The whining...The whining


I know perfectly well what I am talking about.

My family experienced BOTH as I am from the part of Europe which is at crossroads of the armies going back and forth from the Huns and Goths and Vandals starting.

It is you who has no idea except to parrot the idiocy of the brainwashing machine while living in the comfort of isolation from the atrocities you know only from your leftard media.

And if your dad would liberate the Gulag camp you would hear about much worse atrocities than the ones Hitler regime performed.

Yawn... kind of boring, listening to you take credit for stuff that happened to others.

Russians still admire Stalin.

The rest of you don't really count.

Anyone who "admires" Stalin is brainwashed or a psychopath. There are no other possibilities.

Or someone who realizes that the only reason why the Russian people were not completely exterminated in World War II (where Russians did 90% of the fighting) was because of Stalin's leadership.

But you probably think that the US won the war all by itself, so you can be forgiven your ignorance.

I can't imagine anything more atrocious then what the Germans did under Hitler, to those in and out of camps. Maybe you might enlighten us and give some graphic examples of how Stalin was worse.

Having walked through the Holocaust Museum in The District I have a pretty good idea of what Hitler and his subalterns did.

He systematically murdered 30,000,000+ people (through death squads and an engineered famine), for starters.

How does one "engineer" a famine.

Here's the problem with all the claims about how many Stalin or for that matter Mao killed. They are all based on estimates from the outside.

Keep in mind, we can't say for sure whether we killed 100,000 Iraqis in the Iraq War or a million of them. But we are going to absolutely insist that Stalin killed 30 million. Or maybe it's 50 million. Or maybe it's 20 million. If you throw in the Famine, the Spanish Flu, both World Wars and all the people Stalin supposedly murdered, how could there be any Russians left?
Sorry, I seem to remember (and unfortunately trying to defend) the comparing of Max Cleland (triple amputee in Vietnam) to Bin Laden and Saddam because he didn't think DHS employees should be completely stripped of their collective bargaining rights. That's NASTY.

Bush has stayed away because he reminds everyone how badly the GOP fucked up... everything.

How did the GOP fuck up when they weren't in control of Congress since 2007?

Nope, don't answer that. I already know your lib talking poinst:

While Bush was president he got all of the blame.
While Obama is president Bush gets all of the blame.


I noticed you skipped over the fact that Karl Rove authorized a hit piece on Max Cleland.

Hey, speaking of which, let's not forget Bush and "Turd Blossom" were behind the whole "McCain's Illegitimate Black Child" Push Poll in SC.

but to your point. Bush was president when the economy collapse.

It's his recession, not Congress and Not Obama's.

Max Cleland is merely a lame attempt to deflect.

You also ignored the fact that Clinton handed Bush a recession and that the Bush recession ended the Summer of 09'. All Obama did was ride it out. He did nothing to end it.
Yawn... kind of boring, listening to you take credit for stuff that happened to others.

Russians still admire Stalin.

The rest of you don't really count.

Anyone who "admires" Stalin is brainwashed or a psychopath. There are no other possibilities.

Or someone who realizes that the only reason why the Russian people were not completely exterminated in World War II (where Russians did 90% of the fighting) was because of Stalin's leadership.

But you probably think that the US won the war all by itself, so you can be forgiven your ignorance.

Stalin killed more Russians than Germans.

What a guy.

I can see why somebody like you likes him. Progressives love hearing stories about mass-murder.

Max Cleland is merely a lame attempt to deflect.

You also ignored the fact that Clinton handed Bush a recession and that the Bush recession ended the Summer of 09'. All Obama did was ride it out. He did nothing to end it.

No, you were the one who insisted that Clinton and Obama were politically ruthless while Bush was a paragon of political fair play.

Other than the time he suggested his war hero opponent fathered a black child and the time he compared a triple amputee to America's enemies. But other than that, Bush was a swell guy.

The 2001 Recession didn't start until Q2 of 2001. Of course, Bush made it worse through his ineptitude. But that was nothing compared to the Recession of 2008, four quarters of shrinkage.
Yawn... kind of boring, listening to you take credit for stuff that happened to others.

Russians still admire Stalin.

The rest of you don't really count.

Anyone who "admires" Stalin is brainwashed or a psychopath. There are no other possibilities.

Or someone who realizes that the only reason why the Russian people were not completely exterminated in World War II (where Russians did 90% of the fighting) was because of Stalin's leadership.

But you probably think that the US won the war all by itself, so you can be forgiven your ignorance.
you are an ignorant idiot.

there was NO leadership.
Soviets were killed in thousands where the germans were losing hundreds.

leftards are ignorant zombies in general, but you have to get to a degree of idiocy of Joe to consider Satalin a "leader" :lol:

USSR lost about 30 million in the WWII - 20 by Stalin's own figures and Hitler fighting on numerous front lost only 9 million.

when you want to know what idiot looks like - have a peek at JoeB.
Anyone who "admires" Stalin is brainwashed or a psychopath. There are no other possibilities.

Or someone who realizes that the only reason why the Russian people were not completely exterminated in World War II (where Russians did 90% of the fighting) was because of Stalin's leadership.

But you probably think that the US won the war all by itself, so you can be forgiven your ignorance.
you are an ignorant idiot.

there was NO leadership.
Soviets were killed in thousands where the germans were losing hundreds.

leftards are ignorant zombies in general, but you have to get to a degree of idiocy of Joe to consider Satalin a "leader" :lol:

USSR lost about 30 million in the WWII - 20 by Stalin's own figures and Hitler fighting on numerous front lost only 9 million.

when you want to know what idiot looks like - have a peek at JoeB.

Russia lost 20 million because your "Liberator" Hitler was turning them into fucking lampshades, you idiot.

Max Cleland is merely a lame attempt to deflect.

You also ignored the fact that Clinton handed Bush a recession and that the Bush recession ended the Summer of 09'. All Obama did was ride it out. He did nothing to end it.

No, you were the one who insisted that Clinton and Obama were politically ruthless while Bush was a paragon of political fair play.

Other than the time he suggested his war hero opponent fathered a black child and the time he compared a triple amputee to America's enemies. But other than that, Bush was a swell guy.

The 2001 Recession didn't start until Q2 of 2001. Of course, Bush made it worse through his ineptitude. But that was nothing compared to the Recession of 2008, four quarters of shrinkage.

We were in a near recession when Bush was sworn in. 9/11 didn't help. Looks to me it was already trending down in 2000. Btw, a president's policies don't start to take effect till 18 months after they take office.


You seem to think that Obama can't stop anyone from attacking his diplomats but you expect Bush to stop anyone from attacking anything at all. No intelligence said that Muslims wanted to fly planes into skyscrapers and if they did everyone would laugh them out of the room, until after it happened. Up until 9/11 the left refused to admit that terrorism was even a problem. Now they're back to saying the same thing. Terrorism isn't a threat anymore, according to you guys. We can't even define what terrorism is anymore because of your stringent requirements.
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oh, gosh.

BBC :lol:

Joe, I am from the area.

Not form Russia but from the "liberated" blessed ones.

1913 was MUCH better than 1932. Even if it was an empire. It was not a bolshevik empire yet. Everything is relative.


in any area one can count.

might start with the rate of murdering of the citizens by their own regime.

what western Europeans think of stalin is irrelevant. Russians as well - since they sacrifice their own in millions for centuries - the legacy of Byzantium. So having an empire even based on murder and blood is more important than normal life for some idiots in Russia ( Putin and Co)

what the citizens of the countries which were "blessed" by that atrocity matters.
And don't even let me start the curses they have for the utopia and it's founders.

I think it's relative to what.

Was Stalin an asshole? Yup. Absolutely.

But he probably saved the world from a bigger asshole, namely Hitler.
The problem is, most of the "Liberated" areas after WWII were the countries that threw in with Hitler, who was probably just measuring most of them up to be lampshades. I kind of don't have a lot of sympathy for any of the Warsaw Pact nations except for the Poles. The rest of them all joined the Axis and kind of got what they deserved.

:lol: you dont know a thing about it. If the USA did not supply the soviet union with arms and war material, russians would have been slaves of Germans in 1943. Stalin would have been dead. :lol:

Max Cleland is merely a lame attempt to deflect.

You also ignored the fact that Clinton handed Bush a recession and that the Bush recession ended the Summer of 09'. All Obama did was ride it out. He did nothing to end it.

No, you were the one who insisted that Clinton and Obama were politically ruthless while Bush was a paragon of political fair play.

Other than the time he suggested his war hero opponent fathered a black child and the time he compared a triple amputee to America's enemies. But other than that, Bush was a swell guy.

The 2001 Recession didn't start until Q2 of 2001. Of course, Bush made it worse through his ineptitude. But that was nothing compared to the Recession of 2008, four quarters of shrinkage.

We were in a recession when Bush was sworn in. 9/11 didn't help.

You seem to think that Obama can't stop anyone from attacking his diplomats but you expect Bush to stop anyone from attacking anything at all. No intelligence said that Muslims wanted to fly planes into skyscrapers and if they did everyone would laugh them out of the room, until after it happened. Up until 9/11 the left refused to admit that terrorism was even a problem.

CIA Presidential Daily Breifing : Bin Laden Determined to strike US.

Dubya Bush: "Alright, you've covered your ass, now" and went fishing.

Ron Suskind, George W. Bush and the Aug. 6, 2001, PDB -

:lol: you dont know a thing about it. If the USA did not supply the soviet union with arms and war material, russians would have been slaves of Germans in 1943. Stalin would have been dead. :lol:

No, I just don't learn my history from Hollywood.

Most of the Soviet War material was produced by Russians. This is why they were such a big threat after the war, they had a war machine that was primed.

There were single battles on the Eastern Front that involved more men than the entire Western Front.
Joeboy doesnt know that Stalin and Hitler were buddies before Hitler invaded the Russia.
No, you were the one who insisted that Clinton and Obama were politically ruthless while Bush was a paragon of political fair play.

Other than the time he suggested his war hero opponent fathered a black child and the time he compared a triple amputee to America's enemies. But other than that, Bush was a swell guy.

The 2001 Recession didn't start until Q2 of 2001. Of course, Bush made it worse through his ineptitude. But that was nothing compared to the Recession of 2008, four quarters of shrinkage.

We were in a recession when Bush was sworn in. 9/11 didn't help.

You seem to think that Obama can't stop anyone from attacking his diplomats but you expect Bush to stop anyone from attacking anything at all. No intelligence said that Muslims wanted to fly planes into skyscrapers and if they did everyone would laugh them out of the room, until after it happened. Up until 9/11 the left refused to admit that terrorism was even a problem.

CIA Presidential Daily Breifing : Bin Laden Determined to strike US.

Dubya Bush: "Alright, you've covered your ass, now" and went fishing.

Ron Suskind, George W. Bush and the Aug. 6, 2001, PDB -

That's a really non-specific warning, don't you think?

What in "Bin Laden Determined to strike US" tells you "he's gonna attack the WTC on 9/11"?

:lol: you dont know a thing about it. If the USA did not supply the soviet union with arms and war material, russians would have been slaves of Germans in 1943. Stalin would have been dead. :lol:

No, I just don't learn my history from Hollywood.

Most of the Soviet War material was produced by Russians. This is why they were such a big threat after the war, they had a war machine that was primed.

There were single battles on the Eastern Front that involved more men than the entire Western Front.


The author makes a clear case that the program was a major factor in the survival of the Soviet Union and the victory over Nazism.

In two particular areas the help was indispensable. With major agricultural regions of the Soviet Union under enemy occupation, and the unsatisfactory system of distribution and transportation, to say nothing of mismanagement, the Soviet state had more than a nodding acquaintance with famine. Without Western aid, during the war the Soviet population would have been in danger of sharing the fate of those trapped in Leningrad and the earlier victims of collectivization. Even with the American aid, many Russians died from lack of food. Equally important was Lend-Lease's contribution to transportation. It would have been impossible for the Red Army to move the masses of troops and supplies on the primitive roads to the front lines without American Studebaker trucks, which also served as the launching pads for the dreaded Soviet rocket artillery. The trucks were also used for more sinister activities, including the deportation of the North Caucasus Muslims. Less satisfactory for combat were the Western tanks, inferior to the German machines and particularly disadvantaged in the open terrain of the Eastern Front. The memoirs of General Dmitri Loza, published in English in 1996, give us a vivid picture of how these tanks were employed by the Russians. American aircraft, flown by Russian ferry pilots across the vast expanse of Siberia, were put to good use by the Soviet air forces even with planes that were less than popular with Western pilots. A case in point was the Bell P-39 Airacobra, used both as a low-altitude fighter and as ground support. Its odd shape gave Soviet censors fits because it was difficult to conceal that it was the favorite mount of their second-highest-ranking ace, the future marshal of aviation, Aleksandar I. Pokryshkin.

Besides weaponry and food, Lend-Lease provided the Soviet Union with other resources, ranging from clothing to metals. With the start of the Cold War, Lend-Lease became a forgotten chapter in Soviet history and was only revived after glasnost. Now, thanks to Russian researchers and this excellent study, the West will have access to the real story. Lend-Lease provided vital help for the Soviet Union when the country was in desperate straits and made a significant contribution to the final victory. It also strengthened Josef Stalin, a fact that did not bother its chief architect, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who saw beyond the Allied victory and looked at Stalin as a counterbalance to the European colonial powers.

The victory over Nazi Germany was achieved through the economic power of the United States and the lives of millions of Soviets, who for reasons that defy logic made the ultimate sacrifice to keep in power a regime as brutal as their Nazi enemy. What the Soviet Union needed after the war was a peacetime version of Lend-Lease, in this case the Marshall Plan, which Stalin rejected. Misled by the victory, the Soviet Union under Stalin and his successors embarked on an imperial policy that would have put the tsars to shame, and one the USSR could hardly afford. Resources were deployed on military and space programs and every Third World thug, including those who had jailed the local Communists or became Soviet clients. To the USSR's eternal shame, anti-Semitism became national policy.

:cool: I rest my case joeboy

Russia's Life-Saver: Lend-Lease Aid to the U.S.S.R. in World War II (Book Review)
Joeboy doesnt know that Stalin and Hitler were buddies before Hitler invaded the Russia.

No, they weren't "Buddies".

Stalin only reached an agreement with Hitler when it became obvious the Western Allies weren't going to stand up to him.

When they threw Czechoslovakia under the bus.

Kind of made sense, why line up with people who are just going to stand idly by while your people are slaughtered.

Which is pretty much what happened, anyway.

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