The whining...The whining

She implores Staples to follow the law but they ARE following the law. They are just not following the law the way she wants them to. She wants Staples to lose money and just bite the bullet that the democrats have shot at them.

I hope all the obamabots that voted for this law lose hours/lose insurance and benefits.


Your are a true Callous Conservative.
She implores Staples to follow the law but they ARE following the law. They are just not following the law the way she wants them to. She wants Staples to lose money and just bite the bullet that the democrats have shot at them.

I hope all the obamabots that voted for this law lose hours/lose insurance and benefits.


Your are a true Callous Conservative.

does it hurt? it should.
Next time vote using your HEAD, not your ass

She implores Staples to follow the law but they ARE following the law. They are just not following the law the way she wants them to. She wants Staples to lose money and just bite the bullet that the democrats have shot at them.

I hope all the obamabots that voted for this law lose hours/lose insurance and benefits.


There's an old saying, dumbass.

Be careful what you wish for.

Has it ever occurred to you that the reason why the GOP hasn't won an honest presidential election since 1988 is because you guys have created dependency on government?

Case in point. These people aren't going to "lose" insurance. They are just going to get it from Medicare instead of their employer.

And eventually, the government is going to get that money by raising taxes on... Staples and other douchebag corporations.

Critical thinking is required, the Callous Conservatives rarely think through an issue, and never consider the consequences of anything, intended or not.
So how much critical thinking did the squatters apply when they hooked their heater up and baked their kids?

That was some awesome critical thinking skills there.

you idiot, comparing to Stalin Hitler WAS a "liberator" for those who had tasted both.

And that is NOT what I have written - do you have ANY comprehension abilities left whatsoever?

You are so incredibly ignorant and STUPID that it is beyond reparable.

Which is not surprising as if you would have ANY rain you won't be a leftard.

Yeah, unless you are like 80, you don't know what you are talking about.

My Dad liberated a concentration camp.... you could talk to him about Hitler being a "liberator".... dumbass...

Is there anyone on this thread who hasn't gone full retard.

I know perfectly well what I am talking about.

My family experienced BOTH as I am from the part of Europe which is at crossroads of the armies going back and forth from the Huns and Goths and Vandals starting.

It is you who has no idea except to parrot the idiocy of the brainwashing machine while living in the comfort of isolation from the atrocities you know only from your leftard media.

And if your dad would liberate the Gulag camp you would hear about much worse atrocities than the ones Hitler regime performed.

I can't imagine anything more atrocious then what the Nazi

I know perfectly well what I am talking about.

My family experienced BOTH as I am from the part of Europe which is at crossroads of the armies going back and forth from the Huns and Goths and Vandals starting.

It is you who has no idea except to parrot the idiocy of the brainwashing machine while living in the comfort of isolation from the atrocities you know only from your leftard media.

And if your dad would liberate the Gulag camp you would hear about much worse atrocities than the ones Hitler regime performed.

Yawn... kind of boring, listening to you take credit for stuff that happened to others.

Russians still admire Stalin.

The rest of you don't really count.
She implores Staples to follow the law but they ARE following the law. They are just not following the law the way she wants them to. She wants Staples to lose money and just bite the bullet that the democrats have shot at them.

I hope all the obamabots that voted for this law lose hours/lose insurance and benefits.


Your are a true Callous Conservative.

does it hurt? it should.
Next time vote using your HEAD, not your ass


No, the evil actions of corporatists have consequences.

This is the point where you announce the IRS is going to do a th orough look through Office Depots books to see if they really, really needed to cut all these people.

you idiot, comparing to Stalin Hitler WAS a "liberator" for those who had tasted both.

And that is NOT what I have written - do you have ANY comprehension abilities left whatsoever?

You are so incredibly ignorant and STUPID that it is beyond reparable.

Which is not surprising as if you would have ANY rain you won't be a leftard.

Yeah, unless you are like 80, you don't know what you are talking about.

My Dad liberated a concentration camp.... you could talk to him about Hitler being a "liberator".... dumbass...

Is there anyone on this thread who hasn't gone full retard.

I know perfectly well what I am talking about.

My family experienced BOTH as I am from the part of Europe which is at crossroads of the armies going back and forth from the Huns and Goths and Vandals starting.

It is you who has no idea except to parrot the idiocy of the brainwashing machine while living in the comfort of isolation from the atrocities you know only from your leftard media.

And if your dad would liberate the Gulag camp you would hear about much worse atrocities than the ones Hitler regime performed.

I can't imagine anything more atrocious then what the Germans did under Hitler, to those in and out of camps. Maybe you might enlighten us and give some graphic examples of how Stalin was worse.

Having walked through the Holocaust Museum in The District I have a pretty good idea of what Hitler and his subalterns did.
Yeah, unless you are like 80, you don't know what you are talking about.

My Dad liberated a concentration camp.... you could talk to him about Hitler being a "liberator".... dumbass...

Is there anyone on this thread who hasn't gone full retard.

I know perfectly well what I am talking about.

My family experienced BOTH as I am from the part of Europe which is at crossroads of the armies going back and forth from the Huns and Goths and Vandals starting.

It is you who has no idea except to parrot the idiocy of the brainwashing machine while living in the comfort of isolation from the atrocities you know only from your leftard media.

And if your dad would liberate the Gulag camp you would hear about much worse atrocities than the ones Hitler regime performed.

I can't imagine anything more atrocious then what the Nazi

of course, because you are an ignorant leftard.

Stalin and Mao were MUCH worse than Hitler.
Exponentially worse.

You just don't know and don't WANT to know about it.
Yeah, unless you are like 80, you don't know what you are talking about.

My Dad liberated a concentration camp.... you could talk to him about Hitler being a "liberator".... dumbass...

Is there anyone on this thread who hasn't gone full retard.

I know perfectly well what I am talking about.

My family experienced BOTH as I am from the part of Europe which is at crossroads of the armies going back and forth from the Huns and Goths and Vandals starting.

It is you who has no idea except to parrot the idiocy of the brainwashing machine while living in the comfort of isolation from the atrocities you know only from your leftard media.

And if your dad would liberate the Gulag camp you would hear about much worse atrocities than the ones Hitler regime performed.

I can't imagine anything more atrocious then what the Germans did under Hitler, to those in and out of camps. Maybe you might enlighten us and give some graphic examples of how Stalin was worse.

Having walked through the Holocaust Museum in The District I have a pretty good idea of what Hitler and his subalterns did.

too bad you haven't seen the museums all over Eastern Europe about the unimaginable crimes of the Stalin's regime.

Why would those people greet Hitler's troops with flowers? Why would almost 2 million soviet troops VOLUNTARILY surrender to the coming German army and subsequently form the Russian Liberation army after the german0Soviet war started on June 22, 1941? Why would ALL the "liberated" by Stalin nations all over Eastern Europe greet the Germans as liberators? They have experienced the Stalin's' regime ONLY a year and a half - and during that short time thr murderous machine of the bolshevik occupation showed themselves in their full potential.

Of course you don't know why and you don't WANT to know why - because it does not fit your nice picture of the history of last century preached in American public schools.

I know perfectly well what I am talking about.

My family experienced BOTH as I am from the part of Europe which is at crossroads of the armies going back and forth from the Huns and Goths and Vandals starting.

It is you who has no idea except to parrot the idiocy of the brainwashing machine while living in the comfort of isolation from the atrocities you know only from your leftard media.

And if your dad would liberate the Gulag camp you would hear about much worse atrocities than the ones Hitler regime performed.

Yawn... kind of boring, listening to you take credit for stuff that happened to others.

Russians still admire Stalin.

The rest of you don't really count.
an example of the aggressive ignorance and stupidity on the verge of cretinism.

btw you won't count as well :D

Bush has remained silent. That includes conventions. Anyone with half a brain wants to get as far away from politics today as possible.

Obama and the Clintons have turned politics in this country into a cesspool. Nothing gets done. Nasty people doing nasty things to each other. The good of the country gives way to a never-ending political struggle. Bush was about as apolitical as you can get. I don't blame him for washing his hands of it. Clinton hasn't the class to walk away from it. It's what he lives for.

Sorry, I seem to remember (and unfortunately trying to defend) the comparing of Max Cleland (triple amputee in Vietnam) to Bin Laden and Saddam because he didn't think DHS employees should be completely stripped of their collective bargaining rights. That's NASTY.

Bush has stayed away because he reminds everyone how badly the GOP fucked up... everything.

How did the GOP fuck up when they weren't in control of Congress since 2007?

Nope, don't answer that. I already know your lib talking poinst:

While Bush was president he got all of the blame.
While Obama is president Bush gets all of the blame.

Last edited:

Bush has remained silent. That includes conventions. Anyone with half a brain wants to get as far away from politics today as possible.

Obama and the Clintons have turned politics in this country into a cesspool. Nothing gets done. Nasty people doing nasty things to each other. The good of the country gives way to a never-ending political struggle. Bush was about as apolitical as you can get. I don't blame him for washing his hands of it. Clinton hasn't the class to walk away from it. It's what he lives for.

Sorry, I seem to remember (and unfortunately trying to defend) the comparing of Max Cleland (triple amputee in Vietnam) to Bin Laden and Saddam because he didn't think DHS employees should be completely stripped of their collective bargaining rights. That's NASTY.

Bush has stayed away because he reminds everyone how badly the GOP fucked up... everything.

How did the GOP fuck up when they weren't in control of Congress since 2007?

Nope, don't answer that. I already know your lib talking poinst:

While Bush was president he got all of the blame.
While Obama is president Bush gets all of the blame.


I noticed you skipped over the fact that Karl Rove authorized a hit piece on Max Cleland.

Hey, speaking of which, let's not forget Bush and "Turd Blossom" were behind the whole "McCain's Illegitimate Black Child" Push Poll in SC.

but to your point. Bush was president when the economy collapse.

It's his recession, not Congress and Not Obama's.
As we have seen, the problem with individual health coverage is that you compete as an individual and not as a pool.
Why do we need insurance companies? All they add is overhead to the healthcare process. What is the value added from an insurance company?

The problem with individual health coverage recently is that regulations bar the industry from building large risk pools in the individual market. Selling insurance across state lines would fix this, as it has in employer and union plans (unions are exempted from anti-trust laws in this situation). The value added by insurance companies is that they use relatively small contributions from policyholders to manage the risk of large financial expenses. The concept works when the proper regulations and oversight are applied. The system is now falling apart due to government micromanagement, lack of individual underwriting for anything but tobacco use, location, age, and family size to be covered.

Individual underwriting has failed because they only want to cover low risk individuals. They do not want to cover a cancer patient or diabetic. They do not want to cover the elderly. They have established a rate structure which forces people to gamble with their lives

That's not true at all. Literally thousands of private Medicare Advantage plans cover diabetics and cancer patients, all of them elderly and that is 100% optional for insurers. There is no law or regulation mandating the creation of a Medicare Advantage plan by an insurance company.
And you claim you voted for him.

Ever wonder why nobody takes you seriously?

You mean that I don't have the reality disconnect the rest of you do?

Here's the thing. I really don't see a lot of you guys sticking up for old Dubya, either.

The guy wasn't even invited to speak at the GOP convention this year. You all are locking him away like a crazy uncle.

As opposed to the Democrats, who proudly brought out Bill Clinton at their convention, despite everything that guy ever did.

Sure. I voted for Bush twice.

And at the end of it, I ended up with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a job that paid 20% less than the previous one.

Unlike you, though, I actually learn from my mistakes.

How do you know he wasn't invited? Maybe he told them thanks but no thanks. Bush is done with politics. Sorry you didn't get the memo.

Didn't he have open-heart surgery not too long ago?

And it's small wonder that Bill Clinton showed up at their convention. He wants to prove that his impeachment wasn't justified. He also is trying to get back into the WhiteHouse through Hillary.


I think everyone had something to do with your mortgage being underwater. The guy currently in office wasn't an innocent bystander like he always claims to be. He was in the Senate after all, and what happens in government is the responsibility of all of them, not just the President.

Yet you seem to have the same double-standards as Democrats, so it's no small wonder you ether gravitated to them because you can relate to them, or you always have been a Democrat.

He was always a Democrat, I suspect.
Sorry, I seem to remember (and unfortunately trying to defend) the comparing of Max Cleland (triple amputee in Vietnam) to Bin Laden and Saddam because he didn't think DHS employees should be completely stripped of their collective bargaining rights. That's NASTY.

Bush has stayed away because he reminds everyone how badly the GOP fucked up... everything.

How did the GOP fuck up when they weren't in control of Congress since 2007?

Nope, don't answer that. I already know your lib talking poinst:

While Bush was president he got all of the blame.
While Obama is president Bush gets all of the blame.


I noticed you skipped over the fact that Karl Rove authorized a hit piece on Max Cleland.

Hey, speaking of which, let's not forget Bush and "Turd Blossom" were behind the whole "McCain's Illegitimate Black Child" Push Poll in SC.

but to your point. Bush was president when the economy collapse.

It's his recession, not Congress and Not Obama's.

Who do you blame for NAFTA?

I know perfectly well what I am talking about.

My family experienced BOTH as I am from the part of Europe which is at crossroads of the armies going back and forth from the Huns and Goths and Vandals starting.

It is you who has no idea except to parrot the idiocy of the brainwashing machine while living in the comfort of isolation from the atrocities you know only from your leftard media.

And if your dad would liberate the Gulag camp you would hear about much worse atrocities than the ones Hitler regime performed.

Yawn... kind of boring, listening to you take credit for stuff that happened to others.

Russians still admire Stalin.

The rest of you don't really count.

Anyone who "admires" Stalin is brainwashed or a psychopath. There are no other possibilities.
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Yeah, unless you are like 80, you don't know what you are talking about.

My Dad liberated a concentration camp.... you could talk to him about Hitler being a "liberator".... dumbass...

Is there anyone on this thread who hasn't gone full retard.

I know perfectly well what I am talking about.

My family experienced BOTH as I am from the part of Europe which is at crossroads of the armies going back and forth from the Huns and Goths and Vandals starting.

It is you who has no idea except to parrot the idiocy of the brainwashing machine while living in the comfort of isolation from the atrocities you know only from your leftard media.

And if your dad would liberate the Gulag camp you would hear about much worse atrocities than the ones Hitler regime performed.

I can't imagine anything more atrocious then what the Germans did under Hitler, to those in and out of camps. Maybe you might enlighten us and give some graphic examples of how Stalin was worse.

Having walked through the Holocaust Museum in The District I have a pretty good idea of what Hitler and his subalterns did.

He systematically murdered 30,000,000+ people (through death squads and an engineered famine), for starters.

I know perfectly well what I am talking about.

My family experienced BOTH as I am from the part of Europe which is at crossroads of the armies going back and forth from the Huns and Goths and Vandals starting.

It is you who has no idea except to parrot the idiocy of the brainwashing machine while living in the comfort of isolation from the atrocities you know only from your leftard media.

And if your dad would liberate the Gulag camp you would hear about much worse atrocities than the ones Hitler regime performed.

Yawn... kind of boring, listening to you take credit for stuff that happened to others.

Russians still admire Stalin.

The rest of you don't really count.

Anyone who "admires" Stalin is brainwashed or a psychopath. There are no other possibilities.

which clearly fits JoeB description.

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