The way to end a war? Win it quickly. How is it won quickly? By giving Ukraine the weapons to defeat Russia. Period. End Of Discussion

Putin and his Oligarch buds are a pestilence on this world but reality eventually will be recognized. If he is given no way out then this thing is either going to lead to a global conflict or at a minimum, the nation of Ukraine laid waste. He shouldn't be rewarded but some compromise that would be painful for BOTH sides might be acceptable.

Let him have the land his troops control as of the signing of a cessation of hostilities, but with the knowledge that the REST OF UKRAINE will become a member state of NATO. That would solve the issue of those who fear he'd take what was offered, wait awhile, then come back for another "bite". Kind of like what the Palestinians have been doing for 70 years...
If that was what Ukraine wanted. OK. But actually, I think it would set up a trigger, that would automatically involve all of NATO on the ground, sooner or later in the long run and more of Ukraines territory ceded to Russia, as a payoff for kicking the can further down the road. I hope Ukraine kicks them the heck out, and fortifies it's boarder to prevent further repeated incursion and if Ukraine holds for few years, NATO should welcome as a strong ally.
... by recognizing the freedom of the Luhansk and Donetsk Peoples Republics. You can't get much quicker than putting down your arms and signing a piece of paper. It takes about 3 minutes.
I’ll accept this when you agree we should give a couple of hundred miles of our southern border back to Mexico.
.... I hope Ukraine kicks them the heck out, and fortifies it's boarder to prevent further repeated incursion ....
By allowing and encouraging NATO's repeated incursion even deeper eastward, right? Something is fucked up in your scenario.
This is sarcasm, yes?
Nope. For Russia, the Cold War never ended. We just declared victory and came home. In any war, (even a Cold War) the enemy gets a vote, Russia just waited until this century to exercise it. Russia deserves to lose and should not benefit.
These are the members of Congress who want the United States to force Ukraine to surrender its people, its land, and its freedom to Russian tyranny. Punish them at the ballot box accordingly.


Many of those folks are people of color. They know who racist white Democrats like Biden are going to send off to die in the white man's war.
Nope. For Russia, the Cold War never ended. We just declared victory and came home. In any war, (even a Cold War) the enemy gets a vote, Russia just waited until this century to exercise it. Russia deserves to lose and should not benefit.
This is a lie, pure and simple. The Sovjet Union dissolved itself, yes or no? The WARSAW PACT dissolved itself, yes or no? NATO rushed in to incorporate nearly every former WARSAW PACT nation, yes or no? Who is it now who "went home"? Coo-coo! Is anybody home in that brain?
This is a lie, pure and simple. The Sovjet Union dissolved itself, yes or no? The WARSAW PACT dissolved itself, yes or no? NATO rushed in to incorporate nearly every former WARSAW PACT nation, yes or no? Who is it now who "went home"? Coo-coo! Is anybody home in that brain?
The goals of Russia did not change, they just lowered the timeline of expectation and are trying to move forward on their original goals of domination. Russia was always the heart of the Soviet Union.
Nope. For Russia, the Cold War never ended. We just declared victory and came home. In any war, (even a Cold War) the enemy gets a vote, Russia just waited until this century to exercise it. Russia deserves to lose and should not benefit.
Its sad you do not even begin to comprehend just how ignorant your stated opinion is here.... I would explain in detail, but why, you fascists are awfully brave with other peoples lives!
The goals of Russia did not change, they just lowered the timeline of expectation and are trying to move forward on their original goals of domination. Russia was always the heart of the Soviet Union.
From where do you get your innovation and what fantasy "domination" are you talking about? Where do you see a Sovjet-style expansion that includes the former Sovjet Union (and its satellite states) plus "new" territories beyond it?

On the other hand, the US with its NATO lackeys has been on the push easterly since day one. Now, THAT is where you will find "goals of domination" that cannot be denied by anyone.

The way to end a war? Win it quickly. How is it won quickly? By giving Ukraine the weapons to defeat Russia. Period. End Of Discussion​

That worked so well for us in Korea, Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and will serve us well with Russia Part 2 and China. When our "leaders" select the head of Raytheon as Sec of Defense you can infer some things. Wars aren't meant to be won or lost anymore, they are managed to transfer money and power.
From where do you get your innovation and what fantasy "domination" are you talking about? Where do you see a Sovjet-style expansion that includes the former Sovjet Union (and its satellite states) plus "new" territories beyond it?

On the other hand, the US with its NATO lackeys has been on the push easterly since day one. Now, THAT is where you will find "goals of domination" that cannot be denied by anyone.
From where do you get your innovation and what fantasy "domination" are you talking about? Where do you see a Sovjet-style expansion that includes the former Sovjet Union (and its satellite states) plus "new" territories beyond it?

On the other hand, the US with its NATO lackeys has been on the push easterly since day one. Now, THAT is where you will find "goals of domination" that cannot be denied by anyone.
Which part?
Nope. For Russia, the Cold War never ended. We just declared victory and came home. In any war, (even a Cold War) the enemy gets a vote, Russia just waited until this century to exercise it. Russia deserves to lose and should not benefit.
Russia did not want nuclear tipped missiles facing them on its border. Putin has warned the West over many years. We treated them like a pariah at times. A buffer zone was the best answer. And still is.
Russia did not want nuclear tipped missiles facing them on its border. Putin has warned the West over many years. We treated them like a pariah at times. A buffer zone was the best answer. And still is.
:clap:I am glad to see that someone is using sense.
Russia did not want nuclear tipped missiles facing them on its border. Putin has warned the West over many years. We treated them like a pariah at times. A buffer zone was the best answer. And still is.
And they didn't have them. With the advent of cruise missile ability to fly, basically nap of the earth, it really doesn't matter, anymore, does it.

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