The Way of the Whig Party

Isn't it funny the TP suposedly lost all those people and still have, according to the commies, the power to control the house? Why is it their propagana never add up?

The numbers are relative and these people happen to have lost under very compromising circumstances. They were really nuts. The legitimate rape issues, the I am not a witch thing, Michelle Bachmann and her history lessons that were completely false, lots of craziness around these people and their races.

They're leading poor John Boehner down a path of destruction. He is blindly following them and his speakership could be at risk. Our country will survive but I don't know about the Teaparty or Republicans.

It's cute that you think anyone believes you care about Boehner being the Speaker of the House. You really think anyone believes you don't want a Democrat as Speaker? I am sure you think you are trying to convince us that you actually care about us.

Of course, we dont really want Boenher to be Speaker either. Difference is, we arent pretending we do.

The Democrats don't have the gavel, Republicans do for now. I'd rather see the idiot Boehner have it than Cantor or any of the other leadership. Make sense?
The Way of the Whig Party

Will Republicans go the way of the Whig Party? Well, we're not really going to answer that question in any meaningful way today, we're going to instead focus on the question itself. Because this question isn't really all that apt a parallel to draw in the first place. Most people today just use "go the way of the Whig Party" as an amusing way to say "disappear as a national political party." But a truer parallel to history would be to ask the question: "Will today's Republicans revert back to being the Whig Party?" Or, perhaps: "Will the Tea Party eventually go the way of the Whig Party?"

Whigs were born from political hatred, with a major conspiracy theory to help things along. One of the precursors to the Whig Party was the Anti-Mason Party of the 1820s. They were a one-issue bunch, organized against the conspiracy of Masons which they believed were running the United States government. To be fair to them, most of the leaders of the day (from all political beliefs) were indeed Masons. The Anti-Mason Party's first presidential candidate was even an ex-Mason -- showing » The Way Of The Whig Party

The Whig party comparable to today's Conservatives or the Teaparty? Excellent Blog.
Yep, sounds like the Tea Party.
Yes, there are definite parallels to the Tea Party.
The whigs dissolved

The GOP is splitting

not the same

Well that remains to be seen. The Teaparty could be going the way of the Whigs and the GOP have been in lockstep with them for two weeks anyway. Who does America hate more, the ones being led around by the nose or the ones who staged the coup?
I don't consider the republican party a party capable of governing this nation. They're too willing to fuck its economic health and hurt innocent people. Love America way to much to support such hatred of it.

Boycotting the Republican party until they give up their anti-science, anti-tech and anti-American behavior.

Not only did the super extreme lose me but I truly fear what these fuckers are capable of doing to America. I'll stand in fight against it to make sure America remains a respectable power for good.

Your assimilation is complete, your are now Borg. Never again to have any conservative creds.

did you EVER believe his lies? :eek:

he is just a softer and younger version of fakey.
but the IQs are the same for both - not more than 75 :lol:
America was not set up for political parties and with the electoral college certainly not set up for third parties. After WWII the Democrats began realigning their party and sort of eased out the conservative south. The conservative south went to the Republican party and were more comfortable, but where would the Tea Party go? There is no party that is more conservative than the Republican party.
One of the characteristics of liberalism is to accept a wider range of beliefs and behavior and the conservatives less a range and that restricts the big tent concept. The tea party and the Republican party may have to fight for supremacy, and if the tea party wins will they ease out the moderates and if so where will the moderates go? If they go to the Democratic party, the Democrats might become a little more conservative but with a much bigger base.
The Republicans may have created their own demise, as did the previous two conservative parties, now dead as doornails.
The Way of the Whig Party

Will Republicans go the way of the Whig Party? Well, we're not really going to answer that question in any meaningful way today, we're going to instead focus on the question itself. Because this question isn't really all that apt a parallel to draw in the first place. Most people today just use "go the way of the Whig Party" as an amusing way to say "disappear as a national political party." But a truer parallel to history would be to ask the question: "Will today's Republicans revert back to being the Whig Party?" Or, perhaps: "Will the Tea Party eventually go the way of the Whig Party?"

Whigs were born from political hatred, with a major conspiracy theory to help things along. One of the precursors to the Whig Party was the Anti-Mason Party of the 1820s. They were a one-issue bunch, organized against the conspiracy of Masons which they believed were running the United States government. To be fair to them, most of the leaders of the day (from all political beliefs) were indeed Masons. The Anti-Mason Party's first presidential candidate was even an ex-Mason -- showing » The Way Of The Whig Party

The Whig party comparable to today's Conservatives or the Teaparty? Excellent Blog.

Maybe the Republican party, but I dont think so for the Tea party.
America was not set up for political parties and with the electoral college certainly not set up for third parties. After WWII the Democrats began realigning their party and sort of eased out the conservative south. The conservative south went to the Republican party and were more comfortable, but where would the Tea Party go? There is no party that is more conservative than the Republican party.
One of the characteristics of liberalism is to accept a wider range of beliefs and behavior and the conservatives less a range and that restricts the big tent concept. The tea party and the Republican party may have to fight for supremacy, and if the tea party wins will they ease out the moderates and if so where will the moderates go? If they go to the Democratic party, the Democrats might become a little more conservative but with a much bigger base.
The Republicans may have created their own demise, as did the previous two conservative parties, now dead as doornails.

The Conservatives and the moderates do not have to fight for supremacy.

All they have to do is figure out how to devide the Republican election machine and go their own way.

Of course, it is pretty obvious that the conservatives/Tea Party is going to keep most of the structure in the South--since that is were conservatives are strongest. So the Tea Party will have a great starting point in the next cycle if the party splits before then. The moderates will probable take the weaker Republican bases in the North
Tea party will probably split from the republicans.

Any bills will probably need to work with these morons. :( America had a good history of innovation and advancement. That's over.
Or the Republicans may finally shake them loose.

Remember when they were first on the scene trying to destroy Obamacare and they were shouting, hooting and hollering on about how they were a mix of BOTH Republicans and Democrats...and they added Independents too.

After that attempt failed, they proudly came out and called themselves true Conservatives with a goal of pulling back their party to it's true Conservative roots. Citing some BS about how the Democrats were a waste of time due to their love of spending and what's not.

I think now they are back to claiming they aren't Republican again, however, I'm not sure. These people change their mind more than the wind changes direction.

It seems like there will always be some group spawned out of hate for whatever. Most likely Democrats. :)

There was mention of hatred being a recurring theme for these factions that spring up.

Remember the "Know-Nothing Party"? Most don't.
Or the Republicans may finally shake them loose.

Remember when they were first on the scene trying to destroy Obamacare and they were shouting, hooting and hollering on about how they were a mix of BOTH Republicans and Democrats...and they added Independents too.

After that attempt failed, they proudly came out and called themselves true Conservatives with a goal of pulling back their party to it's true Conservative roots. Citing some BS about how the Democrats were a waste of time due to their love of spending and what's not.

I think now they are back to claiming they aren't Republican again, however, I'm not sure. These people change their mind more than the wind changes direction.

It seems like there will always be some group spawned out of hate for whatever. Most likely Democrats. :)

There was mention of hatred being a recurring theme for these factions that spring up.

Remember the "Know-Nothing Party"? Most don't.

the TPM sort of reminds me of them.
Or the Republicans may finally shake them loose.

Remember when they were first on the scene trying to destroy Obamacare and they were shouting, hooting and hollering on about how they were a mix of BOTH Republicans and Democrats...and they added Independents too.

After that attempt failed, they proudly came out and called themselves true Conservatives with a goal of pulling back their party to it's true Conservative roots. Citing some BS about how the Democrats were a waste of time due to their love of spending and what's not.

I think now they are back to claiming they aren't Republican again, however, I'm not sure. These people change their mind more than the wind changes direction.

It seems like there will always be some group spawned out of hate for whatever. Most likely Democrats. :)

There was mention of hatred being a recurring theme for these factions that spring up.

Remember the "Know-Nothing Party"? Most don't.

I had heard of it but I needed a reminder. Funny.

Know-Nothing party

The American party of the 1850s derived its informal name from its members replying, when asked about their role, 'I know nothing.' The party was anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant. It grew out of the Order of the Star-Spangled Banner, a secret society apparently founded in New York City in 1849. In the wake of the collapse of the Whigs and the Democratic split over the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 and 1855, its supporters won several offices, including mayor of Philadelphia and control of the Massachusetts legislature. Some northern Know-Nothings also sought to cooperate with antislavery forces not yet prepared to join an official Republican party.

Know-Nothing party ? Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts
Anybody remember what dimocraps did to Joe Lieberman? One of the few remaining 'moderates' in the dimocrap party back around 2000-2002?

They 'primaried' him with a fire-breathing socialist scumbag.

Remember the ass-whipping dimocrap scum took in the 2010 Midterms?

A lot of that was because dimocrap scum in the party headquarters abandoned all the 'moderates' in their party, leaving them to get plastered by Republicans. Some of it was because of the Tea Party movement but not all of it.

the dimocrap party has reinvented itself. There's no room in it anymore for people like Sam Nunn. No more room for moderates.

Republicans are starting to realize the same thing..... You have to either get on board or get lost.

But Republicans aren't as ruthless as the Nazis in the dimocrap party. It might take a while for us to get around to a more ideological party.

If we ever do. I think we have to.

The days of compromising because the other guy might have a point are just about over. Conservatives have had it with the Republican powers-that-be.

Twice in a row, they nominate and push soft-as-marshmallow RINOs who are more interested in being nice than they are in winning an election. People like Mitt Romney who fought like a crazed Spartan to defeat his Republican opposition in the primaries and then turns into a certified pussy in the National election.

And McRINO.... What a fucking joke that is... And has always been.

Yeah, we're going through a realignment.

Here's what Bret Hume said Monday Night and I agree with him to a point...

"Veteran political observers on both the left and right are still trying to figure out what the House Tea Party caucus and its Senate pied piper Ted Cruz were thinking when they insisted on using the threat of a government shutdown to defund ObamaCare.

"It was a hopeless strategy that has not only failed in its stated goal, but helped send the Republican Party to its lowest favorability ratings ever.

"In conventional terms, it seems inexplicable, but Senator Cruz and his adherents do not view things in conventional terms. They look back over the past half-century, including the supposedly golden era of Ronald Reagan, and see the uninterrupted forward march of the American left. Entitlement spending never stopped growing. The regulatory state continued to expand. The national debt grew and grew and finally in the Obama years, exploded. They see an American population becoming unrecognizable from the free and self-reliant people they thought they knew. And they see the Republican Party as having utterly failed to stop the drift toward an unfree nation supervised by an overweening and bloated bureaucracy. They are not interested in Republican policies that merely slow the growth of this leviathan. They want to stop it and reverse it. And they want to show their supporters they'll try anything to bring that about.

"And if some of those things turn out to be reckless and doomed, well so be it."
Anybody remember what dimocraps did to Joe Lieberman? One of the few remaining 'moderates' in the dimocrap party back around 2000-2002?

They 'primaried' him with a fire-breathing socialist scumbag.

I think you missed the point of what happened with Joe Leibermann (D-Israel).

Leiberman was Primaried because he continued to be a cheerleader for the Iraq War, which the country had realized was a HORRIBLE idea by 2006. Even though most of the country had realized we had been lied into a war by the Zionists, the Bush Adminstration and the various War Profiteers, Leiberman kept treating it like it was a good idea.

the dimocrap party has reinvented itself. There's no room in it anymore for people like Sam Nunn. No more room for moderates.

Republicans are starting to realize the same thing..... You have to either get on board or get lost.

But Republicans aren't as ruthless as the Nazis in the dimocrap party. It might take a while for us to get around to a more ideological party.

Actually, I think BOTH parties have become intolerant of moderation and independent thought. This is largely because with the influx of money, candidates can't be their own person.

This is a bad thing, especially for you guys, because at the end of the day, the Democrats will probably prevail.

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