The whining...The whining

My party? I thought it was your party to?
As I said any lying thing you say.

I didn't nominate these guys, you guys did.

You do get this, right, that you are scaring the straights?

I didn't nominate him either nor did I want him, but it still my party, but we realize it never was your party.

NO, it stopped being my party when the EVIL MORMON CULT was able to use it as a PSA.

"Mormons. We aren't Batshit Crazy. Really!"

She implores Staples to follow the law but they ARE following the law. They are just not following the law the way she wants them to. She wants Staples to lose money and just bite the bullet that the democrats have shot at them.

I hope all the obamabots that voted for this law lose hours/lose insurance and benefits.


There's an old saying, dumbass.

Be careful what you wish for.

Has it ever occurred to you that the reason why the GOP hasn't won an honest presidential election since 1988 is because you guys have created dependency on government?

Case in point. These people aren't going to "lose" insurance. They are just going to get it from Medicare instead of their employer.

And eventually, the government is going to get that money by raising taxes on... Staples and other douchebag corporations.

I guess the wins in 2000 and 2004 didn't happen.

Well, if you want to stipulate "Honest Election" I don't think Democrats have won one ever.
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She implores Staples to follow the law but they ARE following the law. They are just not following the law the way she wants them to. She wants Staples to lose money and just bite the bullet that the democrats have shot at them.

I hope all the obamabots that voted for this law lose hours/lose insurance and benefits.


There's an old saying, dumbass.

Be careful what you wish for.

Has it ever occurred to you that the reason why the GOP hasn't won an honest presidential election since 1988 is because you guys have created dependency on government?

Case in point. These people aren't going to "lose" insurance. They are just going to get it from Medicare instead of their employer.

And eventually, the government is going to get that money by raising taxes on... Staples and other douchebag corporations.

I guess the wins in 2000 and 2004 didn't happen.

Well, if you want to stipulate "Honest Election" I don't think Democrats have won one ever. ]

2000 the other guy got the most votes, and a court stole the election. Nope. That wasn't honest.

2004 was the fruit of the poisonous tree. Bush was a fuckup, but at that point, you don't change horses in the middle of a war.
There's an old saying, dumbass.

Be careful what you wish for.

Has it ever occurred to you that the reason why the GOP hasn't won an honest presidential election since 1988 is because you guys have created dependency on government?

Case in point. These people aren't going to "lose" insurance. They are just going to get it from Medicare instead of their employer.

And eventually, the government is going to get that money by raising taxes on... Staples and other douchebag corporations.

I guess the wins in 2000 and 2004 didn't happen.

Well, if you want to stipulate "Honest Election" I don't think Democrats have won one ever. ]

2000 the other guy got the most votes, and a court stole the election. Nope. That wasn't honest.

2004 was the fruit of the poisonous tree. Bush was a fuckup, but at that point, you don't change horses in the middle of a war.

And you claim you voted for him.

Ever wonder why nobody takes you seriously?
I guess the wins in 2000 and 2004 didn't happen.

Well, if you want to stipulate "Honest Election" I don't think Democrats have won one ever. ]

2000 the other guy got the most votes, and a court stole the election. Nope. That wasn't honest.

2004 was the fruit of the poisonous tree. Bush was a fuckup, but at that point, you don't change horses in the middle of a war.

And you claim you voted for him.

Ever wonder why nobody takes you seriously?

You mean that I don't have the reality disconnect the rest of you do?

Here's the thing. I really don't see a lot of you guys sticking up for old Dubya, either.

The guy wasn't even invited to speak at the GOP convention this year. You all are locking him away like a crazy uncle.

As opposed to the Democrats, who proudly brought out Bill Clinton at their convention, despite everything that guy ever did.

Sure. I voted for Bush twice.

And at the end of it, I ended up with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a job that paid 20% less than the previous one.

Unlike you, though, I actually learn from my mistakes.
I guess the wins in 2000 and 2004 didn't happen.

Well, if you want to stipulate "Honest Election" I don't think Democrats have won one ever. ]

2000 the other guy got the most votes, and a court stole the election. Nope. That wasn't honest.

2004 was the fruit of the poisonous tree. Bush was a fuckup, but at that point, you don't change horses in the middle of a war.

And you claim you voted for him.

Ever wonder why nobody takes you seriously?

Mud, since the election is over shouldn't joe stop campaigning for obama?
2000 the other guy got the most votes, and a court stole the election. Nope. That wasn't honest.

2004 was the fruit of the poisonous tree. Bush was a fuckup, but at that point, you don't change horses in the middle of a war.

And you claim you voted for him.

Ever wonder why nobody takes you seriously?

Mud, since the election is over shouldn't joe stop campaigning for obama?

Reb, you are sounding like a yelping dog at this point...

Maybe instead of whining how I kick your ass, you should actually come at me with an intelligent argument.

Learning how to structure a sentence would be a great start.
2000 the other guy got the most votes, and a court stole the election. Nope. That wasn't honest.

2004 was the fruit of the poisonous tree. Bush was a fuckup, but at that point, you don't change horses in the middle of a war.

And you claim you voted for him.

Ever wonder why nobody takes you seriously?

You mean that I don't have the reality disconnect the rest of you do?

Here's the thing. I really don't see a lot of you guys sticking up for old Dubya, either.

The guy wasn't even invited to speak at the GOP convention this year. You all are locking him away like a crazy uncle.

As opposed to the Democrats, who proudly brought out Bill Clinton at their convention, despite everything that guy ever did.

Sure. I voted for Bush twice.

And at the end of it, I ended up with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a job that paid 20% less than the previous one.

Unlike you, though, I actually learn from my mistakes.

How do you know he wasn't invited? Maybe he told them thanks but no thanks. Bush is done with politics. Sorry you didn't get the memo.

And it's small wonder that Bill Clinton showed up at their convention. He wants to prove that his impeachment wasn't justified. He also is trying to get back into the WhiteHouse through Hillary.

I think everyone had something to do with your mortgage being underwater. The guy currently in office wasn't an innocent bystander like he always claims to be. He was in the Senate after all, and what happens in government is the responsibility of all of them, not just the President.

Yet you seem to have the same double-standards as Democrats, so it's no small wonder you ether gravitated to them because you can relate to them, or you always have been a Democrat.
And you claim you voted for him.

Ever wonder why nobody takes you seriously?

Mud, since the election is over shouldn't joe stop campaigning for obama?

Reb, you are sounding like a yelping dog at this point...

Maybe instead of whining how I kick your ass, you should actually come at me with an intelligent argument.

Learning how to structure a sentence would be a great start.

You salivate everything obama speaks don't you?
Do you also get that tingle up your leg?
More reason that Universal Healthcare is the only solution

Employers have no reason to provide you Healthcare. They don't want to and they don't do a very good job at it

How do you know he wasn't invited? Maybe he told them thanks but no thanks. Bush is done with politics. Sorry you didn't get the memo.

Nice try, guy, but ex-presidents are ALWAYS invited to conventions as long as they are physically able. Reagan spoke at the 92 convention and Nancy stood in for him at the 96 convention. The only time they don't invite former presidents is when these guys prove to be a reminder of why you voted their asses out to start with. (Nixon, Carter, Bush-43.)

And it's small wonder that Bill Clinton showed up at their convention. He wants to prove that his impeachment wasn't justified. He also is trying to get back into the WhiteHouse through Hillary.

I'm sure he does. Doesn't take away from the fact that he gave a really good speech that was an unqualified rallying cry for Obama. (In fact, made Obama's case better than Obama did in his speech.)

I think everyone had something to do with your mortgage being underwater. The guy currently in office wasn't an innocent bystander like he always claims to be. He was in the Senate after all, and what happens in government is the responsibility of all of them, not just the President.

Yes, both parties contributed, but bush was in the leadership position. Come on, guy, you were in the miltiary. When a unit fucks up, they go after the CO, not Corporal Snuffy and Private Tentpeg. Bush was ulitmately the guy in charge. He appointed the bureucrats and he set the tone. He ignored the warnings that the banks were taking too many risks and properties were overvalued.

Yet you seem to have the same double-standards as Democrats, so it's no small wonder you ether gravitated to them because you can relate to them, or you always have been a Democrat.

Here's the thing, guy. If I were a better person, I'd have turned on Bush the moment we all realized he lied about WMD's. I'd have turned on him the moment we watched bodies floating down the Mississippir River from Katrina. But I didn't. Those fuckups were really bad, but they didn't effect me personally, and up until about 2008, I was still sticking up for Bush and still making excuses for him.

I really only turned on the guy when his incompetence and cronyism had an effect on my life. When the economy went south, and I discovered just how badly Bush and some of his predecessors had weakened working folks rights in this country in favor of the employers and the banks.

And honestly, shame on me.
Why would anyone want a system where your employer gets to make your healthcare decisions?

You salivate everything obama speaks don't you?
Do you also get that tingle up your leg?

The only guy I see who lets Obama dictate his life is you, man.

The guy occupies a lot of space in your head rent free.

My question is, why are you so obsessed with him?

Deflections is a good gauge to show how you lean politically
So why do you continually campaign for him?
Again, who removed their ability to get good paying jobs?

Ummm... maybe it was the guys who busted unions, signed free trade treaties that sent their jobs overseas, refused to raise the minimum wage to keep up with inflation...

You know, all those things that forced folks who would otherwise HAPPILY WORK to support their families being unable to do so.

Or do you just think people like being on welfare?

Clinton's NAFTA being union doesn't make it a good paying job they are unneeded and out dated and kill the economy.

Now who created the welfare state? DEMOCRATS you cock sucking moron.

Guy, you really need to learn how to structure a sentence.

Clinton signed the NAFTA treaty that Bush had negotiated...

Once again, you can't say, "Fuck working people, they don't deserve good paying jobs" and then be all surprised when they sign up for welfare.

So you're blaming Republicans for something Clinton enacted?

You aren't too bright.
2000 the other guy got the most votes, and a court stole the election. Nope. That wasn't honest.

2004 was the fruit of the poisonous tree. Bush was a fuckup, but at that point, you don't change horses in the middle of a war.

And you claim you voted for him.

Ever wonder why nobody takes you seriously?

You mean that I don't have the reality disconnect the rest of you do?

Here's the thing. I really don't see a lot of you guys sticking up for old Dubya, either.

The guy wasn't even invited to speak at the GOP convention this year. You all are locking him away like a crazy uncle.

As opposed to the Democrats, who proudly brought out Bill Clinton at their convention, despite everything that guy ever did.

Sure. I voted for Bush twice.

And at the end of it, I ended up with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a job that paid 20% less than the previous one.

Unlike you, though, I actually learn from my mistakes.


What has 5 years of Obama gotten you?

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