The "white house" COVID CHIEF issues a "DIRE WARNING" everyone.

Don’t worry those jabs aren’t causing anything horrible whatsoever……


The AP Interview: US 'vulnerable' to COVID without new shots


Thu, May 12, 2022, 3:58 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — White House COVID-19 coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha issued a dire warning Thursday that the U.S. will be increasingly vulnerable to the coronavirus this fall and winter if Congress doesn't swiftly approve new funding for more vaccines and treatments.

In an Associated Press interview, Jha said Americans' immune protection from the virus is waning, the virus is adapting to be more contagious and booster doses for most people will be necessary — with the potential for enhanced protection from a new generation of shots.

His warning came as the White House said there could be up to 100 million infections from the virus later this year — and as President Joe Biden somberly ordered flags to half-staff to mark 1 million deaths.

Yeah here they are again everyone. Marching to the orders. Pushing the shots again cause of that disease that no one gives a shit about but i can promise you the circus fleas will comply. THEY WILL COMPLY.

I Won't.. Fuck THEM..
If the govt or media tells them they need to take a drug. They questions asked.

That one bitch on NY’s tv said this and i’d love for that pos to jack slapped— She said I”m not gonna question the vaccine, i’m not gonna look up the vaccine im gonna roll up mah sleeve and take it ,

What the dumb fk public doesn’t get these people do this to gather their flocks so they take it but they themselves often don’t even take the jab ….this dumb bitch prob. Did. Ill see if I can find that dumb ass and her photo.
Because we have seen what his followers are capable of (Jan 6) and we're hearing about the crazy shit he wanted to do ...and liklely would if given a second chance

Don't talk about "his followers" when you have a bunch of nut job baby killers threatening our Justices at their homes.
the vax was developed under Trump, the cattle call mandate was done by the senile Joe administration.

When Trump was President he recommended the vaccine but never threatened anybody to take it. If you want it, fine. If you don't want it, fine. That's the way it should be in a free country.
When Trump was President he recommended the vaccine but never threatened anybody to take it. If you want it, fine. If you don't want it, fine. That's the way it should be in a free country.
Do you realize that the approach you advocate would not have eradicated smallpox?
Joe Biden has failed Americans during this pandemic. More people have died under Biden than Trump. EPIC FAIL.

Plus Dementia had three vaccines most of his term that Trump didn't have. Truth of the matter is a President can't control a microorganism. The only reason we bring it up now is to rub the lefts noses in it for blaming Trump for every single covid death during his administration.

The problem with Democrats is they don't know when to shut up. They don't realize that one day the tables will turn on them.

Yep. No argument.

But if you're vaxxed you are VASTLY less likely to be hospitalized or die from it, once you contract it.

See above.

Yep. But you will have antibodies in your system that will lessen the viral load in your system and keep you on-duty so that you can give me healthcare.

I expect you as my healthcare giver to be as healthy as possible in a pandemic context while you and I are in the exam-room.

As my healthcare giver you have a right to expect me as your patient to take sensible steps to lessen your health risk while you and I are in the exam-room.

The VA, for example, insists on all of its employees to be vaccinated, and millions of the nation's veterans are far more safe because of that mandate.

Beyond the relative handful of necessary exceptions amongst its caregiving population, compliance was virtually unanimous, and most did it without a fuss.

Those that stupidly refused were at-risk of being $hitcanned... and most veterans receiving care agree with and are grateful for that approach - righteous.

What does a graph ending in 2019 have to do with covid genius?

You said traffic accidents were lower during covid which isn't true as the graph clearly shows. They were actually lower when we were in the best economy in 50 years.
Yea...writing "please" in chalk on the sidewalk.


Bullshit. It's threatening the justices to the point of moving out for the safety of themselves and family. We lived through the Baltimore riots, we seen what took place because of Ferguson, and of course that flea bag drug addict in MN. Leftists are violent uncivilized neanderthals supported by their leaders. We have people still locked up for 1/6 and not one person arrested for breaking the law of threats to a US Supreme Court justice. And as long as the Communists still have control, don't look for any arrests either.
You know they are just looking for money when don't even bother with a scary variant name. Democrats are evil.

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