The whining...The whining

Really? Care to cite an example that I won't totally destroy?

LOL any of the countries which survived the commie regimes.

Works on the assumption ANY of them were really great shakes before Communism.

You do realize that living in Tsarist Russia kind of sucked if you weren't the Tsar, right?

no, it did not. It was actually getting pretty good before the war started.
Lol..poor joe. Unemployed AND stupid. That's a rough double whammy.

well, if somebody will tell that life in a pre-war Russia in 1913 was worse then in 1919 or 1932, for that matter, that somebody is either stupid or simply ignorant

It wouldn't even occur to me to vote for someone because I think they're going to directly "make my life better".

I know that many people do that, but the thought of handing so much responsibility over my life -- especially people who have the easily demonstrable track record of lies and deceit as professional politicians, holy crap -- is absolutely unacceptable and alien to me.

Man, talk about asking for trouble. Life is short, the clock is ticking.

LOL any of the countries which survived the commie regimes.

Works on the assumption ANY of them were really great shakes before Communism.

You do realize that living in Tsarist Russia kind of sucked if you weren't the Tsar, right?

no, it did not. It was actually getting pretty good before the war started.

Uh, no, it wasn't.

WHich is why they assassinated Alexander II, had a revolution in 1905, etc.

These were not things HAPPY people do.

This is what happens if you are barely scraping by, and then some asshole starts a war and makes everything a lot worse.

It wouldn't even occur to me to vote for someone because I think they're going to directly "make my life better".

I know that many people do that, but the thought of handing so much responsibility over my life -- especially people who have the easily demonstrable track record of lies and deceit as professional politicians, holy crap -- is absolutely unacceptable and alien to me.

Man, talk about asking for trouble. Life is short, the clock is ticking.


Well, we're all not as "special" as you are, Mac.

Most of us vote against the guy in office if things are going badly and vote for him if things are going well.

Sorry, that's just the way the world works, and it should.

It wouldn't even occur to me to vote for someone because I think they're going to directly "make my life better".

I know that many people do that, but the thought of handing so much responsibility over my life -- especially people who have the easily demonstrable track record of lies and deceit as professional politicians, holy crap -- is absolutely unacceptable and alien to me.

Man, talk about asking for trouble. Life is short, the clock is ticking.


Well, we're all not as "special" as you are, Mac.

Most of us vote against the guy in office if things are going badly and vote for him if things are going well.

Sorry, that's just the way the world works, and it should.

If my attitude is "special" at this point, we're in even worse shape than I thought.

I can only hope you're wrong.

Lol..poor joe. Unemployed AND stupid. That's a rough double whammy.

well, if somebody will tell that life in a pre-war Russia in 1913 was worse then in 1919 or 1932, for that matter, that somebody is either stupid or simply ignorant

Was it worse in 1919? Yup. Russia had lost the war to Germany and was then getting her ass kicked by POLAND. Seriously, if you are being beaten by POLAND, it's kind of like losing to the Cubs.

But I digress.

But here's the thing, disregarding your cherry-picked years.

What do Russians think.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Stalin voted third-best Russian

Former Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin was beaten by medieval prince Alexander Nevsky in a poll held by a TV station to find the greatest Russian.

Stalin came third, despite being responsible for the deaths of millions of Soviets in labour camps and purges.

Alexander Nevsky fought off European invaders in the 13th century to preserve a united Russia.

In second place was reformist Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin, who was assassinated in 1911.

It wouldn't even occur to me to vote for someone because I think they're going to directly "make my life better".

I know that many people do that, but the thought of handing so much responsibility over my life -- especially people who have the easily demonstrable track record of lies and deceit as professional politicians, holy crap -- is absolutely unacceptable and alien to me.

Man, talk about asking for trouble. Life is short, the clock is ticking.


Well, we're all not as "special" as you are, Mac.

Most of us vote against the guy in office if things are going badly and vote for him if things are going well.

Sorry, that's just the way the world works, and it should.

If my attitude is "special" at this point, we're in even worse shape than I thought.

I can only hope you're wrong.


I think people do great things when they do things collectively and selflessly, not when they are trying to screw over the other guy to get ahead because they are so "Special".

But maybe you mean something else.
Even if they have to be held down by the jack boots to make sure they're sufficiently collective and selfless...
Lol..poor joe. Unemployed AND stupid. That's a rough double whammy.

well, if somebody will tell that life in a pre-war Russia in 1913 was worse then in 1919 or 1932, for that matter, that somebody is either stupid or simply ignorant

Was it worse in 1919? Yup. Russia had lost the war to Germany and was then getting her ass kicked by POLAND. Seriously, if you are being beaten by POLAND, it's kind of like losing to the Cubs.

But I digress.

But here's the thing, disregarding your cherry-picked years.

What do Russians think.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Stalin voted third-best Russian

Former Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin was beaten by medieval prince Alexander Nevsky in a poll held by a TV station to find the greatest Russian.

Stalin came third, despite being responsible for the deaths of millions of Soviets in labour camps and purges.

Alexander Nevsky fought off European invaders in the 13th century to preserve a united Russia.

In second place was reformist Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin, who was assassinated in 1911.

oh, gosh.

BBC :lol:

Joe, I am from the area.

Not form Russia but from the "liberated" blessed ones.

1913 was MUCH better than 1932. Even if it was an empire. It was not a bolshevik empire yet. Everything is relative.


in any area one can count.

might start with the rate of murdering of the citizens by their own regime.

what western Europeans think of stalin is irrelevant. Russians as well - since they sacrifice their own in millions for centuries - the legacy of Byzantium. So having an empire even based on murder and blood is more important than normal life for some idiots in Russia ( Putin and Co)

what the citizens of the countries which were "blessed" by that atrocity matters.
And don't even let me start the curses they have for the utopia and it's founders.
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Even if they have to be held down by the jack boots to make sure they're sufficiently collective and selfless...

You won't scare them with talk of authoritarianism.

It's what they're trying to achieve.


It doesn't scare me because whenever your side talks about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of those with money to abuse the rest of us.

You know, like the rich kid who killed four people, and he got off because apparently he was too rich to know right from wrong.
There's an old saying, dumbass.

Be careful what you wish for.

Has it ever occurred to you that the reason why the GOP hasn't won an honest presidential election since 1988 is because you guys have created dependency on government?

Case in point. These people aren't going to "lose" insurance. They are just going to get it from Medicare instead of their employer.

And eventually, the government is going to get that money by raising taxes on... Staples and other douchebag corporations.
Who created dependency on the government? Republicans? are you brain dead or a fucking idiot?

You give a man a choice between voting for a Democrat and watching his children Starve, the Democrat wins every time.

He'll vote for the freebies that you don't have to give. Who created the welfare state? You said it was the republicans?
Even if they have to be held down by the jack boots to make sure they're sufficiently collective and selfless...

You won't scare them with talk of authoritarianism.

It's what they're trying to achieve.


It doesn't scare me because whenever your side talks about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of those with money to abuse the rest of us.

You know, like the rich kid who killed four people, and he got off because apparently he was too rich to know right from wrong.

So you agree with my statement, thanks.


oh, gosh.

BBC :lol:

Joe, I am from the area.

Not form Russia but from the "liberated" blessed ones.

1913 was MUCH better than 1932. Even if it was an empire. It was not a bolshevik empire yet. Everything is relative.


in any area one can count.

might start with the rate of murdering of the citizens by their own regime.

what western Europeans think of stalin is irrelevant. Russians as well - since they sacrifice their own in millions for centuries - the legacy of Byzantium. So having an empire even based on murder and blood is more important than normal life for some idiots in Russia ( Putin and Co)

what the citizens of the countries which were "blessed" by that atrocity matters.
And don't even let me start the curses they have for the utopia and it's founders.

I think it's relative to what.

Was Stalin an asshole? Yup. Absolutely.

But he probably saved the world from a bigger asshole, namely Hitler.

The problem is, most of the "Liberated" areas after WWII were the countries that threw in with Hitler, who was probably just measuring most of them up to be lampshades. I kind of don't have a lot of sympathy for any of the Warsaw Pact nations except for the Poles. The rest of them all joined the Axis and kind of got what they deserved.
You won't scare them with talk of authoritarianism.

It's what they're trying to achieve.


It doesn't scare me because whenever your side talks about "Freedom", it usually means the ability of those with money to abuse the rest of us.

You know, like the rich kid who killed four people, and he got off because apparently he was too rich to know right from wrong.

So you agree with my statement, thanks.


No, I just see rich people as a bigger threat to my well-being than the government.

Frankly, the government has been pretty decent to me. If I have one regret, it is that I didn't make a career out of the military. But what I did get out of the deal was pretty decent.

Can't say the same for my experiences in the private sector, where I've been lied to and cheated and told, "Well, good thing I don't have to deal with a union" after I got fired when I required medical attention.
Who created dependency on the government? Republicans? are you brain dead or a fucking idiot?

You give a man a choice between voting for a Democrat and watching his children Starve, the Democrat wins every time.

He'll vote for the freebies that you don't have to give. Who created the welfare state? You said it was the republicans?

No, I said the GOP Created DEPENDENCY.

Not the same thing. But if I explained it to you again, you still wouldn't understand it.

Has it ever occurred to you that the reason why the Democrats haven't won a fair election since 1992 is because you guys keep adding to the dependency? Oh that dependency will win you elections all thee effing time, Joe.

We're not the ones adding to the dependency, guy. (and again, the fucking irony of a guy who can't hold down a job lecturing an established professional about "dependency" is laughable.) That would be the race to the bottom employers who underpay their workers and then put on their website instructions on how to apply for Food Stamps and Medicare.

My ideal world. Everyone has a fully renumerative job and government charity is reserved for people who truly need it.

Oh, I think you don't understand what "winning a fair election" is.


Uhh, they did lose their insurance, and getting it from Medicare isn't getting it from Obamacare. Where's your head buddy?

One more time, there isn't a program called "ObamaCare". There are either private insurance plans the government subsidizes or there are government programs that have been expanded.

And eventually, the government is going to get that money by raising taxes on... Staples and other douchebag corporations.

And kiss all the jobs goodbye in the process.

Well, frankly, Staples is a shitty place to shop, and no one would miss it.

But here's the reality. Most companies have cut their staffs to the bone already. The threatening us with more layoffs isn't going to fly very far.

Staples is good if you need office supplies, especially because they deliver. You only hate Staples because Mitt Romney saved the company! Romney saved the company, and that is just eating you up!

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