The Way of the Whig Party

Sarah G

When Nothing Goes Right, Go Left
Mar 4, 2009
NW Ohio
The Way of the Whig Party

Will Republicans go the way of the Whig Party? Well, we're not really going to answer that question in any meaningful way today, we're going to instead focus on the question itself. Because this question isn't really all that apt a parallel to draw in the first place. Most people today just use "go the way of the Whig Party" as an amusing way to say "disappear as a national political party." But a truer parallel to history would be to ask the question: "Will today's Republicans revert back to being the Whig Party?" Or, perhaps: "Will the Tea Party eventually go the way of the Whig Party?"

Whigs were born from political hatred, with a major conspiracy theory to help things along. One of the precursors to the Whig Party was the Anti-Mason Party of the 1820s. They were a one-issue bunch, organized against the conspiracy of Masons which they believed were running the United States government. To be fair to them, most of the leaders of the day (from all political beliefs) were indeed Masons. The Anti-Mason Party's first presidential candidate was even an ex-Mason -- showing » The Way Of The Whig Party

The Whig party comparable to today's Conservatives or the Teaparty? Excellent Blog.
Another theme post from the commies, how many different ways are you guys going to invent to insinuate the demise of the Tea Parties? Wishful thinking ain't gonna make it so.
The Way of the Whig Party

Will Republicans go the way of the Whig Party? Well, we're not really going to answer that question in any meaningful way today, we're going to instead focus on the question itself. Because this question isn't really all that apt a parallel to draw in the first place. Most people today just use "go the way of the Whig Party" as an amusing way to say "disappear as a national political party." But a truer parallel to history would be to ask the question: "Will today's Republicans revert back to being the Whig Party?" Or, perhaps: "Will the Tea Party eventually go the way of the Whig Party?"

Whigs were born from political hatred, with a major conspiracy theory to help things along. One of the precursors to the Whig Party was the Anti-Mason Party of the 1820s. They were a one-issue bunch, organized against the conspiracy of Masons which they believed were running the United States government. To be fair to them, most of the leaders of the day (from all political beliefs) were indeed Masons. The Anti-Mason Party's first presidential candidate was even an ex-Mason -- showing » The Way Of The Whig Party

The Whig party comparable to today's Conservatives or the Teaparty? Excellent Blog.
Yep, sounds like the Tea Party.
Tea party will probably split from the republicans.

Any bills will probably need to work with these morons. :( America had a good history of innovation and advancement. That's over.

Could they really split?
Whether they like it or not, the Republicans have the organisation and machinery that the TP need.
Their better strategy would be to take over the GOP, wouldn't it?
Tea party will probably split from the republicans.

Any bills will probably need to work with these morons. :( America had a good history of innovation and advancement. That's over.
Or the Republicans may finally shake them loose.

Remember when they were first on the scene trying to destroy Obamacare and they were shouting, hooting and hollering on about how they were a mix of BOTH Republicans and Democrats...and they added Independents too.

After that attempt failed, they proudly came out and called themselves true Conservatives with a goal of pulling back their party to it's true Conservative roots. Citing some BS about how the Democrats were a waste of time due to their love of spending and what's not.

I think now they are back to claiming they aren't Republican again, however, I'm not sure. These people change their mind more than the wind changes direction.
Another theme post from the commies, how many different ways are you guys going to invent to insinuate the demise of the Tea Parties? Wishful thinking ain't gonna make it so.

Drawing that conclusion is logical in light of recent events. There's a post regarding how many Teapartiers lost in the 2012 election that I will post here just because it's interesting. Again, congressional job approval is in the tank so thinking the Teaparty at least is on the way out makes sense. Of course Cons could also be hurt.

Here's the list:

They are creating their own little place in hell with these stunts.
Tea Party would be the Canadian equivalent of the Reform Party who broke away from the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada.

Much later the Conservative Party of Canada was born by merging the Reform and the Progressive Conservatives and tossing out the Progressives.

We now are the majority party in Canada.

The Tea Party can do the same.
Tea party will probably split from the republicans.

Any bills will probably need to work with these morons. :( America had a good history of innovation and advancement. That's over.
Or the Republicans may finally shake them loose.

Remember when they were first on the scene trying to destroy Obamacare and they were shouting, hooting and hollering on about how they were a mix of BOTH Republicans and Democrats...and they added Independents too.

After that attempt failed, they proudly came out and called themselves true Conservatives with a goal of pulling back their party to it's true Conservative roots. Citing some BS about how the Democrats were a waste of time due to their love of spending and what's not.

I think now they are back to claiming they aren't Republican again, however, I'm not sure. These people change their mind more than the wind changes direction.

It seems like there will always be some group spawned out of hate for whatever. Most likely Democrats. :)

There was mention of hatred being a recurring theme for these factions that spring up.
Another theme post from the commies, how many different ways are you guys going to invent to insinuate the demise of the Tea Parties? Wishful thinking ain't gonna make it so.

Drawing that conclusion is logical in light of recent events. There's a post regarding how many Teapartiers lost in the 2012 election that I will post here just because it's interesting. Again, congressional job approval is in the tank so thinking the Teaparty at least is on the way out makes sense. Of course Cons could also be hurt.

Here's the list:

They are creating their own little place in hell with these stunts.

OMG Hundreds just hundreds of thousands didn't make it. :eusa_boohoo: Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Even if you want to take the following as a whole it's 7 mother trucking people who didn't make it.

Kiss my ass. :lol:

Allen West tossed check

Richard Murdock never elected

Todd Akin never endorsed by the tea party

Joe Walsh was screwed by redistricting couldn't have won against Duckworth even if he was a liberal

Denny Rehberg ran for Senate and never elected Had been a great congressman for many years

Sandy Adams redistricting and was stuck running against a powerful R

Cliff Stearns same deal redistricting "

What year?

"in 2010-
Sharon Angle
Christine O'donnell"

AND this is complete bullshit to claim that people didn't run again because of the TP's.

"On a related note, the following representatives apparently found out the Tea party is too nutty to be associated with, so they left

Tom Graves
Ralph Hall
Walter Jones
Cynthia Lummis
Sue Myrick"
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Another theme post from the commies, how many different ways are you guys going to invent to insinuate the demise of the Tea Parties? Wishful thinking ain't gonna make it so.

Drawing that conclusion is logical in light of recent events. There's a post regarding how many Teapartiers lost in the 2012 election that I will post here just because it's interesting. Again, congressional job approval is in the tank so thinking the Teaparty at least is on the way out makes sense. Of course Cons could also be hurt.

Here's the list:

They are creating their own little place in hell with these stunts.

Show me any poll in the last 5 years where the congressional approval rating has been above 20%, if one exist I haven't seen it. So you can't blame that soley on the Tea Parties, the American people have been fed up with congress for a long time. I have never voted for a congressional incumbent in a primary, that might change with Ted Cruz, at least he has actually done to the best of his ability to keep his campaign promises.
I don't consider the republican party a party capable of governing this nation. They're too willing to fuck its economic health and hurt innocent people. Love America way to much to support such hatred of it.

Boycotting the Republican party until they give up their anti-science, anti-tech and anti-American behavior.

Not only did the super extreme lose me but I truly fear what these fuckers are capable of doing to America. I'll stand in fight against it to make sure America remains a respectable power for good.
I don't consider the republican party a party capable of governing this nation. They're too willing to fuck its economic health and hurt innocent people. Love America way to much to support such hatred of it.

Boycotting the Republican party until they give up their anti-science, anti-tech and anti-American behavior.

Not only did the super extreme lose me but I truly fear what these fuckers are capable of doing to America. I'll stand in fight against it to make sure America remains a respectable power for good.

Your assimilation is complete, your are now Borg. Never again to have any conservative creds.
The Democrats should be cheering on the Tea Party. Anything that reduces the influence of the Republicans is good, right? They are the opposition party to the Dems, so why wouldn't they want the Republican Party to splinter and further diminish its power? Once the Republicans are irrelevant, then the Dems can finally do what they want with no resistance.

Except they need the Republican bogeyman. They need to have someone to blame when their policies and programs fail to fix the problems despite trillion of dollars and thousands of laws devoted to the Democrat pet projects. With the Republicans intact, the Democrats can never be held accountable because there will always be someone else to blame for failure. With the Republicans destroyed, the Democrats own their failures and which politician wants that hanging over his head?
Another theme post from the commies, how many different ways are you guys going to invent to insinuate the demise of the Tea Parties? Wishful thinking ain't gonna make it so.

Drawing that conclusion is logical in light of recent events. There's a post regarding how many Teapartiers lost in the 2012 election that I will post here just because it's interesting. Again, congressional job approval is in the tank so thinking the Teaparty at least is on the way out makes sense. Of course Cons could also be hurt.

Here's the list:

They are creating their own little place in hell with these stunts.

OMG Hundreds just hundreds of thousands didn't make it. :eusa_boohoo: Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Even if you want to take the following as a whole it's 7 mother trucking people who didn't make it.

Kiss my ass. :lol:

Allen West tossed check

Richard Murdock never elected

Todd Akin never endorsed by the tea party

Joe Walsh was screwed by redistricting couldn't have won against Duckworth even if he was a liberal

Denny Rehberg ran for Senate and never elected Had been a great congressman for many years

Sandy Adams redistricting and was stuck running against a powerful R

Cliff Stearns same deal redistricting "

What year?

"in 2010-
Sharon Angle
Christine O'donnell"

AND this is complete bullshit to claim that people didn't run again because of the TP's.

"On a related note, the following representatives apparently found out the Tea party is too nutty to be associated with, so they left

Tom Graves
Ralph Hall
Walter Jones
Cynthia Lummis
Sue Myrick"

Isn't it funny the TP suposedly lost all those people and still have, according to the commies, the power to control the house? Why is it their propagana never add up?
An interesting read, but if you buy the premise, then we won't be rid of the Teabaggers for decades.

The Whigs managed to elect two presidents- Harrison and Taylor, both of whom died in their terms and were suceeded by Vice-Presidents who did things the Whigs hated. Hmmmm....

Maybe it was a conspiracy.

Okay, the thing that motivates the Tea Party is a hatred of Obama that could blot out stars.

Does the movement have a life after Obama opens up his presidential library in Hyde Park?
Republicans now have the lowest approval rating ever recorded for a major party in the history of the Gallup Poll.

Is Ted Cruz a Democratic mole sent to destroy the Republican Party?

Joe Walsh was screwed by redistricting couldn't have won against Duckworth even if he was a liberal


I live in the 8th District. Joe Walsh was screwed by the fact that he thought he represented the Koch Brothers and not the people of the 8th District, who he would often scream at and use obscenities when he was at Town Halls.

We realized we made a huge mistake when he beat Melissa Bean by a handful of votes and couldn't throw him out the door fast enough.
I don't consider the republican party a party capable of governing this nation. They're too willing to fuck its economic health and hurt innocent people. Love America way to much to support such hatred of it.

Boycotting the Republican party until they give up their anti-science, anti-tech and anti-American behavior.

Not only did the super extreme lose me but I truly fear what these fuckers are capable of doing to America. I'll stand in fight against it to make sure America remains a respectable power for good.

Your assimilation is complete, your are now Borg. Never again to have any conservative creds.

It has been pretty amazing to watch Matthew come to a level of understanding that most of the far right wing wack jobs will never come to. And Matthew may never be the darling of the whack jobs with conservative creds (whatever those are) but at least he has attained something that you, OK Texas will never in your life attain; Common sense.

Good job Matthew.

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