The whining...The whining

The Manhatten Project wouldn't have made a difference if the USSR hadn't been in the war. Germany would have starved out the UK, or India would have revolted against the UK.

The UK was not needed to drop Little Boy on Berlin.

Another dirty little secret. Most of the soldiers who fought in the "British" Army were from India and Pakistan, and they might have switched sides if the Axis looked like it was going to win. Same with the Islamic world, which would have thrown in with the Axis given the chance.

Cite your sources. Some were Indian, many were Australian, some were SOuth African...and many were BRITISH!

So, yeah, with the British Empire gone (and it didn't survive the war, anyway) the US might have had Atom bombs and no way to deliver them.


Or possibly:

But here's the thing. Atom bombs didn't make any difference in the war. The reason Japan surrendered is that they didn't want to be partitioned like Germany when the USSR entered the Pacific War.

Repeating stupid statements does not make the less stupid, just more annoying.
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Naw, I was just an Army Supply Sergeant... do know nothin' about no logitistics.

Reality check. Russians did most of the fighting and dying in World War II.

The irony being that Stalin was a monster who saved the world.

the reality is vice versa, because hitler was a monster and stalin had to fight him and that prevented stalin's expansionist plans to be put into life - that saved the world, otherwise the world would be devoured by stalin like 1/6 of the world was.

but boneheaded stalinist cult worshipers from XXI century who know nothing about the history will worship the worst monster in history

I don't think anyone is worshipping Stalin by pointing out facts.

They are just pointing out facts.

Oh, boo, hoo, the countries the threw in with Hitler got fucked after the war. Tough Shit.

you are NOT pointing ANY facts.

you ARE worshiping.

you don't know the facts, just propaganda lies. you often sound like cold war era soviet propaganda machine and I am starting to suspect that is what you really are :D
the reality is vice versa, because hitler was a monster and stalin had to fight him and that prevented stalin's expansionist plans to be put into life - that saved the world, otherwise the world would be devoured by stalin like 1/6 of the world was.

but boneheaded stalinist cult worshipers from XXI century who know nothing about the history will worship the worst monster in history

I don't think anyone is worshipping Stalin by pointing out facts.

They are just pointing out facts.

Oh, boo, hoo, the countries the threw in with Hitler got fucked after the war. Tough Shit.

you are NOT pointing ANY facts.

you ARE worshiping.

you don't know the facts, just propaganda lies. you often sound like cold war era soviet propaganda machine and I am starting to suspect that is what you really are :D

Well, I guess the thing is, I can read a map and a history book, skills that no doubt escaped you.
And are you guys STILL trying to claim wealth is going to "trickle down" to the rest of us?

I think they left out the part that said ... "unless you keep cutting your own throats".

The biggest mistake with trust in trickle down economics is the idea that it works by some sort of politically motivated effect.
It is not gentle or friendly with no outlying circumstances when the bottom squeezes the top ... Trickle down does not involve suction from the bottom.
It works when those with money at the top have excess capital and a reason to invest in business, employees, the community and everything else ... Not when those at the bottom scream louder for money.

When you push the people at the top ... They push back ... And they are more effective at pushing.
You can try and screw them over and over again ... And they will screw you instead ... Get a clue because the government can never help you get anywhere near where they are.

People are going to figure out one day that they have to do it on their own ... If anyone wants to succeed ... The best thing to do is get to it and quit waiting around for someone to agree with you.

And are you guys STILL trying to claim wealth is going to "trickle down" to the rest of us?

I think they left out the part that said ... "unless you keep cutting your own throats".

The biggest mistake with trust in trickle down economics is the idea that it works by some sort of politically motivated effect.
It is not gentle or friendly with no outlying circumstances when the bottom squeezes the top ... Trickle down does not involve suction from the bottom.
It works when those with money at the top have excess capital and a reason to invest in business, employees, the community and everything else ... Not when those at the bottom scream louder for money.

When you push the people at the top ... They push back ... And they are more effective at pushing.
You can try and screw them over and over again ... And they will screw you instead ... Get a clue because the government can never help you get anywhere near where they are.

People are going to figure out one day that they have to do it on their own ... If anyone wants to succeed ... The best thing to do is get to it and quit waiting around for someone to agree with you.


Once again, the 1%ers are parasites that have convinced stupid fucks like you that they are vital organs.

People are working hard. Worker productivity is at it's highest levels, ever.


The notion that we just aren't working hard enough and that's whey the wealth isn't "Trickling down" is absurd on its face.
And are you guys STILL trying to claim wealth is going to "trickle down" to the rest of us?

I think they left out the part that said ... "unless you keep cutting your own throats".

The biggest mistake with trust in trickle down economics is the idea that it works by some sort of politically motivated effect.
It is not gentle or friendly with no outlying circumstances when the bottom squeezes the top ... Trickle down does not involve suction from the bottom.
It works when those with money at the top have excess capital and a reason to invest in business, employees, the community and everything else ... Not when those at the bottom scream louder for money.

When you push the people at the top ... They push back ... And they are more effective at pushing.
You can try and screw them over and over again ... And they will screw you instead ... Get a clue because the government can never help you get anywhere near where they are.

People are going to figure out one day that they have to do it on their own ... If anyone wants to succeed ... The best thing to do is get to it and quit waiting around for someone to agree with you.


Once again, the 1%ers are parasites that have convinced stupid fucks like you that they are vital organs.

People are working hard. Worker productivity is at it's highest levels, ever.

The notion that we just aren't working hard enough and that's whey the wealth isn't "Trickling down" is absurd on its face.

Why so upset Joe?

I never indicated the 1% were vital organs ... No need to make up shit to argue with.
I didn't say anything about worker productivity either.

What I was talking about was trickle down economics ... And how it doesn't work when the people at the top keep getting screwed by the people at the bottom.
They have no obligation to sign you a blank check because you want something.
It only trickles down when the people at the top let it go.
If the workers think their greedy little jumping up and down snatching a grabbing is going to make those at the top give more ... Then they are wrong.

You keep electing people that pass legislation that is counterproductive to the security of those with the money ... And they have every right to tell you to go pound sand.
You are not going to get what you want ... They won't get what they want either ... But they will get by without it.

We can argue all day about it, but it is not going to change ... Which is why I said people needed to take responsibility for themselves and their own success ... Something you may not understand.


Why so upset Joe?

I never indicated the 1% were vital organs ... No need to make up shit to argue with.
I didn't say anything about worker productivity either.

What I was talking about was trickle down economics ... And how it doesn't work when the people at the top keep getting screwed by the people at the bottom.
They have no obligation to sign you a blank check because you want something.
It only trickles down when the people at the top let it go.
If the workers think their greedy little jumping up and down snatching a grabbing is going to make those at the top give more ... Then they are wrong.

You keep electing people that pass legislation that is counterproductive to the security of those with the money ... And they have every right to tell you to go pound sand.
You are not going to get what you want ... They won't get what they want either ... But they will get by without it.

We can argue all day about it, but it is not going to change ... Which is why I said people needed to take responsibility for themselves and their own success ... Something you may not understand.


Sister, it isn't a problem of my success. I am always amazed that when you sorry-ass apologists for the 1%ers get called on your ass-kissing and bending over, you immediately want to blame the people who call them out.

The reality is asking people who are so greedy they take more than they ever need to finally play fair is a fallacy. It's like trying to ask an alcoholic to drink tea or a glutton to stop eating.

Tax the fuck out of them, regulate the fuck out of them, and call them on what they are.

Frankly, we used to do that after FDR and America never enjoyed greatest prosperity or power.

Why so upset Joe?

I never indicated the 1% were vital organs ... No need to make up shit to argue with.
I didn't say anything about worker productivity either.

What I was talking about was trickle down economics ... And how it doesn't work when the people at the top keep getting screwed by the people at the bottom.
They have no obligation to sign you a blank check because you want something.
It only trickles down when the people at the top let it go.
If the workers think their greedy little jumping up and down snatching a grabbing is going to make those at the top give more ... Then they are wrong.

You keep electing people that pass legislation that is counterproductive to the security of those with the money ... And they have every right to tell you to go pound sand.
You are not going to get what you want ... They won't get what they want either ... But they will get by without it.

We can argue all day about it, but it is not going to change ... Which is why I said people needed to take responsibility for themselves and their own success ... Something you may not understand.


Sister, it isn't a problem of my success. I am always amazed that when you sorry-ass apologists for the 1%ers get called on your ass-kissing and bending over, you immediately want to blame the people who call them out.

The reality is asking people who are so greedy they take more than they ever need to finally play fair is a fallacy. It's like trying to ask an alcoholic to drink tea or a glutton to stop eating.

Tax the fuck out of them, regulate the fuck out of them, and call them on what they are.

Frankly, we used to do that after FDR and America never enjoyed greatest prosperity or power.

You sorry-assed Obama apologists simply dream up ways to make tax increases seem like they're something good when in fact all they are is outright theft. It doesn't matter how much you assholes raise taxes because all you do is spend even more. You go after this invisible strawman called the 1%esr yet who do you really end up going after? The Middle-Class taxpayer. Not a thing you say is the truth.

Your nonsense it getting boring as shit.

Why so upset Joe?

I never indicated the 1% were vital organs ... No need to make up shit to argue with.
I didn't say anything about worker productivity either.

What I was talking about was trickle down economics ... And how it doesn't work when the people at the top keep getting screwed by the people at the bottom.
They have no obligation to sign you a blank check because you want something.
It only trickles down when the people at the top let it go.
If the workers think their greedy little jumping up and down snatching a grabbing is going to make those at the top give more ... Then they are wrong.

You keep electing people that pass legislation that is counterproductive to the security of those with the money ... And they have every right to tell you to go pound sand.
You are not going to get what you want ... They won't get what they want either ... But they will get by without it.

We can argue all day about it, but it is not going to change ... Which is why I said people needed to take responsibility for themselves and their own success ... Something you may not understand.


Sister, it isn't a problem of my success. I am always amazed that when you sorry-ass apologists for the 1%ers get called on your ass-kissing and bending over, you immediately want to blame the people who call them out.

The reality is asking people who are so greedy they take more than they ever need to finally play fair is a fallacy. It's like trying to ask an alcoholic to drink tea or a glutton to stop eating.

Tax the fuck out of them, regulate the fuck out of them, and call them on what they are.

Frankly, we used to do that after FDR and America never enjoyed greatest prosperity or power.

How does encouraging someone to have faith in their own abilities and strive to succeed equate to kissing anybody's ass?

As far as people with money taking more than they need ... They already have it, and the only people who try to take it are the people that don't have it.
The bottom of the economic food chain is not investing in business or employees ... They are not where economic prosperity comes from.
The top is where the money is going to come from ... And the only thing you personally could ever do to get that kind of money is take it.

If you want to hate on people ... Quit hiding behind your own greedy intentions.
Understand that what you want to do is limit the choices of successful people ... Because they piss you off ... And you will end up cutting your own economic throat in the process.

When John Doe rich guy is sick of your games ... And decides to sit on a beach in Barbados drinking Mai-Tai cocktails at noon ... He isn't going to give a rat's ass about you, and not going to help grow the economy either.
You sorry-assed Obama apologists simply dream up ways to make tax increases seem like they're something good when in fact all they are is outright theft. It doesn't matter how much you assholes raise taxes because all you do is spend even more. You go after this invisible strawman called the 1%esr yet who do you really end up going after? The Middle-Class taxpayer. Not a thing you say is the truth.

Your nonsense it getting boring as shit.

When you stop collecting your military pension, stop taking Section 8 vouchers from rentors, and give up your cushy, useless government job, then you can talk to me about how taxes are theft.

Fact is, 1% of the population controls 43% of the wealth.

The top 20% controls 87% of the wealth.

There has been wealth redistribution, in the wrong direction.

As far as people with money taking more than they need ... They already have it, and the only people who try to take it are the people that don't have it.
The bottom of the economic food chain is not investing in business or employees ... They are not where economic prosperity comes from.
The top is where the money is going to come from ... And the only thing you personally could ever do to get that kind of money is take it.

If you want to hate on people ... Quit hiding behind your own greedy intentions.
Understand that what you want to do is limit the choices of successful people ... Because they piss you off ... And you will end up cutting your own economic throat in the process.

When John Doe rich guy is sick of your games ... And decides to sit on a beach in Barbados drinking Mai-Tai cocktails at noon ... He isn't going to give a rat's ass about you, and not going to help grow the economy either.

This is the typical RW horseshit about how we just can't do without the wealthy because gosh darn, they create the jobs.


What creates jobs is consumer demand. All the wealthy do is take an undue percentage of the proceeds for value they are not really adding.

America was a much better place when the Rich Assholes paid a 93% top Marginal Rate.
This is the typical RW horseshit about how we just can't do without the wealthy because gosh darn, they create the jobs.


What creates jobs is consumer demand. All the wealthy do is take an undue percentage of the proceeds for value they are not really adding.

America was a much better place when the Rich Assholes paid a 93% top Marginal Rate.

How does encouraging someone to have faith in their own abilities and strive to succeed equate to kissing anybody's ass?
How do you figure consumer demand creates jobs without an operations, a facility or products?

This is the typical RW horseshit about how we just can't do without the wealthy because gosh darn, they create the jobs.


What creates jobs is consumer demand. All the wealthy do is take an undue percentage of the proceeds for value they are not really adding.

America was a much better place when the Rich Assholes paid a 93% top Marginal Rate.

How does encouraging someone to have faith in their own abilities and strive to succeed equate to kissing anybody's ass?
How do you figure consumer demand creates jobs without an operations, a facility or products?


again, dumbass, there wouldn't be a facility, etc, if there wasn't consumer demand.

But you keep kissing the asses of the wealthy, and they will "Trickle down" on you some day.

As far as people with money taking more than they need ... They already have it, and the only people who try to take it are the people that don't have it.
The bottom of the economic food chain is not investing in business or employees ... They are not where economic prosperity comes from.
The top is where the money is going to come from ... And the only thing you personally could ever do to get that kind of money is take it.

If you want to hate on people ... Quit hiding behind your own greedy intentions.
Understand that what you want to do is limit the choices of successful people ... Because they piss you off ... And you will end up cutting your own economic throat in the process.

When John Doe rich guy is sick of your games ... And decides to sit on a beach in Barbados drinking Mai-Tai cocktails at noon ... He isn't going to give a rat's ass about you, and not going to help grow the economy either.

This is the typical RW horseshit about how we just can't do without the wealthy because gosh darn, they create the jobs.


What creates jobs is consumer demand. All the wealthy do is take an undue percentage of the proceeds for value they are not really adding.

America was a much better place when the Rich Assholes paid a 93% top Marginal Rate.

in 1963 the top rate was 91% the bottom rate was 22%

If you were making 40K you were in the 56% bracket.

So be careful what you wish for. All those people who pay nothing now including you will be paying more.

As far as people with money taking more than they need ... They already have it, and the only people who try to take it are the people that don't have it.
The bottom of the economic food chain is not investing in business or employees ... They are not where economic prosperity comes from.
The top is where the money is going to come from ... And the only thing you personally could ever do to get that kind of money is take it.

If you want to hate on people ... Quit hiding behind your own greedy intentions.
Understand that what you want to do is limit the choices of successful people ... Because they piss you off ... And you will end up cutting your own economic throat in the process.

When John Doe rich guy is sick of your games ... And decides to sit on a beach in Barbados drinking Mai-Tai cocktails at noon ... He isn't going to give a rat's ass about you, and not going to help grow the economy either.

This is the typical RW horseshit about how we just can't do without the wealthy because gosh darn, they create the jobs.


What creates jobs is consumer demand. All the wealthy do is take an undue percentage of the proceeds for value they are not really adding.

America was a much better place when the Rich Assholes paid a 93% top Marginal Rate.

in 1963 the top rate was 91% the bottom rate was 22%

If you were making 40K you were in the 56% bracket.

So be careful what you wish for. All those people who pay nothing now including you will be paying more.

40K in 1963 is worth 304K today. a 56% tax rate on that is more than reasonable.
This is the typical RW horseshit about how we just can't do without the wealthy because gosh darn, they create the jobs.


What creates jobs is consumer demand. All the wealthy do is take an undue percentage of the proceeds for value they are not really adding.

America was a much better place when the Rich Assholes paid a 93% top Marginal Rate.

in 1963 the top rate was 91% the bottom rate was 22%

If you were making 40K you were in the 56% bracket.

So be careful what you wish for. All those people who pay nothing now including you will be paying more.

40K in 1963 is worth 304K today. a 56% tax rate on that is more than reasonable.

What about all those people making 0 to 4000 a year having to fork over 22%? You'd be raising taxes on the poor.

And it is never reasonable to take more than half of anyone's money for taxes.
in 1963 the top rate was 91% the bottom rate was 22%

If you were making 40K you were in the 56% bracket.

So be careful what you wish for. All those people who pay nothing now including you will be paying more.

40K in 1963 is worth 304K today. a 56% tax rate on that is more than reasonable.

What about all those people making 0 to 4000 a year having to fork over 22%? You'd be raising taxes on the poor.

And it is never reasonable to take more than half of anyone's money for taxes.

Sure it is, if you are making too much because you are taking more than your fair share.

Should also point out that 4000 in 1963 would be about 30K now. Between sales taxes, income taxes, SS and Medicare, state taxes, property taxes, 22% is about what most people are paying at that level.

You see, you whackadoodles like to ignore the fact that while the Income Tax impacts the rich, the other taxes impact the middle class and poor.

I'd be all for one tax, with the 1963 Percentages... That would be reasonable and fair.
40K in 1963 is worth 304K today. a 56% tax rate on that is more than reasonable.

What about all those people making 0 to 4000 a year having to fork over 22%? You'd be raising taxes on the poor.

And it is never reasonable to take more than half of anyone's money for taxes.

Sure it is, if you are making too much because you are taking more than your fair share.

Should also point out that 4000 in 1963 would be about 30K now. Between sales taxes, income taxes, SS and Medicare, state taxes, property taxes, 22% is about what most people are paying at that level.

You see, you whackadoodles like to ignore the fact that while the Income Tax impacts the rich, the other taxes impact the middle class and poor.

I'd be all for one tax, with the 1963 Percentages... That would be reasonable and fair.

Earning money is not taking money.

and that 22% was just federal income taxes if you want to add all the other taxes in the rate is higher. Much higher.
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What about all those people making 0 to 4000 a year having to fork over 22%? You'd be raising taxes on the poor.

And it is never reasonable to take more than half of anyone's money for taxes.

Sure it is, if you are making too much because you are taking more than your fair share.

Should also point out that 4000 in 1963 would be about 30K now. Between sales taxes, income taxes, SS and Medicare, state taxes, property taxes, 22% is about what most people are paying at that level.

You see, you whackadoodles like to ignore the fact that while the Income Tax impacts the rich, the other taxes impact the middle class and poor.

I'd be all for one tax, with the 1963 Percentages... That would be reasonable and fair.

Earning money is not taking money.

and that 22% was just federal income taxes if you want to add all the other taxes in the rate is higher. Much higher.

Then just make it one income tax with the 1963 graduations. Done.

What you don't get is that most of those "middle class" taxes didn't exist in 1963. The went up when money stopped coming from the Feds to pay for those "Trickle down" tax cuts for the rich.

And, no, when United Health Care pays its CEO 100 million dollars, he isn't "earning" that money, he's taking it from the people who paid for health insurance in good conscience with the expectation they'd get treatment when they got sick.

Oh, which company is now cancelling all the health care plans because they don't comply with the ACA's minimum requirements? United Health.

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