The whining...The whining

Whatever, guy.

Fact is, very little war aid got to the USSR, mostly because the Axis had most of the routes blocked off.

So there's that.

I know it hurts our American Pride, but the world was saved from Hitler by Stalin.

Really, nothing more complicated than that.

I think I will believe what I read in books not what you think may happened joeboy.
Joeboy doesnt know that Stalin and Hitler were buddies before Hitler invaded the Russia.

he knows. he simply denies it.

joe's propaganda lies are just simple copy and paste form the "history" taught in the USSR.

It's hilarious deja vu :D

Of course stalin and hitler were buddies. They signed the treaty and then started the WWII.
Or someone who realizes that the only reason why the Russian people were not completely exterminated in World War II (where Russians did 90% of the fighting) was because of Stalin's leadership.

But you probably think that the US won the war all by itself, so you can be forgiven your ignorance.
you are an ignorant idiot.

there was NO leadership.
Soviets were killed in thousands where the germans were losing hundreds.

leftards are ignorant zombies in general, but you have to get to a degree of idiocy of Joe to consider Satalin a "leader" :lol:

USSR lost about 30 million in the WWII - 20 by Stalin's own figures and Hitler fighting on numerous front lost only 9 million.

when you want to know what idiot looks like - have a peek at JoeB.

Russia lost 20 million because your "Liberator" Hitler was turning them into fucking lampshades, you idiot.

you idiot, hitler was fighting on 2 fronts and lost 3 times less than your "genius" stalin.

Your hero left the soviet army without lidership in 1937 - when he murdered ALL the leadership and thus was left with 20+ know nothing leutenants to lead the DEFENSE when Hitler attacked.

What a "leader" - to purge own armed froces from anybody who knows a bit more than to march on a plaza, because of his enemy paranoia - and then sacrifice 30 million people where the enemy lost 3 times less fighting LONGER and on more fronts.

a real military "genius".

you are an idiot even by current Russian historians standards :D
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:lol: you dont know a thing about it. If the USA did not supply the soviet union with arms and war material, russians would have been slaves of Germans in 1943. Stalin would have been dead. :lol:

Yawn... kind of boring, listening to you take credit for stuff that happened to others.

Russians still admire Stalin.

The rest of you don't really count.

Anyone who "admires" Stalin is brainwashed or a psychopath. There are no other possibilities.

Or someone who realizes that the only reason why the Russian people were not completely exterminated in World War II (where Russians did 90% of the fighting) was because of Stalin's leadership.

But you probably think that the US won the war all by itself, so you can be forgiven your ignorance.

Actually, US INDUSTRY won the war (such was stated by no less than STALIN)...but don't let that stop you from masturbating to "Uncle Joe's" memory!

:lol: you dont know a thing about it. If the USA did not supply the soviet union with arms and war material, russians would have been slaves of Germans in 1943. Stalin would have been dead. :lol:

No, I just don't learn my history from Hollywood.

Most of the Soviet War material was produced by Russians. This is why they were such a big threat after the war, they had a war machine that was primed.

There were single battles on the Eastern Front that involved more men than the entire Western Front.

And yet...the US supplied half their trucks, ALL their high-octane avgas (they couldn't produce it at all), more than 90% of their locomotives (they built less than 100, 1941-45), machine tools (head and shoulders superior to anything they had), and millions upon millions of tons of food, explosives, rubber, fuel, and aircraft. (In fact: their second-leading ace, Alexander Pokryshkin, flew a P-39 Airacobra!) Without lend-Lease aid, the Soviet Union would have imploded.

Whatever, guy.

Fact is, very little war aid got to the USSR, mostly because the Axis had most of the routes blocked off.

So there's that.

I know it hurts our American Pride, but the world was saved from Hitler by Stalin.

Really, nothing more complicated than that.

CA-RIST, you're fuckin' stupid! They "only" got 5,000,000 tons of food, half a million trucks, and 2000+ locomotives!
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Whatever, guy.

Fact is, very little war aid got to the USSR, mostly because the Axis had most of the routes blocked off.

So there's that.

I know it hurts our American Pride, but the world was saved from Hitler by Stalin.

Really, nothing more complicated than that.

CA-RIST, you're fuckin' stupid! They "only" got 5,000,000 tons of food, half a million trucks, and 2000+ locomotives!

Yawn. Drop in the bucket.

Look, you stupid twit, the thing is, you guys all like to pretend we won the war, but the reality is, most of the real fighting in Europe was done by the USSR. And the USSR's entry into the Pacific War, not atom bombs, was what convinced the Japanese that surrender was a really good idea.

'But, but, we sent them a locomotive that probably never got used until after the war!"
By 1945, half their trucks and 90% of the rolling stock on their railroads were US-built. Does it HURT to be THAT fucking stupid?
If you do not understand how critical railroad transportation was to the Soviets, then you clearly DON'T know anything about logistics! Is that why you got tossed out, or was it the Section 8?

Without Soviet involvement, an Allied victory in WW2 was still a foregone conclusion. It might have taken reducing Berlin to radioactive glass, but it was guaranteed.

Also note: the US supplied every drop of high-octane avgas the Red Air Force used, because they COULD NOT PRODUCE IT!
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You don't know a damn thing about logistics, do you. (That's not a question, boy.)

Naw, I was just an Army Supply Sergeant... do know nothin' about no logitistics.

Reality check. Russians did most of the fighting and dying in World War II.

The irony being that Stalin was a monster who saved the world.

the reality is vice versa, because hitler was a monster and stalin had to fight him and that prevented stalin's expansionist plans to be put into life - that saved the world, otherwise the world would be devoured by stalin like 1/6 of the world was.

but boneheaded stalinist cult worshipers from XXI century who know nothing about the history will worship the worst monster in history
If you do not understand how critical railroad transportation was to the Soviets, then you clearly DON'T know anything about logistics! Is that why you got tossed out, or was it the Section 8?

Without Soviet involvement, an Allied victory in WW2 was still a foregone conclusion. It might have taken reducing Berlin to radioactive glass, but it was guaranteed.

Also note: the US supplied every drop of high-octane avgas the Red Air Force used, because they COULD NOT PRODUCE IT!

Without SOviet involvement, the Axis would have won WWII.

And you do realize that Russia is a petroleum state, right?
You don't know a damn thing about logistics, do you. (That's not a question, boy.)

Naw, I was just an Army Supply Sergeant... do know nothin' about no logitistics.

Reality check. Russians did most of the fighting and dying in World War II.

The irony being that Stalin was a monster who saved the world.

the reality is vice versa, because hitler was a monster and stalin had to fight him and that prevented stalin's expansionist plans to be put into life - that saved the world, otherwise the world would be devoured by stalin like 1/6 of the world was.

but boneheaded stalinist cult worshipers from XXI century who know nothing about the history will worship the worst monster in history

I don't think anyone is worshipping Stalin by pointing out facts.

They are just pointing out facts.

Oh, boo, hoo, the countries the threw in with Hitler got fucked after the war. Tough Shit.
If you do not understand how critical railroad transportation was to the Soviets, then you clearly DON'T know anything about logistics! Is that why you got tossed out, or was it the Section 8?

Without Soviet involvement, an Allied victory in WW2 was still a foregone conclusion. It might have taken reducing Berlin to radioactive glass, but it was guaranteed.

Also note: the US supplied every drop of high-octane avgas the Red Air Force used, because they COULD NOT PRODUCE IT!

Without SOviet involvement, the Axis would have won WWII.

No...not unless they figured out how to stop the Manhattan Project.

And you do realize that Russia is a petroleum state, right?

Are you even CAPABLE of understanding the difference between CRUDE OIL and HIGH-OCTANE AVIATION GASOLINE?!?! Here's an idea: try fueling an Il-2 with crude oil, lemme know how that works for ya!
The Manhatten Project wouldn't have made a difference if the USSR hadn't been in the war. Germany would have starved out the UK, or India would have revolted against the UK.

Another dirty little secret. Most of the soldiers who fought in the "British" Army were from India and Pakistan, and they might have switched sides if the Axis looked like it was going to win. Same with the Islamic world, which would have thrown in with the Axis given the chance.

So, yeah, with the British Empire gone (and it didn't survive the war, anyway) the US might have had Atom bombs and no way to deliver them.

But here's the thing. Atom bombs didn't make any difference in the war. The reason Japan surrendered is that they didn't want to be partitioned like Germany when the USSR entered the Pacific War.

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