The "White Nationalist" slur against Trump

I disagree. I think you're failing to recognize the very real fascist component of Trump's support. It's not just a few people. Most of them won't cop to it, most of them don't even understand what it is, but they're falling in line. We need to start calling this shit out or it will bury us.
Trump may get 100% of the fascist vote, but that's a very small number of people. It is criminally dishonest to tie MILLIONS of non-fascist white people to that small group. It's fucking BULLSHIT.

This slur is so hateful, racists, and dishonest, it is worthy of violence.

If you vote for racists. If you follow racists. If you support racist policies, then yes Virginia, you are a racist.

I don't know what else to say.

If Republicans were diverse, they would look diverse. But the don't because they aren't.

It's easier to find a Nazi or a Alt White or an Aryan Nation or a White Nationalist in the Republican Party than it is to find a black or a gay.

Just go to the Confederate Flag and ask. They aren't shy.


this dumbshit again??
did you ever think the blacks did not want to be interns for Trump/etc????!!!!
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.
Well, at least 30% of the people are stupid, who voted for Hope and Change and the Fundamental Transformation of the US into a cesspool 3rd world nation. That is confirmed about their stupidity....
49.9999999...% of people are below average.

And vote democrat!

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What if you have a legitimate argument that States are sovereign and independent, with the right to leave the union of states at the will of their people? What if that issue was still undecided? Traitors? Or would that be a good reason to not try them as traitors, when there is a legitimate and unsettled legal disputed?

And, no. Unfortunately, the ultimate disputed was not about slavery. Everybody was a fucking racist in the mid-1800s, including the white supremacist, Lincoln. Read what he said about black people, and you will have no doubt.


The reason the South tried to leave the Union was the Slavery issue. Of course most Americans at the time were conditioned by racism to accept the slavery of blacks in perpetuity. How else could that have existed for so long?

The founders made provisions for new States to be admitted to the Union. Why did they not put in provisions for States to leave the Union?
Obviously not everyone was conditioned to except slavery. But the reason that people except slavery even today is because it’s in the Bible. Even Jesus tell slaves to honor their masters it’ll make them better Christians.

Slavery has been a part of human existence since well, forever. However our willingness to accept that the children of black slaves were also property, put the peculiar in America's Peculiar Institution. Most people, not all of course, were conditioned to accept that.
I suspect if you could put slavery up for a vote, the majority of Republicans would be fine with that.

The Republicans are the party party in favor of abolition, dean.

In the modern era, the ACA has been compared to Slavery by African American leaders, and it wasn't the GOP that pushed it through.

Ben Carson: Obamacare worst thing ‘since slavery’

Well that was then and......oh yeah and that was the party of Lincoln, not the Trumpublicans.

Ben Carson?
A lot of the most anti-Racist countries in Europe today, or ANTIFA are also the most traditionally violent, like Britain, Germany, and France.

I don't think White Nationalism has anything to do with it.

Some people are just violent predators.
Especially those Polish bastards. They were so violent and predatory in 1939 that the good and righteous people of Germany had to defend themselves from Polish aggression.

Want to bring up the Democratic Socialist Workers Party again? against the Communist Party of Poland?

Uh, don't think so, historical black hole. You see, Hitler had already organized the SA to assault the Socialists, declared their political party illegal and threw them into Dachau as the first "guests" there.
Oh I agree it a slur, against Nationalist! Trumpybear is not a Nationalist. A Nationalist would not outsource the manufacturing of his product line to China. He has proven that his is a not only a racist but also a Johnny come lately Nationalist.
The last 1/2 white community agitator outsourced the whole fucking country to China, you fucking retarded son of a bitch.

O'bama forced Rump to get his ties made in China?

Did not know that.
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.

Trump admitted he was a Nazi, so just sit down and shut up. Nationalist = Nazi.
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.
Trump calls himself a nationalist right? The white is understood.

President Trump believes in the American nation not a "white nation". He is a "white guy", a nationalist that happens to be a Caucasian. But he loves all of the races and ethnic groups of America.

Apparently not, since he paints his own face orange to hide the whiteness.

What's his problem?
Uh, don't think so, historical black hole. You see, Hitler had already organized the SA to assault the Socialists, declared their political party illegal and threw them into Dachau as the first "guests" there.

Hitler was a socialist himself of course. It was a sectarian fight between different branches of the Left.

Much like the fight over in the USSR between Mr. Stalin and Mr. Trotsky.

Watch out for the ice pick to the head in intra-leftist political struggles.
I can understand how this is upsetting. I get similarly upset when they brand fascists and racists as "freedom loving people".
What's the ratio of freedom-loving people to fascists and racists?

I am guessing it's around 300,000:1. Maybe more.

So, for the sake of political gain, motherfucking commie ass bitches are disparaging MILLIONS of a particular race for the sake of criticizing a few.

That is the very definition of racial discrimination and prejudice.

Anyone who uses the term "White Nationalist" is a racist motherfucker. There is no way around it.

Obviously, and what the OP ignored from the outset, in the phrase "white nationalist" the adjective "white" modifies "nation". Thus, "one who advocates a white nation". It doesn't mean the advocator himself is white.
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.

Trump admitted he was a Nazi, so just sit down and shut up. Nationalist = Nazi.

And some, I assume, are 'very fine people'.
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.
Trump calls himself a nationalist right? The white is understood.

President Trump believes in the American nation not a "white nation". He is a "white guy", a nationalist that happens to be a Caucasian. But he loves all of the races and ethnic groups of America.
Bull fuking sh!t.

You can't possibly believe that.

Some Mexicans don't rape.

A Mexican can't be a good judge.

Mrs. Housekeeping.

Not born in America.

Trump's entire life has been racist from "colored" people failing to rent his apartments to the attacks on the first black president.

So just stop.

President Trump determined that Mr. Obama was born in America- he just investigated the matter and resolved it. Yes, Trump's investigation indicated Obama was born in Hawaii.

Oh fucking bullshit sandwich. That was known and proven before O'bama even got elected. Rump's own butthurt inability to deal with reality doesn't affect the real world --- it's his own hangup.

Rump "investigated" NOTHING except how much shit (a/k/a "feelings") he could sell to the gullible. If Rump were capable of "investigating" a goddam thing besides his own bloated ego he could have determined that O'bama didn't tappppppppppppppppp his wires, that Romney didn't win the popular vote, that he didn't either, that there were not more people at his inauguration where it was raining, that he didn't get more done than anybody since Truman, that he didn't get more EVs than anybody since Reagan and that there were NOT "thousands and thousands" dancing on fucking rooftops.
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.
Trump calls himself a nationalist right? The white is understood.

President Trump believes in the American nation not a "white nation". He is a "white guy", a nationalist that happens to be a Caucasian. But he loves all of the races and ethnic groups of America.
Bull fuking sh!t.

You can't possibly believe that.

Some Mexicans don't rape.

A Mexican can't be a good judge.

Mrs. Housekeeping.

Not born in America.

Trump's entire life has been racist from "colored" people failing to rent his apartments to the attacks on the first black president.

So just stop.

President Trump determined that Mr. Obama was born in America- he just investigated the matter and resolved it. Yes, Trump's investigation indicated Obama was born in Hawaii.

Oh fucking bullshit sandwich. That was known and proven before O'bama even got elected. Rump's own butthurt inability to deal with reality doesn't affect the real world --- it's his own hangup. Rump "investigated" NOTHING except how much shit (a/k/a "feelings") he could sell to the gullible.

A lot of patriotic Americans, including Harvard trained doctor, Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones were concerned about forged birth certificates so Trump looked into it. Why should he?
If the ratio of freedom loving people to fascists and racists were 300,000:1 we'd have libertarian government.

Let me rephrase:

The ratio of normal white people to racists and fascists is 300,000:1.

The ratio of normal people to freedom-loving people is probably about 800,000:1 - which means we're fucked either way
The only freedom Republicans want is the freedom to hate.

And man do they hate.


Trump opposes racism, and one of his chief aides, the Great Steve Bannon who did a tremendous job, called them out for being losers.

Steve Bannon ... Steve Bannon... oh yes the guy who got fired. Not to be confused with David Duke who Rump "knows nothing" about, not to be confused with the black guys counting his money which he hates, not to be confused with the blacks and Latinos he kept out of his apartments because "you don't want to live with 'them' either", not to be confused with the Central Park Five. Yessirree Bob, that sure is opposition to racism right there, gee Wally, that's about as opposed to racism as you can get, believe me. Many people are saying that. Many very fine people.
Oh I agree it a slur, against Nationalist! Trumpybear is not a Nationalist. A Nationalist would not outsource the manufacturing of his product line to China. He has proven that his is a not only a racist but also a Johnny come lately Nationalist.
The last 1/2 white community agitator outsourced the whole fucking country to China, you fucking retarded son of a bitch.

President Obama didn't outsource any manufacturing to China. Trumpybear on the other hand did.

Obama never manufactured anything, President was really his first job. Except I guess for Baskin Robbins where he admitted to embezzling ice cream.

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm...... "was his first job" is a phrase that only applies to one POTUS ever and it ain't O'bama since Senating, state-housing and teaching are all jobs.

That's why it's mindfuckingly bizzaro that Americans --- well not Americans but 25% of them ---- would actually cast a vote to put a freak who not only paints his own face orange but who literally has never got or tried to get a job in his life, into the most responsible job in the world. It just doesn't add up.
Trump calls himself a nationalist right? The white is understood.

President Trump believes in the American nation not a "white nation". He is a "white guy", a nationalist that happens to be a Caucasian. But he loves all of the races and ethnic groups of America.
Bull fuking sh!t.

You can't possibly believe that.

Some Mexicans don't rape.

A Mexican can't be a good judge.

Mrs. Housekeeping.

Not born in America.

Trump's entire life has been racist from "colored" people failing to rent his apartments to the attacks on the first black president.

So just stop.

President Trump determined that Mr. Obama was born in America- he just investigated the matter and resolved it. Yes, Trump's investigation indicated Obama was born in Hawaii.

Oh fucking bullshit sandwich. That was known and proven before O'bama even got elected. Rump's own butthurt inability to deal with reality doesn't affect the real world --- it's his own hangup. Rump "investigated" NOTHING except how much shit (a/k/a "feelings") he could sell to the gullible.

A lot of patriotic Americans, including Harvard trained doctor, Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones were concerned about forged birth certificates so Trump looked into it. Why should he?

Bullfuckingshit. Rump has never "looked into" anything beyond his own navel. Who are these "very credible sources" that he cited, that turned out to be as elusive as a tax return?
I disagree. I think you're failing to recognize the very real fascist component of Trump's support. It's not just a few people. Most of them won't cop to it, most of them don't even understand what it is, but they're falling in line. We need to start calling this shit out or it will bury us.
Trump may get 100% of the fascist vote, but that's a very small number of people. It is criminally dishonest to tie MILLIONS of non-fascist white people to that small group. It's fucking BULLSHIT.

This slur is so hateful, racists, and dishonest, it is worthy of violence.

If you vote for racists. If you follow racists. If you support racist policies, then yes Virginia, you are a racist.

I don't know what else to say.

If Republicans were diverse, they would look diverse. But the don't because they aren't.

It's easier to find a Nazi or a Alt White or an Aryan Nation or a White Nationalist in the Republican Party than it is to find a black or a gay.

Just go to the Confederate Flag and ask. They aren't shy.


Openly gay, and don't make fun of my flag. (-:
The flag of traitors is your flag?

The Confederates were exonerated of Treason by President Andrew Johnson on Christmas Day 1865.

Actually that's Christmas Day 1868, following up on the amnesty plan his running mate Lincoln put forth five years earlier.

Christmas Day 1865 was when the Ku Klux Klan formed. Unrelated.
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The reason the South tried to leave the Union was the Slavery issue.

And to be accurate it wasn't "the South" trying to leave the Union over the slavery issue; it was the entrenched aristocracy IN the South ---- the Old Money who were widely despised by the rank and file of the lower classes who widely defied them where possible.

As children we used to hear of the Civil War as "brother against brother" --- that didn't mean one sibling lived in the North and the other in the South --- it meant they both lived in the South.
That’s because they were trying to bring the country to some semblance of unity. But when you try to destroy a nation and you were born in that nation then you are the very definition of traitor.
What if you have a legitimate argument that States are sovereign and independent, with the right to leave the union of states at the will of their people? What if that issue was still undecided? Traitors? Or would that be a good reason to not try them as traitors, when there is a legitimate and unsettled legal disputed?

Two Things That Are a State's Business:
1. Mind Your Own
2. None of Yours

I think that North and South Korea should unite, with Kim having complete State Rights to run his part any way he thinks will make it strong, including banning any South Koreans who want to enter his state in order to self-righteously snoop, snitch, and preach. Those busybody troublemakers would be acting just like the 60s Antifa "Freedom Riders" who invaded our South in order to turn loose savage gangsters and lazy moochers on the Whites.
That’s because they were trying to bring the country to some semblance of unity. But when you try to destroy a nation and you were born in that nation then you are the very definition of traitor.
What if you have a legitimate argument that States are sovereign and independent, with the right to leave the union of states at the will of their people? What if that issue was still undecided? Traitors? Or would that be a good reason to not try them as traitors, when there is a legitimate and unsettled legal disputed?

And, no. Unfortunately, the ultimate disputed was not about slavery. Everybody was a fucking racist in the mid-1800s, including the white supremacist, Lincoln. Read what he said about black people, and you will have no doubt.


The reason the South tried to leave the Union was the Slavery issue. Of course most Americans at the time were conditioned by racism to accept the slavery of blacks in perpetuity. How else could that have existed for so long?

The founders made provisions for new States to be admitted to the Union. Why did they not put in provisions for States to leave the Union?
Obviously not everyone was conditioned to except slavery. But the reason that people except slavery even today is because it’s in the Bible. Even Jesus tell slaves to honor their masters it’ll make them better Christians.

Slavery has been a part of human existence since well, forever. However our willingness to accept that the children of black slaves were also property, put the peculiar in America's Peculiar Institution. Most people, not all of course, were conditioned to accept that.
I suspect if you could put slavery up for a vote, the majority of Republicans would be fine with that.
Slavery Saved Them From Savagery

As modern experience has proved, it was the only way to get these genetically lazy dopers to work.

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