The "White Nationalist" slur against Trump

A lot of the most anti-Racist countries in Europe today, or ANTIFA are also the most traditionally violent, like Britain, Germany, and France.

I don't think White Nationalism has anything to do with it.

Some people are just violent predators.
Especially those Polish bastards. They were so violent and predatory in 1939 that the good and righteous people of Germany had to defend themselves from Polish aggression.

Want to bring up the Democratic Socialist Workers Party again? against the Communist Party of Poland?

During the interwar period in the Second Polish Republic, Polish communists formed the Communist Party of Poland (KPP). Most of the KPP leaders and activists perished during Joseph Stalin's Great Purge in the 1930s and the Party was abolished by the Comintern in 1938.

Communism in Poland - Wikipedia
Seems that the 2 sides of Socialism just cant get along....

Communists were more Nationalistic.

Capitalists are the ultimate Liberals.

Soviet Poland had everyone using Polish products, Polish land was not for sale to foreigners, Immigrants were basically non- existent, Germans & Ukrainians were deported out of Polish living space & Jews were stripped of jobs & told they could leave.
Gay pride parades had not existed.

This has all colapsed under Capitalist Poland.

Only the economy is better, but the survival of our people is more important.
Oh I agree it a slur, against Nationalist! Trumpybear is not a Nationalist. A Nationalist would not outsource the manufacturing of his product line to China. He has proven that his is a not only a racist but also a Johnny come lately Nationalist.
its time for a rebranding.
When you keep branding Freedom Loving people as racists and NatCees, pretty soon they get fed up. As I always tell my wife, if you are going to accuse me of something, maybe I will fulfill that dream and NatCees on your stupid Commie ass..
oh yea freedom loving.
If the ratio of freedom loving people to fascists and racists were 300,000:1 we'd have libertarian government.

Let me rephrase:

The ratio of normal white people to racists and fascists is 300,000:1.

The ratio of normal people to freedom-loving people is probably about 800,000:1 - which means we're fucked either way
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.
Trump calls himself a nationalist right? The white is understood.

President Trump believes in the American nation not a "white nation". He is a "white guy", a nationalist that happens to be a Caucasian. But he loves all of the races and ethnic groups of America.
Bull fuking sh!t.

You can't possibly believe that.

Some Mexicans don't rape.

A Mexican can't be a good judge.

Mrs. Housekeeping.

Not born in America.

Trump's entire life has been racist from "colored" people failing to rent his apartments to the attacks on the first black president.

So just stop.
If the ratio of freedom loving people to fascists and racists were 300,000:1 we'd have libertarian government.

Let me rephrase:

The ratio of normal white people to racists and fascists is 300,000:1.

The ratio of normal people to freedom-loving people is probably about 800,000:1 - which means we're fucked either way

Probably more like 5 to 1.

For every one tax cut first Republican there's a Race first Republican.
If the ratio of freedom loving people to fascists and racists were 300,000:1 we'd have libertarian government.

Let me rephrase:

The ratio of normal white people to racists and fascists is 300,000:1.

The ratio of normal people to freedom-loving people is probably about 800,000:1 - which means we're fucked either way
The only freedom Republicans want is the freedom to hate.

And man do they hate.

The ratio of normal white people to racists and fascists is 300,000:1

I disagree. I think you're failing to recognize the very real fascist component of Trump's support. It's not just a few people. Most of them won't cop to it, most of them don't even understand what it is, but they're falling in line. We need to start calling this shit out or it will bury us.
Disgraceful really, especially as its being uttered by people who should know better.

The libs think people are really stupid, maybe they are right.

Children in school no longer diagram sentences, so they might not realize that "white" is an adjective which only describes Trump's ethnicity. It does not describe the kind of "nationalist" Mr. Trump is. If children in government schools were taught about basic language rules, they wouldn't be tricked by this linguistic sleight of hand.
Trump calls himself a nationalist right? The white is understood.

President Trump believes in the American nation not a "white nation". He is a "white guy", a nationalist that happens to be a Caucasian. But he loves all of the races and ethnic groups of America.
Bull fuking sh!t.

You can't possibly believe that.

Some Mexicans don't rape.

A Mexican can't be a good judge.

Mrs. Housekeeping.

Not born in America.

Trump's entire life has been racist from "colored" people failing to rent his apartments to the attacks on the first black president.

So just stop.

President Trump determined that Mr. Obama was born in America- he just investigated the matter and resolved it. Yes, Trump's investigation indicated Obama was born in Hawaii.

Obama doesn't remember where he was born, he was just a baby. Nothing "racist" about being born in Kenya, Nigeria or anyplace else.
The ratio of normal white people to racists and fascists is 300,000:1

I disagree. I think you're failing to recognize the very real fascist component of Trump's support. It's not just a few people. Most of them won't cop to it, most of them don't even understand what it is, but they're falling in line. We need to start calling this shit out or it will bury us.

Thank you, it's not every day we get an expert online that can identify fascists that don't know they're fascists...dumbass.
If the ratio of freedom loving people to fascists and racists were 300,000:1 we'd have libertarian government.

Let me rephrase:

The ratio of normal white people to racists and fascists is 300,000:1.

The ratio of normal people to freedom-loving people is probably about 800,000:1 - which means we're fucked either way
The only freedom Republicans want is the freedom to hate.

And man do they hate.


Trump opposes racism, and one of his chief aides, the Great Steve Bannon who did a tremendous job, called them out for being losers.

BTW, Charlottesville was a Lame Stream Media event, with the publicity they gave, its not 1/100 as big as it turns out. The youngster who killed the woman in his car was not a member of any "alt right" group at all, and would have never left his mum's basement in Ohio if the Media had shilled for Occupy Wall Street spokesman and March organizer Richard Spencer.
A lot of the most anti-Racist countries in Europe today, or ANTIFA are also the most traditionally violent, like Britain, Germany, and France.

I don't think White Nationalism has anything to do with it.

Some people are just violent predators.
Especially those Polish bastards. They were so violent and predatory in 1939 that the good and righteous people of Germany had to defend themselves from Polish aggression.


Like Nazi Germany staging the Gleiwitz incident to pretend Poland had invaded?

Germans are always a problem they were as Nazi Nationalists & also as Merkel anti Nationalists.

Germans are the problem not White Nationalism.
Unfortunately, there are more Nazi's living in this country than Germans.
They salute Trump.
I can understand how this is upsetting. I get similarly upset when they brand fascists and racists as "freedom loving people".
What's the ratio of freedom-loving people to fascists and racists?

I am guessing it's around 300,000:1. Maybe more.

So, for the sake of political gain, motherfucking commie ass bitches are disparaging MILLIONS of a particular race for the sake of criticizing a few.

That is the very definition of racial discrimination and prejudice.

Anyone who uses the term "White Nationalist" is a racist motherfucker. There is no way around it.


In the grand global scheme of things then NO you're NOT NORMAL.

You Individualists who value just cutting taxes & freedom & don't value race & culture are probably less than 5% of the planet.

It's basically a small sliver of the World who think like you in the Anglosphere.

Pretty much everybody else are collectivists for society & culture AKA RACISTS & ETHNO CENTRIC
Eastern Europe ,Southern Europe,Arabia ,India,East Asia, Africa & Latinos are NOT LIKE YOU FREAK ANGLO- SAXON INDIVIDUALISTS.

Keep in mind Anglo- Saxons are known for severe violence & genocide.

You are prob genetic defects.
If the ratio of freedom loving people to fascists and racists were 300,000:1 we'd have libertarian government.

Let me rephrase:

The ratio of normal white people to racists and fascists is 300,000:1.

The ratio of normal people to freedom-loving people is probably about 800,000:1 - which means we're fucked either way
The only freedom Republicans want is the freedom to hate.

And man do they hate.


Trump opposes racism, and one of his chief aides, the Great Steve Bannon who did a tremendous job, called them out for being losers.

BTW, Charlottesville was a Lame Stream Media event, with the publicity they gave, its not 1/100 as big as it turns out. The youngster who killed the woman in his car was not a member of any "alt right" group at all, and would have never left his mum's basement in Ohio if the Media had shilled for Occupy Wall Street spokesman and March organizer Richard Spencer.
Wrong again. Are you pretending to be stupid? Cuz you can drop the "pretense".

Bannon supports racism. Who doesn't know that?

Bannon tells French far-right: 'Let them call you racist'

Steve Bannon: 'Let them call you racist ... Wear it as a badge of honor'

Bannon encouraging populists to embrace ‘racist’ label confirms belief about the worldview he brought to the White House
I disagree. I think you're failing to recognize the very real fascist component of Trump's support. It's not just a few people. Most of them won't cop to it, most of them don't even understand what it is, but they're falling in line. We need to start calling this shit out or it will bury us.
Trump may get 100% of the fascist vote, but that's a very small number of people. It is criminally dishonest to tie MILLIONS of non-fascist white people to that small group. It's fucking BULLSHIT.

This slur is so hateful, racists, and dishonest, it is worthy of violence.
I can understand how this is upsetting. I get similarly upset when they brand fascists and racists as "freedom loving people".
What's the ratio of freedom-loving people to fascists and racists?

I am guessing it's around 300,000:1. Maybe more.

So, for the sake of political gain, motherfucking commie ass bitches are disparaging MILLIONS of a particular race for the sake of criticizing a few.

That is the very definition of racial discrimination and prejudice.

Anyone who uses the term "White Nationalist" is a racist motherfucker. There is no way around it.


In the grand global scheme of things then NO you're NOT NORMAL.

You Individualists who value just cutting taxes & freedom & don't value race & culture are probably less than 5% of the planet.

It's basically a small sliver of the World who think like you in the Anglosphere.

Pretty much everybody else are collectivists for society & culture AKA RACISTS & ETHNO CENTRIC
Eastern Europe ,Southern Europe,Arabia ,India,East Asia, Africa & Latinos are NOT LIKE YOU FREAK ANGLO- SAXON INDIVIDUALISTS.

Keep in mind Anglo- Saxons are known for severe violence & genocide.

You are prob genetic defects.
The Japanese tortured other Asians because the Japanese felt they had a right, being superior and all.

People feeling superior happens all over the world. We know more about it happening here because it's happening here.

We just have to live in support of our better angels. We know what's right.

So do Republicans. But they do evil anyway. They don't care.
I can understand how this is upsetting. I get similarly upset when they brand fascists and racists as "freedom loving people".
What's the ratio of freedom-loving people to fascists and racists?

I am guessing it's around 300,000:1. Maybe more.

So, for the sake of political gain, motherfucking commie ass bitches are disparaging MILLIONS of a particular race for the sake of criticizing a few.

That is the very definition of racial discrimination and prejudice.

Anyone who uses the term "White Nationalist" is a racist motherfucker. There is no way around it.


In the grand global scheme of things then NO you're NOT NORMAL.

You Individualists who value just cutting taxes & freedom & don't value race & culture are probably less than 5% of the planet.

It's basically a small sliver of the World who think like you in the Anglosphere.

Pretty much everybody else are collectivists for society & culture AKA RACISTS & ETHNO CENTRIC
Eastern Europe ,Southern Europe,Arabia ,India,East Asia, Africa & Latinos are NOT LIKE YOU FREAK ANGLO- SAXON INDIVIDUALISTS.

Keep in mind Anglo- Saxons are known for severe violence & genocide.

You are prob genetic defects.
The Japanese tortured other Asians because the Japanese felt they had a right, being superior and all.

People feeling superior happens all over the world. We know more about it happening here because it's happening here.

We just have to live in support of our better angels. We know what's right.

So do Republicans. But they do evil anyway. They don't care.

You invade a country for wealth & resources NOT
Because you hate diversity.

Its greed mostly.

However, some massacres happen over competition over BALKANIZATION.

i advocate separation & you advocate Balkanization.
I can understand how this is upsetting. I get similarly upset when they brand fascists and racists as "freedom loving people".
What's the ratio of freedom-loving people to fascists and racists?

I am guessing it's around 300,000:1. Maybe more.

So, for the sake of political gain, motherfucking commie ass bitches are disparaging MILLIONS of a particular race for the sake of criticizing a few.

That is the very definition of racial discrimination and prejudice.

Anyone who uses the term "White Nationalist" is a racist motherfucker. There is no way around it.


In the grand global scheme of things then NO you're NOT NORMAL.

You Individualists who value just cutting taxes & freedom & don't value race & culture are probably less than 5% of the planet.

It's basically a small sliver of the World who think like you in the Anglosphere.

Pretty much everybody else are collectivists for society & culture AKA RACISTS & ETHNO CENTRIC
Eastern Europe ,Southern Europe,Arabia ,India,East Asia, Africa & Latinos are NOT LIKE YOU FREAK ANGLO- SAXON INDIVIDUALISTS.

Keep in mind Anglo- Saxons are known for severe violence & genocide.

You are prob genetic defects.

And violent, greedy Polish people started WW2. They also are vampires. They eat babies, kick puppies, and shit on public toilet seats.
I disagree. I think you're failing to recognize the very real fascist component of Trump's support. It's not just a few people. Most of them won't cop to it, most of them don't even understand what it is, but they're falling in line. We need to start calling this shit out or it will bury us.
Trump may get 100% of the fascist vote, but that's a very small number of people. It is criminally dishonest to tie MILLIONS of non-fascist white people to that small group. It's fucking BULLSHIT.

This slur is so hateful, racists, and dishonest, it is worthy of violence.
Even ordinarily decent people can act in racist ways if they feel a threat from a different racist/religious group. That is a central reason for how Trump got elected. And he was greatly assisted by both parties, but most recently the very right of the gop and what became the tea party, refusing any compromise on making illegal immigration very difficult and costly to law breakers.

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