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The Weaponization Of January 6

I respond by telling you the truth. These are the same people who refused to be transparent and fought to keep ballots hidden and audits from happening. The reaction proves the guilt, or it would if situations were reversed and do not tell me they would not.
The reaction does not prove the guilt. There is only so far people will go to appease conspiracy theorist because people like you just keep pushing and wasting time. The consideration was given to claims of fraud. They were debunked. Maybe if y’all didn’t flood the zone with so much bullshit then you could have gotten more attention room on the issues you think really mattered. But you didn’t, you threw everything you could at it and discredited yourselves in the process. Now you’re stuck slinging recycled garbage at people who can only laugh at you.
The reaction does not prove the guilt. There is only so far people will go to appease conspiracy theorist because people like you just keep pushing and wasting time. The consideration was given to claims of fraud. They were debunked. Maybe if y’all didn’t flood the zone with so much bullshit then you could have gotten more attention room on the issues you think really mattered. But you didn’t, you threw everything you could at it and discredited yourselves in the process. Now you’re stuck slinging recycled garbage at people who can only laugh at you.
It might not prove it but it sure makes it a distinct possibility. Democrats spent a lot of money and sent their top lawyers to stop investigations. That is a fact.

And it is not recycled garbage. The latest evidence is brand new because it took so long to get the information that should have been transparent.
It might not prove it but it sure makes it a distinct possibility. Democrats spent a lot of money and sent their top lawyers to stop investigations. That is a fact.

And it is not recycled garbage. The latest evidence is brand new because it took so long to get the information that should have been transparent.
All you conspiracy theorists need is a sliver of possibility and then you run it into the ground. I have no issue with cleaning up and investigating election fraud issues. But y’all took it to a ridiculous level and tried to paint a stolen election lie that Trump was propagating. That’s where the push back comes from. Enough is enough.
All you conspiracy theorists need is a sliver of possibility and then you run it into the ground. I have no issue with cleaning up and investigating election fraud issues. But y’all took it to a ridiculous level and tried to paint a stolen election lie that Trump was propagating. That’s where the push back comes from. Enough is enough.
There is a Redwood not a sliver. The election had 0 integrity.
Of course not. The FBI does not hire patriots.
Well there you go. Another one of your lies debunked. You said the fbi were the ones who attacked the capital. Babbitt was not FBI. She is on video, trespassing in the halls of Congress with an angry mob. She is on video advancing through a broken window to get into a baracaded hallway being protected by armed guards who were yelling warnings to the mob to fall back. She did not listen and was shot as a result. You’re done. Stop lying
There is a Redwood not a sliver. The election had 0 integrity.
You’re just saying shit again. No proof of anything. Your words are meaningless. You’re lies are obvious and easily debunked like I just did with your FBI claim.
Well there you go. Another one of your lies debunked. You said the fbi were the ones who attacked the capital. Babbitt was not FBI. She is on video, trespassing in the halls of Congress with an angry mob. She is on video advancing through a broken window to get into a baracaded hallway being protected by armed guards who were yelling warnings to the mob to fall back. She did not listen and was shot as a result. You’re done. Stop lying
Who debunked the lie? The FBI, corrupt politicians, the propaganda from the MSM? All worthless crap from known liars. You are stupid to keep believing them as your country goes down the tube.
You’re just saying shit again. No proof of anything. Your words are meaningless. You’re lies are obvious and easily debunked like I just did with your FBI claim.
You have debunked nothing. You do not have that power, and do not ever think you do.
Did it ever occur to some of you lefties that some of us might be in a position to get a little inside dope on the events?

The Weaponization Of January 6​

9 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jeff Crouere
Clearly, the January 6 narrative is serving a useful purpose for Democrats, and they are not likely to abandon it any time soon.


Research from the staff of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) shows that approximately 40% of those who entered the U.S. Capitol were allowed into the building by the police. Among the rest, those who committed vandalism or assault should be prosecuted. The others may have entered the building illegally, but their actions do not rise to the level of terrorism.
It has not stopped some far-left activists masquerading as analysts from claiming that the events of January 6 were worse than 9/11, the day that the country was attacked by Islamic terrorists, which resulted in the deaths of 2,977 innocent people. According to Steve Schmidt, co-founder of the disgraced Lincoln Project, “The 1/6 attack for the future of the country is a profoundly more dangerous event than the 9/11 attacks, and in the end, the 1/6 attacks are likely to kill a lot more Americans than were killed in the 9/11 attacks.”

We are supposed to believe the lying Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat cabal who pushed the Russian hoax.
Actually, January 6th was a block party compared to what BLM and Antifa have done in American Blue Plantation cities.
The PM/DSA Commie Left is using the Jan. 6 incident in much the same way the Nazis used the Reichstag fire in 1933. They are using it as an excuse to unleash the power of the federal government to persecute the political opposition while cracking down on civil liberties and confiscate the arms that stop them from a complete takeover of America.
The PM/DSA Commie propaganda machine has grossly exaggerated the Jan 6th mostly peaceful protests:
1) To discredit Trump and his supporters as traitors​
2) To persecute Trump at a staged a Soviet show trial, once more​
3) To advance the anti-white nationalist domestic enemy narrative​
4) To criminalize the election was stolen accusation.​
What has been completely omitted and left out of most news stories. ANTIFA was bussed in with police escort and they had online communication directing members to wear Trump garb. The violence outside the Capital Building looked staged. Police escorting protesters through the Capitol.
Police issued PR 24 batons being used by Antifa to break windows to enter the Capital building. It's undeniable that it was a false flag operation.
The real crime of Jan 6th is 400 people held in solitary confinement in DC jails without bail. They are being tortured to force them to say Trump made them do it to get released.
Free the Jan 6th 400!

Very we plagiarised. Its a shame its just another ignorant republican reaction.
Who debunked the lie? The FBI, corrupt politicians, the propaganda from the MSM? All worthless crap from known liars. You are stupid to keep believing them as your country goes down the tube.
You and I just debunked it together. Reread this conversation. You debunked yourself when you admitted that Babbitt was not FBI. See how easy that was?!
As I said earlier... you're lies are easily debunked... Here you go... Links to statements, investigations, affidavits, etc etc etc.:

False claim that illegal ballots were brought in suitcases:
The supposed “suitcases” were typical ballot containers used to secure ballots, Georgia’s Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs told us in a phone interview. Likewise, Matthew Mashburn, the state Senate’s appointee to the state election board, told us the video showed “standard secure containers that are ubiquitous in tabulation in Georgia.”

And Gabriel Sterling, the state’s voting system implementation manager, said that the full video showed that the containers were carrying ballots that were opened and processed earlier in the night. They weren’t suspicious ballots brought surreptitiously into the building, or ballots that were opened in secret.

“They were put in there about an hour earlier,” Sterling, a Republican, said by phone. He said of the Trump campaign: “They watched the same video tape.”

Claim that observers were kicked out:
“We have launched an investigation into why the monitors from the political parties left before scanning ended,” the secretary of state’s office said in a statement. “While it was their right to leave early, we want to make certain they were not misled into thinking scanning had stopped for the night when it had not. Nothing we have learned from the independent monitor or our investigation have suggested any improper ballots were scanned.”

Sterling said in our Dec. 4 interview with him that it did not appear there was any official announcement made to the observers or press, but there’s no audio to prove that one way or another.

On Dec. 5, Frances Watson, the chief investigator for the secretary of state’s office, said in an affidavit that after reviewing the video and conducting interviews, her investigators found “that observers and media were not asked to leave” but “simply left” after they saw workers, whose job was to open the ballots, leave. She said the investigation remains open.

Debunked Ballot Figures​

During the legislative hearing, Pick maintained that the votes counted in the room after observers left could have been enough to change the presidential election results in Georgia.

Pick theorized that the machines in the room could have totaled “18,000 ballots.” (Biden won the state by less than 12,000 votes.)

But that’s wrong, according to the state election board monitor who was in the room as they counted.

The monitor — who agreed to be interviewed on the condition of not being named due to death threats faced by election workers — told us he was in the room until about 8:15 p.m., when he left, and returned at 11:52 p.m.

Fuchs, the deputy secretary of state, told us the monitor was not required to be there at all times, but she instructed him to return after hearing from news outlets that the county was going to cease counting for the night.

The monitor arrived at 11:52 p.m. — after the observers left shortly before 11 p.m. — and stayed until the counting ceased at 12:43 a.m.

Between 8:15 p.m. and 12:43 a.m., the change in total ballots went from 89,381 ballots to 99,133 ballots — so a difference of 9,752 votes — he said. And, again, that’s over the course of more than four hours, not just the time after observers and media left.

The footage is not the first to spark claims of fraud in Georgia. We also wrote about a video showing an election worker conducting an ordinary part of the recount process in Gwinnett County that prompted false claims. The videos have been part of a surge of falsehoods aimed at undermining the results of the 2020 election, as we’ve reported.

You realize the cult of Trump is impervious to reality, right?
The FBI attacked the Capitol.


Capitol Police ALLOW Protesters to Enter Side Door


“Dream Team” of Lawyers Including Alan Dershowitz Set to Defend January 6’ers

12 Apr 2022 ~~ By Cara Castronuva

New professionally edited video has emerged of police officers allowing protesters into the Upper West Terrace Doors of the United States Capitol on January 6th, 2021.
A trusted source exclusively released the video below to The Gateway Pundit. Tightly edited with markers and commentary narration, it is meant to be presented in court to defend Brady Knowlton and Patrick Montgomery. Both men are facing felony charges for “Obstruction of an Official Proceeding” on January 6th.
This new video will indisputably exonerate Brady Knowlton, Patrick Montgomery and all the rally-goers seen entering these doors by any reasonable jury or fair judge.
See video of Capitol Police Officers letting Trump Supporters in The Capitol:

“This video is very convincing, very persuasive,” said Knowlton’s famous attorney Alan Dershowitz (one of the attorneys in the J6 “Dream Team” Knowlton has assembled) in an interview with The Gateway Pundit. “In the very least the video shows that a reasonable person could believe that he or she was not being stopped or prevented from going in. At the most it shows that the police were welcoming him in.”
In the video, we see the same scene from two different side-by-side vantage points of the interior house cameras of the US Capitol. Both cameras were facing the same door on the Upper West Terrace from opposite directions. The identical time codes in the videos can be seen in the upper left corners.
The video shows police behaving like museum staff security guards as they stand or walk idly by as unknowing men and women walk through a small set of Capitol doors carrying American flags and Trump signs. Many are innocently occupied by taking selfie videos of themselves and the crowd, apparently excited to be inside the People’s House and wanting to commemorate the occasion. They are clearly oblivious to the fact they were doing anything illegal, or they surely would have turned their cameras off and hid from video recording. They had no idea of the political persecution, shame and the witch hunters that will come for them later.
Supreme Court case Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963). The primary holding was that the government’s withholding of evidence that is material to the determination of either guilt or punishment of a criminal defendant violates the defendant’s constitutional right to due process.
Incredibly, the Capitol Police and DOJ continue to withhold exculpatory video and audio evidence that could exonerate January 6th prisoners.
One of the biggest sins committed by prosecutors is withholding exculpatory evidence from grand juries. The law does not require them to present proof (even videos) that confirm one’s innocence to the grand jury. If the grand juries had seen this video, the defendants would likely have never been charged in the first place. Maybe they would agree with Judge McFadden, who acquitted Matthew Martin because he stated that the behavior of police in other videos provided a “reasonable belief” that entry was allowed. It is evident from this footage that police, at minimum, did not discourage long lines of protesters and, at worst, created them.
“The First Amendment of the Constitution requires that the government not pick and choose between types of speech and types of protests,” said Dershowitz. “I think that a double standard is being implied. We did not see this type of vigor in prosecuting Black Lives Matter activists and people who shut down important Government functions in other places in the west. You can’t have one standard for protests you agree with and another standard for protests you disagree with. There has to be one standard for all based on the objective evidence.”

If this video is among the 14,000 hours of video Pelosi is hiding, she can be implicated and accused of "Obstruction of Justice".
So, "Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?"
Maoist Democrat Commies planned this as a False Flag event.
Mayor Bowser refused the assistance of the National Guard by Trump,
The planning, actions, of Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies in our Congress constitutes treason at the highest levels and begin with Pelosi, and end with the January 6th Commission
In the end, the Jan 6th Commission Dems and Rino's, the judges who jailed these patriots, the prosecutors who prosecuted these patriots and any law enforcement or DOJ and FBI officials who participated in this charade need to be immediately jailed for conspiracy to overthrow the Government.
According to the Progressive Maoist/DSA Dem Commies, this 'police escorted stroll through the capitol' is the "greatest threat to our democracy." Not ballot harvesting by thousands of mules across the swing states, not the millions of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border, not the media burying the Hunter Biden laptop story and calling it Russian disinformation, not spying on Trump, not covid fascism with mask and vaccine mandates, not the 2020 BLM riots but this. This reckless display of patriotic Americans that were foolish enough to trust undercover Feds and the Capitol police and enter a restricted building for a couple of hours.

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Capitol Police ALLOW Protesters to Enter Side Door


“Dream Team” of Lawyers Including Alan Dershowitz Set to Defend January 6’ers

12 Apr 2022 ~~ By Cara Castronuva

New professionally edited video has emerged of police officers allowing protesters into the Upper West Terrace Doors of the United States Capitol on January 6th, 2021.
A trusted source exclusively released the video below to The Gateway Pundit. Tightly edited with markers and commentary narration, it is meant to be presented in court to defend Brady Knowlton and Patrick Montgomery. Both men are facing felony charges for “Obstruction of an Official Proceeding” on January 6th.
This new video will indisputably exonerate Brady Knowlton, Patrick Montgomery and all the rally-goers seen entering these doors by any reasonable jury or fair judge.
See video of Capitol Police Officers letting Trump Supporters in The Capitol:

“This video is very convincing, very persuasive,” said Knowlton’s famous attorney Alan Dershowitz (one of the attorneys in the J6 “Dream Team” Knowlton has assembled) in an interview with The Gateway Pundit. “In the very least the video shows that a reasonable person could believe that he or she was not being stopped or prevented from going in. At the most it shows that the police were welcoming him in.”
In the video, we see the same scene from two different side-by-side vantage points of the interior house cameras of the US Capitol. Both cameras were facing the same door on the Upper West Terrace from opposite directions. The identical time codes in the videos can be seen in the upper left corners.
The video shows police behaving like museum staff security guards as they stand or walk idly by as unknowing men and women walk through a small set of Capitol doors carrying American flags and Trump signs. Many are innocently occupied by taking selfie videos of themselves and the crowd, apparently excited to be inside the People’s House and wanting to commemorate the occasion. They are clearly oblivious to the fact they were doing anything illegal, or they surely would have turned their cameras off and hid from video recording. They had no idea of the political persecution, shame and the witch hunters that will come for them later.
Supreme Court case Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963). The primary holding was that the government’s withholding of evidence that is material to the determination of either guilt or punishment of a criminal defendant violates the defendant’s constitutional right to due process.
Incredibly, the Capitol Police and DOJ continue to withhold exculpatory video and audio evidence that could exonerate January 6th prisoners.
One of the biggest sins committed by prosecutors is withholding exculpatory evidence from grand juries. The law does not require them to present proof (even videos) that confirm one’s innocence to the grand jury. If the grand juries had seen this video, the defendants would likely have never been charged in the first place. Maybe they would agree with Judge McFadden, who acquitted Matthew Martin because he stated that the behavior of police in other videos provided a “reasonable belief” that entry was allowed. It is evident from this footage that police, at minimum, did not discourage long lines of protesters and, at worst, created them.
“The First Amendment of the Constitution requires that the government not pick and choose between types of speech and types of protests,” said Dershowitz. “I think that a double standard is being implied. We did not see this type of vigor in prosecuting Black Lives Matter activists and people who shut down important Government functions in other places in the west. You can’t have one standard for protests you agree with and another standard for protests you disagree with. There has to be one standard for all based on the objective evidence.”

If this video is among the 14,000 hours of video Pelosi is hiding, she can be implicated and accused of "Obstruction of Justice".
So, "Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?"
Maoist Democrat Commies planned this as a False Flag event.
Mayor Bowser refused the assistance of the National Guard by Trump,
The planning, actions, of Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies in our Congress constitutes treason at the highest levels and begin with Pelosi, and end with the January 6th Commission
In the end, the Jan 6th Commission Dems and Rino's, the judges who jailed these patriots, the prosecutors who prosecuted these patriots and any law enforcement or DOJ and FBI officials who participated in this charade need to be immediately jailed for conspiracy to overthrow the Government.
According to the Progressive Maoist/DSA Dem Commies, this 'police escorted stroll through the capitol' is the "greatest threat to our democracy." Not ballot harvesting by thousands of mules across the swing states, not the millions of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border, not the media burying the Hunter Biden laptop story and calling it Russian disinformation, not spying on Trump, not covid fascism with mask and vaccine mandates, not the 2020 BLM riots but this. This reckless display of patriotic Americans that were foolish enough to trust undercover Feds and the Capitol police and enter a restricted building for a couple of hours.

What a hoot so you found another traitor helping these pigs , this isn't the police this is hate party member that was inside the capital . It means nothing other then your hate group had some inside help/
What a hoot so you found another traitor helping these pigs , this isn't the police this is hate party member that was inside the capital . It means nothing other then your hate group had some inside help/
You beat Dershowitz in court, and get back to us.

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