The whining...The whining

Instead of pissing and moaning about douchebags why don't you help all these abused workers work for themselves?

Oh yeah that would mean you would actually have to do something

never mind.

I am doing something.

I'm calling out the doucehbags on their douchebaggery and voting for people who are goign to fix things.

The first thing is to realize after 30 years, Supply Side Economics is a fairy-tale.
The people you are voting for are causing the problem.

No, not really.

In 2000, we had 3% unemployment, peace, prosperity, if you didn't like your job, finding a better one was easy. We were even paying down the national debt!

That's what the Democrats gave us.

Then along came your boy Bush and the other Wall Street Douchebags.

We got war, we got recessions, we got 10% unemployment, falling wages, and trillions in new debt.

And you guys really think you deserve another shot at the wheel?
I am doing something.

I'm calling out the doucehbags on their douchebaggery and voting for people who are goign to fix things.

The first thing is to realize after 30 years, Supply Side Economics is a fairy-tale.
The people you are voting for are causing the problem.

No, not really.

In 2000, we had 3% unemployment, peace, prosperity, if you didn't like your job, finding a better one was easy. We were even paying down the national debt!

That's what the Democrats gave us.

Then along came your boy Bush and the other Wall Street Douchebags.

We got war, we got recessions, we got 10% unemployment, falling wages, and trillions in new debt.

And you guys really think you deserve another shot at the wheel?
Who was in charge when all the prosperity? Who was in charge when things went south?
The people you are voting for are causing the problem.

No, not really.

In 2000, we had 3% unemployment, peace, prosperity, if you didn't like your job, finding a better one was easy. We were even paying down the national debt!

That's what the Democrats gave us.

Then along came your boy Bush and the other Wall Street Douchebags.

We got war, we got recessions, we got 10% unemployment, falling wages, and trillions in new debt.

And you guys really think you deserve another shot at the wheel?
Who was in charge when all the prosperity? Who was in charge when things went south?

Clinton was in charge for the Prosperity. Bush was in charge when everything went south.

Thanks for playing.
No, not really.

In 2000, we had 3% unemployment, peace, prosperity, if you didn't like your job, finding a better one was easy. We were even paying down the national debt!

That's what the Democrats gave us.

Then along came your boy Bush and the other Wall Street Douchebags.

We got war, we got recessions, we got 10% unemployment, falling wages, and trillions in new debt.

And you guys really think you deserve another shot at the wheel?
Who was in charge when all the prosperity? Who was in charge when things went south?

Clinton was in charge for the Prosperity. Bush was in charge when everything went south.

Thanks for playing.
Republicans controled both houses when things were good, it went south when the democrats took over in 2007.
Who was in charge when all the prosperity? Who was in charge when things went south?

Clinton was in charge for the Prosperity. Bush was in charge when everything went south.

Thanks for playing.
Republicans controled both houses when things were good, it went south when the democrats took over in 2007.

Who is in the White House is vastly more important...

Unless you want to blame Boehner for the current mess.
I read this story off some lefty website...
Jan 11 at 4:02 PM

I started a petition when my employer, Staples, decided to cut part-time employees' hours so they don't have to provide health care benefits required by Obamacare.

My name is "Sue," and I work at Staples. I can't tell you my full name because I'm afraid I'll lose my job for what I'm about to tell you: Staples recently decided to cut part-time employees' hours just so they won't have to provide health care benefits under Obamacare.
Staples is taking advantage of a loophole in the health care law that says employers don't have to provide coverage for employees who work less than 30 hours a week. Staples also told managers to hire more part time workers if they need people to cover the schedule.
Cutting employees' hours just to avoid paying for health care is not right. I can't afford to make less money than I do now without taking on another job. That's why I started a petition on asking Staples to not cut part-time employees' hours and comply with Obamacare. Will you join me by signing my petition?
I've worked as an Easy-Tech Representative for 9 years now, selling thousands of computers, protection plans, and services. I typically work 30-35 hours in a week, so when I was told that my hours would be cut, I was heartbroken. I recently got married and we have a baby on the way -- 25 hours a week is not enough to make ends meet, let alone start a family.
Staples doesn't want to provide health care to its employees -- but there is hope. Other chain employers such as Darden Restaurants (owners of Olive Garden and Red Lobster) reversed similar cuts after intense public pressure. And other corporations like Starbucks have pledged not to reduce part time hours.
By signing my petition, you'll be amplifying the voices of thousands of Staples employees across the country who are afraid to speak out and can't afford to have their hours cut. Click here to sign my petition demanding Staples follow the law and provide health care instead of cutting part-time employees' hours.
Thank you for your support.
"Sue" Whistleblower..
Here's a woman who does not work full time to begin with. So what does she do? Gets pregnant. Obviously her and her husband are not financially prepared to have children. The few less hours wouldn't make a difference.
So now she's whining.....
So we should get stuck with a lousy law because SHE and her husband made a poor life decision.

it isnt like these folks did not get a warning

that this would happen
Clinton was in charge for the Prosperity. Bush was in charge when everything went south.

Thanks for playing.
Republicans controled both houses when things were good, it went south when the democrats took over in 2007.

Who is in the White House is vastly more important...

Unless you want to blame Boehner for the current mess.

Liberals and obama are blaming the republicans.
She implores Staples to follow the law but they ARE following the law. They are just not following the law the way she wants them to. She wants Staples to lose money and just bite the bullet that the democrats have shot at them.

I hope all the obamabots that voted for this law lose hours/lose insurance and benefits.


There's an old saying, dumbass.

Be careful what you wish for.

Has it ever occurred to you that the reason why the GOP hasn't won an honest presidential election since 1988 is because you guys have created dependency on government?

Case in point. These people aren't going to "lose" insurance. They are just going to get it from Medicare instead of their employer.

And eventually, the government is going to get that money by raising taxes on... Staples and other douchebag corporations.
Who created dependency on the government? Republicans? are you brain dead or a fucking idiot?
She implores Staples to follow the law but they ARE following the law. They are just not following the law the way she wants them to. She wants Staples to lose money and just bite the bullet that the democrats have shot at them.

I hope all the obamabots that voted for this law lose hours/lose insurance and benefits.


There's an old saying, dumbass.

Be careful what you wish for.

Has it ever occurred to you that the reason why the GOP hasn't won an honest presidential election since 1988 is because you guys have created dependency on government?

Case in point. These people aren't going to "lose" insurance. They are just going to get it from Medicare instead of their employer.

And eventually, the government is going to get that money by raising taxes on... Staples and other douchebag corporations.
Who created dependency on the government? Republicans? are you brain dead or a fucking idiot?

More stupid shit from the idiot

Clinton was in charge for the Prosperity. Bush was in charge when everything went south.

Thanks for playing.
Republicans controled both houses when things were good, it went south when the democrats took over in 2007.

Who is in the White House is vastly more important...

Unless you want to blame Boehner for the current mess.
Can't blame obama dude you are one stupid cock sucking son of a bitch.
The practice of cutting hours to keep from having to pay benefits goes back to when President Obama was in grade school. I saw it in hospitals in the 70s.

And, yes, Rs create and force dependence on welfare.
She implores Staples to follow the law but they ARE following the law. They are just not following the law the way she wants them to. She wants Staples to lose money and just bite the bullet that the democrats have shot at them.

I hope all the obamabots that voted for this law lose hours/lose insurance and benefits.


There's an old saying, dumbass.

Be careful what you wish for.

Has it ever occurred to you that the reason why the GOP hasn't won an honest presidential election since 1988 is because you guys have created dependency on government?

Case in point. These people aren't going to "lose" insurance. They are just going to get it from Medicare instead of their employer.

And eventually, the government is going to get that money by raising taxes on... Staples and other douchebag corporations.
Who created dependency on the government? Republicans? are you brain dead or a fucking idiot?

You give a man a choice between voting for a Democrat and watching his children Starve, the Democrat wins every time.
There's an old saying, dumbass.

Be careful what you wish for.

Has it ever occurred to you that the reason why the GOP hasn't won an honest presidential election since 1988 is because you guys have created dependency on government?

Case in point. These people aren't going to "lose" insurance. They are just going to get it from Medicare instead of their employer.

And eventually, the government is going to get that money by raising taxes on... Staples and other douchebag corporations.
Who created dependency on the government? Republicans? are you brain dead or a fucking idiot?

You give a man a choice between voting for a Democrat and watching his children Starve, the Democrat wins every time.

until there is no others people money left.

then they starve behind the barbed wire of the concentration or labor camp with your leftards shooting anybody wanting to leave the camp
Who created dependency on the government? Republicans? are you brain dead or a fucking idiot?

You give a man a choice between voting for a Democrat and watching his children Starve, the Democrat wins every time.

until there is no others people money left.

then they starve behind the barbed wire of the concentration or labor camp with your leftards shooting anybody wanting to leave the camp

Yeah, whatever...

You do get that it isn't a zero sum game, right. That when you give money to the guy who wants to feed his kid, that keeps the farmer employed, and the farmer keeps the machinist employed, and so on, right?
You give a man a choice between voting for a Democrat and watching his children Starve, the Democrat wins every time.

until there is no others people money left.

then they starve behind the barbed wire of the concentration or labor camp with your leftards shooting anybody wanting to leave the camp

Yeah, whatever...

You do get that it isn't a zero sum game, right. That when you give money to the guy who wants to feed his kid, that keeps the farmer employed, and the farmer keeps the machinist employed, and so on, right?

it is YOU who don't get it.
and others dumb enough to think the coffers of others people money never end.

they do.

what happens next is pretty ugly. especially for the children.
until there is no others people money left.

then they starve behind the barbed wire of the concentration or labor camp with your leftards shooting anybody wanting to leave the camp

Yeah, whatever...

You do get that it isn't a zero sum game, right. That when you give money to the guy who wants to feed his kid, that keeps the farmer employed, and the farmer keeps the machinist employed, and so on, right?

it is YOU who don't get it.
and others dumb enough to think the coffers of others people money never end.

they do.

what happens next is pretty ugly. especially for the children.

Really? Care to cite an example that I won't totally destroy?
Yeah, whatever...

You do get that it isn't a zero sum game, right. That when you give money to the guy who wants to feed his kid, that keeps the farmer employed, and the farmer keeps the machinist employed, and so on, right?

it is YOU who don't get it.
and others dumb enough to think the coffers of others people money never end.

they do.

what happens next is pretty ugly. especially for the children.

Really? Care to cite an example that I won't totally destroy?

LOL any of the countries which survived the commie regimes.
it is YOU who don't get it.
and others dumb enough to think the coffers of others people money never end.

they do.

what happens next is pretty ugly. especially for the children.

Really? Care to cite an example that I won't totally destroy?

LOL any of the countries which survived the commie regimes.

Works on the assumption ANY of them were really great shakes before Communism.

You do realize that living in Tsarist Russia kind of sucked if you weren't the Tsar, right?

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