The whining...The whining

Lol..poor joe. Unemployed AND stupid. That's a rough double whammy.

well, if somebody will tell that life in a pre-war Russia in 1913 was worse then in 1919 or 1932, for that matter, that somebody is either stupid or simply ignorant

Was it worse in 1919? Yup. Russia had lost the war to Germany and was then getting her ass kicked by POLAND. Seriously, if you are being beaten by POLAND, it's kind of like losing to the Cubs.

But I digress.

But here's the thing, disregarding your cherry-picked years.

What do Russians think.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Stalin voted third-best Russian

Former Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin was beaten by medieval prince Alexander Nevsky in a poll held by a TV station to find the greatest Russian.

Stalin came third, despite being responsible for the deaths of millions of Soviets in labour camps and purges.

Alexander Nevsky fought off European invaders in the 13th century to preserve a united Russia.

In second place was reformist Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin, who was assassinated in 1911.

Russian culture is typical of one where several generations had lived under the thumb of central government. They are institutionalized, programmed.
6 generations of the USSR policies where government took care of everything. Where all wealth was confiscated then redistributed to the people as government saw fit.
Even professionals such as Doctors and Teachers were paid shit wages for their work. And forced to live in squalid government owned tenements in the urban centers.
The creation of economic equality does one thing. Creates equality in misery.
There is one thing about this type of system you libs conveniently ignore. That is in every centrally planned society there was the elite ruling class in government that held all of the power. So fearful of the people were the Supreme Soviet, they used the Military and an elite police force( KGB) to keep the people down and under the thumb of government.
So fearful of a mass exodus, the government made it illegal by punishment of death for any attempt to leave the country.
Imagine that....Being shot to death for the offense of crossing a border.
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Staples is good if you need office supplies, especially because they deliver. You only hate Staples because Mitt Romney saved the company! Romney saved the company, and that is just eating you up!

I'd never use them... their prices are too high and their selection is kind of shitty and their underpaid associates don't know what they are talking about half the time.

Oh would you please shut up..
It's a warehouse type store.
If you want Nordstrom's type service, go shop there.
I read this story off some lefty website...
Jan 11 at 4:02 PM

I started a petition when my employer, Staples, decided to cut part-time employees' hours so they don't have to provide health care benefits required by Obamacare.

My name is "Sue," and I work at Staples. I can't tell you my full name because I'm afraid I'll lose my job for what I'm about to tell you: Staples recently decided to cut part-time employees' hours just so they won't have to provide health care benefits under Obamacare.
Staples is taking advantage of a loophole in the health care law that says employers don't have to provide coverage for employees who work less than 30 hours a week. Staples also told managers to hire more part time workers if they need people to cover the schedule.
Cutting employees' hours just to avoid paying for health care is not right. I can't afford to make less money than I do now without taking on another job. That's why I started a petition on asking Staples to not cut part-time employees' hours and comply with Obamacare. Will you join me by signing my petition?
I've worked as an Easy-Tech Representative for 9 years now, selling thousands of computers, protection plans, and services. I typically work 30-35 hours in a week, so when I was told that my hours would be cut, I was heartbroken. I recently got married and we have a baby on the way -- 25 hours a week is not enough to make ends meet, let alone start a family.
Staples doesn't want to provide health care to its employees -- but there is hope. Other chain employers such as Darden Restaurants (owners of Olive Garden and Red Lobster) reversed similar cuts after intense public pressure. And other corporations like Starbucks have pledged not to reduce part time hours.
By signing my petition, you'll be amplifying the voices of thousands of Staples employees across the country who are afraid to speak out and can't afford to have their hours cut. Click here to sign my petition demanding Staples follow the law and provide health care instead of cutting part-time employees' hours.
Thank you for your support.
"Sue" Whistleblower..
Here's a woman who does not work full time to begin with. So what does she do? Gets pregnant. Obviously her and her husband are not financially prepared to have children. The few less hours wouldn't make a difference.
So now she's whining.....
So we should get stuck with a lousy law because SHE and her husband made a poor life decision.

Hope all the Democrats who shoved this shitty law down the American public's throat are proud of themselves.

CA-RIST, you're a dumbass! This is the stupidest thing EVER POSTED on the internet! Are you ACTUALLY claiming that countries like Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Albania JOINED the Axis?! Are you really this fucking STUPID?!?!

Don't bother to answer: everyone knows you ARE, in fact, this fucking STUPID.

Um, yeah, guy, that is exactly what I am saying.

Let's start with Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia attempted to join the Axis. Then revolutionaries overthrew the regent, and Hitler decided to stop fucking with them and just invaded. After he invaded, the Croatians threw in with him, and the Croatian Fascists, known as the Ustate, were so vicious even the Nazis were shocked.

Czechoslovakia- Here's the thing there. After the Sudetenland was tacked back onto Germany, Slovakia, under the leadership of FATHER Joseph Tizo (yes, the guy was a Catholic Priest) asked for independence from Prague and joined the Axis powers.

the Baltic States WELCOMED the Nazis as liberators.

Finally, let's look at Albania. Here's the thing. Before the war, Albania was a client of Italy, even before Mussolini came to power. Which is pretty much why when Mussolini deposed the government they were like, "Meh, whatever? Do we get a chunk of Kosovo now?"

Oh yes. I am sure the people wanted to live under a totalitarian or dictatorial iron fisted government...
Then of course they wanted to be puppet states of the USSR...Yep, real comfy lifestyle under the thumb of mother Russia...
I'd never use them... their prices are too high and their selection is kind of shitty and their underpaid associates don't know what they are talking about half the time.

Yet again: You only hate Staples because Mitt Romney saved the company! Romney saved the company, and that is just eating you up! It's OK, you can admit it, boy.

Romney didn't "Save" the company.

He bought it, he sold it off to someone else.

Yeah and without that infusion of capital, the company, along with thousands of jobs would be gone....
Russian culture is typical of one where several generations had lived under the thumb of central government. They are institutionalized, programmed.
6 generations of the USSR policies where government took care of everything. Where all wealth was confiscated then redistributed to the people as government saw fit.
Even professionals such as Doctors and Teachers were paid shit wages for their work. And forced to live in squalid government owned tenements in the urban centers.
The creation of economic equality does one thing. Creates equality in misery.
There is one thing about this type of system you libs conveniently ignore. That is in every centrally planned society there was the elite ruling class in government that held all of the power. So fearful of the people were the Supreme Soviet, they used the Military and an elite police force( KGB) to keep the people down and under the thumb of government.
So fearful of a mass exodus, the government made it illegal by punishment of death for any attempt to leave the country.
Imagine that....Being shot to death for the offense of crossing a border

Oh, they know that. But they think if they are the ones who support the regime change they would be elevated to that position, where the reality is quite the opposite - those supporters are THE FIRST to be devoured.

the second bolded part might be unknown to most of our leftards as they are extremely ignorant and that detail was never widely discussed by the pinkish media and is never exposed by the left-leaning teachers of history in the brainwash leftard academia of public school system of the US.
No, I said the GOP Created DEPENDENCY.

Not the same thing. But if I explained it to you again, you still wouldn't understand it.

Hey dumb ass what in the fuck do you think the welfare state is? There are people on the system but have become dependent on it.
Children going up in the system never leaving it becoming adults and back into the welfare system.
This is what democrats have created, and you say the republicans did it?

Again, who removed their ability to get good paying jobs?

Ummm... maybe it was the guys who busted unions, signed free trade treaties that sent their jobs overseas, refused to raise the minimum wage to keep up with inflation...

You know, all those things that forced folks who would otherwise HAPPILY WORK to support their families being unable to do so.

Or do you just think people like being on welfare?

Clinton's NAFTA being union doesn't make it a good paying job they are unneeded and out dated and kill the economy.

Now who created the welfare state? DEMOCRATS you cock sucking moron.
Was Stalin an asshole? Yup. Absolutely.

But he probably saved the world from a bigger asshole, namely Hitler.

The problem is, most of the "Liberated" areas after WWII were the countries that threw in with Hitler, who was probably just measuring most of them up to be lampshades. .

No, he did not.
It was actually vice versa. Hitler saved Europe from the liberation by Stalin.
And Stalin was MUCH WORSE than Hitler.
Just by murder numbers. Exponentially worse.
I kind of don't have a lot of sympathy for any of the Warsaw Pact nations except for the Poles. The rest of them all joined the Axis and kind of got what they deserved

wow, aren't you ignorant. Extremely.
half of them were "liberated" by stalin and when Stain and Hitler TOGETHER started WWII by dividing Poland, part of the Warsaw pact nations were ALREADY under Hitler, annexed by him in 1938. Stalin proceeded by "liberation" of the Baltic states but got his teeth kicked in Finland ( GOOD).
Nevertheless he planed to stab his best buddy Hitler in the back and proceed with his plan of soviet liberation until La Manche, but too bad, 2 weeks before his megalomaniac plans Hitler started the war on Soviet front ( he had no choice) and therefore signed his death warrant.

So, technically Western Europe should be grateful to Hitler that they had eventually Western troops defending them from Hitler but not "liberation" by Stalin's troops which was the original plan from the Stalin's viewpoint.

Holy Fucking Shit, did you try to call HItler a "Liberator"?


Okay, everyone, if you want to see what Right Wing Crazy looks like, we have it right here.

Here's the problem with your claims about Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact. Stalin didn't take anything that hadn't been taken away from Russia in the Treaty of Brest-Listov. The Baltic States, Eastern Poland, Moldava ALREADY belonged to Russia. They just took back their stuff.

Meanwhile, Hungary, Slovakia, ROmania, Bulgaria, Croatia and Albania all threw in with the Axis, so it's really kind of hard to feel bad for them.
Joe the election is over don't you think it's time to stop campaigning for obama, after all you are a republican, or at least you say you are.
Hey dumb ass what in the fuck do you think the welfare state is? There are people on the system but have become dependent on it.
Children going up in the system never leaving it becoming adults and back into the welfare system.
This is what democrats have created, and you say the republicans did it?

Again, who removed their ability to get good paying jobs?

Ummm... maybe it was the guys who busted unions, signed free trade treaties that sent their jobs overseas, refused to raise the minimum wage to keep up with inflation...

You know, all those things that forced folks who would otherwise HAPPILY WORK to support their families being unable to do so.

Or do you just think people like being on welfare?

Clinton's NAFTA being union doesn't make it a good paying job they are unneeded and out dated and kill the economy.

Now who created the welfare state? DEMOCRATS you cock sucking moron.

Guy, you really need to learn how to structure a sentence.

Clinton signed the NAFTA treaty that Bush had negotiated...

Once again, you can't say, "Fuck working people, they don't deserve good paying jobs" and then be all surprised when they sign up for welfare.
No, I just see rich people as a bigger threat to my well-being than the government.

that is typical mistake stupid people make before they are crashed by the government machine :lol:

but that is more of the story how Hitler closed his grip on the throat of his people which also started to hate rich people and loved the government :eusa_whistle:

I thought you just said Hitler was a "Liberator" of Europe and we should all be grateful to him.

For the record, your Hero Adolf was totally in bed with Germany's rich.
Again, who removed their ability to get good paying jobs?

Ummm... maybe it was the guys who busted unions, signed free trade treaties that sent their jobs overseas, refused to raise the minimum wage to keep up with inflation...

You know, all those things that forced folks who would otherwise HAPPILY WORK to support their families being unable to do so.

Or do you just think people like being on welfare?

Clinton's NAFTA being union doesn't make it a good paying job they are unneeded and out dated and kill the economy.

Now who created the welfare state? DEMOCRATS you cock sucking moron.

Guy, you really need to learn how to structure a sentence.

Clinton signed the NAFTA treaty that Bush had negotiated...

Once again, you can't say, "Fuck working people, they don't deserve good paying jobs" and then be all surprised when they sign up for welfare.

It doesn't matter, what matters is the substance of the sentence.
Try to debunk that first and then we'll talk about grammar usage
But anyway
Joe the election is over don't you think it's time to stop campaigning for obama, after all you are a republican, or at least you say you are.
Clinton's NAFTA being union doesn't make it a good paying job they are unneeded and out dated and kill the economy.

Now who created the welfare state? DEMOCRATS you cock sucking moron.

Guy, you really need to learn how to structure a sentence.

Clinton signed the NAFTA treaty that Bush had negotiated...

Once again, you can't say, "Fuck working people, they don't deserve good paying jobs" and then be all surprised when they sign up for welfare.

It doesn't matter, what matters is the substance of the sentence.
Try to debunk that first and then we'll talk about grammar usage
But anyway
Joe the election is over don't you think it's time to stop campaigning for obama, after all you are a republican, or at least you say you are.

Where have I talked about Obama or the ELection in this part of the thread.

And frankly, the GOP seems immune to reform at this point. They probably need to lose a few more elections before they wake up and say, "Oh, yeah, working people. They are really important!"

Fact is, unions are needed now for the same reason they were needed 100 years ago. Because those with money will try to cheat their workers at every oppurtunity.

Free Trade is a horrible idea because it allows the rich to avoid our sensible laws on the environment, workplace safety and fair wages by moving their factories to countries where they really don't care if a child gets mangled in a threshing machine.
Guy, you really need to learn how to structure a sentence.

Clinton signed the NAFTA treaty that Bush had negotiated...

Once again, you can't say, "Fuck working people, they don't deserve good paying jobs" and then be all surprised when they sign up for welfare.

It doesn't matter, what matters is the substance of the sentence.
Try to debunk that first and then we'll talk about grammar usage
But anyway
Joe the election is over don't you think it's time to stop campaigning for obama, after all you are a republican, or at least you say you are.

Where have I talked about Obama or the ELection in this part of the thread.

And frankly, the GOP seems immune to reform at this point. They probably need to lose a few more elections before they wake up and say, "Oh, yeah, working people. They are really important!"

Fact is, unions are needed now for the same reason they were needed 100 years ago. Because those with money will try to cheat their workers at every oppurtunity.

Free Trade is a horrible idea because it allows the rich to avoid our sensible laws on the environment, workplace safety and fair wages by moving their factories to countries where they really don't care if a child gets mangled in a threshing machine.
It doesn't have to be in this thread, but you do defend him way to much.
It doesn't matter, what matters is the substance of the sentence.
Try to debunk that first and then we'll talk about grammar usage
But anyway
Joe the election is over don't you think it's time to stop campaigning for obama, after all you are a republican, or at least you say you are.

Where have I talked about Obama or the ELection in this part of the thread.

And frankly, the GOP seems immune to reform at this point. They probably need to lose a few more elections before they wake up and say, "Oh, yeah, working people. They are really important!"

Fact is, unions are needed now for the same reason they were needed 100 years ago. Because those with money will try to cheat their workers at every oppurtunity.

Free Trade is a horrible idea because it allows the rich to avoid our sensible laws on the environment, workplace safety and fair wages by moving their factories to countries where they really don't care if a child gets mangled in a threshing machine.
It doesn't have to be in this thread, but you do defend him way to much.

No, I defend him as much as is appropriate.

The problem is not Obama. I didn't vote for Obama in 2008, and in 2012, I voted for him because I REALLY HATE MORMONS!!!!!

I don't really want to vote for Hillary in 2016, but frankly, given the batshit crazy idiots you guys are suggesting for that year, I might be forced to.
Sure joe any lying thing you say. :eusa_whistle:

Guy, it's not my fault your party nominates guys who think they are wearing Magic Underwear and think the word "Rape" needs to be qualified by an adjective.

That's all on you.

My party? I thought it was your party to?
As I said any lying thing you say.

I didn't nominate these guys, you guys did.

You do get this, right, that you are scaring the straights?
Guy, it's not my fault your party nominates guys who think they are wearing Magic Underwear and think the word "Rape" needs to be qualified by an adjective.

That's all on you.

My party? I thought it was your party to?
As I said any lying thing you say.

I didn't nominate these guys, you guys did.

You do get this, right, that you are scaring the straights?

I didn't nominate him either nor did I want him, but it still my party, but we realize it never was your party.

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