The Week: America's Constitution is terrible. Let's throw it out and start over

Too old some of it, still stuck in the 18th century. And we laugh at the Taliban.
No, it's pretty good. The laws are mostly natural laws (kinda like gravity), so anything else you try will get a similar result.
The solution is for private industry/ business/ other groups to do what they want to make improvements in their privately controlled domain. A problem is that everyone looks to government to do everything for them, and that's not government's role. Government is just around to let us be free and safe to do what we think is best.
Now if you think there's only one way to do what's best and it applies to everyone, then maybe the constitution doesn't work.
I think it's just fine and if people want to change it we have a process for that.
I read this crap just for laughs. But here is the part where I realized this was an America hater:

The separate executive branch is a major factor behind the rise of the lawless imperial presidency in the United States, and most other American-style constitutions fell apart due to standoffs between the president and legislature.

In normal countries, the executive is simply part of the legislature.

In normal in......we are not a normal country?
I read this crap just for laughs. But here is the part where I realized this was an America hater:

The separate executive branch is a major factor behind the rise of the lawless imperial presidency in the United States, and most other American-style constitutions fell apart due to standoffs between the president and legislature.

In normal countries, the executive is simply part of the legislature.

In normal in......we are not a normal country?

He's probably a Venzuela fan. Kidding aside he's likely an EU fan.
Um, no.

The Constitution, as ignored and trampled as it is now, is the only thing keeping SOME power in the hands of the people. If it were to be rewritten now it would read...

Interface 2037 Ready For Inquiry
Request Clarification On
People Losing All Rights

Unable To Clarify

Request Enhancement
No Further Enhancement
Special Order 937
Corporate Eyes Only

Emergency Command Override 100375
What Is Special Order 937?

Constitution Rewritten
To New Constitution.
Vote Is Eliminated. Gather Currency.

Priority One
Insure Return Of Profit
All Other Considerations Secondary
People Expendable

Start at :48
I read this crap just for laughs. But here is the part where I realized this was an America hater:

The separate executive branch is a major factor behind the rise of the lawless imperial presidency in the United States, and most other American-style constitutions fell apart due to standoffs between the president and legislature.

In normal countries, the executive is simply part of the legislature.

In normal in......we are not a normal country?

He's probably a Venzuela fan. Kidding aside he's likely an EU fan.

I guess he isn't smart enough to realize he insulted his readers.

That's besides the fact we could never rewrite the US Constitution. It would be too long since it would have to include many pages of colored pictures for the liberals to understand.
Once defense is made a common effort, there is no logic agains making any other category of effort collective.

What a load of tripe. Easily deduced it's written by a flaming leftist moonbat

Too old some of it, still stuck in the 18th century. And we laugh at the Taliban.

Greatest document written by man.

And yes, there are some who would shit-can it tomorrow, if they could.

The question must be asked-----------> How did we become the greatest country the world has ever been witness to?

Was it random? Were we that lucky?

Was it because our forefathers chose the wrong principles to guide us, at a time tyranny was everywhere?

And then we have to realistically ask ourselves, what has really changed in the world besides technology!

We may honestly have to change more things in our constitution; we really might have too. We have already changed things that America has seen as an oversight by our founders. But the basic principles of what our nation was built upon, has gotten us to our exalted status, of this there can be no doubt. It wasn't happenstance that created the greatest country the world has ever seen. It was people, JUST LIKE YOU, that lived within the framework of what our founders created, and made this country what it is today.

Many people will point to the fallacies of America, and yes, we have had many. And yet, we are the best system on planet earth, for if that was not true, we would not be where we are today. All the other countries and their systems, show me a better opportunity for anyone/everyone!

And yet, there are those who wish to change us; not one thing at a time, but multiple things. They want to change how government works, what your rights are, and if you have say in the government.


BECAUSE THEY KNOW BETTER than you or the founders, or so they say!

America was built on one fact---------->nothing could be done easily. There were roadblocks set up, powers separated, and a host of other things so that IF AMERICANS wanted significant change, the vast majority would have to work at it to make it happen. This framework has been thrown aside! That is a travesty that we will leave our children, should we not grasp our roots again, and FORCE our politicians to engage the country in political discourse.

Let me say that if----------->We do NOT use what has worked to make us great, then our probability of failing increases exponentially! Shortcuts are not acceptable. For, "to tinker with what is great has a higher probability of failure, then success!"

It is time the American people discuss many things, and force a solution! I am sure that I, and many others......will not agree with 1/2 of the solutions we come to. BUT, from here forward; as an American, I refuse to make a deal, and then have it removed down the road, while the other side gets its gains instantly. We will NEVER allow that to happen again!

The constitution guides us. Anyone who disagrees does not believe in America!
I can't imagine a new constitution. We can't get a budget the majority agree on and Obamacare ends up being 2,400 pages plus all the regulations.

Don't like the Constitution, go ahead and change it. There's a well-defined process.

What a load of tripe. Easily deduced it's written by a flaming leftist moonbat

Too old some of it, still stuck in the 18th century. And we laugh at the Taliban.

Greatest document written by man.

And yes, there are some who would shit-can it tomorrow, if they could.

The question must be asked-----------> How did we become the greatest country the world has ever been witness to?

Was it random? Were we that lucky?

Was it because our forefathers chose the wrong principles to guide us, at a time tyranny was everywhere?

And then we have to realistically ask ourselves, what has really changed in the world besides technology!

We may honestly have to change more things in our constitution; we really might have too. We have already changed things that America has seen as an oversight by our founders. But the basic principles of what our nation was built upon, has gotten us to our exalted status, of this there can be no doubt. It wasn't happenstance that created the greatest country the world has ever seen. It was people, JUST LIKE YOU, that lived within the framework of what our founders created, and made this country what it is today.

Many people will point to the fallacies of America, and yes, we have had many. And yet, we are the best system on planet earth, for if that was not true, we would not be where we are today. All the other countries and their systems, show me a better opportunity for anyone/everyone!

And yet, there are those who wish to change us; not one thing at a time, but multiple things. They want to change how government works, what your rights are, and if you have say in the government.


BECAUSE THEY KNOW BETTER than you or the founders, or so they say!

America was built on one fact---------->nothing could be done easily. There were roadblocks set up, powers separated, and a host of other things so that IF AMERICANS wanted significant change, the vast majority would have to work at it to make it happen. This framework has been thrown aside! That is a travesty that we will leave our children, should we not grasp our roots again, and FORCE our politicians to engage the country in political discourse.

Let me say that if----------->We do NOT use what has worked to make us great, then our probability of failing increases exponentially! Shortcuts are not acceptable. For, "to tinker with what is great has a higher probability of failure, then success!"

It is time the American people discuss many things, and force a solution! I am sure that I, and many others......will not agree with 1/2 of the solutions we come to. BUT, from here forward; as an American, I refuse to make a deal, and then have it removed down the road, while the other side gets its gains instantly. We will NEVER allow that to happen again!

The constitution guides us. Anyone who disagrees does not believe in America!
I would argue that the Constitution has worked TOO well, that it's such an amazing document and system that it took us to a point where some of us began feeling guilty for our prosperity.

In their eyes, instead of advocating our system to other countries, it made us the villain. The Oppressor. And you know what happens to the Oppressor.

What a load of tripe. Easily deduced it's written by a flaming leftist moonbat

Too old some of it, still stuck in the 18th century. And we laugh at the Taliban.

Greatest document written by man.

And yes, there are some who would shit-can it tomorrow, if they could.

The question must be asked-----------> How did we become the greatest country the world has ever been witness to?

Was it random? Were we that lucky?

Was it because our forefathers chose the wrong principles to guide us, at a time tyranny was everywhere?

And then we have to realistically ask ourselves, what has really changed in the world besides technology!

We may honestly have to change more things in our constitution; we really might have too. We have already changed things that America has seen as an oversight by our founders. But the basic principles of what our nation was built upon, has gotten us to our exalted status, of this there can be no doubt. It wasn't happenstance that created the greatest country the world has ever seen. It was people, JUST LIKE YOU, that lived within the framework of what our founders created, and made this country what it is today.

Many people will point to the fallacies of America, and yes, we have had many. And yet, we are the best system on planet earth, for if that was not true, we would not be where we are today. All the other countries and their systems, show me a better opportunity for anyone/everyone!

And yet, there are those who wish to change us; not one thing at a time, but multiple things. They want to change how government works, what your rights are, and if you have say in the government.


BECAUSE THEY KNOW BETTER than you or the founders, or so they say!

America was built on one fact---------->nothing could be done easily. There were roadblocks set up, powers separated, and a host of other things so that IF AMERICANS wanted significant change, the vast majority would have to work at it to make it happen. This framework has been thrown aside! That is a travesty that we will leave our children, should we not grasp our roots again, and FORCE our politicians to engage the country in political discourse.

Let me say that if----------->We do NOT use what has worked to make us great, then our probability of failing increases exponentially! Shortcuts are not acceptable. For, "to tinker with what is great has a higher probability of failure, then success!"

It is time the American people discuss many things, and force a solution! I am sure that I, and many others......will not agree with 1/2 of the solutions we come to. BUT, from here forward; as an American, I refuse to make a deal, and then have it removed down the road, while the other side gets its gains instantly. We will NEVER allow that to happen again!

The constitution guides us. Anyone who disagrees does not believe in America!
I would argue that the Constitution has worked TOO well, that it's such an amazing document and system that it took us to a point where some of us began feeling guilty for our prosperity.

In their eyes, instead of advocating our system to other countries, it made us the villain. The Oppressor. And you know what happens to the Oppressor.

Only if you allow people to convince you of such nonsense!

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