and their voters are not worth a bag of shit.

Why is it that we Americans expect a free lunch? Dems literally provide free lunches but, for the most part, we all refuse to pay for what we get and then complain about it. The federal gov't is a trillion dollar enterprise but we pay our president and congress wages that an average US company would pay middle managers. And then we expect them to fund their own campaigns and then cheated when they raise money the only way they can, leveraging their influence.

AOC was a bartender so is far from rich. Most in congress need to have two homes, one in DC, one in their districts. I'm not sure they even get reimbursed for travel back and forth. Do we really want to be lead solely by millionaires?

Apparently for the little fucking tart, 174K per year is just simply not enough, even though that puts her into the top 15% of all wage earners.

Nancy Pelosi is in the top 5% of all earners.

Here, I thought these great :"democrat socialists" would offer to take PAY CUTS, but no.

Folks, I keep saying the dumbest people on earth are American female socialists. Let me clarify here. The dumbest people on earth are the middle class American socialists. The most annoying people on earth are the pathetic elitist upper 15% American socialists.

Bottom line is they are simply disgusting people and their voters are not worth a bag of shit.

Why is it that we Americans expect a free lunch? Dems literally provide free lunches but, for the most part, we all refuse to pay for what we get and then complain about it. The federal gov't is a trillion dollar enterprise but we pay our president and congress wages that an average US company would pay middle managers. And then we expect them to fund their own campaigns and then cheated when they raise money the only way they can, leveraging their influence.

AOC was a bartender so is far from rich. Most in congress need to have two homes, one in DC, one in their districts. I'm not sure they even get reimbursed for travel back and forth. Do we really want to be lead solely by millionaires?

You are a fucking moron. You think any democrat pays for their own campaign? Holy shit what a fucking brain you have. 174K is in the upper 15% of ALL WAGE EARNERS.

I can hear the ghetto now breaking out their fucking violins for the tart and her 174K salary not being enough. You fucking idiot.

Her father, was an architect and the CEO of Kirschenbaum & Ocasio-Roman Architects, PC, which focused on remodeling and renovations.

Ocasio-Cortez's campaign biography describes her father as 'a small business owner'.

'She grew up in a working-class household where her mother cleaned homes and everyone pitched in on the family business,' the bio continues.

When she was about five, Ocasio-Cortez's family moved to the house in Westchester County, a detail that the bio omits.

The timing of the move is confirmed in a New York Times interview with mother Blanca Ocasio-Cortez, but the report does not address the discrepancy.

The home, a single-story with a finished basement, most recently sold for close to 500K in 2016. The median annual income in the area is $116,741, compared to the median annual income of $48,315 in Parkchester's zip code, according to the latest Census data.

You fucking moron.
There must be only one or two socialist Democrats because you have yet to prove what they all think.

Apparently for the little fucking tart, 174K per year is just simply not enough, even though that puts her into the top 15% of all wage earners.

Nancy Pelosi is in the top 5% of all earners.

Here, I thought these great :"democrat socialists" would offer to take PAY CUTS, but no.

Folks, I keep saying the dumbest people on earth are American female socialists. Let me clarify here. The dumbest people on earth are the middle class American socialists. The most annoying people on earth are the pathetic elitist upper 15% American socialists.

Bottom line is they are simply disgusting people and their voters are not worth a bag of shit.

She already got $10 Million from Netflix and then ran Amazon out of her district because of it.
There must be only one or two socialist Democrats because you have yet to prove what they all think.
They are all rich or on their way to becoming rich. If they were real socialists, they'd donate their salaries to charity or ask for a drastic pay cut.
There must be only one or two socialist Democrats because you have yet to prove what they all think.
They are all rich or on their way to becoming rich. If they were real socialists, they'd donate their salaries to charity or ask for a drastic pay cut.
Why is that? I have yet to see any Christians that give away their wealth to follow Jesus..Why should the socialist?
There must be only one or two socialist Democrats because you have yet to prove what they all think.
They are all rich or on their way to becoming rich. If they were real socialists, they'd donate their salaries to charity or ask for a drastic pay cut.
Why is that? I have yet to see any Christians that give away their wealth to follow Jesus..Why should the socialist?
Redistribution is the socialist dream… Too bad it has failed 100% of the time.

Envy is strong in you...
There must be only one or two socialist Democrats because you have yet to prove what they all think.
They are all rich or on their way to becoming rich. If they were real socialists, they'd donate their salaries to charity or ask for a drastic pay cut.
Why is that? I have yet to see any Christians that give away their wealth to follow Jesus..Why should the socialist?
America is the most generous Nation on The Earth. There is not even a close second. And studies show, Liberals, Socialists, and Leftist are bar none, the stingiest people on Earth.

So what you have is Christians towing the Charitable Load for the whole country while you and your baby killing, homosexual loving, America Hating radicals sit on your asses and Pretend to Care about people, when you only care about yourself.

Now go back to shooting Mexican Heroin and pretending to be a Social Justice Warrior.
There must be only one or two socialist Democrats because you have yet to prove what they all think.
They are all rich or on their way to becoming rich. If they were real socialists, they'd donate their salaries to charity or ask for a drastic pay cut.
They are real socialists. All elitist rich class socialists, think and act exactly like that, and they are utterly dismayed when anyone questions them about their wealth.

Look at that alang fucking loser.
There must be only one or two socialist Democrats because you have yet to prove what they all think.
They are all rich or on their way to becoming rich. If they were real socialists, they'd donate their salaries to charity or ask for a drastic pay cut.
They are real socialists. All elitist rich class socialists, think and act exactly like that, and they are utterly dismayed when anyone questions them about their wealth.

Look at that alang fucking loser.
Real Socialists Rely and are Dependent on a PERMANENT Slave Underclass to work on their plantations. This is why they have been oppressing The Black Race for 250 Years, and now are trying to import Millions of Brown Latino Slaves to replace them, because The Black Race is becoming wiser and wealthier, and many of them have broken away from The Slave Master Democrats.
Nancy Pelosi, partially due to her husband, but also due to her political connections, and unethical insider trading, is very, very wealthy.

Yet still using Tax paid flights back to CA and running up bar tabs. Do we pay door to door? Almost every Thurs night thru weekend to Mon night back.

Apparently for the little fucking tart, 174K per year is just simply not enough, even though that puts her into the top 15% of all wage earners.

Nancy Pelosi is in the top 5% of all earners.

Here, I thought these great :"democrat socialists" would offer to take PAY CUTS, but no.

Folks, I keep saying the dumbest people on earth are American female socialists. Let me clarify here. The dumbest people on earth are the middle class American socialists. The most annoying people on earth are the pathetic elitist upper 15% American socialists.

Bottom line is they are simply disgusting people and their voters are not worth a bag of shit.

Why is it that we Americans expect a free lunch? Dems literally provide free lunches but, for the most part, we all refuse to pay for what we get and then complain about it. The federal gov't is a trillion dollar enterprise but we pay our president and congress wages that an average US company would pay middle managers. And then we expect them to fund their own campaigns and then cheated when they raise money the only way they can, leveraging their influence.

AOC was a bartender so is far from rich. Most in congress need to have two homes, one in DC, one in their districts. I'm not sure they even get reimbursed for travel back and forth. Do we really want to be lead solely by millionaires?

You are a fucking moron. You think any democrat pays for their own campaign? Holy shit what a fucking brain you have. 174K is in the upper 15% of ALL WAGE EARNERS.

I can hear the ghetto now breaking out their fucking violins for the tart and her 174K salary not being enough. You fucking idiot.

Her father, was an architect and the CEO of Kirschenbaum & Ocasio-Roman Architects, PC, which focused on remodeling and renovations.

Ocasio-Cortez's campaign biography describes her father as 'a small business owner'.

'She grew up in a working-class household where her mother cleaned homes and everyone pitched in on the family business,' the bio continues.

When she was about five, Ocasio-Cortez's family moved to the house in Westchester County, a detail that the bio omits.

The timing of the move is confirmed in a New York Times interview with mother Blanca Ocasio-Cortez, but the report does not address the discrepancy.

The home, a single-story with a finished basement, most recently sold for close to 500K in 2016. The median annual income in the area is $116,741, compared to the median annual income of $48,315 in Parkchester's zip code, according to the latest Census data.

You fucking moron.

You really should work on your anger issues, you'll live longer. And thanks, you're a fine example of someone who wants something for nothing. You think that, except for the very rich, anyone, GOP or Dem, pays for their own campaign? Where do you think that money comes from?

I'm not an AOC fan but she has to live in both NYC and DC. Two very expensive places to own or rent. $174K sounds like a lot but in NYC or DC it won't go very far as it would in Iowa.

Apparently for the little fucking tart, 174K per year is just simply not enough, even though that puts her into the top 15% of all wage earners.

Nancy Pelosi is in the top 5% of all earners.

Here, I thought these great :"democrat socialists" would offer to take PAY CUTS, but no.

Folks, I keep saying the dumbest people on earth are American female socialists. Let me clarify here. The dumbest people on earth are the middle class American socialists. The most annoying people on earth are the pathetic elitist upper 15% American socialists.

Bottom line is they are simply disgusting people and their voters are not worth a bag of shit.

The ABC's of Marxism. Hatred for the rich/noble class who spawned the bourgeoisie, who are guilty by association for the sins of the wealthy, who are both oppressors of the proletariat since time immemorial. Socialism is a transitionary phase between capitalism and communism. Socialism was never intended in any form or sub-form to be a lasting/permanent form of government or economic policy. Marx's idea was (the idea no socialist wants you to know) to seize control of all government mechanisms, institute a totalitarian rule (because that's what the people need to be "free") and to then rule through a small party which has centralized all power into a dictatorship of the proletariat, until (supposedly) society has been reconstructed to the point where "the people" can be trusted again to have some degree of personal freedom. Problem is, people are people are people, and so once that small communist party leadership has seized totalitarian control, it never wants to again surrender or lessen its power. Basic human greed 101. Meanwhile of course, the people suffer, starve, lack the ability to own private property, have all their movement controlled and are mass murdered and imprisoned by the central party. There's just no degree of in-between (for the people) with Marxism, with socialism. Despite all of this, folks like Bernie Sanders and American "democratic" socialists would have us believe America can be run beneficially for the people in a state of hybridized socialism/capitalism indefinitely.

Let's take a look at two of the most powerful political motivations of the modern American Left: climate change policy and intersectionality (identity politics). Neither one of these driving leftist platforms/ideologies can be legislated/implemented on the American people without forcing or oppressing them or in other words, without taking away degrees of our individual freedom. With climate change policies such as the Green New Deal, we the American People would have to be forced to stop driving combustion engine vehicles, stop traveling on diesel trains/jet engine airliners. In other words, our ability or freedom of movement would have to be restricted until technology caught up with Green New Deal standards/requirements. This is a perfect example of Marxism-Socialism, the government seizing our freedom supposedly for our own good, until we can be trusted to be free again, because they know what's best for us. Same with intersectionality. On this issue the government would tell us everyone possessed by every possible "alternative" lifestyle choice must be treated equally, and be provided equality of outcome regardless of individual differing skill and personality. In order to make that happen, the government would be forced to take away our freedom to do better than someone else, to object on religious or moral beliefs, to make sure no one was ever unequal, not even for a few minutes, from birth to death. And doing all of that would require Marxist-socialist/communist level seizure or suspension of individual rights and freedoms.

Seems to me the democrat-socialist path moving forward is clear; they've but one path available to implement their political and cultural ideological goals and those of us who understand this damn well better speak up to educate the rest before it is too damned late.
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Apparently for the little fucking tart, 174K per year is just simply not enough, even though that puts her into the top 15% of all wage earners.

Nancy Pelosi is in the top 5% of all earners.

Here, I thought these great :"democrat socialists" would offer to take PAY CUTS, but no.

Folks, I keep saying the dumbest people on earth are American female socialists. Let me clarify here. The dumbest people on earth are the middle class American socialists. The most annoying people on earth are the pathetic elitist upper 15% American socialists.

Bottom line is they are simply disgusting people and their voters are not worth a bag of shit.

The ABC's of Marxism. Hatred for the rich/noble class who spawned the bourgeoisie, who are guilty by association for the sins of the wealthy, who are both oppressors of the proletariat since time immemorial. Socialism is a transitionary phase between capitalism and communism. Socialism was never intended in any form or sub-form to be a lasting/permanent form of government or economic policy. Marx's idea was (the idea no socialist wants you to know) to seize control of all government mechanisms, institute a totalitarian rule (because that's what the people need to be "free") and to then rule through a small party which has centralized all power into a dictatorship of the proletariat, until (supposedly) society has been reconstructed to the point where "the people" can be trusted again to have some degree of personal freedom. Problem is, people are people are people, and so once that small communist party leadership has seized totalitarian control, it never wants to again surrender or lessen its power. Basic human greed 101. Meanwhile of course, the people suffer, starve, lack the ability to own private property, have all their movement controlled and are mass murdered and imprisoned by the central party. There's just no degree of in-between (for the people) with Marxism, with socialism. Despite all of this, folks like Bernie Sanders and American "democratic" socialists would have us believe America can be run beneficially for the people in a state of hybridized socialism/capitalism indefinitely.

Let's take a look at two of the most powerful political motivations of the modern American Left: climate change policy and intersectionality (identity politics). Neither one of these driving leftist platforms/ideologies can be legislated/implemented on the American people without forcing or oppressing them or in other words, without taking away degrees of our individual freedom. With climate change policies such as the Green New Deal, we the American People would have to be forced to stop driving combustion engine vehicles, stop traveling on diesel trains/jet engine airliners. In other words, our ability or freedom of movement would have to be restricted until technology caught up with Green New Deal standards/requirements. This is a perfect example of Marxism-Socialism, the government seizing our freedom supposedly for our own good, until we can be trusted to be free again, because they know what's best for us. Same with intersectionality. On this issue the government would tell us everyone possessed by every possible "alternative" lifestyle choice must be treated equally, and be provided equality of outcome regardless of individual differing skill and personality. In order to make that happen, the government would be forced to take away our freedom to do better than someone else, to object on religious or moral beliefs, to make sure no one was ever unequal, not even for a few minutes, from birth to death. And doing all of that would require Marxist-socialist/communist level seizure or suspension of individual rights and freedoms.

Seems to me the democrat-socialist path moving forward is clear; they've but one path available to implement their political and cultural ideological goals and those of us who understand this damn well better speak up to educate the rest before it is too damned late.

This is how they are doing it and the political correctness marxist strategy is not new.

I know I have posted this a few times. If you have not seen it, take the time to watch it. Dates back to the 1920s and it was formed after WWI proved karl marx wrong so the plan for a revolution by another means was formed.

The Frankfort School

Apparently for the little fucking tart, 174K per year is just simply not enough, even though that puts her into the top 15% of all wage earners.

Nancy Pelosi is in the top 5% of all earners.

Here, I thought these great :"democrat socialists" would offer to take PAY CUTS, but no.

Folks, I keep saying the dumbest people on earth are American female socialists. Let me clarify here. The dumbest people on earth are the middle class American socialists. The most annoying people on earth are the pathetic elitist upper 15% American socialists.

Bottom line is they are simply disgusting people and their voters are not worth a bag of shit.

Why is it that we Americans expect a free lunch? Dems literally provide free lunches but, for the most part, we all refuse to pay for what we get and then complain about it. The federal gov't is a trillion dollar enterprise but we pay our president and congress wages that an average US company would pay middle managers. And then we expect them to fund their own campaigns and then cheated when they raise money the only way they can, leveraging their influence.

AOC was a bartender so is far from rich. Most in congress need to have two homes, one in DC, one in their districts. I'm not sure they even get reimbursed for travel back and forth. Do we really want to be lead solely by millionaires?

You are a fucking moron. You think any democrat pays for their own campaign? Holy shit what a fucking brain you have. 174K is in the upper 15% of ALL WAGE EARNERS.

I can hear the ghetto now breaking out their fucking violins for the tart and her 174K salary not being enough. You fucking idiot.

Her father, was an architect and the CEO of Kirschenbaum & Ocasio-Roman Architects, PC, which focused on remodeling and renovations.

Ocasio-Cortez's campaign biography describes her father as 'a small business owner'.

'She grew up in a working-class household where her mother cleaned homes and everyone pitched in on the family business,' the bio continues.

When she was about five, Ocasio-Cortez's family moved to the house in Westchester County, a detail that the bio omits.

The timing of the move is confirmed in a New York Times interview with mother Blanca Ocasio-Cortez, but the report does not address the discrepancy.

The home, a single-story with a finished basement, most recently sold for close to 500K in 2016. The median annual income in the area is $116,741, compared to the median annual income of $48,315 in Parkchester's zip code, according to the latest Census data.

You fucking moron.

You really should work on your anger issues, you'll live longer. And thanks, you're a fine example of someone who wants something for nothing. You think that, except for the very rich, anyone, GOP or Dem, pays for their own campaign? Where do you think that money comes from?

I'm not an AOC fan but she has to live in both NYC and DC. Two very expensive places to own or rent. $174K sounds like a lot but in NYC or DC it won't go very far as it would in Iowa.

Oh, so you think she should taxed 70% of her money then, like all of you fucking losers yell about?

Is that a fucking yes, or a fucking no in your pathetic little socialist world?

For those of us who did have to work and make it, we understand how to stretch a fucking dollar.

My parents died when I was 5. My brother and I grew up in the hood. I had to work my ass off and thanks to a country that provided an opportunity to do that for someone in the serf class, i did it.

You and true privileged assholes like you have no clue. It is not white privilege like you PC marxist losers yell about. It's spoiled trust fund college know it all losers that are the real problem.

Well, how much should the fucking tart be taxed, considering she claims we should pass a 93 trillion dollar green new deal, which if you took every last fucking penny from everyone on earth, it would not fund 5 percent of it. To say nothing that the fucking tart wants FREE HEALTHCARE AND FREE EDUCATION FOR ALL.

Well, considering 174k is the upper 15% of all wage earners, how much do YOOOOOU think she should be taxed.

Considering ALL of the expenses you say she has. HOW FUCKING MUCH?
$174K sounds like a lot but in NYC or DC it won't go very far as it would in Iowa.
Oh, so you think she should taxed 70% of her money then, like all of you fucking losers yell about?

Well, considering 174k is the upper 15% of all wage earners, how much do YOOOOOU think she should be taxed.
You need to calm down or at least get your facts straight. No one thinks she should be taxed at 70%, not even her. Her plan would set the rate of 70% on annual income over $10 million. She doesn't earn over $10 million so she would not be paying 70%.

As for what I think we should pay in taxes? I think it's a stupid question. The question is what do we want the federal gov't to pay for? Once we can agree on that, we can look at the options for raising the money. If the gov't paid for all my room and board, healthcare, retirement, clothes, cars, travel, and beer, I'd happily pay 70% of my income.
$174K sounds like a lot but in NYC or DC it won't go very far as it would in Iowa.
Oh, so you think she should taxed 70% of her money then, like all of you fucking losers yell about?

Well, considering 174k is the upper 15% of all wage earners, how much do YOOOOOU think she should be taxed.
You need to calm down or at least get your facts straight. No one thinks she should be taxed at 70%, not even her. Her plan would set the rate of 70% on annual income over $10 million. She doesn't earn over $10 million so she would not be paying 70%.

As for what I think we should pay in taxes? I think it's a stupid question. The question is what do we want the federal gov't to pay for? Once we can agree on that, we can look at the options for raising the money. If the gov't paid for all my room and board, healthcare, retirement, clothes, cars, travel, and beer, I'd happily pay 70% of my income.

We already agreed upon what the government should do... or well... our ancestors did, hundreds of years ago. Do you know about the constitution?

The issue has been settled, and it doesn't include your car, your travels, or any other free shit that you lust for.

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