The "White Nationalist" slur against Trump

I disagree. I think you're failing to recognize the very real fascist component of Trump's support. It's not just a few people. Most of them won't cop to it, most of them don't even understand what it is, but they're falling in line. We need to start calling this shit out or it will bury us.
Trump may get 100% of the fascist vote, but that's a very small number of people. It is criminally dishonest to tie MILLIONS of non-fascist white people to that small group. It's fucking BULLSHIT.

This slur is so hateful, racists, and dishonest, it is worthy of violence.

If you vote for racists. If you follow racists. If you support racist policies, then yes Virginia, you are a racist.

I don't know what else to say.

If Republicans were diverse, they would look diverse. But the don't because they aren't.

It's easier to find a Nazi or a Alt White or an Aryan Nation or a White Nationalist in the Republican Party than it is to find a black or a gay.

Just go to the Confederate Flag and ask. They aren't shy.


Openly gay, and don't make fun of my flag. (-:
The flag of traitors is your flag?
What's the ratio of freedom-loving people to fascists and racists?

I am guessing it's around 300,000:1. Maybe more.

So, for the sake of political gain, motherfucking commie ass bitches are disparaging MILLIONS of a particular race for the sake of criticizing a few.

That is the very definition of racial discrimination and prejudice.

Anyone who uses the term "White Nationalist" is a racist motherfucker. There is no way around it.


In the grand global scheme of things then NO you're NOT NORMAL.

You Individualists who value just cutting taxes & freedom & don't value race & culture are probably less than 5% of the planet.

It's basically a small sliver of the World who think like you in the Anglosphere.

Pretty much everybody else are collectivists for society & culture AKA RACISTS & ETHNO CENTRIC
Eastern Europe ,Southern Europe,Arabia ,India,East Asia, Africa & Latinos are NOT LIKE YOU FREAK ANGLO- SAXON INDIVIDUALISTS.

Keep in mind Anglo- Saxons are known for severe violence & genocide.

You are prob genetic defects.

And violent, greedy Polish people started WW2. They also are vampires. They eat babies, kick puppies, and shit on public toilet seats.

Everybody was picking on Nazi Germany, the Basques, the Dutch, the Poles, the Czechs, the Jews, the Gypsies,the Austrians, the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Belarussians, the Greeks, Albanians, the Norwegians, the Danes, the British, the Americans, the French, the Hungarians etc. etc. etc.

Because Nazis either invaded, bombed, didn't respect, killed, or declared war on ALL of these peoples.

On a side note:
I made a new thread about Nazis, seeing them as more of Multiculturalist Globalists rather than White Nationalists.

Hitler: Multicultural Globalist,or White Nationalist, or Both???
The far left Socialist were attacking far right Socialists and vise versa, and eventually it came to a War of epic proportions. The capitalist in the United States decided to help Britain, because the Socialists were attacking them. But when the Empire attacked and declared War on US, the sleeping giant was awakened, to the Socialists detriment. You fucking Socialist morons, dont learn from history and it is going to smack you mother fuckers right in the ass...

British people killed a lot more than Nazis, or Soviets.

There were 2 famines caused by Soviets the Holodomor & Volga Famine.

The famines by the British Empire in Raj India add up to 31.

31 famines in 120 years of British Raj, the last one killed 4 million people in 1943

It's not White Nationalism why they killed so many Indians it was more like Capitalist greed to amass wealth & riches off their backs.
It’s estimated the Soviets killed 20 million.
Then you have comments like some Mexicans don’t rape.

Then you have the way Obama was treated with him being called boy and tar baby in Congress by sitting congressman.
And the accusations that he wasn’t born in America and his birth certificate was fake. The first African-American president and that’s what Republicans did. .

Which Congressmen are you referencing?

Or is this just a baseless slur, as I have never heard it.

As far as the allegation (not "accusation" as there is nothing wrong with being born in Kenya) that Obama was born in Kenya, that came from his freaking literary agent- not Trump, not the GOP. The idea that Obama was born in Kenya was cooked up as part of his transformation from Barry Soertoro to "B. Hussein Obama" , which was a lot more exotic and impressive to liberal book buyers.
I disagree. I think you're failing to recognize the very real fascist component of Trump's support. It's not just a few people. Most of them won't cop to it, most of them don't even understand what it is, but they're falling in line. We need to start calling this shit out or it will bury us.
Trump may get 100% of the fascist vote, but that's a very small number of people. It is criminally dishonest to tie MILLIONS of non-fascist white people to that small group. It's fucking BULLSHIT.

This slur is so hateful, racists, and dishonest, it is worthy of violence.

If you vote for racists. If you follow racists. If you support racist policies, then yes Virginia, you are a racist.

I don't know what else to say.

If Republicans were diverse, they would look diverse. But the don't because they aren't.

It's easier to find a Nazi or a Alt White or an Aryan Nation or a White Nationalist in the Republican Party than it is to find a black or a gay.

Just go to the Confederate Flag and ask. They aren't shy.


Openly gay, and don't make fun of my flag. (-:
The flag of traitors is your flag?

The Confederates were exonerated of Treason by President Andrew Johnson on Christmas Day 1865.
If you vote for racists. If you follow racists. If you support racist policies, then yes Virginia, you are a racist.
Name the racists and the racist policies they support. Don't come in here and drop that bomb and walk away, you motherfucking piece of shit. Be specific or shut your idiot mouth,
Puh Leeze!
All the voter suppression are racist policies.
Right away Republicans try to defuse that with but it’s only about an ID.
When it’s really an overall strategy that includes reducing the number of polling places, pulling elderly people off of buses were going to vote, calling the National Guard to practice crowd control next to Hispanic communities, the list is endless.

Then you have comments like some Mexicans don’t rape.

Then you have the way Obama was treated with him being called boy and tar baby in Congress by sitting congressman.
And the accusations that he wasn’t born in America and his birth certificate was fake. The first African-American president and that’s what Republicans did.

I could sit here and write for an hour about all the GOP sh!t that they did. Bunch of racists.
I just heard that Republicans in Texas canceled one of the national guard crowd control exercises next to A Hispanic city because people were starting to get pissed. That’s what it takes. You got to be pissed that Republicans are racist and fight back. Usually, They’ll back down.
In the grand global scheme of things then NO you're NOT NORMAL.

You Individualists who value just cutting taxes & freedom & don't value race & culture are probably less than 5% of the planet.

It's basically a small sliver of the World who think like you in the Anglosphere.

Pretty much everybody else are collectivists for society & culture AKA RACISTS & ETHNO CENTRIC
Eastern Europe ,Southern Europe,Arabia ,India,East Asia, Africa & Latinos are NOT LIKE YOU FREAK ANGLO- SAXON INDIVIDUALISTS.

Keep in mind Anglo- Saxons are known for severe violence & genocide.

You are prob genetic defects.

And violent, greedy Polish people started WW2. They also are vampires. They eat babies, kick puppies, and shit on public toilet seats.

Everybody was picking on Nazi Germany, the Basques, the Dutch, the Poles, the Czechs, the Jews, the Gypsies,the Austrians, the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Belarussians, the Greeks, Albanians, the Norwegians, the Danes, the British, the Americans, the French, the Hungarians etc. etc. etc.

Because Nazis either invaded, bombed, didn't respect, killed, or declared war on ALL of these peoples.

On a side note:
I made a new thread about Nazis, seeing them as more of Multiculturalist Globalists rather than White Nationalists.

Hitler: Multicultural Globalist,or White Nationalist, or Both???
The far left Socialist were attacking far right Socialists and vise versa, and eventually it came to a War of epic proportions. The capitalist in the United States decided to help Britain, because the Socialists were attacking them. But when the Empire attacked and declared War on US, the sleeping giant was awakened, to the Socialists detriment. You fucking Socialist morons, dont learn from history and it is going to smack you mother fuckers right in the ass...

British people killed a lot more than Nazis, or Soviets.

There were 2 famines caused by Soviets the Holodomor & Volga Famine.

The famines by the British Empire in Raj India add up to 31.

31 famines in 120 years of British Raj, the last one killed 4 million people in 1943

It's not White Nationalism why they killed so many Indians it was more like Capitalist greed to amass wealth & riches off their backs.
It’s estimated the Soviets killed 20 million.

British are estimated to have killed 60 million by famine alone in just India.

They stole & plundered India's food & resources allowing them to starve in mass.
I disagree. I think you're failing to recognize the very real fascist component of Trump's support. It's not just a few people. Most of them won't cop to it, most of them don't even understand what it is, but they're falling in line. We need to start calling this shit out or it will bury us.
Trump may get 100% of the fascist vote, but that's a very small number of people. It is criminally dishonest to tie MILLIONS of non-fascist white people to that small group. It's fucking BULLSHIT.

This slur is so hateful, racists, and dishonest, it is worthy of violence.

If you vote for racists. If you follow racists. If you support racist policies, then yes Virginia, you are a racist.

I don't know what else to say.

If Republicans were diverse, they would look diverse. But the don't because they aren't.

It's easier to find a Nazi or a Alt White or an Aryan Nation or a White Nationalist in the Republican Party than it is to find a black or a gay.

Just go to the Confederate Flag and ask. They aren't shy.


Openly gay, and don't make fun of my flag. (-:
The flag of traitors is your flag?

The Confederates were exonerated of Treason by President Andrew Johnson on Christmas Day 1865.
That’s because they were trying to bring the country to some semblance of unity. But when you try to destroy a nation and you were born in that nation then you are the very definition of traitor.
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.
Why is it a slur to trumpanzees?
That’s because they were trying to bring the country to some semblance of unity. But when you try to destroy a nation and you were born in that nation then you are the very definition of traitor.
What if you have a legitimate argument that States are sovereign and independent, with the right to leave the union of states at the will of their people? What if that issue was still undecided? Traitors? Or would that be a good reason to not try them as traitors, when there is a legitimate and unsettled legal disputed?

And, no. Unfortunately, the ultimate disputed was not about slavery. Everybody was a fucking racist in the mid-1800s, including the white supremacist, Lincoln. Read what he said about black people, and you will have no doubt.

Liberals hate Nationalism because it is the polar opposite of Globalism. That is why they hijacked the term and equate it with Racism. Hey that's what they do right? Anyone who disagrees with their Globalist ambitions is a Racist. As if the only people who love their country and want the best for it's citizens are White Racists. How stupid.

The fact that they hate is proof enough that we should embrace it. Hail Trump!
That’s because they were trying to bring the country to some semblance of unity. But when you try to destroy a nation and you were born in that nation then you are the very definition of traitor.
What if you have a legitimate argument that States are sovereign and independent, with the right to leave the union of states at the will of their people? What if that issue was still undecided? Traitors? Or would that be a good reason to not try them as traitors, when there is a legitimate and unsettled legal disputed?

And, no. Unfortunately, the ultimate disputed was not about slavery. Everybody was a fucking racist in the mid-1800s, including the white supremacist, Lincoln. Read what he said about black people, and you will have no doubt.


The reason the South tried to leave the Union was the Slavery issue. Of course most Americans at the time were conditioned by racism to accept the slavery of blacks in perpetuity. How else could that have existed for so long?

The founders made provisions for new States to be admitted to the Union. Why did they not put in provisions for States to leave the Union?
Then you have comments like some Mexicans don’t rape.

Then you have the way Obama was treated with him being called boy and tar baby in Congress by sitting congressman.
And the accusations that he wasn’t born in America and his birth certificate was fake. The first African-American president and that’s what Republicans did. .

Which Congressmen are you referencing?

Or is this just a baseless slur, as I have never heard it.

As far as the allegation (not "accusation" as there is nothing wrong with being born in Kenya) that Obama was born in Kenya, that came from his freaking literary agent- not Trump, not the GOP. The idea that Obama was born in Kenya was cooked up as part of his transformation from Barry Soertoro to "B. Hussein Obama" , which was a lot more exotic and impressive to liberal book buyers.
Geez. How many times do I have to post something before you guys read it? And I always put links. And even Pat Buchanan said that it was a lousy thing for them to say.

It’s like every time I bring something to the attention of right wingers on the USMB they’re shocked and surprised, no it’s a lie, it can’t be true. It’s like they don’t know anything. How was that possible?
Then you have comments like some Mexicans don’t rape.

Then you have the way Obama was treated with him being called boy and tar baby in Congress by sitting congressman.
And the accusations that he wasn’t born in America and his birth certificate was fake. The first African-American president and that’s what Republicans did. .

Which Congressmen are you referencing?

Or is this just a baseless slur, as I have never heard it.

As far as the allegation (not "accusation" as there is nothing wrong with being born in Kenya) that Obama was born in Kenya, that came from his freaking literary agent- not Trump, not the GOP. The idea that Obama was born in Kenya was cooked up as part of his transformation from Barry Soertoro to "B. Hussein Obama" , which was a lot more exotic and impressive to liberal book buyers.
Wrong again. His book editor admitted she made a mistake. It happens. Not everything in print is true. Look at Fox.
That’s because they were trying to bring the country to some semblance of unity. But when you try to destroy a nation and you were born in that nation then you are the very definition of traitor.
What if you have a legitimate argument that States are sovereign and independent, with the right to leave the union of states at the will of their people? What if that issue was still undecided? Traitors? Or would that be a good reason to not try them as traitors, when there is a legitimate and unsettled legal disputed?

And, no. Unfortunately, the ultimate disputed was not about slavery. Everybody was a fucking racist in the mid-1800s, including the white supremacist, Lincoln. Read what he said about black people, and you will have no doubt.


The reason the South tried to leave the Union was the Slavery issue. Of course most Americans at the time were conditioned by racism to accept the slavery of blacks in perpetuity. How else could that have existed for so long?

The founders made provisions for new States to be admitted to the Union. Why did they not put in provisions for States to leave the Union?
Obviously not everyone was conditioned to except slavery. But the reason that people except slavery even today is because it’s in the Bible. Even Jesus tell slaves to honor their masters it’ll make them better Christians.
That’s because they were trying to bring the country to some semblance of unity. But when you try to destroy a nation and you were born in that nation then you are the very definition of traitor.
What if you have a legitimate argument that States are sovereign and independent, with the right to leave the union of states at the will of their people? What if that issue was still undecided? Traitors? Or would that be a good reason to not try them as traitors, when there is a legitimate and unsettled legal disputed?

And, no. Unfortunately, the ultimate disputed was not about slavery. Everybody was a fucking racist in the mid-1800s, including the white supremacist, Lincoln. Read what he said about black people, and you will have no doubt.


The reason the South tried to leave the Union was the Slavery issue. Of course most Americans at the time were conditioned by racism to accept the slavery of blacks in perpetuity. How else could that have existed for so long?

The founders made provisions for new States to be admitted to the Union. Why did they not put in provisions for States to leave the Union?
Obviously not everyone was conditioned to except slavery. But the reason that people except slavery even today is because it’s in the Bible. Even Jesus tell slaves to honor their masters it’ll make them better Christians.

Slavery has been a part of human existence since well, forever. However our willingness to accept that the children of black slaves were also property, put the peculiar in America's Peculiar Institution. Most people, not all of course, were conditioned to accept that.
That’s because they were trying to bring the country to some semblance of unity. But when you try to destroy a nation and you were born in that nation then you are the very definition of traitor.
What if you have a legitimate argument that States are sovereign and independent, with the right to leave the union of states at the will of their people? What if that issue was still undecided? Traitors? Or would that be a good reason to not try them as traitors, when there is a legitimate and unsettled legal disputed?

And, no. Unfortunately, the ultimate disputed was not about slavery. Everybody was a fucking racist in the mid-1800s, including the white supremacist, Lincoln. Read what he said about black people, and you will have no doubt.


The reason the South tried to leave the Union was the Slavery issue. Of course most Americans at the time were conditioned by racism to accept the slavery of blacks in perpetuity. How else could that have existed for so long?

The founders made provisions for new States to be admitted to the Union. Why did they not put in provisions for States to leave the Union?
Obviously not everyone was conditioned to except slavery. But the reason that people except slavery even today is because it’s in the Bible. Even Jesus tell slaves to honor their masters it’ll make them better Christians.

Slavery has been a part of human existence since well, forever. However our willingness to accept that the children of black slaves were also property, put the peculiar in America's Peculiar Institution. Most people, not all of course, were conditioned to accept that.
I suspect if you could put slavery up for a vote, the majority of Republicans would be fine with that.
  1. 1.
    a person who advocates political independence for a country.
how terrible
That’s because they were trying to bring the country to some semblance of unity. But when you try to destroy a nation and you were born in that nation then you are the very definition of traitor.
What if you have a legitimate argument that States are sovereign and independent, with the right to leave the union of states at the will of their people? What if that issue was still undecided? Traitors? Or would that be a good reason to not try them as traitors, when there is a legitimate and unsettled legal disputed?

And, no. Unfortunately, the ultimate disputed was not about slavery. Everybody was a fucking racist in the mid-1800s, including the white supremacist, Lincoln. Read what he said about black people, and you will have no doubt.


The reason the South tried to leave the Union was the Slavery issue. Of course most Americans at the time were conditioned by racism to accept the slavery of blacks in perpetuity. How else could that have existed for so long?

The founders made provisions for new States to be admitted to the Union. Why did they not put in provisions for States to leave the Union?
Obviously not everyone was conditioned to except slavery. But the reason that people except slavery even today is because it’s in the Bible. Even Jesus tell slaves to honor their masters it’ll make them better Christians.

Slavery has been a part of human existence since well, forever. However our willingness to accept that the children of black slaves were also property, put the peculiar in America's Peculiar Institution. Most people, not all of course, were conditioned to accept that.
I suspect if you could put slavery up for a vote, the majority of Republicans would be fine with that.
if it would MAGA, why not??
and thank you for having a thread all about me--you are my new BFF and Big Toe
That’s because they were trying to bring the country to some semblance of unity. But when you try to destroy a nation and you were born in that nation then you are the very definition of traitor.
What if you have a legitimate argument that States are sovereign and independent, with the right to leave the union of states at the will of their people? What if that issue was still undecided? Traitors? Or would that be a good reason to not try them as traitors, when there is a legitimate and unsettled legal disputed?

And, no. Unfortunately, the ultimate disputed was not about slavery. Everybody was a fucking racist in the mid-1800s, including the white supremacist, Lincoln. Read what he said about black people, and you will have no doubt.


The reason the South tried to leave the Union was the Slavery issue. Of course most Americans at the time were conditioned by racism to accept the slavery of blacks in perpetuity. How else could that have existed for so long?

The founders made provisions for new States to be admitted to the Union. Why did they not put in provisions for States to leave the Union?
Obviously not everyone was conditioned to except slavery. But the reason that people except slavery even today is because it’s in the Bible. Even Jesus tell slaves to honor their masters it’ll make them better Christians.

Slavery has been a part of human existence since well, forever. However our willingness to accept that the children of black slaves were also property, put the peculiar in America's Peculiar Institution. Most people, not all of course, were conditioned to accept that.
I suspect if you could put slavery up for a vote, the majority of Republicans would be fine with that.

The Republicans are the party party in favor of abolition, dean.

In the modern era, the ACA has been compared to Slavery by African American leaders, and it wasn't the GOP that pushed it through.

Ben Carson: Obamacare worst thing ‘since slavery’
That’s because they were trying to bring the country to some semblance of unity. But when you try to destroy a nation and you were born in that nation then you are the very definition of traitor.
What if you have a legitimate argument that States are sovereign and independent, with the right to leave the union of states at the will of their people? What if that issue was still undecided? Traitors? Or would that be a good reason to not try them as traitors, when there is a legitimate and unsettled legal disputed?

And, no. Unfortunately, the ultimate disputed was not about slavery. Everybody was a fucking racist in the mid-1800s, including the white supremacist, Lincoln. Read what he said about black people, and you will have no doubt.


The reason the South tried to leave the Union was the Slavery issue. Of course most Americans at the time were conditioned by racism to accept the slavery of blacks in perpetuity. How else could that have existed for so long?

The founders made provisions for new States to be admitted to the Union. Why did they not put in provisions for States to leave the Union?
Obviously not everyone was conditioned to except slavery. But the reason that people except slavery even today is because it’s in the Bible. Even Jesus tell slaves to honor their masters it’ll make them better Christians.

Slavery has been a part of human existence since well, forever. However our willingness to accept that the children of black slaves were also property, put the peculiar in America's Peculiar Institution. Most people, not all of course, were conditioned to accept that.
I suspect if you could put slavery up for a vote, the majority of Republicans would be fine with that.

For God's sake, lay off the meth. It's election day!

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