The Way of the Whig Party

We just had the highest polling numbers of would be voters that would send them ALL packing! With any luck those poll numbers rise further and that house cleaning becomes a reality.
Yanno.................I saw the GOP going off the rails a few years back (like in 2008), and thought that because of their stupidity, they were going to go the way of the Whigs.

Good to see that the Tea Party is helping out as much as they are.

Quick you think that Ted Cruz is going to be shot like Gabby Gifford by some upset veteran who can't get counseling?

Gabby Gifford was a tragedy. Ted Cruz would be an accomplishment.
I don't consider the republican party a party capable of governing this nation. They're too willing to fuck its economic health and hurt innocent people. Love America way to much to support such hatred of it.

Boycotting the Republican party until they give up their anti-science, anti-tech and anti-American behavior.

Not only did the super extreme lose me but I truly fear what these fuckers are capable of doing to America. I'll stand in fight against it to make sure America remains a respectable power for good.

Your assimilation is complete, your are now Borg. Never again to have any conservative creds.

Or maybe he finally figured out that the GOP isn't your friend if you don't make six figures.

I know this is a shock, it happened to me about five years ago.

I might have to take him off ignore.
We have other ways of dealing with politicians we don't like.

You want to tar and feather Ted? Run him out of town on a rail? Cool. I am good with that.

Why couldn't he be dealt with in more traditional terms?

Why. If you look at our history, we have felt it necessary to tar and feather a lot of charlatans in our time. Bring back the tar and feathers. jk. Ted will get his comeuppance. If he hasn't already.
I don't consider the republican party a party capable of governing this nation. They're too willing to fuck its economic health and hurt innocent people. Love America way to much to support such hatred of it.

Boycotting the Republican party until they give up their anti-science, anti-tech and anti-American behavior.

Not only did the super extreme lose me but I truly fear what these fuckers are capable of doing to America. I'll stand in fight against it to make sure America remains a respectable power for good.

Your assimilation is complete, your are now Borg. Never again to have any conservative creds.

Or maybe he finally figured out that the GOP isn't your friend if you don't make six figures.

I know this is a shock, it happened to me about five years ago.

I might have to take him off ignore.

It has been a rather amazing transformation. Maybe the Karmac next? Nah. But I think they are both about the same age. A young mans mind is a terrible thing to waste on Rethug fantasies and lies.
The Whig and Republican Party comparison is not completely accurate.

The GOP will survive this dramedy, albeit in much different form with the Tea Party banished.
Sooner or later most thinking persons who are not riding on the D or R GRAVY TRAIN realize that neither party is really working for them.

That's where all these INDEPEDENTS came from, kiddies

In 2012, 31% of Americans identified as Democrats, with an additional 16% initially saying they were independent but when asked if they leaned toward either party, they said Democratic. Meanwhile, 28% of Americans identified as Republicans, with another 14% leaning toward the GOP.

Americans last year continued their trend toward greater political independence. The 40% who initially identified as political independents matched the record high from 2011. That is particularly notable, given that the usual pattern is for the percentage of Americans identifying as independents to decline in a presidential election year. In each of the last four presidential election years, dating back to 1996, the percentage of independents was lower than in the year prior to the election.

The GOP needs to go away, that way people like Sarah here will be able to have their entire lives planned out for them by government.
Make sure you get your contraception handout Sarah, it's best you don't have any kids.
I don't consider the republican party a party capable of governing this nation. They're too willing to fuck its economic health and hurt innocent people. Love America way to much to support such hatred of it.

Boycotting the Republican party until they give up their anti-science, anti-tech and anti-American behavior.

Not only did the super extreme lose me but I truly fear what these fuckers are capable of doing to America. I'll stand in fight against it to make sure America remains a respectable power for good.

Your assimilation is complete, your are now Borg. Never again to have any conservative creds.

Or maybe he finally figured out that the GOP isn't your friend if you don't make six figures.

I know this is a shock, it happened to me about five years ago.

I might have to take him off ignore.

I know. I am waiting for him to yell April Fool! :lol: He's held steady for the two weeks tho.
Drawing that conclusion is logical in light of recent events. There's a post regarding how many Teapartiers lost in the 2012 election that I will post here just because it's interesting. Again, congressional job approval is in the tank so thinking the Teaparty at least is on the way out makes sense. Of course Cons could also be hurt.

Here's the list:

They are creating their own little place in hell with these stunts.

OMG Hundreds just hundreds of thousands didn't make it. :eusa_boohoo: Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Even if you want to take the following as a whole it's 7 mother trucking people who didn't make it.

Kiss my ass. :lol:

Allen West tossed check

Richard Murdock never elected

Todd Akin never endorsed by the tea party

Joe Walsh was screwed by redistricting couldn't have won against Duckworth even if he was a liberal

Denny Rehberg ran for Senate and never elected Had been a great congressman for many years

Sandy Adams redistricting and was stuck running against a powerful R

Cliff Stearns same deal redistricting "

What year?

"in 2010-
Sharon Angle
Christine O'donnell"

AND this is complete bullshit to claim that people didn't run again because of the TP's.

"On a related note, the following representatives apparently found out the Tea party is too nutty to be associated with, so they left

Tom Graves
Ralph Hall
Walter Jones
Cynthia Lummis
Sue Myrick"

Isn't it funny the TP suposedly lost all those people and still have, according to the commies, the power to control the house? Why is it their propagana never add up?

The numbers are relative and these people happen to have lost under very compromising circumstances. They were really nuts. The legitimate rape issues, the I am not a witch thing, Michelle Bachmann and her history lessons that were completely false, lots of craziness around these people and their races.

They're leading poor John Boehner down a path of destruction. He is blindly following them and his speakership could be at risk. Our country will survive but I don't know about the Teaparty or Republicans.
The Whig and Republican Party comparison is not completely accurate.

The GOP will survive this dramedy, albeit in much different form with the Tea Party banished.
I don't think you realize how obstinate the RW Republicans are.

Did you hear the speech that Ted Cruz just made less than an hour ago?

He doesn't get it. He's considering it a win and will be back to continue the fight. The radical RW is propping him up and will continue to do so. In their eyes he's doing great. Albeit the Republican Party has been greatly damaged by this. And will be damaged more if/when it continues.

He doesn't's all about him.

The only thing that will change the Republican Party are massive consecutive defeats. They have to be beaten down consecutive twice in a row, so that the Dems are in control and for obvious reasons.

2014 will be a step in the right direction if the American People have any sense.

If not, we'll be faced with the same obstruction going forward.
If you think the GOP is comparable to the Whig Party, then you realize the Conservatives are about to end up with half a century of dominance, don't you? After all, when the Whig's fell apart, the activists created the GOP which lead them to dominance for the next 50 years or so.

So if we are going to do a true comparision, then you are suggesting that the Conservatives will create a new party that is destined to lead the nation.

Of course, you are also suggestiong that the democrats are going to have a temper tantrum and start an armed rebellion too.

Any chance you simply have no freaking clue what you are talking about?
OMG Hundreds just hundreds of thousands didn't make it. :eusa_boohoo: Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Even if you want to take the following as a whole it's 7 mother trucking people who didn't make it.

Kiss my ass. :lol:

Allen West tossed check

Richard Murdock never elected

Todd Akin never endorsed by the tea party

Joe Walsh was screwed by redistricting couldn't have won against Duckworth even if he was a liberal

Denny Rehberg ran for Senate and never elected Had been a great congressman for many years

Sandy Adams redistricting and was stuck running against a powerful R

Cliff Stearns same deal redistricting "

What year?

"in 2010-
Sharon Angle
Christine O'donnell"

AND this is complete bullshit to claim that people didn't run again because of the TP's.

"On a related note, the following representatives apparently found out the Tea party is too nutty to be associated with, so they left

Tom Graves
Ralph Hall
Walter Jones
Cynthia Lummis
Sue Myrick"

Isn't it funny the TP suposedly lost all those people and still have, according to the commies, the power to control the house? Why is it their propagana never add up?

The numbers are relative and these people happen to have lost under very compromising circumstances. They were really nuts. The legitimate rape issues, the I am not a witch thing, Michelle Bachmann and her history lessons that were completely false, lots of craziness around these people and their races.

They're leading poor John Boehner down a path of destruction. He is blindly following them and his speakership could be at risk. Our country will survive but I don't know about the Teaparty or Republicans.

It's cute that you think anyone believes you care about Boehner being the Speaker of the House. You really think anyone believes you don't want a Democrat as Speaker? I am sure you think you are trying to convince us that you actually care about us.

Of course, we dont really want Boenher to be Speaker either. Difference is, we arent pretending we do.

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